"Shinsuke Mori,Naoki Matsuura,Lin Lin Tun,Masaaki Suzuki","Direct Synthesis of Carbon Nanotubes from Only CO2 by a Hybrid Reactor of Dielectric Barrier Discharge and Solid Oxide Electrolyser Cell",,"Plasma Chemistry and Plasma Processing",,"Vol. 36",,"pp. 231-239",2016,Jan. "Shinsuke. Mori,N. Matsuura,L.L. Tun,M. Suzuki","Synthesis of nanocarbon materials by PECVD: challenges to direct synthesis via CO2 reduction using plasma-SOEC hybrid reactor","22th International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry (ISPC22)","Proceedings of 22th International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry (ISPC22)",,,," IN-15",2015,July "A.D.C. Permana,A. Kameyama,M. Suzuki,S. Mori","Synthesis of carbon nanowalls by plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition and their rapid intercalation behaviour as lithium ion capacitor anode material","22th International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry (ISPC22)","Proceedings of 22th International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry (ISPC22)",,,," P-II-5-16",2015,July "Alibi Baitukha,Shinsuke Mori,Masaaki Suzuki","Liquid Crystal Alignment on Thin Organic Films Deposited in a Low Pressure Plasma Enhanced CVD Reactor",,"Plasma Process and Polymers",,"Vol. 12",,"pp. 450-455",2015,May "Alibi Baitukha,Shinsuke Mori,Masaaki Suzuki","Surface memory effect enhanced by atmospheric pressure plasma jet treatment for liquid crystal alignment",,"Thin Solid Films",,"Vol. 566",,"pp. 78-82",2014,Sept. "朝井 唯史,森 伸介,鈴木 正昭","大気圧プラズマジェットによる脱灰象牙質の選択的エッチング","化学工学会第46回秋季大会","化学工学会第46回秋季大会研究発表講演要旨集",,,," O206",2014,Sept. "森 伸介,田中 瑛智,鈴木 正昭","ホローカソード放電によるカーボンナノファイバーの無触媒合成","化学工学会第46回秋季大会","化学工学会第46回秋季大会研究発表講演要旨集",,,," G204",2014,Sept. "Sameh Hassan,Masaaki Suzuki,Shinsuke Mori,Ahmed Abd El-Moneim","MnO2/carbon nanowall electrode for future energy storage application: effect of carbon nanowall growth period and MnO2 mass loading",,"RSC Advances",,"Vol. 4",,"pp. 20479-20488",2014,May "Shinsuke Mori,Tomoaki Ikeya,Sho Osanai,Masaaki Suzuki","Influence of Spore Deposition onto the Dielectric Surface on the Mode of Dielectric Barrier Discharge","5th International Conference on Plasma Medicine (ICPM5)","Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Plasma Medicine (ICPM5)",,,," 20-P08-07",2014,May "Sameh Hassan,Masaaki Suzuki,Shinsuke Mori,Ahmed Abd El-Moneim","MnO2/carbon nanowalls composite electrode for supercapacitor application",,"Journal of Power Sources",,"Vol. 249",,"pp. 21-27",2014,Mar. "姉川 洋平,森 伸介,鈴木 正昭","プラズマCVDによるカーボンナノウォールの無触媒高速合成と透明導電薄膜への応用検討","化学工学会第79年会","化学工学会第79年会研究発表講演要旨集",,,," SA1P96",2014,Mar. "森 伸介,松浦 直紀,Lin Lin Tun,鈴木 正昭","固体酸化物型電気分解セルと誘電体バリア放電による二酸化炭素分解とカーボンナノチューブ合成","化学工学会第79年会","化学工学会第79年会研究発表講演要旨集",,,," F221",2014,Mar. "Takuya Kurihara,Michitaka Sato,Shinsuke Mori,Masaaki Suzuki","Characterization of magnetic thin films etch process in N2 plasmas","21th International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry (ISPC21)","Proceedings of 21th International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry (ISPC21)",,,," ID394",2013,Aug. "Youhei Anekawa,Shinsuke Mori,Masaaki Suzuki","Synthesis of graphene-based conductive thin films by plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition in a CO/H2 microwave discharge system","21th International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry (ISPC21)","Proceedings of 21th International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry (ISPC21)",,,," ID392",2013,Aug. "Alibi