"須ケ崎聖人","少量データによる構築・保守が容易な無線電波屋内測位",,,,,,,2022,Mar. "須ケ崎聖人","少量データによる構築・保守が容易な無線電波屋内測位",,,,,,,2022,Mar. "須ケ崎聖人","少量データによる構築・保守が容易な無線電波屋内測位",,,,,,,2022,Mar. "Yang Zhen,Masato Sugasaki,Yoshihiro Kawahara,Kota Tsubouchi,Matthew Ishige,Masamichi Shimosaka","AI-BPO: Adaptive incremental BLE beacon placement optimization for crowd density monitoring applications","The 29th International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems (ACM SIGSPATIAL 2021)",,,,,,2021,Nov. "Masato Sugasaki,Masamichi Shimosaka","Robustifying Wi-Fi localization by Between-Location data augmentation",,"IEEE Sensors Journal",,,,"pp. 5407-5416",2021,Mar. "Masato Sugasaki,Kota Tsubouchi,Masamichi Shimosaka,Nobuhiko Nishio","GroupWi-Lo: Maintaining Wi-Fi-based indoor localization accurate via group-wise total variation regularization","The tenth International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation (IPIN2019)","Proeedings of the Tenth International Conference on Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation (IPIN2019)",,,,,2019,Oct. "Masato Sugasaki,Masamichi Shimosaka","Robust indoor localization across smartphone models with ellipsoid features from multiple RSSIs",,"Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies,",,"vol. 1","No. 3","pp. 103:1-103:16",2017,Sept. "Shio Miyafuji,Masato Sugasaki,Hideki Koike","Ballumiere: Real-Time Tracking and Spherical Projection for High-Speed Moving Balls","2016 ACM on Interactive Surfaces and Spaces (ISS '16)","Proc. of the 2016 ACM on Interactive Surfaces and Spaces (ISS '16)","ACM",,,"pp. 33-37",2016,Nov. "Shio Miyafuji,Masato Sugasaki,Hideki Koike","Ballumiere: Real-Time Tracking and Projection for High-Speed Moving Balls","the 29th Annual Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (UIST '16)","Proc. of the 29th Annual Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (UIST '16)","ACM",,,"pp. 101-102",2016,Oct. "Shio Miyafuji,Masato Sugasaki,Toshiki Sato,Hideki Koike","Qoom: A Touch-sensitive interactive spherical display and its environment using dynamic projection mapping","International Conferences and Exhibition on Virtual Technologies and Uses (Laval Virtual 2016)",,,,,,2016,Mar.