In Escherichia coli, the products of the ruvA, ruvB and ruvC genes are all involved in the processing of recombination intermediates (Holliday structures) into recombinant molecules. We cloned a 9.4-kb DNA fragment from Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO1 in a plasmid by functional complementation of the UV sensitivity of an E. coli strain with ruvABC deleted. In P. aeruginosa, the ruv region seemed to form a non-SOS regulated single operon consisting of orf26-ruvC-ruvA-ruvB, while in this region of E. coli, ruvA and ruvB form an SOS-regulated operon, orf26 and ruvC form a non-SOS operon, and these two operons are split by orf23 The deduced amino acid sequences of P. aeruginosa RuvA, RuvB and RuvC proteins were 55, 72 and 55% identical to those of the corresponding E. coli Ruv proteins. The individual ruv genes of P. aeruginosa complemented the corresponding single ruv mutations of E. coli, suggesting that the P. aeruginosa Ruv proteins can interact functionally with their E. coli Ruv partners in forming heterologous complexes. The sequence alignments of the Ruv proteins were extended by incorporation of data about the putative ruv genes obtained from data banks, and the RuvB sequences were conspicuously more conserved than the RuvA and RuvC sequences.