"張毅聞,吉原知宏,山田明,黒川康良","Synthesis of Cu2ZnSn(S,Se)4 Nanoparticles for Application in Low-Cost Solar Cells","2013年第74回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会",,,,,,2013,Sept. "Tomohiro Yoshihara,Naoki Suyama,Yiwen Zhang,Yasuyoshi Kurokawa,Akira Yamada","Effects of annealing atmosphere on the properties of Cu2ZnSn(S,Se)4 films and solar cells","The 22nd International Photovoltaic Science and Engineering Conference",,,,," 3-O-22",2012,Nov. "張毅聞,吉原知宏,陶山直樹,殷明,山田明,黒川康良","Cu2ZnSn(S,Se)4ナノ粒子を用いた塗布型太陽電池の開発","2012年応用物理学会「多元系機能材料研究会」年末講演会",,,,,,2012,Nov. "Do Yun Kim,Tomohiro Yoshihara,Liping Zhang,Sichanugrist Porponth,Makoto Konagai","a-SiGeC:H SOLAR CELLS FABRICATED NEAR THE THRESHOLD OF THE AMORPHOUS-TO-CRYSTALLINE TRANSITION FOR NARROW GAP SOLAR CELLS AND ITS IMPROVEMENT BY MODIFYING INTERFACES","37th IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference",,,,,,2012,Aug. "Akira Yamada,Yiwen Zhang,Tomohiro Yoshihara,Naoki Suyama,Yasuyoshi Kurokawa","Fabrication of Cu2ZnSn(SSe)4 Solar Cells by Printing of Nanoparticle Precursor Ink","Korea-Japan Top University League Workshop on Photovoltaics 2012 (TOP-PV 2012)",,,,,,2012,Aug. "張毅聞,吉原知宏,殷 明,鈴木克宏,山田 明,黒川康良","塗布型Cu2ZnSn(S,Se)4太陽電池の作製","第59回 応用物理学関係連合講演会",,,,,,2012,Mar. "Yiwen Zhang,Tomohiro Yoshihara,Akira Yamada","Synthesis of Cu2ZnSn(S,Se)4 Nanoparticles for Application in Low-Cost Solar Cells",,"APPL. PHYS. EXPRESS.",,"Vol. 5",,"pp. 012301",2011,Dec. "Tomohiro Yoshihara,Yiwen Zhang,Yo Sakuma,Akira Yamada","CU2ZNSN(S,SE)4 ABSORBER LAYERS FABRICATED BY A NON-VACUUM, NANOPARTICLE-BASED APPROACH","21st International Photovoltaic Science and Engineering Conference",,,,,"pp. 4D-3P-13",2011,Dec. "Do Yun Kim,Tomohiro Yoshihara,Porponth Sichanugrist,Makoto Konagai","Effect of inter-electrode distance on a-SiGeC:H thin films and solar cells by using monomethyl germane as an alternative germanium source","24th International Conference on Amorphous and Nanocrystalline Semiconductors (ICANS 24)",,,,,,2011,Aug. "Do Yun Kim*,Tomohiro Yoshihara,Ihsanul Afdi Yunaz,Makoto Konagai","Enhancement of Overall Photovoltaic Parameters of a-SiGeC:H Solar Cells by Effective","The Third International Forum on Multidisciplinary Education and Research for Energy Science,",,,,,,2010, "Do Yun Kim,Shunsuke Kasashima,Tomohiro Yoshihara,Ihsanul Afdi,Makoto Konagai","Narrow-gap a-SiGeC:H Solar Cells by Selectively Suppressing Carbon Incorporation with Monomethyl Germane as a Germanium Source","Korea-Japan Top University League Workshop on Photovoltaics 2010 (Top-PV2010)",,,,,,2010,