Baitukha,Shinsuke Mori,Masaaki Suzuki","Modification of Thin Polyimide Film Surface by Atmospheric Pressure Dielectric Barrier Discharge for Liquid Crystal Alignment","21th International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry (ISPC21)","Proceedings of 21th International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry (ISPC21)",,,," ID335",2013,Aug. "臼井 航介,森 伸介,鈴木 正昭","酸素透過膜反応器を用いたプラズマCO2分解におよぼすフェロセン添加の影響","化学工学会第78年会","化学工学会第78年会研究発表講演要旨集",,,," P321",2013,Mar. "鐘田 匠,森 伸介,鈴木 正昭","マイクロ波プラズマCVD法によるカーボンナノウォー ルの合成と色素増感太陽電池対極性能に与える化学修飾の影響","化学工学会第78年会","化学工学会第78年会研究発表講演要旨集",,,," O106",2013,Mar. "Alibi Baitukha,Shinsuke Mori,Masaaki Suzuki","FTIR analysis of transparent carbon films deposited by low pressure PECVD and atmospheric pressure APPJ","11th Asia-Pacific Conference on Plasma Science and Technology","Abstracts of 11th Asia-Pacific Conference on Plasma Science and Technology",,,,"p. 430",2012,Oct. "Alibi Baitukha,Shinsuke Mori,Masaaki Suzuki","Modification of a-C:H film surface by atmospheric pressure plasma jet for liquid crystal alignment",,"Thin Solid Films",,"Vol. 523",,"pp. 37-40",2012,June "佐藤 道貴,森 伸介,鈴木 正昭","強磁性金属のエッチング選択性に及ぼす放電条件の影響","化学工学会第77年会","化学工学会第77年会研究発表講演要旨集",,,," D203",2012,Mar. "小宮 朋行,森 伸介,鈴木 正昭","水溶液中における硫黄化学種の酸化還元反応の解析","化学工学会第77年会","化学工学会第77年会研究発表講演要旨集",,,," Q117",2012,Mar. "Baitukha Alibi,森 伸介,鈴木 正昭","Fabrication of a-C:H thin film by Atmospheric Pressure Plasma Jet for Liquid Crystal Alignment","化学工学会第77年会","化学工学会第77年会研究発表講演要旨集",,,," D204",2012,Mar. "吾妻 洋太,森 伸介,鈴木 正昭","銀パラジウム膜反応器を用いた二酸化炭素のプラズマ改質による炭素化合物の合成","化学工学会第77年会","化学工学会第77年会研究発表講演要旨集",,,," D122",2012,Mar. "森 伸介,伊藤 聖,鈴木 正昭","N2-O2大気圧直流放電特性に対する酸素濃度の影響","電気学会プラズマ・パルスパワー合同研究会","電気学会研究会資料 プラズマ・パルスパワー合同研究会",,,,"pp. 95-96",2011,Dec. "石川孝子,鈴木正昭","東工大社会人教育院 2年半の歩み","人材育成学会第9回年次大会","人材育成学会第9回年次大会論文集","人材育成学会",,,"pp. 315-320",2011,Dec. "森 伸介,Le Phan Khanh Hung,Nguyen Thi Anh Nga,鈴木 正昭","N2-O2プラズマ中の化学反応における窒素同位体濃縮現象に及ぼす放電条件の影響","化学工学会第43回秋季大会","化学工学会第43回秋季大会研究発表講演要旨集",,,," G219",2011,Sept. "森 伸介,山田 悠介,鈴木 正昭","カーボンナノファイバーの無触媒低温プラズマCVDにおける基板形状の影響","化学工学会第43回秋季大会","化学工学会第43回秋季大会研究発表講演要旨集",,,," U323",2011,Sept. "Shinsuke Mori,Takanori Ueno,Masaaki Suzuki","Synthesis of carbon nanowalls by plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition in a CO/H2 microwave discharge system",,"Diamond and Related Materials",,"Vol. 20",,"pp. 1129-1132",2011,Aug. "Nga Thi Anh Nguyen,Masashi Ichikawa,Shinsuke Mori,Masaaki Suzuki","Nitrogen Isotope Separation by Plasma Chemical Reaction in N2-O2 DC Glow Discharge",,"Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan",,"Vol. 44","No. 8","pp. 572-576",2011,Aug. "Shinsuke Mori,Masaaki Suzuki","Influence of CO/H2 gas mixture ratio on the structure of carbon thin films by PECVD","第24回プラズマ材料科学シンポジウム","第24回プラズマ材料科学シンポジウム(SPSM-24)アブストラク集",,,,"p. 25",2011,July "Nga Thi Anh Nguyen,Masashi Ichikawa,Shinsuke Mori,Masaaki Suzuki","Influence of Pressure and Oxygen Concentration on Nitrogen Isotope Separation in N2-O2 DC Discharge","20th International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry (ISPC20)","Proceedings of 20th International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry (ISPC20)",,,,,2011,July "Alibi Baitukha,Shinsuke Mori,Masaaki Suzuki","Modification of a-C:H film surface by Atmospheric Pressure Plasma Jet for Liquid Crystal Alignment","第24回プラズマ材料科学シンポジウム(SPSM-24)","第24回プラズマ材料科学シンポジウム(SPSM-24)アブストラク集",,,,"p. 25",2011,July "森 伸介,鈴木 正昭","プラズマCVD法を用いたカーボンナノファイバーの無触媒簡易領域選択合成",,"ケミカルエンジニヤリング",,"Vol. 56","No. 4","pp. 