"Salah Kasmo","The Effect of Workload in Work-sharing Environment under DLB Policy",,,,,,,2015,Mar. "Salah Kasmo","The Effect of Workload in Work-sharing Environment under DLB Policy",,,,,,,2015,Mar. "Salah Kasmo","The Effect of Workload in Work-sharing Environment under DLB Policy",,,,,,,2015,Mar. "Salah KASMO,Takao ENKAWA,Sadami SUZUKI","The Variability in Dynamic Work-sharing under Balanced and Imbalanced Unshared Work","Production and Operations Management Society (POMS) 25th Annual Conference","Proceedings of Production and Operations Management Society (POMS) 25th Annual Conference",,,,,2014,May "Salah KASMO,Takao ENKAWA,Sadami SUZUKI","The Work-sharing in a Serial Production Line with Consideration of the Balance of Fixed Workload and the Accuracy of Information",,"International Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering",,"Vol. 6","No. 4","pp. 336-340",2014, "Salah KASMO,Takao ENKAWA,Sadami SUZUKI","The Efficiency of Worksharing under Different Sizes of Fixed Tasks",,"IAENG Transactions on Engineering Sciences","Taylor & Francis Group",,,"pp. 323-330",2014, "Salah KASMO,Takao ENKAWA,Sadami SUZUKI","A Study of the Effect of Workload on the Performance of Production Lines under DLB Mechanism","International MultiConference of Engineers and Computer Scientists","Proceedings of International MultiConference of Engineers and Computer Scientists",,"Vol. 2",,"pp. 857-862",2013,May "Salah KASMO,Takao ENKAWA,Sadami SUZUKI","Granularity of Work-sharing in Production Lines under DLB Mechanism","2013 Industrial and Systems Engineering Research Conference,","Proceedings of 2013 Industrial and Systems Engineering Research Conference,",,,,"pp. 2764-2773",2013,May "カスモ サラー,池田太将,圓川隆夫","セル生産方式における助け合いゾーンとバッファ導入による補完効果に関する研究”",,"日本経営工学会誌",,"Vol. 64","No. 4","pp. 473-479",2013,