"Tomoya Maruyama,Ryohei Furuichi,Akihiro Yamamoto,Jing Gong,Masahiro Takinoue","Controlled division of DNA droplet-based artificial cells coupled with enzymatic time delay circuit","DNA29",,,,,,2023,Sept. "Jingjing Gong","Cross National Comparative Study on Operational Performances and Their Influential Factors between Japan and China",,,,,,,2014,Sept. "Jingjing Gong","Cross National Comparative Study on Operational Performances and Their Influential Factors between Japan and China",,,,,,,2014,Sept. "Jingjing Gong","Cross National Comparative Study on Operational Performances and Their Influential Factors between Japan and China",,,,,,,2014,Sept. "Jingjing GONG,Sadami SUZUKI","The Impact of Ownership Status and Regional Differences on SCM Operational Performance in China",,"Innovation and Supply Chain Management",,"Vol. 8","No. 1","pp. 15-24",2014,Mar. "Jingjing GONG,Sadami SUZUKI","Guanxi actions in different cultures a comparative study between China and Japan","日本経営工学会平成25年度春季大会","日本経営工学会平成25年度春季大会予稿集",,,,"pp. 70-71",2013,May "Jingjing GONG,Sadami SUZUKI","An Empirical Investigation of Culture and Guanxi Actions between China and Japan","nd International Conference on Knowledge, Culture and Society (ICKCS2013)","Proceedings of 2nd International Conference on Knowledge, Culture and Society (ICKCS2013)",,,,,2013, "Jingjing GONG,Sadami SUZUKI","An Empirical Investigation of Culture and Guanxi Actions between China and Japan",,"International Journal of Social Science and Humanity",,"Vol. 3","No. 4","pp. 375-380",2013, "Jingjing GONG,Norio IRIKURA,Sadami SUZUKI","New Product Development Operational Performance and Its Influential Factors: Cross National Comparison Between Japan and China","2012 Asian Conference of Management Science and Applications (ACMSA2012)","Proceedings of 2012 Asian Conference of Management Science and Applications (ACMSA2012)",,,,,2012,Sept. "Jingjing GONG,Sadami SUZUKI","The Impact of Ownership Status and Regional Differences on SCM Operational Performance in China","2011 Asian Conference of Management Science and Applications (ACMSA2011)","Proceedings of 2011 Asian Conference of Management Science and Applications (ACMSA2011)",,,,,2011,Dec. "Jingjing GONG,Tomohiro Ogasawara,Sadami SUZUKI","Supply Chain Operational Performance and Its Influential Factors: Cross National Comparison between Japan and China","21st international Conference on Production Research ICPR-21","Proceedings of the 21st international Conference on Production Research ICPR-21",,,,,2011,July "Jingjing GONG,Tomohiro OGASAWAEA,Sadami SUZUKI","Supply Chain Operational Performance and Its Influential Factors: Cross National Comparison between Japan and China",,"Brazilian Journal of Operations & Production Management",,"Vol. 8","No. 2","pp. 67-87",2011,