Proceedings of 2008 International Congress on Advances in Nuclear Power Plants (ICAPP ’08)
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American Nuclear Society
2008 International Congress on Advances in Nuclear Power Plants (ICAPP ’08)
Anaheim, CA, USA
Shapes of neutron flux, nuclide densities and power density distributions of CANDLE
burn-up remain constant but move upward (or downward) along its core axis. Small long life fast
reactor with CANDLE burn-up concept has investigated with depleted uranium as replaced fresh
fuel. Both core diameter and height are chosen to be 2.0m, and the thermal power is 200MW.
Lead-bismuth is used as a coolant, and nitride (enriched N-15) fuel are employed. This burn-up
strategy can derive many merits. The change of excess reactivity along burn-up is theoretically
zero for ideal equilibrium condition, and shim rods will not be required for this reactor. The
reactor becomes free from accidents induced by unexpected control rods withdrawal. The core
characteristics, such as power feedback coefficients and power peaking factor, are not changed
during life of operation. Therefore, the operation of the reactor becomes much easier than the
conventional reactors. The transportation and storage of replacing fuels becomes easy and safe,
since they are free from criticality accidents. The burn-up velocity is less than 1.0cm/year that
enables a long life design easily. The core averaged discharged fuel burn-up is about 40%. It
means following extreme merits. If a light water reactor with a certain power output has been
operated for 40years, the CANDLE reactor can be operated for 2000years with the same power
output and with only depleted uranium left after fuel production for the light water reactor. The
system does not need any reprocessing or enrichment. Safety analysis for this reactor has been
performed for USDRW (unprotected shut down rods withdrawal), ULOF (unprotected loss of flow
and ULOHS (unprotected loss of heat sink) accidents. The burn-up of this reactor does not change
the safety features and the safety analysis were performed at the steady state. The former 3
accidents were simulated by neutronic-thermal hydraulic calculation coupled with stationary
diffusion calculation. The analysis results show that the proposed small CANDLE fast reactor can
survive all the accidents without any active protection.