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和文:Kinetic Analysis of Electrochemical Oxygen Reduction over a Fe/N/C Catalyst Considering the Chemical Decomposition of H2O2 
英文:Kinetic Analysis of Electrochemical Oxygen Reduction over a Fe/N/C Catalyst Considering the Chemical Decomposition of H2O2 
和文: Yun Wu, Azhagumuthu Muthukrishnan, Shinsuke Nagata, Yuta Nabae.  
英文: Yun Wu, Azhagumuthu Muthukrishnan, Shinsuke Nagata, Yuta Nabae.  
言語 English 
和文:The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 
英文:The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 
巻, 号, ページ Vol. 124    No. 32    pp. 17599-17606
出版年月 2020年7月22日 
和文:American Chemical Society 
英文:American Chemical Society 
公式リンク https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.jpcc.0c03749
DOI https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.jpcc.0c03749
アブストラクト Iron and nitrogen codoped carbon catalysts (Fe/N/C catalysts) are promising nonprecious-metal catalysts for the oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) in proton exchange membrane fuel cells. Understanding the ORR kinetics over Fe/N/C catalysts is crucial for active catalyst development. Here, we propose an analytical method for rotating ring窶電isk electrode (RRDE) voltammetry to separate the ORR for O2 reduction to H2O via the 4-e pathway (k1), O2 reduction to H2O2 via the 2-e pathway (k2), H2O2 reduction to H2O via the 2-e pathway (k3), H2O2 chemical decomposition to O2 and H2O (k4), and H2O2 oxidation to O2 by the 2-e pathway (k窶�2). First, RRDE voltammetry in an H2O2 solution was performed, yielding k3, k4, and k窶�2. The obtained parameters were used to analyze the ORR voltammogram to calculate I1窶イ, I2窶イ, I3窶イ, I4窶イ, k1窶イ, and k2窶イ. These currents and kinetic constants were corrected by studying the effect of the catalyst loading density to obtain I10, I20, I30, I40, k10, and k20, thus avoiding the overestimation of I10 and k10 caused by the quasi-four-electron reduction of O2. The contribution of k4 during the ORR is negligible at considerable anodic and cathodic overpotentials but was detected at 0.8 V, for which k3 and k窶�2 are relatively small.

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