"Miyamoto, Y.,Mizoguchi, A.,HIDETO KANAMORI","Experimental verification of the cluster model of CH3F-(ortho-H2)n in solid para-H2 by using mid-infrared pump-probe laser spectroscopy",,"Journal of Chemical Physics",,"Vol. 146","No. 11",,2017,
"HIDETO KANAMORI,Dehghani, Z.T.,Mizoguchi, A.,Endo, Y.","Detection of Microwave Transitions between Ortho and Para States in a Free Isolated Molecule",,"Physical Review Letters",,"Vol. 119","No. 17",,2017,
"Kawasaki, H.,Mizoguchi, A.,HIDETO KANAMORI","Alignment of CH3F in para -H2 crystal studied by IR quantum cascade laser polarization spectroscopy",,"Journal of Chemical Physics","American Institute of Physics","Vol. 144","No. 18",,2016,May
"HIDETO KANAMORI","Dynamics of CH3F(ortho-H2)n clusters in solid para-H2 crystal studied by pump and probe spectroscopy using two cw quatum cascade lasers","Pacifichem 2015",,,,,,2016,
"HIDETO KANAMORI","Searching for eEDM using molecules trapped in para-H2 crystal","8th work shop on Fundamental Physics using Atoms","8th work shop on Fundamental Physics using Atoms",,,,,2015,Nov.
"HIDETO KANAMORI","MW spectroscopy of S2Cl2: A candidate molecule for the detection of parity violation and radiative ortho-para transition","Symposium on advanced molecular spectroscopy",,,,,,2015,July
"H Kawasaki,A Mizoguchi,H Kanamori","New series of Satellite peaks associating with the nu_3 band of CH3F-(ortho-H2)n clusters in solid para-H2 studied by high resolution quantum cascade laser spectroscopy",,"J. Mol. Spectrosc",,"Vol. 310",,"pp. 39-44",2015,
"D T Zeinab,S Ota,A Mizoguchi,H Kanamori","Millimeter-wave Spectroscopy of S2Cl2; A Candidate Molecule for Measuring ortho-para Transition",,"J. Phys. Chem. A",,"Vol. 117",,"pp. 10041-10046",2013,
"E Hirota,R Watanabe,Y Kawashima,T Shigemune,J Matsumoto,K Murakami,A Mizoguchi,H Kanamori,M Nakajima,Y Endo,Y Sumiyoshi","Microwave Studies on 1,4-Pentadiene: CH2=CH-CH2-CH=CH2; Transformations among the Three Rotational Isomers",,"J. Phys. Chem. A",,"vol. 117",,"pp. 9753-9760",2013,
"金森 英人","近赤外領域光周波数コムを用いた量子位相制御",,"光学",,"Vol. 41","No. 9","pp. 472-478",2012,Sept.
"A. Mizoguchi,T. Yagi,K. Kondo,T. O. Sato,H. Kanamori","Submillimeter-wave measurements of N2 and O2 pressure broadening for HO2 radical generated by Hg-photosensitized reaction",,"Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer",,"Vol. 113",,"p. 279-285",2012,Feb.
"Miyamoto, Y.,Momose, T.,HIDETO KANAMORI","Cluster size resolving analysis of CH3F-(ortho-H2)n in solid para-hydrogen using FTIR absorption spectroscopy at 3 μm region",,"Journal of Chemical Physics",,"Vol. 137","No. 19",,2012,
"A. R. W. McKellar,A. Mizoguchi,H. Kanamori","High resolution quantum cascade laser studies of the nu3 band of methyl fluoride in solid para-hydrogen",,"J. Chem. Phys.",,"Vol. 135",,"p. 124511",2011,Nov.
"佐藤知紘,香川晶子,佐川英夫,Philippe Baron,Jana Mendrok,Joachim Urban,Donal Murtagh,菊池健一,落合啓,西堀俊幸,真鍋武嗣,溝渕智子,尾関博之,入交芳久,佐藤亮太,高柳昌弘,鈴木睦,塩谷雅人,金森英人,吉田尚弘,安井元昭,笠井康子","国際宇宙ステーション搭載超伝導サブミリ波リム放射サウンダ(SMILES)によるClO観測の精度評価","第17回大気化学討論会",,,,,,2011,Oct.
"Tomohiro Sato,Philippe Baron,Hideo Sagawa,Hideto Kanamori,Naohiro Yoshida,Yasuko Kasai","The diurnal variation of ClO observed by SMILES,","AOGS2011",,,,,,2011,Aug.
"A. R. W. McKellar,A. Mizoguchi,H. Kanamori","Infrared photochromism in a quantum crystal: laser pumping and probing in solid para-H2 doped with CH3F",,"Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys.",,"Vol. 13",,"p. 11587-11589",2011,Jan.
