"Katsuyoshi Komatsu,Ippei Suzuki,Takumi Aoki,Yosuke Hamasaki,Shintaro Yasui,Mitsuru Itoh,Tomoyasu Taniyama","In-plane ferroelectricity and enhanced Curie temperature in perovskite BaTiO3 epitaxial thin films",,"Appl. Phys. Lett.","American Institute of Physics","Vol. 117",,"p. 072902",2020,Aug. "K. Komatsu,Ippei Suzuki,T. Aoki,Y. Hamasaki,S. Yasui,M. Itoh,T. Taniyama","Perpendicular Magnetic Anisotropy of CuNi Multilayers on in-Plane Polarized Ferroelectric Epitaxial BaTiO3 Thin Films","62nd Annual Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials (MMM2017)",,,,,,2017,Nov. "K. Komatsu,I. Suzuki,T. Aoki,Y. Hamasaki,S. Yasui,M. Itoh,T. Taniyama","Enhanced Curie Temperature of In-plane Ferroelectric Epitaxial BaTiO3 Thin Films for Multiferroic Heterostructures","2017 MRS Fall Meeting",,,,,,2017,Nov. "T. Taniyama,I. Suzuki,T. Usami,M. Itoh","Control of Magnetism in Ordered FeRh","Spintronics and Core-to-Core Workshop 2017",,,,,,2017,Mar. "T. Usami,I. Suzuki,M. Itoh,T. Taniyama","Transmission of spin waves in ordered FeRh epitaxial thin films",,"Appl. Phys. Lett.",,"vol. 108","No. 23","pp. 232404 1-5",2016,June "T. Moriyama,N. Matsuzaki,K-J. Kim,I. Suzuki,T. Taniyama,T. Ono","Sequential write-read operations in FeRh antiferromagnetic memory",,"Appl. Phys. Lett.",,"vol. 107","No. 12","pp. 122403 1-4",2015,Sept. "I. Suzuki,T. Naito,M. Itoh,T. Taniyama","Barkhausen-like antiferromagnetic to ferromagnetic phase transition driven by spin polarized current",,"Appl. Phys. Lett.",,"vol. 107","No. 8","pp. 082408 1-5",2015,Aug. "N. Matsuzaki,T. Moriyama,M. Nagata,K.-J. Kim,I. Suzuki,T. Taniyama,T. Ono","Current induced antiferro?ferromagnetic transition in FeRh nanowires",,"Jpn. J. Appl. Phys.",,"vol. 54","No. 7","pp. 073002 1-3",2015,June "Ippei Suzuki","Artificially controlled magnetic properties of B2 ordered FeRh-based thin films",,,,,,,2015,Mar. "鈴木一平","B2構造を有するFeRh基規則合金薄膜の磁気特性制御",,,,,,,2015,Mar. "Ippei Suzuki","Artificially controlled magnetic properties of B2 ordered FeRh-based thin films",,,,,,,2015,Mar. "鈴木一平","B2構造を有するFeRh基規則合金薄膜の磁気特性制御",,,,,,,2015,Mar. "I. Suzuki,Y. Hamasaki,M. Itoh,T. Taniyama","Controllable exchange bias in Fe/metamagnetic FeRh bilayers",,"Appl. Phys. Lett.",,"vol. 105","No. 17","pp. 172401 1-5",2014,Oct. "I. Suzuki,M. Itoh,T. Taniyama","Elastically controlled magnetic phase transition in Ga-FeRh/BaTiO3(001) heterostructure",,"Appl. Phys. Lett.",,"vol. 104","No. 2","pp. 022401 1-4",2014,Jan. "H. Kojima,T. Naito,H. Muraoka,E. Wada,I. Suzuki,Y. Shirahata,M. Itoh,T.Taniyama","Electric field driven variation in magnetoresistance of Co/Cu/Fe/BaTiO3 heterostructure",,"J. Appl. Phys.",,"vol. 113","No. 17","pp. 17C713 1-3",2013,Mar. "G. Venkataiah,Y. Shirahata,I. Suzuki,M. Itoh,T. Taniyama","Strain-induced reversible and irreversible magnetization switching in Fe/BaTiO3 heterostructures",,"J. Appl. Phys.",,"vol. 111","No. 3","pp. 033921 1-5",2012,Feb. "T. Taniyama,I. Suzuki,E. Wada,Y. Shirahata,T. Naito,M. Itoh,M. Yamaguchi","Optically oriented electron spin transmission across ferromagnet/ semiconductor interfaces",,"Proceedings of SPIE",,"vol. 8100",,"pp. 81000A 1-8",2011,Sept. "I. Suzuki,T. Naito,M. Itoh,T. Sato,T. Taniyama","Clear correspondence between magnetoresistance and magnetization of epitaxially grown ordered FeRh thin films",,"J. Appl. Phys.",,"vol. 109","No. 7","pp. 07C717 1-3",2011,Mar. "T. Naito,I. Suzuki,M. Itoh,T. Taniyama","Effect of spin polarized current on magnetic phase transition of ordered FeRh wires",,"J. Appl. Phys.",,"vol. 109","No. 7","pp. 07C911 1-3",2011,Mar. "Ippei Suzuki,T. Koike,MITSURU ITOH,T. Taniyama,T. Sato","Stability of ferromagnetic state of epitaxially grown ordered FeRh thin films",,"J. Appl. Phys.",,"Vol. 105","No. 7","pp. 07E501-1-3",2009,May "小松 克伊,鈴木 一平,青木 巧,?