58-62",2011,Apr. "田川 祐樹,森 伸介,鈴木 正昭,山中 一郎,小原 徹,劉 醇一,加藤 之貴","誘電体バリア放電反応器と固体酸化物形電気分解セルのハイブリッド化による相乗的CO2分解",,"化学工学論文集",,"Vol. 37","No. 2","pp. 114-119",2011,Apr. "Yukitaka Kato,Toru Obara,Ichiro Yamanaka,Shinsuke Mori,Arnoldus Lambertus Dipu,Junichi Ryu,Yutaka Ujisawa,Masaaki Suzuki","Performance analysis of active carbon recycling energy system",,"Progress in Nuclear Energy",,"Vol. 53",,"pp. 1071-1021",2011, "Shinsuke Mori,Masashi Ichikawa,Nga Thi Anh Nguyen,Masaaki Suzuki","Influence of the oxygen feed position on the compositions and isotopic contents of reaction products in N2 glow discharge","63rd Gaseous Electronics Conference and 7th International Conference on Reactive Plasmas","Abstracts of 63rd Gaseous Electronics Conference and 7th International Conference on Reactive Plasmas (GEC-63 & ICRP-7)",,,," DTP00119",2010,Oct. "原 慶幸,森 伸介,鈴木 正昭","回転型プラズマリアクターによるTiO2微粒子の部分還元とその応用","化学工学会第42回秋季大会","化学工学会第42回秋季大会研究発表講演要旨集",,,," J216",2010,Sept. "森 伸介,鈴木 俊介,鈴木 正昭","プラズマCVD法を用いたカーボンナノファイバーの簡易領域選択合成プロセスの開発","化学工学会第42回秋季大会","化学工学会第42回秋季大会研究発表講演要旨集",,,," N307",2010,Sept. "田川 祐樹,森 伸介,鈴木 正昭,山中 一郎,小原 徹,劉 醇一,加藤 之貴","固体酸化物形電解質による酸素分離がプラズマCO2分解に及ぼす影響","化学工学会第42回秋季大会","化学工学会第42回秋季大会研究発表講演要旨集",,,," J202",2010,Sept. "森 伸介,鈴木 俊介,鈴木 正昭","無触媒プラズマCVD法を用いたカーボンナノファイバーの有機材料上への直接低温合成","化学工学会第75年会","化学工学会第75年会研究発表講演要旨集",,,," J305",2010,Mar. "Shinsuke Mori,Masaaki Suzuki","Non-Catalytic, Low-Temperature Synthesis of Carbon Nanofibers",,"Nanofibres","INTECH",,,"pp. 295-308",2010,Feb. "Thu Hoai Nguyen,Shinsuke Mori,Masaaki Suzuki","Hydrogen Separation from Products of Methane Reforming Reaction Carried Out in a Plasma Membrane Reactor at Low Temperature and Atmospheric Pressure",,"Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan",,"Vol. 43","No. 1","pp. 76-81",2010,Feb. "Yuki Tagawa,Shinsuke Mori,Masaaki Suzuki","Synergistic effects of plasma chemical reaction and electrochemical reaction using the SOFC reactor","16th ASEAN Regional Symposium on Chemical Engineering (RSCE2009)","Proceedings of 16th ASEAN Regional Symposium on Chemical Engineering",,,," 3Pro-CRE16",2009,Dec. "Thu Hoai Nguyen,Shinsuke Mori,Masaaki Suzuki","Hydrogen Permeance and the Effect of H2O and CO on Permeability of Pd0.75Ag0.25 Membranes under Gas-Driven Permeation and Plasma-Driven Permeation",,"Chemical Engineering Journal",,"Vol. 155",,"pp. 55-61",2009,Dec. "shinsuke mori,masaaki suzuki","The Role of C2 in Low Temperature Growth of Carbon Nanofibers",,"Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan",,"Vol. 42",,"pp. s249-s254",2009,Dec. "Nga Thi Anh Nguyen,Toyoaki Hayakawa,Shinsuke Mori,Masaaki Suzuki","Isotope separation by condensation of vibrationally excited gas","16th ASEAN Regional Symposium on Chemical Engineering (RSCE2009)","Proceedings of 16th ASEAN Regional Symposium on Chemical Engineering",,,," 3Pro-DOIPC16",2009,Dec. "Taichi Bannai,Dung Thi Tran,Shinsuke Mori,Masaaki Suzuki","Preparation of composite membrane using atmospheric pressure plasma polymerization process","16th ASEAN Regional Symposium on Chemical Engineering (RSCE2009)","Proceedings of 16th ASEAN Regional Symposium on Chemical Engineering",,,," 1ET-MSE2",2009,Dec. "Yasuyuki Hara,Shinsuke Mori,Masaaki Suzuki","Partial reduction of TiO2 fine particles in rotating plasma reactor","16th ASEAN Regional Symposium on Chemical Engineering (RSCE2009)","Proceedings of 16th ASEAN Regional Symposium on Chemical Engineering",,,,,2009,Dec. "Harunori Nagoya,Shinsuke Mori,Masaaki Suzuki","Nitrogen isotope separation using plasma chemical