Copper (Cu) nanoparticles were prepd. via a microwave-assisted alc. redn. process. We have succeeded in selectively prepg. monodispersed Cu nanoparticles with or without surface plasmon absorption. Monodispersed Cu nanoparticles with av. sizes of 5-6 nm (with the surface plasmon absorption) and 2-3 nm (without the surface plasmon absorption) were prepd. using copper(II) octanoate and copper(II) myristate resp. as the copper precursors by redn. with alcs. under microwave-heating at 443 K for 20 min. Cu2O and CuO were not obsd. in the electron diffraction patterns of the prepd. Cu nanoparticles demonstrating chem. stability of the nanoparticles against oxidn. in air. When using a long-chain carboxylate as an org. moiety bearing a short alkyl chain (copper(II) octanoate) the rate of the redn. was faster than when using the deriv. with the longer alkyl chain (copper(II) myristate). The activation energies for the redn. of Cu2+ using copper(II) octanoate and copper(II) myristate were estd. to be 115 and 124 kJ mol-1 resp. We have shown that the length of the alkyl chain contained in the copper precursors heating temp. and microwave-irradn. time are important for rapidly prepg. monodispersed Cu nanoparticles.