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英文:Optical Measurements of High-Density Helicon Plasma by Using a High-Speed Camera and Monochromators 
和文: 早稲田 真平, 藤墳 弘昌, 篠原 俊二郎, 桑原大介, 酒田 まりえ, 赤塚洋.  
英文: Simpei WASEDA, Hiroaki FUJITSUKA, Shunjiro SHINOHARA, Daisuke Kuwahara, Marie SAKATA, HIROSHI AKATSUKA.  
言語 English 
英文:Plasma and Fusion Research 
巻, 号, ページ Vol. 9    no. S2   
出版年月 2014年7月29日 
和文:一般社団法人 プラズマ・核融合学会 
英文:Japan Society of Plasma Science and Nuclear Fusion Research 
英文:The 23rd International Toki Conference on Large-scale Simulation and Fusion Science 
公式リンク http://www.jspf.or.jp/PFR/PFR_articles/pfr2014S2/pfr2014_09-3406125.html
DOI https://doi.org/10.1585/pfr.9.3406125
アブストラクト Electric propulsion is an established high-efficiency method in deep space explorers. However, most of the applied methods feature electrodes in direct contact with the plasma, thus its lifetime is limited by the electrodes’ erosion. We developed electrodeless electric propulsion systems in order to overcome this problem, and performed optical measurements to estimate the high-density helicon plasma performance of the systems. The electron and neutral particle density profiles were measured by a high-speed camera, and the velocity of the singly-charged Ar ions was determined by a high-resolution monochromator. Additionally, a preliminary experiment of a spectroscopic method using an intensity ratio based on a collisional radiative model with a CCD monochromator was performed. The plasma parameters were in good agreement with the results obtained by an electrostatic probe, and the non-invasive optical measurements presented here can constitute an effective tool for evaluating an electric propulsion system.

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