"盛川仁,川連裕保","微動データに含まれる非白色ノイズが位相速度の推定精度に及ぼす影響について","土木学会第64 回年次学術講演会","土木学会第64 回年次学術講演会講演概要集",,," I-325","pp. 649-650",2009,Sept. "Morikawa, H.,Komazawa, M.,H-T.,Takahashi, C.,Shosaka, T.,Kawatsure, H.","A model of ground structure to estimate earthquake ground motions around Hsinchu city, Taiwan on the basis of gravity and microtremor surveys","The 14th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering","Proc. of The 14th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering",,,," 02-0034",2008,Oct. "Morikawa, H.,Takahashi, C.,Kawatsure, H.,Komazawa, M.,Chen, H.-T.","Detailed study on ground structure around Hsinchu city, Taiwan using gravity and microtremor surveys",,"Proc. of fifth International Conference on Urban Earthquake Engineering",,,,"pp. 89-94",2008,Mar.