"Yasuhiro Fujiwara,Takanori Kiguchi,Tomohiko Yoshioka,Kazuo Shinozaki,Junzo Tanaka","Electronic structure analyses of the interface between a high refractive index optical glass and carbides",,"Materials Science and Engineering B",,"Vol. 161","No. 1-3","pp. 20-26",2009,Apr. "Yasuhiro Fujiwara,Tomohiko Yoshioka,Junzo Tanaka","Molecular Orbital Study on a Mechanism of Adhesion Between Carbides and Optical Glass With High Refractive Index",,"International Journal of Quantum Chemistry",,"Vol. 109",,"pp. 2780-2787",2009, "Yasuhiro Fujiwara,Tomohiko Yoshioka,Kazuo Shinozaki,Junzo Tanaka","Electronic Structure Analyses of Interfaces between High Refractive Index Optical Glasses and Carbides","Joint Conferences of The 2nd International Conference on the Science and Technology for Advanced Ceramics (STAC2)","Joint Conferences of The 2nd International Conference on the Science and Technology for Advanced Ceramics (STAC2)",,,"No. PA30",,2008,May