"Daichi Shiraki,Naoto Ishibashi,Nozomi Takeuchi","Quantitative Estimation of OH Radicals Reacting in Liquid Using a Chemical Probe for Plasma in Contact with Liquid",,"IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci",,"Vol. 44","no. 12","pp. 3158-3163",2016,Dec. "竹内希,白木大地","テレフタル酸ナトリウムを用いた液相OH ラジカルの生成量の精査","電気学会プラズマ/パルスパワー/放電合同研究会",,,,,,2016,May "Tsuyoshi Sugiyama,Daichi Shiraki,Nozomi Takeuchi","Characteristics of Reactive Species Production in AC Plasma Generated within Bubbles","Joint Symposium of the 9th Asia-Pacific International Symposium on the Basics and Applications of Plasma Technology (APSPT-9) and the 28th Symposium of Plasma Science for Materials (SPSM-28),",,,,,,2015,Dec. "Daichi Shiraki,Nozomi Takeuchi","Investigation of the Generation of Mechanism of Hydroxyl Radicals in Plasma in Contact with Liquid by Using Radical Scavengers","APSPT-9/SPSM-28",,,,,,2015,Dec. "Nozomi Takeuchi,Naoto Ishibashi,Daichi Shiraki","Generation Mechanisms of Hydroxyl Radical and Hydrogen Peroxide in Plasma Generated over Solution","68th Gaseous Electronics Conference (GEC-68)/9th International Conference on Reactive Plasmas (ICRP-9)",,,,,,2015,Oct. "竹内希,溝口秀彰,白木大地,大保勇人","水中気泡内プラズマの交流駆動における活性種生成特性","電気関係学会北海道支部連合大会",,,,,,2014,Oct.