"Naoya Toda,Asao Mizoguchi,Hideto Kanamori","Spectral line shape profile of rovibrational transitions of CO embedded in p-H2 crystals studied by high resolution IR diode laser spectroscopy",,"J. Chem. Phys.",,"Vol. 132",,"p. 234504",2010,Aug.
"Tomohiro Sato,Asao Mizoguchi,J Mendrok,Hideto Kanamori,Yasuko Kasai","Measurement of the pressure broadening coefficient of the 625 GHz transition of H2O2 in the sub-millimeter-wave region",,"J. Quantitative Spectrosc. Radi. Transfer",,"Vol. 111",,"p. 821-825",2010,Jan.
"Tsuji, H.,Sekiguchi, T.,Mori, T.,Momose, T.,HIDETO KANAMORI","Stark velocity filter for nonlinear polar molecules",,"Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics",,"Vol. 43","No. 9",,2010,
"A. Mizoguchi,S. Ota,H. Kanamori,Y. Sumiyoshi,Y. Endo","Analysis of the nuclear quadrupole interaction of Disulfur Dichloride, S2Cl2",,"J. Mol. Spectrosc",,"Vol. 250",,"pp. 86-97",2008,
"H. Tsuji,Y. Okuda,T. Sekiguchi,H. Kanamori","Velocity distribution of the pulsed ND3 molecular beam selected by a quadrupole Stark velocity filter",,"Chemical Physics Letters",,"Vol. 436",,"pp. 331-334",2007,
"Tatsuya Hashimoto,Hideto Kanamori","A predissociative triplet Rydberg state of the nitrogen molecule studied by near-infrared diode laser kinetic spectroscopy",,"J. Mol. Spectrosc.",,"Vol. 200",,"pp. 196-202",2006,Jan.
"E. Hirota,A. Oikawa,H. Kanamori,T. Fukuda,U. Nagashima","Development of a high resolution molecular spectroscopy literature database:HRMSDB",,"The Journal of Computer Chemistry Japan",,"Vol. 5",,"pp. 53-58",2006,
"E.Hirota,A.Oikawa,H.Yamamoto,H.Kanamori,U.Nagashima","High Resolution Molecular Spectroscopy Database","International Symposium on Molecular Spectroscopy",,,"Vol. 55",,"pp. RJ01",2002,
"HIDETO KANAMORI","High Resolution Studies of Acetylene in the Triplet States","Abstruct of the International Symposium on Spectroscopy, Hayama",,,,,"pp. 12",2001,
"A. Sato,H. Sasakura,H. Kanamori","Triplet Acetylene in the Vibronic Excited States","Abstruct of 26th International Symposium on Free Radicals, Assisi, Italy",,,,,"pp. 101",2001,
"Akira WADA,Hideto KANAMORI","Submillmeter-Wave Spectroscopy of CO in the 3Π state",,"J. Mol. Spectrosc",,"Vol. 200",,"pp. 196-202",2000,
"M. Kumagai,H. Kanamori","Quesi-Microwave Spectroscopy of Non-Polar Diatomic molecule by using Optical Phase-Locked Lasers","Abstruct of 55th International Symposium of Molecular Spectroscopy, Columbus",,,,,"pp. ,MH08, 95",2000,
"Motohiro KUMAGI,Hideto KANAMORI,Michio Matsushita,Tatsuhisa Kato","Quasi-Microwave Spectroscopy of Non-Polar Diatomic Molecule by Using Optical Phase-Locked Lasers",,"J. Chem. Phys",,"Vol. 113",,"pp. 7031-7034",2000,
"Motohiro KUMAGI,Hideto KANAMORI,Michio Matsushita,Tatsuhisa Kato","Development of Phase-lock System between Two Single-Mode lasers for Optical-Optical Double Resonance Spectroscopy",,"Jpn. J. Appl. Phys.",,"Vol. 38",,"pp. 6102-6106",1999,
"HIDETO KANAMORI","Ab initio MO studies of van der Waals molecules(N┣D22┫D2)┣D22┫D2 ; Potential energy surface and internal motion.",,"J. Chem. Phys.",,,"No. 109","pp. 9434",1998,
"HIDETO KANAMORI","Sideband Optical-Optical Double Resonance Zeeman Spectroscopy II. Studies of NiH, PdD, and PtH",,"J. Chem. Phys.",,,"No. 107","pp. 4179",1997,
"金森英人","光ヘテロダイン法を用いた波長可変コヒーレントセンシング技術の開発",,"SCAT Tech. J.",,,"No. 11","pp. 8-15",1996,
"HIDETO KANAMORI","Sideband Optical-Optical Double Resonance Zeeman Spectroscopy. I. Theory of Saturation and Line Shape Behavior",,"J. Chem. Phys.",,"Vol. 102",,"pp. 8295",1995,