method","16th ASEAN Regional Symposium on Chemical Engineering (RSCE2009)","Proceedings of 16th ASEAN Regional Symposium on Chemical Engineering",,,," 1ET-REAET10",2009,Dec. "Thu Hoai Nguyen,Shinsuke Mori,Masaaki Suzuki","Hydrogen permeable membrane in dielectric barrier discharge reactor for methane reforming","2nd Regional Conference on Chemical Engineering (RCCE02)","Proceeding of the 2nd Regional Conference on Chemical Engineering",,,," O-6B",2009,Oct. "森 伸介,上野 高典,鈴木 正昭","COを炭素源とするプラズマCVDによる炭素系高機能材料合成","化学工学会第41回秋季大会","研究発表講演要旨集",,,," A207",2009,Sept. "Shinsuke Mori,Masaaki Suzuki","Non-Catalytic Low-Temperature Plasma-Enhanced CVD of Carbon Nanofibers","8th World Congress of Chemical Engineering (WCCE8)","Proceedings of 8th World Congress of Chemical Engineering",,,," 1872",2009,Aug. "森 伸介,早川 豊晃,NGUYEN THI ANH NGA,鈴木 正昭","赤外レーザーの吸収で生成した振動励起分子の相転移過程を用いた同位体分離法の開発","化学工学会米沢大会2009","研究発表講演要旨集",,,," C120",2009,Aug. "Shinsuke Mori,Takanori Ueno,Masaaki Suzuki","Non-catalytic synthesis of nanostructured carbon films by plasma-enhanced CVD using CO as a carbon source gas","19th International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry (ISPC19)","Proceedings of 19th International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry",,,,"p. 544",2009,July "森 伸介,上野 高典,鈴木正昭","CO/H2マイクロ波放電システムを用いたプラズマCVDで合成したカーボンナノウォールの特性評価","第22回プラズマ材料科学シンポジウム(SPSM-22)","SPSM-22アブストラク集",,,,,2009,June "Toyoaki Hayakawa,Shinsuke Mori,Nga Thi Anh Nguyen,Masaaki Suzuki","Carbon and Oxygen Isotope Separation using Selective Excitation of Carbonyl Group by CO Laser","The 2nd Thammasat University International Conference on Chemical, Environmental and Energy Engineering (TUChEEE2009)","Book of Abstracts of the 2nd Thammasat University International Conference on Chemical, Environmental and Energy Engineering (TUChEEE2009)",,,,"pp. 183-184",2009,May "shinsuke mori,masaaki suzuki","Characterization of carbon nanofibers synthesized by microwave plasma-enhanced CVD at low-temperature in a CO/Ar/O2 system",,"Diamond and Related Materials 18, 678-681 (2009)",,"Vol. 18",,"pp. 678-681",2009,May "shinsuke mori,masaaki suzuki","Catalyst-Free Low-Temperature Growth of Carbon Nanofibers by Microwave Plasma-Enhanced CVD",,"Thin Solid Films",,"Vol. 517",,"pp. 4264-4267",2009,May "Yoon-Keun Chae,S. Mori,M. Suzuki","Partial Reduction of TiO2 without Form Transformation Using Non-Thermal Plasma",,"Thin Solid Films",,"Vol. 517",,"pp. 4260-4263",2009,May "Dung Thi Tran,Shinsuke Mori,Daisuke Tsuboi,Masaaki Suzuki","Plasma polymerization Formation of Plasma-Polymerized Top Layers on Composite Membranes: Influence on Separation Efficiency",,"Plasma Processes and Polymers, 6[2], pp. 110-118 (2009).",,"Vol. 6","No. 2","pp. 110-118",2009,Mar. "森 伸介,鈴木 正昭","COを炭素源とするプラズマCVDによるカーボンナノファイバーの無触媒低温合成","化学工学会第74年会","化学工学会第74年会研究発表講演要旨集",,,," A119",2009,Mar. "高木 喜樹,阿部 宜之,薄葉 州,稲富 裕光,鈴木 正昭,森 伸介,須田 吉久,清水 修","DAS 航空機実験およびJAXA 観測ロケットを用いた微小重力環境下でのタイヤモンド合成実験",,"日本マイクログラビティ応用学会誌",,"Vol. 26","No. 2","pp. 81-87",2009,Feb. "S. Mori,M. Suzuki","Non-Catalytic Low-Temperature Synthesis of Carbon Nanofibers by Plasma-Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition in a CO/Ar/O2 DC Discharge System",,"Applied Physics Express",,"Vol. 2","No. 1","pp. 015003-1-015003-3",2009,Jan. "Shinsuke Mori,Toyoaki Hayakawa,Masaaki Suzuki","A Theoretical Study on the Distillation Intensified by Selective Laser Excitation","International Workshop on Process Intensification 2008 (IWPI2008)","Extended Abstracts on International Workshop on