5th International Symposium on Molecular Materials: Electronics, Photonics and Spintronics
Rennes (France)
Organic-inorganic hybrid materials have attracted much attention because of their high potential for the platform of optical devices. Their excellent high affinities to organic molecules are also desirable to develop and construct the devices in which the molecules/host matrix interaction plays important roles to exhibit characteristic functions like light emitting, sensing and so on. In order to realize the integration of such devices on the same platform, we need a special technique which enables the doping of various functional molecules into the desired parts of the host materials.
“Capillary Electrophoresis Doping (CED) technique” has been developed for the fabrication of such devices by the incorporation of functional molecules into organic-inorganic hybrid materials. This technique uses the mechanism of the molecular transportation of the electrophoresis phenomena. Electric field applied between the solution of the functional molecules in the capillary and the ITO beneath the organic-inorganic hybrid film enables the migration of molecules into the hybrid film. In this work, we report the fabrication of the hybrid films in which the doped-rhodamine 6G (R6G) molecules form the fine patterns (molecular-doping lithography) and the transition dipole moment of R6G are oriented vertical to the electric field of CED.