"Hideto Kanamor,Yashuki Endo,Eizi Hirota","Infrared Diode Laser and Microwave Kinetic Spectroscopy/Dynamics of Excited Molecules",,"Studies in Physical and Theoretical Chemistry","Studies in Physical and Theoretical Chemistry","Vol. 82",,"pp. 9-54",1994,
"Hideto Kanamor,Yashuki Endo,Eizi Hirota","Infrared Diode Laser and Microwave Kinetic Spectroscopy / Dynamics of excited molecules",,"Elsevier","Elsevier",,"No. 82","pp. 9-54",1994,
"金森英人,幸田清一郎","近赤外半導体レーザーによる反応モニターシステムの開発",,"ケミカルエンジニヤリング",,,"No. 38","pp. 28-31",1993,
"HIDETO KANAMORI","High-Resolution Study of the Perturbation in the CO Triplet Band",,"J. Mol. Spectrosc.",,"Vol. 159",,"pp. 1-16",1993,
"H. Kanamori,S. Takashima,K. Sakurai","Saturated Absorption Spectroscopy of Excited Nitrogen Molecule by 1.3 Micron Diode Laser with Frequency Calibration using the internal second harmonics",,"Laser Spectrosc. Int. Conf. 10th",,,,"pp. 486-487",1992,
"金森英人","時間分解半導体レーザー分光法",,"丸善","丸善",,,"pp. 240-246",1991,
"HIDETO KANAMORI","Near-Infrared diode laser spectrometer with frequency calibration using the internal second harmonics.",,"Appl. Opt.",,,,"pp. 30",1991,
"HIDETO KANAMORI","Infrared diode laser study of the 248nm photodissociation of CH┣D23┫D2I",,"J. Chem. Phys.",,,,"pp. 94",1991,
"HIDETO KANAMORI","Near-infrared diode laser spectroscopy of the nitrogen molekcule in the Rydberg states.",,"J. Chem. Phys.",,,,"pp. 95",1991,
"HIDETO KANAMORI","Detection of a new carbon-chain molecule, CCO",,"Astrophys. J",,,,"pp. 380",1991,
"H. Kanamori,Y. Endo,E. Hirota","Infrared diode laser kinetic spectroscopy of the vinyl radical",,"J. Chem. Phys.",,,,"pp. 92",1990,
"H. Kanamori,M. Momona,K. Sakurai","Diode laser spectroscopy of atmospheric oxygen band(b┣D11┫D12g┣D1-x┫D1-X┣D13┫D1Iu┣D1-┫D1)",,"Can. J. Phys.",,,"No. 68","pp. 313-316",1990,
"Y. Endo,H. Kanamori,E. Hirota","Diode laser spectroscopy of C3: The n2+n3-n2, 2n2+n3-2n2 and 2n2+n3 bands",,"Chem. Phys. Lett.",,"Vol. 160",,"pp. 280-284",1989,
"C. Yamada,H. Kanamori,E. Hirota,N. Nishiwaki,N. Itabashi,K. Kato,T. Goto","Detection of the silylene v2 band by infrared diode laserkinetic spectroscopy",,"J. Chem. Phys.",,"Vol. 91",,"pp. 4582-4586",1989,
"E. Tiemann,H. Kanamori,E. Hirota","Infrared diode laser spectroscopy of SCl generated by the photolysis of S2Cl2 and SCl2",,"J. Mol. Spectrosc.",,"Vol. 137",,"pp. 278-285",1989,
"Y. Endo,H. Kanamori,E. Hirota","Millimeter- and submillimeter-wave spectra of the vibrationally excited CCD radical",,"Chem. Phys. Lett.",,,"No. 160","pp. 280-284",1989,
"E. Tiemann,H. Kanamori,E. Hirota","Diode laser spectroscopy for monitoring the yield of metastable Cl from photodissociation of simple molecules",,"J. Chem. Phys.",,,"No. 88","pp. 2457-2468",1988,
"K. Matsumura,H. Kanamori,K. Kawaguchi,E. Hirota","Infrared diode laser kinetic spectroscopy of the n3 band of C3",,"J. C. Phys.",,,"No. 89","pp. 3491-3494",1988,
"H. Kanamori,E. Hirota","Vibronic bands of the CCH radical observed by infrared diode laser kinetic spectroscopy",,"J. Chem. Phys.",,,"No. 89","pp. 3962-3969",1988,
"K. Matsumura,H. Kanamori,K. Kawaguchi,E. Hirota,T. Tanaka","Infrared diode laser spectroscopy of triacetylene by the source and Stark modulation techniques",,"J. Mol. Spectrosc.",,,"No. 131","pp. 278-287",1988,
"H. Kanamori,E. Tiemann,E. Hirota","Infrared diode laser kinetic spectroscopy of SO in the a 1D state",,"J. Chem. Phys.",,,"No. 89","pp. 621-624",1988,