Process Intensification 2008 (IWPI2008)",,,,"pp. 136-137",2008,Oct. "Thu Hoai Nguyen,Shinsuke Mori,Masaaki Suzuki","Hydrogen Separation from Methane Reforming Reaction in a Plasma Membrane Reactor","International Workshop on Process Intensification 2008 (IWPI2008)","Extended Abstracts on International Workshop on Process Intensification 2008 (IWPI2008)",,,,"pp. 140-141",2008,Oct. "Yoon-Keun Chae,Shinsuke Mori,Yasuyuki Hara,Masaaki Suzuki","Partial Reduction of TiO2 by Bulk Treatment Plasma Reactor and Its Characteristics","International Workshop on Process Intensification 2008 (IWPI2008)","Extended Abstracts on International Workshop on Process Intensification 2008 (IWPI2008)",,,,"pp. 142-143",2008,Oct. "森 伸介,市川 真史,鈴木 正昭","N2-O2プラズマ中の振動励起分子反応による窒素同位体分離-酸素供給位置の影響","化学工学会第40回秋季大会","化学工学会第40回秋季大会研究発表講演要旨集",,,," T120",2008,Sept. "shinsuke mori,masaaki suzuki","The role of C2 in low temperature growth of carbon nanofibers","The 20th International Symposium on Chemical Reaction Engineering (ISCRE20)","Book of Abstracts of the 20th International Symposium on Chemical Reaction Engineering (ISCRE20)",,,,"pp. 714-715",2008,Sept. "チェ ユングン,森 伸介,鈴木 正昭","熱還元とプラズマ還元処理による部分還元酸化チタンの可視光領域での光触媒特性","化学工学会第40回秋季大会","化学工学会第40回秋季大会研究発表講演要旨集",,,," T117",2008,Sept. "shinsuke mori,masaaki suzuki","Catalyst-Free Low-Temperature Growth of Carbon Nanofibers by Microwave Plasma Enhanced CVD","The 1st International Conference on Microelectronics and Plasma Technology (ICMAP2008)","Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Microelectronics and Plasma Technology (ICMAP2008)",,,,"p. 524",2008,Aug. "Y. K. Chae,S. Mori,Masaaki Suzuki","Photocatalytic Characteristics of Anatase TiO2 Treated by H2 plasma and Ar Plasma Treatment","The 1st International Conference on Microelectronics and Plasma Technology (ICMAP2008)","Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Microelectronics and Plasma Technology (ICMAP2008)",,,,"p. 519",2008,Aug. "Dung Thi Tran,Shinsuke Mori,Masaaki Suzuki","Characteristics of polyimide-based composite membranes fabricated by low-temperature plasma polymerization",,"Thin Solid Films",,"Vol. 516","No. 13","pp. 4384-4390",2008,May "市川 真史,森 伸介,鈴木 正昭","N2-O2プラズマ中の化学反応を用いた窒素の同位体分離","第6回同位体科学会","第6回同位体科学会要旨集",,,,"pp. P4",2008,Mar. "森 伸介,鈴木 正昭","COを炭素源とするマイクロ波プラズマCVDによるカーボンナノチューブの低温合成","化学工学会第73年会","化学工学会第73年会研究発表講演要旨集",,,,"pp. E305",2008,Mar. "Shinsuke Mori,Masaaki Suzuki","Microwave plasma-enhanced CVD growth of carbon nanotubes using carbon monoxide as a carbon source","18th Symposium of The Material Research Society of Japan","Abstracts of 18th Symposium of The Material Research Society of Japan",,,,"pp. 214",2007,Dec. "Shinsuke Mori,Hirotou Hattori,Masaaki Suzuki","Low temperature synthesis of diamond films using non-equilibrium carbon monoxide plasma","6th Asian-European International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering (AEPSE2007)","Proceedings of 6th Asian-European International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering (AEPSE2007)",,,,"pp. 107",2007,Sept. "Dung Thi Tran,Shinsuke Mori,Masaaki Suzuki","Preparation of composite membranes by plasma deposited polymerization and membranes separation characteristics","6th Asian-European International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering (AEPSE2007)","Proceedings of 6th Asian-European International Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering (AEPSE2007)",,,,"pp. 280",2007,Sept. "蔡 潤槿,森 伸介,鈴木 正昭","パルス放電プラズマによるTiO2の部分還元およびその特性評価","化学工学会第39回秋季大会","化学工学会第39回秋季大会研究発表講演要旨集",,,,"pp. L316",2007,Sept. "森 