"Kenji Nagata,SUMIO WATANABE","Design of Exchange Monte Carlo Method for Bayesian Learning in Normal Mixture Models","International Conference on Neural Information Processing of the Asia-Pacific Neural Network Assembly",,,,,,2008,Nov. "Kenji Nagata,SUMIO WATANABE","A Method to Approximate the Baysian Posterior Distribution in Singular Learning Machines",,"Proc. of ICONIP2005",,,,,2008,Mar. "Kenji Nagata,SUMIO WATANABE","Asymptotic Behavior of Exchange Ratio in Exchange Monte Carlo Method",,,,"vol. 21","no. 7","pp. 980-988",2008, "Kenji Nagata,SUMIO WATANABE","Exchange Monte Carlo Sampling From Bayesian Posterior for Singular Learning Machines",,"IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks",,"vol. 19","no. 7","pp. 1253-1266",2008, "Kenji Nagata,SUMIO WATANABE","Theory and Experiments of Exchange Ratio for Exchange Monte Carlo Method",,"Neural Information Processing - Letters and Reviews",,"vol. 12","no. 1-3","pp. 21-30",2008, "Kenji Nagata,SUMIO WATANABE","Algebraic Geometric Study of Exchange Monte Carlo Method",,"Proc. of ICANN",,,,"pp. 687-696",2007, "Kenji Nagata,SUMIO WATANABE","Analysis of Exchange Ratio for Exchange Monte Carlo Method",,"Proc. of FOCI2007",,,,,2007, "Keisuke Yamazaki,Kenji Nagata,SUMIO WATANABE","A New Method of Model Selection Based on Learning Coefficient",,"Proc. of International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and its Applications",,,,,2005,