Optimized experimental conditions of the infrared p-polarized multiple-angle incidence resolution spectrometry (p-MAIRS) for analysis of ultrathin films on glass have been explored. When the original MAIRS technique is employed for thin-film analysis on a substrate of germanium or silicon that exhibits high refractive index, an established experimental condition without optimization can be adapted for the measurements. On the other hand, the p-MAIRS technique that has been developed for analysis on a low-refractive-index material requires, however, optimization of the experimental parameters for ‘quantitative’ molecular orientation analysis. The optimization cannot be performed by considering optics in the spectrometer only, but optics about the substrate should also be considered. In the present study, an optimized condition for infrared p-MAIRS analysis on glass has been revealed, which can be used for quantitative molecular orientation analysis in ultrathin films on glass.