"Supawat Wongthongsiri","BEM Analysis for Guided Wave Scattering by Layered Plate Debonding",,,,,,,2022,Sept. "Supawat Wongthongsiri","BEM Analysis for Guided Wave Scattering by Layered Plate Debonding",,,,,,,2022,Sept. "Supawat Wongthongsiri","BEM Analysis for Guided Wave Scattering by Layered Plate Debonding",,,,,,,2022,Sept. "Supawat Wongthongsiri","BEM Analysis for Guided Wave Scattering by Layered Plate Debonding",,,,,,,2022,Sept. "Supawat Wongthongsiri,Sohichi Hirose","Detection of Bi-Material Plate Debonding by Guided SH Waves Scattering with BEM","15th World Congress on Computational Mechanics & 8th Asian Pacific Congress on Computational Mechanics","15th World Congress on Computational Mechanics & 8th Asian Pacific Congress on Computational Mechanics Abstract Proceedings",,,,"p. 1484",2022,Aug. "Supawat Wongthongsiri,Sohichi Hirose,Ruigang Qin","Guided Lamb and SH Waves Scattering for Debonding Detection in Layered Plate using BEM","7th US-Japan NDT Symposium",,,,,,2022,Aug. "Supawat Wongthongsiri,Sohichi Hirose","Scattering Analysis and Detection of Layered Plate Debonding Using Guided SH Waves with Boundary Element Method",,"Shock and Vibration",,"Vol. 2022",,,2022,July "Supawat Wongthongsiri,Sohichi Hirose,Bin Wang","BEM ANALYSIS OF LAMB WAVE SCATTERING BY LAYERED PLATE DEBONDING",,"Journal of JSCE","Japan Society of Civil Engineers","Volume 9","Issue 1","Page 51-62",2021,Feb. "Supawat Wongthongsiri,Sohichi Hirose","A Boundary Element Technique for Scattering of Lamb Waves in Double-Layered Plate with Interface Crack","The 7th Asian-Pacific Congress on Computational Mechanics (APCOM2019)","The 7th Asian Pacific Congress on Computational Mechanic (APCOM) Abstract Proceedings",,,,"p. 478",2019,Dec. "Supawat Wongthongsiri,Sohichi Hirose","Boundary Element Analysis for Lamb Wave Scattering in Multi-layered Plate with Interface Crack","The 6th Asia-Pacific International Conference on Computational Methods in Engineering (ICOME2019)","Proc. The 6th Asia-Pacific International Conference on Computational Methods in Engineering (ICOME2019)",,,,"p. 66",2019,Sept. "Supawat Wongthongsiri,Sohichi Hirose","Development of BEM for Reflection Coefficient Calculation of Guided Lamb Wave in Multi-layered Plate","2019 International Forum on NDT (Hangzhou)","2019 International Forum on NDT (Hangzhou)",,,,,2019,Feb.