"八島正知,藤井孝太郎,丹羽栄貴,尾本和樹,上田孝志朗,山田駿太,白岩大裕,齋藤圭汰,藤本絢香","結合原子価法による構造ゆらぎとイオン拡散経路の解析および新構造型イオン伝導体の探索","平成29年度 日本結晶学会年会",,,,,,2017,Nov. "M. Yashima,K. Fujii,M. Shiraiwa,Y. Esaki,K. Omoto,A. Hoshikawa,T. Ishigaki,H. R. Hester,S. J. Kim","Discovery of a New Crystal Structure Family of Oxide-Ion Conductors NdBaInO",,"Photon Factory Activity Report 2015",,,,,2016,June "Omoto Kazuki","Anisotropic Thermal Expansion of K2NiF4-Type CaRAlO4 (R: Rare Earths) and Electron Density of Perovskite-Type Oxides Studied by Synchrotron X-Ray and Neutron Powder Diffraction",,,,,,,2014,Mar. "Omoto Kazuki","Anisotropic Thermal Expansion of K2NiF4-Type CaRAlO4 (R: Rare Earths) and Electron Density of Perovskite-Type Oxides Studied by Synchrotron X-Ray and Neutron Powder Diffraction",,,,,,,2014,Mar. "Omoto Kazuki","Anisotropic Thermal Expansion of K2NiF4-Type CaRAlO4 (R: Rare Earths) and Electron Density of Perovskite-Type Oxides Studied by Synchrotron X-Ray and Neutron Powder Diffraction",,,,,,,2014,Mar. "Omoto Kazuki","Anisotropic Thermal Expansion of K2NiF4-Type CaRAlO4 (R: Rare Earths) and Electron Density of Perovskite-Type Oxides Studied by Synchrotron X-Ray and Neutron Powder Diffraction",,,,,,,2014,Mar.