For liquid breeder blanket system using molten salts, tritium barrier, anti-corrosion barrier, tritium recovery
system and heat exchanger make important roles. Especially in the heat exchanger, the tritium permeation
from primary coolant loop to secondary coolant loop mustbe inhibited by the tritium barrier for safety. To
develop it, it is essential to optimize chemical stability of the barrier material against molten salts. In the
present study, the corrosion on bulk specimens of AlN, Y2O3Er2O3and Al2O3in Flinak was investigated. The
static corrosion tests were performed for 230 and 1010 hours using these specimens with high purity Flinak at
600C in Ar atmosphere. Weight measurement and surface analysis of the specimens were carried out before
and after the corrosion test. Chemical analysis of the Flinak also did before and after the corrosion test. AlN
showed corrosion resistance, even though the surface was slightly oxidized and corroded. Er2O3, Y2O3and
Al2O3dissolved into Flinak. In Er2O3corrosion, Zr in the matrix as an impurity might affect on the corrosion.
The Y2O3 corrosion was small. The weight loss due to the corrosion was affected by the breaking of the
specimens with porous structure. And the Al2O3corrosion was large. The surface structure changed to rough
surface. These corrosion behaviors agreed withprediction based on thermodynamic evaluation.