伸介,服部 裕任,鈴木 正昭","非平衡COプラズマを用いたダイヤモンド薄膜の低温合成","化学工学会第39回秋季大会","化学工学会第39回秋季大会研究発表講演要旨集",,,,"pp. L207",2007,Sept. "Dung Thi Tran,Shinsuke Mori,Masaaki Suzuki","Characterization of plasma deposited allylamine polymer and its effects on separation property of composite membranes","18th International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry (ISPC18)","Proceedings of 18th International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry (ISPC18)",,,,"pp. 434",2007,Aug. "Shinsuke Mori,Hirotou Hattori,Masaaki Suzuki","Low temperature synthesis of high functional carbon and related materials using non-equilibrium CO plasma","18th International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry (ISPC18)","Proceedings of 18th International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry (ISPC18)",,,,"pp. 378",2007,Aug. "MASAAKI SUZUKI","Modeling of plasma CVD on the inner surface of a Microchannel",,"Thin Solid Films","Elsevier","Vol. 515",,"pp. 4197-4202",2007,June "MASAAKI SUZUKI","Pof polyacrylonitrile ultrafiltration membranelasma modification",,"Thin Solid Films","Elsevier","Vol. 515",,"pp. 4148-4152",2007,June "Shinsuke Mori,Masanobu Fukuya,Masaaki Suzuki","Synthesis of Carbon Nanofibers Using Carbon Monoxide DC Plasma at Room Temperature",,"Transactions of the Materials Research Society of Japan",,"Vol. 32","No. 2","pp. 513-516",2007,June "Yoon-Keun Chae,Shinsuke Mori,Masaaki Suzuki","Partial Reduction of TiO2 without Form Transformation Using Non-Thermal Plasma",,"Transactions of the Materials Research Society of Japan",,"Vol. 32","No. 2","pp. 527-530",2007,June "S. Mori,M. Suzuki","Effect of Oxygen Addition on the Low Temperature Synthesis of Carbon Nanofibers Using Non-Equilibrium CO Plasma","第20回プラズマ材料科学シンポジウム(SPSM-20)","第20回プラズマ材料科学シンポジウム(SPSM-20)アブストラクト集",,,,"pp. 30",2007,June "Yoon-Keun Chae,Shinsuke Mori,Masaaki Suzuki","Characteristic of Partially Reduced TiO2 by Non-Equilibrium Plasma","第20回プラズマ材料科学シンポジウム(SPSM-20)","第20回プラズマ材料科学シンポジウム(SPSM-20)アブストラクト集",,,,"pp. 113",2007,June "Dung Thi Tran,Shinsuke Mori,Masaaki Suzuki","Plasma Modification of Polyacrylonitrile Ultrafiltration Membrane",,"Thin Solid Films",,"Vol. 515","No. 9","pp. 4148-4152",2007,Mar. "Aguru Yamamoto,Shinsuke Mori,Masaaki Suzuki","Scale-Up or Numbering-Up of a Micro Plasma Reactor for the Carbon Dioxide Decomposition",,"Thin Solid Films",,"Vol. 515","No. 9","pp. 4296-4300",2007,Mar. "Motoki Kadowaki,Aguru Yamamoto,Shinsuke Mori,Masaaki Suzuki","Modeling of Plasma CVD on the Inner Surface of a Micro Channel",,"Thin Solid Films",,"Vol. 515","No. 9","pp. 4197-4202",2007,Mar. " Y. K. Chae,S. Mori,M. Suzuki","Partial reduction of TiO2 without form transformation by using non-thermal plasma","17th Symposium of The Material Research Society of Japan",,,,,"pp. 184",2006,Dec. "S. Mori,M. Fukuya,M. Suzuki","Synthesis of carbon nanofibers using carbon monoxide DC Plasma at room temperature","17th Symposium of The Material Research Society of Japan",,,,,"pp. 190",2006,Dec. "森 伸介,福谷 昌信,鈴木 正昭","COプラズマによるカーボンナノファイバーの低温合成?