Enhanced Ability of Heparin-CarringPolystyrene (HCPS) to Bind to Heparin-Binding Growth Factors and to Inhibit Growth Factor-Induced Endothelial Cell Growth
M. Ishihara,
K. Ono,
K. Ishikawa,
H. Hattori,
Y. Saito,
H. Yura,
T. Akaikke,
Y. Ozeki,
S. Tanaka,
H. Mochizuki,
A. Kurita.
M. Ishihara,
K. Ono,
K. Ishikawa,
H. Hattori,
Y. Saito,
H. Yura,
T. Akaikke,
Y. Ozeki,
S. Tanaka,
H. Mochizuki,
A. Kurita.