嵜 容丞,安井 伸太郎,伊藤 満,谷山 智康","面内強誘電分極を有するエピタキシャルBaTiO3薄膜の格子定数の温度依存性","第64回応用物理学会春季学術講演会",,,,,,, "T. Taniyama,I. Suzuki,T. Usami,M. Itoh","Control of Magnetism in Ordered FeRh","Spintronics and Core-to-Core Workshop 2017",,,,,,, "飯島 諒介,鈴木 一平,伊藤 満,谷山 智康","FeRh/BaTiO3ヘテロ構造において電界が磁気秩序に与える影響","第39回日本磁気学会学術講演会",,,,,,, "松崎 乃里子,森山 貴広,Kab-Jin Kim,鈴木 一平,谷山 智康,小野 輝男","反強磁性体FeRh細線における磁区制御と異方性磁気抵抗効果","日本物理学会2015年秋季大会",,,,,,, "谷山 智康,飯島 諒介,鈴木 一平,小嶋 秀和,Suseela Savitha Pillai,伊藤 満","ヘテロ構造系マルチフェロイクにおける磁気秩序・スピン偏極の電界制御","第6回6大学6研究所連携プロジェクト公開討論会",,,,,,, "宇佐見 喬政,鈴木 一平,伊藤 満,谷山 智康","FeRh合金薄膜におけるスピン波分散のB2-秩序度依存性","スピンオービトロニクス研究会",,,,,,, "宇佐見 喬政,鈴木 一平,伊藤 満,谷山 智康","FeRh細線におけるスピン波励起とその組成依存性","日本物理学会第71回年次大会",,,,,,, "松崎 乃里子,森山 貴広,Kab-Jin Kim,鈴木 一平,谷山 智康,小野 輝男","反強磁性体FeRh細線における電流による磁区制御","日本物理学会第71回年次大会",,,,,,, "I. Suzuki,R. Iijima,T. Usami,J. Okada,M. Itoh,T. Taniyama","Artficial Control of Magnetic Phase Transition of B2 Ordered FeRh-based Thin Films","New Perspectives in Spintronic and Mesoscopic Physics (NPSMP2015)",,,,,,, "H. Matsuzaki,T. Moriyama,M. Nagata,K.-J. Kim,I. Suzuki,T. Taniyama,T. Ono","Current Induced Antiferro-ferromagnetic Transition and Anisotropic Magnetoresistance in FeRh Nanowires","22nd International Colloqium on Magnetic Films and Surfaces (ICMFS)",,,,,,, "K. Teraguchi,I. Suzuki,Y. Hamasaki,S. Yasui,T. Taniyama,M. Itoh","Optimization of Deposition Condition for Fe3O4 Thin Films by MBE","The 9th International Conference on the Science and Technology for Advanced Ceramics (STAC-9)",,,,,,, "T. Usami,I. Suzuki,M. Itoh,T. Taniyama","Excitation and Detection of Spin Waves in Ordered FeRh Thin Films","MMM/Internmag 2016 Joint Conference",,,,,,, "Kent Teraguchi,Ippei Suzuki,Yosuke Hamasaki,Shintaro Yasui,Tomoyasu Taniyama,Mitsuru Itoh","Phonon Driven Modulation of Verwey Transition in Isotope Substituted Fe318O4 Thin Films","MMM/Internmag 2016 Joint Conference",,,,,,, "R. Iijima,I. Suzuki,M. Itoh,T. Taniyama","Electric-Field-Induced Strain Transfer Effect on Magnetic Phase in FeRh/BaTiO3 Heterostructures","MMM/Internmag 2016 Joint Conference",,,,,,, "N. Matsuzaki,T. Moriyama,K.-J. Kim,I. Suzuki,T. Taniyama,T. Ono","Write-Read Operations in Antiferromagnetic Memory Resistor","MMM/Internmag 2016 Joint Conference",,,,,,, "T. Usami,I. Suzuki,M. Itoh,T. Taniyama","Atomic Ordering Dependence of Spin Wave Dispersion in Epitaxial Ferromagnetic FeRh Wires","2nd Conference on Magnetism and Its Applications (MIA 2016)",,,,,,, "小松 克伊,鈴木 一平,青木 巧,?嵜 容丞,伊藤 満,谷山 智康","マルチフェロイックヘテロ構造のための面内強誘電分極エピタキシャルBaTiO3薄膜","第77回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会",,,,,,, "T. Usami,I. Suzuki,M. Itoh,T. Taniyama","B2 Ordering Dependence of Spin-wave Frequency in Ferromagnetic FeRh Thin Films","9th International Conference on Physics and Applications of Spin-Related Phenomena in Solids (PASPS9)",,,,,,, "Takamasa Usami,Ippei Suzuki,Mitsuru Itoh,Tomoyasu Taniyama","Long-range Propagation of Magnetostatic Surface Spin Waves in Ordered FeRh Epitaxial Thin Films","61st Annual Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials (MMM2016)",,,,,,, "K. Komatsu,I. Suzuki,T. Aoki,Y. Hamasaki,M. Itoh,T. Taniyama","In-Plane Ferroelectric Polarization in Epitaxial BaTiO3 Thin Films for Multiferroic Heterostructures","2016 MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit",,,,,,, "小松 克伊,鈴木 一平,青木 巧,?嵜 容丞,伊藤 満,谷山 智康","エピタキシャルBaTiO3薄膜における面内強誘電分極","2017年強的秩序とその操作に関する第4回研究会",,,,,,,