基板材料およ び触媒金属の影響?","化学工学会第38回秋季大会",,,,,"pp. R203",2006,Sept. "Y. K. Chae,S. Mori,M. Suzuki","Partial reduction of Titanium dioxide by hydrogen plasma","8th Asia Pacific Conference on Plasma Science and Technology (APCPST) and 19th Symp. on Plasma Science for Materials (SPSM)",,,,,"pp. 207",2006,July "Mori,M. Fukuya,M. Suzuki","Characterization of Carbon Nanofibers Synthesized by Low Temperature CO Plasma","8th Asia Pacific Conference on Plasma Science and Technology (APCPST) and 19th Symp. on Plasma Science for Materials (SPSM)",,,,,"pp. 123",2006,July "T. T. Dung,S. Mori,M. Suzuki","Characterization of polyimide-based composite membranes fabricated by low temperature plasma polymerization","8th Asia Pacific Conference on Plasma Science and Technology (APCPST) and 19th Symp. on Plasma Science for Materials (SPSM)",,,,,"pp. 53",2006,July "福谷 昌信,森 伸介,鈴木 正昭","COプラズマによるカーボンナノファイバーの低温合成およびその特性評価","化学工学会第71年会",,,,,"pp. H309",2006,Mar. "吉澤 壽,山本 挙,森 伸介,鈴木 正昭","マイクロプラズマによるH2Oの分解","化学工学会第71年会",,,,,"pp. G114",2006,Mar. "蔡 潤槿,森 伸介,鈴木 正昭","水素プラズマによるTiO2の部分還元","化学工学会第71年会",,,,,"pp. H209",2006,Mar. "S. Mori,M. Sakurai,M. Suzuki","Discharge Characteristics of Liquid Nitrogen Cooled Carbon Monoxide and Their Relation to the Isotope Enrichment of Reaction Products","6th International Conference on Reactive Plasmas and 23th Symposium on Plasma Processing (ICRP-6/SPP-23)",,,,,"pp. 169-170",2006,Jan. "M.Kadowaki,H. Yoshizawa,S. Mori,M. Suzuki","Plasma CVD on inner surface of microchannel",,"Thin Solid Films",,"Vol. 506-507",,"pp. 123-127",2006, "S. Mori,M. Sakurai,M. Suzuki","Recovery of Carbon-14 from Graphite Moderator of Dismantled Gas -Cooled Reactor by Plasma Chemical Reactions in Carbon Monoxide Glow Discharge",,"Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology",,"Vol. 43","No. 4","pp. 432-436",2006, "S. Mori,A. Yamamoto,M. Suzuki","Characterization of a capillary plasma reactor for carbon dioxide decomposition",,"Plasma Sources Science and Technology",,"Vol. 15",,"pp. 609-613",2006, "M. Suzuki","New Trends in Chemical Engineering of Japan","Regional Symposium","Proceedings of RSCE",,,,"pp. 10",2005,Nov. "M. Suzuki,A. Konno,S. Mori","Oxygen Isotope Separation by Ozone Formation Reaction in Glow Discharge Plasma","Xth International Scientific Conference Physical-Chemical Processes on Selection of Atoms and Molecules, (Zvenigorod, Russia","Proceedings of Xth International Scientific Conference Physical-Chemical Processes on Selection of Atoms and Molecules",,,,"pp. 19",2005,Oct. "鈴木正昭,森伸介,山本挙,吉川史朗,黒田千秋","マイクロチャンネル内の移動現象","関西3学協会合同講演会","関西3学協会合同講演会講演要旨集",,,,"pp. 72-77",2005,Oct. "A. Yamamoto,S. Mori,K. Katori,D. Tsuboi,M. Suzuki","Slip Effect in Microchannel Flow","ECI International Conference on Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow in Microscale","Proceedings of ECI International Conference on Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow in Microscale",,,,"pp. 26-30",2005,Sept. "山本 挙,森 伸介,吉澤 壽,鈴木 正昭","マイクロプラズマリアクターによるCO2ならびにH2Oの分解","化学工学会第37回秋季大会","研究発表講演要旨集",,,,"pp. 1220",2005,Sept. "M. Kadowaki,A. Yamamoto,S. Mori,M. Suzuki","Characteristics of Plasma CVD on Inner Surface of Micro Channel","of 17th International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry (ISPC17)","Proveedings of ISPC17",,,,"pp. 563",2005,Aug. "M. Suzuki,M. Kadowaki,S. Mori","Effective Plasma Chemical Reactions in Micro Channel","17th International Symposium on Plasma Chemistry (ISPC17)","Proceeding of ISPC17",,,,"pp. 157",2005,Aug. "A. Yamamoto,S. Mori,M. Suzuki","Numerical Simulation and Modeling of the Carbon Dioxide Decomposition in a Micro Plasma Reactor","Chemical Reaction Engineering X: Innovations in Chemical Reactor Engineering","Proceedings of Chemical Reaction Engineering X",,,,"pp. 38",2005,Aug. "A. Yamamoto,S. Mori,M. Suzuki","Scale-Up or Numbering-Up of a Micro Plasma Reactor for the Carbon Dioxide Decomposition","第18回プラズマ材料科学シンポジウム(SPSM-18)","SPSM-18アブストラク集",,,,"pp. 