An experimental study was performed to investigate hydrogen transport under conditions of gas bub-bling into the liquid breeders of Li, Pb–17Li and Flinak. Gas of H2 or high-purity Ar at 0.1 MPa was
injected into the liquid breeders using an I-shape nozzle. Then, the H2 partial pressure in the cover
gas under transition state was measured by a solid electrolyte sensor. Variations of the partial pressure
in the exhaust gas were compared with a numerical model to describe hydrogen transfer through the
bubble–liquid interface. The experimental rates of hydrogen transport in the liquid breeders were corre-lated in terms of a mass-transfer coefficient for the hydrogen transport under gas bubbling. The overall
mass-transfer coefficient for H2charging was compared with that for Ar purging. The coefficient for the
recovery was about 10 times lower than that of the charging in the respective cases of the Pb–17Li and the Flinak.