"Shigeki Hagihara,Yoshiharu Fushihara,Masaya Shimakawa,Masahiko Tomoishi,Naoki Yonezaki","Web server access trend analysis based on the Poisson distribution","6th International Conference on Software and Computer Applications (ICSCA 2017)","Preproceedings of 6th International Conference on Software and Computer Applications (ICSCA 2017)",,,,,2017,Feb. "Yoshiharu Fushihara,Shigeki Hagihara,Masahiko Tomoishi,Naoki Yonezaki","A new approach to analysis of access tendency of web server using Poisson distribution","15h Philippine Computing Science Congress (PCSC 2015)","Proceedings of the 15th Philippine Computing Science Congress",,,,"pp. 14-19",2015,Mar.