To examine effect of the electric field applied radially on the azimuthal electron
motion under E×B field for plasmas with magnetized electrons and non-magnetized ions, an
experimental study is conducted by stationary arc-jet plasma flow. Argon plasma flow is
continuously generated by a DC arc generator under atmospheric pressure followed by an
expansion into a rarefied gas-wind tunnel with a longitude uniform magnetic field ~ 0.16 T.1)
Inside of one of the hollow magnets, we set a ring electrode to apply radial electric field, and
examined the azimuthal motion of electrons due to E×B drift. To analyze azimuthal motion
of electrons, we applied an up-down probe, where one of the tips is also used as a Langmuir
probe to determine electron temperature, density and the space potential. We found that the
order of the radial electric field is about several hundred V/m, which should be caused by the
difference in the degree of magnetization between electrons and ions. Electron saturation
current indicates the existence of the E×B rotation of electrons, whose order is about 2000 –
4000 m/s and consistent with the absolute values of the measured electric field and of the
applied magnetic field.