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英文:Improvements on Line Intensity Analysis of Neutral Helium by Incorporating the Reabsorption Processes in the Helium Collisional-Radiative Model 
和文: 林珂任, 後藤基志, 赤塚洋.  
英文: Keren Lin, Motoshi Goto, Hiroshi Akatsuka.  
言語 English 
英文:Book of Abstract, The 31st International Toki Conference on Plasma and Fusion Research (ITC31) 
巻, 号, ページ        
出版年月 2022年11月4日 
英文:National Institute of Fusion Science 
英文:The 31st International Toki Conference on Plasma and Fusion Research (ITC31) 
公式リンク https://itc.nifs.ac.jp/Poster_List_itc31_v4.pdf
アブストラクト Eight lines in the visible wavelength range of the neutral helium were applied for diagnosing the electron density and temperature of low-pressure Large Helical Device (LHD) helium plasma instead of the conventional way that uses three lines. The collisional-radiative (CR) model of low-pressure helium plasma was revised by including the optical escape factors of spontaneous transitions from 2^1P, 3^1P, and 4^1P to the ground state 1^1S for dealing with the plasmas under optically thick conditions. An algorithm based on the revised CR model was developed to fit the number density of the eight excited states measured by optical emission spectroscopy (OES) method. The electron density, electron temperature, ground state density, and the optical escape factors above were selected as the fitting parameters. The object function was set as the summation of the difference between the number density measured in experiment and the number density calculated by the CR model. A regularization term is introduced regarding the optical escape factors. The coefficient of the regularization term was optimized through bias and variance analysis. The results show that the error between the number density calculated by the algorithm and measured in experiment was generally improved compare to the method that only used three lines.

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