"AYATO NAGASHIMA,Junji YOSHINO","Surface structure of GaAs(001)-c(4x4) studied by LEED intensity analysis",,"Surface Science",,"Vol. 564",,"pp. 218-224",2004, "A. Nagashima,T. Kawakami,A. Nishimura,J. Yoshino","Anomalous roughening of GaAs(001) during low temperature growth",,"Extended abstracts of the 22nd electronic materials symposium",,"Vol. 22","No. 1","pp. 153",2003, "A. Nagashima,A. Nishimura,J. Yoshino","Study on initial growth process MnAs on GaAs(001)-c4x4 by LEED IV and STM",,"The 9th Symposium on the Physics and Application of Spin-Related Phenomena in Semisonductors (Extended abstract)",,"Vol. 9","No. 1","pp. 121",2003, "Y. Takagi,A. Nishimura,A. Nagashima,J. Yoshino","Formation of iron silicide nanodots on Si(111)-√3×√3-Ag",,"Surface Science",,"Vol. 514","No. 1","pp. 167-171",2002, "M. Tagawa,T. Kawasaki,C. Oshima,S. Otani,K. Edamoto,A. Nagashima","TMC(1 0 0) surface relaxation studied with low-energy-electron-diffraction intensity analysis,",,"Surface Science",,"Vol. 517","No. 1","pp. 59-64",2002, "A. Nagashima,M. Tazima,A. Nishimura,Y. Takagi,J. Yoshino","STM and RHEED studies on low-temperature growth of GaAs(001)",,"Surface Science",,"Vol. 514","No. 1","pp. 350-355",2002, "M. Tagawa,M. Okuzawa,T. Kawasaki,C. Oshima,S. Otani,A. Nagashima","TiC(100) surface relaxation studied with low-energy electron diffraction intensity analysis",,"Physical Review B",,"Vol. 63",,"pp. 073407",2001, "A. Nagashima,M. Tazima,A. Nishimura,Y. Takagi,J. Yoshino","Structural analysis of GaAs(0 0 1)-c(4×4) with LEED IV technique",,"Surface Science",,"Vol. 493","No. 1-3","pp. 227-231",2001, "M. Tazima,K. Yamamoto,D. Okazawa,A. Nagashima,J. Yoshino","Effect of Mn on the low temperature growth of GaAs and GaMnAs",,"Physica E",,"Vol. 10",,"pp. 186",2001, "Y. Satoh,D. Okazawa,A. Nagashima,J. Yoshino","Carrier concentration dependence of electronic and magnetic properties of Sn-doped GaMnAs",,"Physica E",,"Vol. 10",,"pp. 196",2001, "D. Okazawa,K. Yamamoto,A. Nagashima,J. Yoshino","MBE growth and properties of 3d transition metal-doped GaAs",,"Physica E",,"Vol. 10",,"pp. 229",2001, "AYATO NAGASHIMA,J. Yoshino","Structural analysis of GaAs(001)-c(4x4) with LEED IV technique",,"Surface Science",,"Vol. 493","No. 1-3","pp. 227-231",2001, "A. Nagashima,T. Kimura,A. Nishimura,J. Yoshino","Initial nitridation of the CoSi2(111)/Si(111) surface",,"Surface Science",,"Vol. 433-435","No. 1","pp. 529-533",1999, "A. Nagashima,T. Kimura,A. Nishimura,J. Yoshino","Comparative studies on the surface structures of NiSi2 and CoSi2 epitaxially formed on Si(111)",,"Surface Science",,"Vol. 441","No. 1","pp. 158-166",1999, "A. Nagashima,T. Kimura,J. Yoshino","Formation of an ordered surface compound consisting of Ag, Si, and H on Si(001)",,"Applied Surface Science",,"Vol. 130-132","No. 1","pp. 248-253",1998, "AYATO NAGASHIMA","Atomic structure analysis of a monolayer epitaxial film of hexagonal boron nitride/Ni(111) studied by LEED intensity analysis",,"Sci. Rep. RITU A",,"Vol. 44","No. 2","pp. 211",1997, "AYATO NAGASHIMA","Phonon Dispersion of an Epitaxial Monolayer Film of Hexagonal Boron Nitride on Ni(111)",,"Physical Review Letters",,"Vol. 79","No. 23","pp. 4609",1997, "AYATO NAGASHIMA","Electronic states of the heteroepitaxial double-layer system : Graphite/monolayer hexagonal boron nitride/Ni(111)",,"Physical Review B",,"Vol. 54","No. 19","pp. 13491",1996, "AYATO NAGASHIMA","Electronic states of monolayer hexagonal boron nitride formed on the metal surfaces",,"Surface Science",,"Vol. 357.358","No. 1","pp. 307",1996, "AYATO NAGASHIMA","Electron spectroscopic studies of monolayer hexagonal boron nitride physisorbed on metal surfaces",,"International Journal of Modern Physics B",,"Vol. 10","No. 26","pp. 3517",1996, "AYATO NAGASHIMA","Monolayer Epitaxial Film of Hexagonal Boron Nitride",,"固体物理",,"Vol. 30","No. 8","pp. 739",1995, "AYATO NAGASHIMA","Electronic dispersion relations of monolayer hexagonal boron nitride formed on the Ni(III) surfaces",,"Physical Review B",,"Vol. 51","No. 7","pp. 4606",1995, "A. Nagashima,N. Tejima,Y. Gamou,T. Kawai,C. Oshima","Electronic structure of monolayer hexagonal boron nitride Physisorbed on metal surfaces",,"Physical Review Letters",,"Vol. 75","No. 21","pp. 3918",1995, "長島礼人","グラファイト超薄膜及び六方晶系窒化ホウ素超薄膜の電子構造の研究",,,,,,,1995, "AYATO NAGASHIMA","Electronic States of Graphite Overlayer on TaC(111) and (100) Surfaces",,"Trans. Mat. Res. Soc.Jpn.",,"Vol. 19A",,"pp. 107",1994, "AYATO NAGASHIMA","Electronic states of the pristine and alkali-metal-mtercalated monolayer graphite/Ni(III) systems",,"Physical Review B",,"Vol. 50","No. 23","pp. 17487",1994, "A. Nagashima,H. Itoh,T. Ichinokawa,C. Oshima,S. Otani","Change in the electronic states of graphite overlayers depending on thickness",,"Physical Review B",,"Vol. 50","No. 7","pp. 4756",1994, "AYATO NAGASHIMA","Properties of Low-Dimensional Carbon Systems due to Non-Charge-Transfer Effect",,"Journal of The Surface Science Society of Japan",,"Vol. 14","No. 8","pp. 36",1993, "AYATO NAGASHIMA","Electronic states of monolayer graphite formed on TiC(111) Surface",,"Surface Science",,"Vol. 291",,"pp. 93",1993, "AYATO NAGASHIMA","Electronic structure of monolayer graphite on some transition metal surfaces",,"Surface Science",,"Vol. 287","No. 288","pp. 609",1993, "AYATO NAGASHIMA","TWO-DIMENSIONAL PLASMONS IN MONOLAYER GRAPHITE",,"Solid State Communications",,"Vol. 83","No. 8","pp. 581",1992, "AYATO NAGASHIMA","Monolayer Graphite on TiC(III) Studied by Using Angle-Resolved Electron Spectroscopy",,"Journal of The Surface Science Society of Japan",,"Vol. 13","No. 3","pp. 163",1992,