"Y. Sasaki,H. Nagayama,F. Araoka,H. Yao,H. Takezoe,K. Ema","Distinctive Thermal Behavior and Nanoscale Phase Separation in the Heterogeneous Liquid-Crystal B4 Matrix of Bent-Core Molecules",,"Physical Review Letters","American Physical Society","Vol. 107",," 237802",2011,Dec. "S. K. Varshney,H. Nagayama,V. Prasad,H. Takezoe","Room temperature columnar phase: Influence of 2-ethylhexane peripheral chain on the mesomorphism of polyalkynylbenzene based disc-shaped molecules",,"Liq. Cryst.",,"Vol. 38",,"pp. 1321-1329",2011,Sept. "Y. Sasaki,Y. Setoguchi,H. Nagayama,H. Yao,H. Takezoe,K. Ema","Calorimetric studies on isotropic-B4 phase transition in the mixture of bent-shaped and rod-like molecules",,"Physica E",,"Vol. 43",,"pp. 779-781",2011,Sept. "H. Nagayama,Y. Sasaki,F. Araoka,K. Ema,K. Ishikawa,H. Takezoe","Discrete and sequential formation of helical nanofilaments in mixtures consisting of bent- and rod-shaped molecules",,"Soft Matter",,"Vol. 7",," 8766-8769",2011,Sept. "永山 裕貴,佐々木 裕司,荒岡 史人,石川 謙,江間 健司,竹添 秀男","屈曲型分子と棒状分子の混合系における相転移挙動","2010年日本液晶学会討論会",,,,,,2011,Sept. "Hiroki Nagayama,Yuji Sasaki,Fumito Araoka,Ken Ishikawa,Kenji Ema,Hideo Takezoe","Phase Transition in Mixtures Consisting of Bent-Core and Rod Molecules","The 23rd International Liquid Crystal Conference",,,,,,2010,July "HIDEO TAKEZOE,S. K. Varshney,Hiroki Nagayama,V. Prasad","Syntheses and Mesogenic Properties of Dimers and Trimers Consisting of Triphenylene Donor and Anthraquinone Acceptor",,"Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst.",,"Vol. 517",,"pp. 97-112.",2010,Mar. "Hiroki Nagayama,Sanjay Kumar Varshney,Masanao Goto,Fumito Araoka,Ken Ishikawa,Veena Prasad,Hideo Takezoe","Spontaneous Deracemization of Disc-like Molecules in the Columnar Phase",,"Angewandte Chemie International Edition",,"Vol. 49",,"p. 445",2010,Jan. "HIDEO TAKEZOE,S. K. Varshney,Hiroki Nagayama,D. S. Shankar Rao","Synthesis and liquid crystalline properties of β-bromopentakis(alkoxy) triphenylene: Reactivity of VOCl3, MoCl5 and FeCl3 as oxidants",,"Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst.",,"Vol. 528",,"pp. 38-48.",2010, "HIDEO TAKEZOE,S. K. Varshney,Hiroki Nagayama,V. Prasad","Octasubstituted dibenzochrysenes: discotic liquid crystals with a twisted core",,"Liq. Cryst.",,"Vol. 36",,"pp. 1409-1415.",2009,Dec. "Hiroki Nagayama,Sanjay Kumar Varshney,Masanao Goto,Fumito Araoka,Ken Ishikawa,Veena Prasad,Hideo Takezoe","Spontaneous chiral segregation of achiral disk-like molecules in the columnar phase","12th International Conference on Ferroelectric Liquid Crystals (FLC'09)",,,,,,2009,Sept. "永山 裕貴,Sanjay Kumar Varshney,後藤 正直,荒岡 史人,石川 謙,Veena Prasad,竹添 秀男","カラムナー相におけるアキラルな円盤状分子が示す自発的なキラル分掌","2009年液晶討論会",,,,,,2009,Sept. "小泉 奈緒美,永山 裕貴,荒岡 史人,石川 謙,竹添 秀男,G. Shanker,C.V.Yelamaggad","アミノ酸カラムナー液晶における電傾効果の発現","2009年液晶討論会",,,,,,2009,Sept.