CANDLE (Constant Axial shape of Neutron flux, nuclide densities and power shape During Life of Energy producing reactor) burnup strategycan derive many merits. From safety point of view, the change of excess reactivity along burnup is theoretically zero, and the core characteristics,such as power feedback coefficients and power peaking factor, are not changed along burnup. Application of this burnup strategy toneutron rich fast reactors makes excellent performances. Only natural or depleted uranium is required for the replacing fuels. About 40% ofnatural or depleted uranium undergoes fission without the conventional reprocessing and enrichment.If the LWR produced energy of X Joules, the CANDLE reactor can produce about 50X Joules from the depleted uranium left at the enrichmentfacility for the LWR fuel. If we can say LWRs have produced energy sufficient for full 20 years, we can produce the energy for 1000 yearsby using the CANDLE reactors with depleted uranium. We need not mine any uranium ore, and do not need reprocessing facility. The burnup ofspent fuel becomes 10 times. Therefore, the spent fuel amount per produced energy is also reduced to one-tenth.The details of the scenario of CANDLE burnup regime after LWR regime will be presented at the symposium.