"Reaction between cubic boron nitride(cBN) and metal has been studied in this paper. Cubic BN grains immersed in metal powders : iron, chromium, nickel, manganese and molybdenum were heated up to 1100℃ in argon or vacuum. Hollows observed on the heated cBN grains reveals that cBN should react with metal. The shapes etched depend on the metal, the crystallographic polarity of the cBN surface and the oxygen remaining in the chamber. Nickel powder made particularly large and clear hollows. Moreover, the reaction was applied to microprocessing of cBN. A polycrystalline cBN on which nickel thin films had been deposited was heated up to 1100℃ in vacuum. Removing the films exposed discolored marks. Raman spectroscopy revealed that the discolored areas contain Ni_3B. The areas were easily turned to be shallow holes by lapping."