"Hanae Ishihara,Komaki Inoue,Akira Yamada,Makoto Konagai","Thermal stability improvement of Si1 | yCy layers by SiO2 cap layers",,"Thin Solid Films",,"Vol. 517","No. 1-3","pp. 213-215",2008,Nov. "A. Yamada,H. Ishihara,K. Inoue,M. Konagai","Epitaxial Growth of Si:C by means of Gas Source MBE","Pacific Rim Meeting on Electrochemical and Solid-State Science",,,,,,2008,Oct. "ÎŒ´‰pŒb,ˆäã‹îŽ÷,ŽR“c –¾,¬’·ˆä ½","SiO2 cap‘w‚ð—p‚¢‚½Si1-yCy–Œ‚Ì”M‘Ï«‚̉ü‘P","‘æ68‰ñ‰ž—p•¨—Šw‰ïH‹GŠwpu‰‰‰ï","‘æ68‰ñ‰ž—p•¨—Šw‰ïH‹GŠwpu‰‰‰ï",,,,"pp. 4p-E-16",2007,Sept. "Hanae Ishihara,Komaki Inoue,Akira Yamada,Makoto Konagai","Thermal Stability Improvement of Si1-yCy Layers by SiO2 Cap Layers","5th International Conference on Silicon Epitaxy and Heterostructures (ICSI-5)","5th International Conference on Silicon Epitaxy and Heterostructures",,,,,2007,May "Hanae Ishihara,Masahiko Murano,Akira Yamada,Makoto Konagai","Growth of Strain-Relaxed Si1-yCy Films with Compositionally Graded Buffer Layers by Gas Source Molecular Beam Epitaxy",,"Japanese Journal of Applied Physics",,"Vol. 46","No. 4A, 2007","pp. 1600-1603:(G05,A01)",2007,Apr. "Masahiko Murano,Hanae Ishihara,Akira Yamada,Makoto Konagai","Growth of Strain-Relaxed Si1-yCy Films Using SOI Substrates",,"Journal of Crystal Growth",,"Vol. 301-302 (2007)",,"pp. 335-338",2007,Jan.