"Takahiko Tsukahara,Dongki Hwang,Naomi Miyamoto,Yasuhisa Ikeda","Spectrophotometric studies on solubility of lanthanoid(III) complexes with fluorinated ƒÀ-diketonatesin supercritical carbon dioxide",,"The Journal of Supercritical Fluids",,"Vol. 110",,"pp. 251-256",2016,Apr. "Takahiko Tsukahara,Dongki Hwang,Yasuhisa Ikeda","Studies on Supercritical Hydrothermal Syntheses of Uranium and Lanthanide Oxide Particles and Their Reaction Mechanisms",,"Journal of Nuclear Materials",,"Vol. 466",,"pp. 134-141",2015,Nov. "DongKi Hwang","Studies on Solubility of Metal Ions and Complexes in Supercritical Fluids and Their Application to Nuclear Fuel Preparation and Radioactive Waste Treatment",,,,,,,2015,Sept. "DongKi Hwang","Studies on Solubility of Metal Ions and Complexes in Supercritical Fluids and Their Application to Nuclear Fuel Preparation and Radioactive Waste Treatment",,,,,,,2015,Sept. "DongKi Hwang","Studies on Solubility of Metal Ions and Complexes in Supercritical Fluids and Their Application to Nuclear Fuel Preparation and Radioactive Waste Treatment",,,,,,,2015,Sept. "DongKi Hwang","Studies on Solubility of Metal Ions and Complexes in Supercritical Fluids and Their Application to Nuclear Fuel Preparation and Radioactive Waste Treatment",,,,,,,2015,Sept.