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英文:CW-laser induced modification in glasses by laser backside irradiation (LBI) 
和文: 吉岡将人, 比田井洋史, 戸倉 和.  
英文: Masato Yoshioka, Hirofumi Hidai, Hitoshi Tokura.  
言語 English 
英文:Proceedings of SPIE 
巻, 号, ページ Vol. 6106        pp. 61060Y
出版年月 2006年 
英文:San Jose, CA, USA 
公式リンク http://dx.doi.org/10.1117/12.645829
DOI https://doi.org/10.1117/12.645829
アブストラクト "We describe modification of various glasses by a CW Laser Backside Irradiation (CW-LBI) method. In this method, an absorbent which was attached on one side of a glass sheet, was irradiated from the other side through the glass with CW laser beam. Ar ion laser was used and copper foil was chosen as an absorbent. Silica, Pyrex and soda-lime glasses were tested as sample glasses. When the absorbent was irradiated, heated spot appeared in the glass adjacent to the absorbent and it ran to the other side of the glass in the path of laser beam. Then cylindrical modified zone that was transparent and crack-free was produced. Diameter of the modified column was 30~100 ?m and the cylinder could grow up to 30 mm. The growth rate was approximately 200 mm/s. The dimension of modified zone depended on irradiation conditions, such as laser fluence or beam profiles. The threshold fluences for modification of the glasses were 1~2.5 × 105 W/cm2. Then the characteristics of modified zone were examined by etching in 5 wt. % HF solution. As a result, it turned out that modified zone consisted of two layers and etching rate of the inner part was lower than that of the outer part. The Raman spectroscopy revealed that the density of the inner part increased by the modification."

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