"H. Kanamori,E. Hirota","Infrared diode laser kinetic spectroscopy of the CCD radical n3 band",,"J. Chem. Phys.",,,"No. 88","pp. 6699-6701",1988,
"Hideto Kanamori,Eizi Hirota","Infrared laser Kinetic spectroscopy of a photofragment CS generated by photodissociation of CS┣D22┫D2 at 193 um : Nascent vibrational-rotational-translational distribution of CS",,"J. Chem. Phys",,,"No. 86","pp. 3901-3905",1987,
"Y. Endo,H. Kanamori,E. Hirota","Submillimeter-wave spectroscopy of a 1D SO in excited vibrational states produced by 193 nm photolysis of Cl2SO",,"Chem. Phys. Lett.",,,"No. 144","pp. 144",1987,
"E.Ishiguro,S. Iwata,A. Mikuni,Y. Suzuki,H. Kanamori,T. Sasaki","The high resolution photoabsorption spectra of PH3, PF3, PCl3 and PBr3 in the XUV region",,"J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Phys.",,,"No. 20","pp. 4725-4739",1987,
"K. Kawaguchi,J. E. Butler,C. Yamada,S. H. Bauer,T. Minowa,H. Kanamori,E. Hirota","Observation of the gas-phase infrared spectrum of BH3",,"J. Chem. Phys.",,,"No. 87","pp. 2438-2441",1987,
"Y. Endo,H. Kanamori,E. Hirota","Millimeter- and submillimeter-wave kinetic spectroscopy of reaction intermediates",,"Laser Chem.",,,"No. 7","pp. 61-77",1987,
"H. Kanamori,K. Seki,E. Hirota","Infrared diode laser kinetic spectroscopy of the CCH radical V┣D23┫D2 band.",,"J. Chem. Phys",,,"No. 87","pp. 73-76",1987,
"金森英人","A Study of Photochemcal Processes through Observation of Photofragments by Infrared Diode Laser Kinetic Spectroscopy",,,,,,,1987,
"C. Yamada,J. E. Butler,K. Kawaguchi,H. Kanamori,E. Hirota","Infrared laser spectroscopy of the SCl radical in the X 2.P3/2 state",,"J. Mol. Spectrosc.",,,"No. 116","pp. 108-111",1986,
"C. Yamada,H. Kanamori,H. Horiguchi,S. Tsuchiya,E. Hirota","Infrared diode laser kinetic spectroscopy of the CCO radical in the X 3S- state generated by the excimer laser photolysis of carbon suboxide",,"J. Chem. Phys. ",,,"No. 84","pp. 2573-2576",1986,
"C. Yamada,H. Kanamori,E. Hirota","Direct observation of the fine structure transitions in the Ne+ and Ar+ ions with diode laser",,"J. Chem. Phys. ",,,"No. 83","pp. 552-555",1985,
"H. Kanamori,J. E. Butler,K. Kawaguchi,C. Yamada,E. Hirota","Infrared diode laser kinetic spectroscopy of transient molecules produced by excimer laser photolysis: Application to the SO radical",,"J. Mol. Spectrosc. ",,,"No. 113","pp. 262-268",1985,
"H. Kanamori,C. Yamada,J. E. Butler,K. Kawaguchi,E.Hirota","Infrared diode laser spectroscopy of the PCl radical",,"J. Chem. Phys. ",,,"No. 83","pp. 4945-4948",1985,
"C. Yamada,S. Saito,H. Kanamori,E. Hirota","Millimeter-wave spectrum of the CCO radical",,"Astrophys. J. ",,,"No. 290","pp. L65-66",1985,
"H. Kanamori,J. E. Butler,T. Minowa,K. Kawaguchi,C. Yamada,E. Hirota","Springer Series in Optical Science 49, Laser spectroscopy VII, Infrared laser kinetic spectroscopy",,"Springer ","Springer ",,,,1985,
"H. Kanamori,J. E. Butler,K. Kawaguchi,C. Yamada,E. Hirota","Spin polarization in SO photochemically generated from SO┣D22┫D2",,"J. Chem. Phys.",,,"No. 83","pp. 611-615",1985,
"H. Kanamori,S. Iwata,A. Mikuni,T. Sasaki","Photon energy dependence of the electron spectra of BF┣D23┫D2 near the boron K ionization energy.",,"J. Phys. B : At. Mol. Phys.",,,"No. 17","pp. 3887-3900",1984,
"H. Maezawa,S. Mitani,Y. Suzuki,H. Kanamori,S. Tamamushi,A. Mikuni,H. Kitamura,T. Sasaki","Absolute measurement of undulator radiation in the extreme ultraviolet",,"Nuclear Instrument and Methods",,,"No. 208","pp. 151-155",1983,