"Do Yun Kim,Tomohiro Yoshihara,Liping Zhang,Sichanugrist Porponth,Makoto Konagai","a-SiGeC:H SOLAR CELLS FABRICATED NEAR THE THRESHOLD OF THE AMORPHOUS-TO-CRYSTALLINE TRANSITION FOR NARROW GAP SOLAR CELLS AND ITS IMPROVEMENT BY MODIFYING INTERFACES","37th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference",,,,,,2012,Aug. "Do Yun Kim,Tomohiro Yoshihara,Porponth Sichanugrist,Makoto Konagai","Effect of inter-electrode distance on a-SiGeC:H thin films and solar cells by using monomethyl germane as an alternative germanium source","24th International Conference on Amorphous and Nanocrystalline Semiconductors (ICANS 24)",,,,,,2011,Aug. "Do Yun Kim,Ihsanul Afdi Yunaz,Shunsuke Kasashima,Shinsuke Miyajima,Makoto Konagai","Fabrication of a-SiGeC:H solar cells using monomethyl germane by suppressing carbon incorporation for narrowing optical bandgap",,"Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells",,"Volume 95","Number 3","Page 829-837",2011,Mar. "Ihsanul Afdi Yunaz,Shunsuke Kasashima,Sorapong Inthisang,Liping Zhang,Krajangsang Taweewat,Do Yun Kim,bancha,makoto konagai","Progress Towards Realization of Thin Film Silicon Multijunction Concentrator Solar Cells","3rd International Symposium on Innovative Solar Cells",,,,,"pp. 132",2010,Oct. "Do Yun Kim,Ihsanul Afdi Yunaz,Shunsuke Kasashima,Shinsuke Miyajima,Makoto Konagai","Preparation of Narrow-gap a-Si:H Solar Cells by VHF-PECVD Technique","2010 MRS Spring Meeting","MRS Proceedings",,"Volume 1245",,,2010,Apr. "Do Yun Kim*,Tomohiro Yoshihara,Ihsanul Afdi Yunaz,Makoto Konagai","Enhancement of Overall Photovoltaic Parameters of a-SiGeC:H Solar Cells by Effective","The Third International Forum on Multidisciplinary Education and Research for Energy Science,",,,,,,2010, "Do Yun Kim,Shunsuke Kasashima,Tomohiro Yoshihara,Ihsanul Afdi,Makoto Konagai","Narrow-gap a-SiGeC:H Solar Cells by Selectively Suppressing Carbon Incorporation with Monomethyl Germane as a Germanium Source","Korea-Japan Top University League Workshop on Photovoltaics 2010 (Top-PV2010)",,,,,,2010, "Ihsanul Afdi Yunaz,Shunsuke Kasashima,Do Yun Kim,Taweewat Krajangsang,Shinsuke Miyajima,Makoto Konagai","Si Based Thin Film Concentrator Solar Cells: Numerical and Experimental Approaches","2nd International Symposium on Innovative Solar Cells",,,,,,2009,Dec.