"T. Motohashi,T. Ono,Y. Katsumata,R. Kanno,M. Karppinen,H. Yamauchi","Electrochemical synthesis and properties of CoO2, the x = 0 phase of the AxCoO2 systems (A = Li, Na)",,"Journal of Applied Physics",,"Vol. 103",,"pp. 07C902-1-3",2008,May "T. Motohashi,Y. Katsumata,T. Ono,R. Kanno,M. Karppinen,H. Yamauchi","Electrochemical synthesis and properties of CoO2, the x = 0 phase of the AxCoO2 systems (A = Li, Na)","52nd Annual Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials","Abstracts: 52nd Annual Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials",,,,"pp. CD-09",2007,Nov. "T. Motohashi,Y. Katsumata,T. Ono,R. Kanno,M. Karppinen,H. Yamauchi","Synthesis and properties of CoO2, the x = 0 end member of the LixCoO2 and NaxCoO2 systems",,"Chemistry of Materials",,"Vol. 19",,"pp. 5063-5066",2007,Oct. "本橋輝樹,小野隆志,勝又義徳,菅野了次,M. Karppinen,山内尚雄","CoO2及びLixCoO2の電気化学合成と物性","日本物理学会 第62回年次大会","(社)日本物理学会",,,,"pp. 23pWH-13",2007,Sept. "小野隆志,本橋輝樹,菅野了次,山内尚雄","Sr2CuO2Br2へのリチウムインターカレーションと超伝導特性","応用物理学会 2007年春季 第54回応用物理学関係連合講演会","応用物理学会",,,,"pp. 30a-L-7",2007,Mar.