45",2005,June "Tran Thi Dung,S. Mori,M. Suzuki","Plasma Modification of Polyacrylonitrile Ultrafiltration Membrane”","第18回プラズマ材料科学シンポジウム(SPSM-18)","SPSM-18アブストラク集",,,,"pp. 114",2005,June "M. Kadowaki,A. Yamamoto,S. Mori,M. Suzuki","Modeling of Plasma CVD on the Inner Surface of a Micro Channel","第18回プラズマ材料科学シンポジウム(SPSM-18)","SPSM-18アブストラク集",,,,"pp. 61",2005,June "A. Yamamoto,M. Suzuki,S. Mori","Gaseous flows in a microchannels","AIChE 2005 Spring National Meeting Conference","Proceedings of AIChE2005",,,,"pp. 132",2005,Apr. "A. Yamamoto,S. Mori,A. Yamamoto,M. Suzuki","A study of the carbon dioxide decomposition in a micro plasma reactor","the third international workshop on micro chemical plants","Proc on the third international workshop on micro chemical plants",,,,"pp. 37",2005,Feb. "M. Suzuki,M. Kadowaki,F.H. Windarto,S. Mori","Comparison of Different Types of Plasma in Radioactive Surface Decomtamination Process",,"Materials Science Forum,",,"Vol. 502",,"pp. 321-326",2005, "鈴木 正昭,関口秀俊,森 伸介","マイクロプラズマリアクターにおける化学反応",,"ケミカルエンジニヤリング",,"Vol. 50","No. 3","pp. 13-17",2005, "紺野亜紀子,森伸介,鈴木正昭","プラズマ化学反応を用いた酸素同位体分離プロセス",,"第2回同位体科学研究会要旨集",,"Vol. 2",,"pp. 65",2004, "桜井幹也,森伸介,鈴木正昭","COグロー放電プラズマを用いた炭素同位体分離プロセス",,"第2回同位体科学研究会要旨集",,"Vol. 2",,"pp. 66",2004, "M.Suzuki,M.Kadowaki,F.H.Windarto,S.Mori. ","Comparison of Different Types of Plasma in Radioactive Surface Decontamination Process",,"Proc. of PSEA'04",,,,"pp. F2-4",2004, "M. Kadowaki,H.Yoshizawa,S.Mori,M.Suzuki","Plasma CVD on Inner surface of Microchannel",,"7th Asia Pacific Conference on Plasma Science and Technology ",,,,"pp. 30P-74",2004, "S.Mori,M.Suzuki","Formation of Nanostructured Carbon Materials Containing Oxygen in Non-Equilibrium CO Plasma at Cryogenic Temperature.",,"Proceedings of Regional Symposium on Chemical Engineering 2004",,,,"pp. LS-209",2004, "鈴木正昭,森伸介","振動励起COプラズマ中の化学反応による炭素の同位体分離",,"プラズマ材料科学第153委員会第69回研究会資料",,,,"pp. 1",2004, "S.Mori,M.Fukuya,M.Suzuki","Synthesis of Carbon Nanotubes in Vibrationally non-Equilibrium CO Plasma",,"7th Asia Pacific Conference on Plasma Science and Technology",,,,"pp. 29P-73",2004, "Tran Thi Dung,K.Katori,M.Suzuki","Low Temperature Plasma Treatment of Cellulose Acetate Membrane for Desalination.",,"Proceedings of Regional Symposium on Chemical Engineering 2004",,,,"pp. JS-032",2004, "小川順子,森伸介,鈴木正昭","日本における生活リスクの比較",,"日本原子力学会2004年秋の大会予稿集",,,,"pp. J5",2004, "森伸介,鈴木正昭","マイクロキャピラリープラズマの生成とその特性 ?デバイ層厚さの影響?",,"化学工学会第69年会研究発表講演要旨集",,,,"pp. N107",2004, "山本挙,香取孝太郎,森伸介,鈴木正昭","マイクロチャンネル内気体流動における希薄化の影響",,"化学工学会第69年会研究発表講演要旨集",,,,"pp. N207",2004, "鈴木正昭","化学技術社会と安心",,"化学工学",,"Vol. 68","No. 1","pp. 18",2004, "M.Suzuki,T.Ichihashi,A.Jote,S.Nishio,S.Kawagoe","Application of Reactive Plasma to Nuclear Waste Treatment. -Possibility of Separation Process of Zr-Nb Alloy by Reactive Thermal Plasma Treatment-",,"Journal of High Temperature Material Processes.",,"Vol. 7","No. 4","pp. 475",2004, "Shinsuke Mori,Masaaki Suzuki","Formation of nano-structured carbon materials containing oxygen in non-equilibrium CO plasma at cryogenic temperature",,"Book of Abstracts of Regional symposium on Chemical Engineering 2004",,,,"pp. 247",2004, "森 伸介,桜井 幹也,鈴木 正昭","プラズマ化学法による炭素の同位体分離 ?分離係数の初期同位体組成依存?",,"日本原子力学会 2003年秋の大会 予稿集",,,,"pp. J4",2003,Sept. "森伸介,赤路真治,鈴木正昭","マイクロプラズマの生成とその特性 ?マイクロプラズマリアクターによる環境汚染ガスの分解?",,"化学工学会第36回秋季大会研究発表講演要旨集",,,,"pp. A3P08",2003,Sept. "森 伸介,鈴木 正昭","プラズマ化学法による黒鉛廃棄物からの14Cの分離",,"日本原子力学会 2003年春の年会 予稿集",,,,"pp. B58",2003,Mar. "門脇 誠記,高見澤 俊文,森 伸介,鈴木 正昭","大気圧非平衡プラズマによる除染",,"日本原子力学会 2003年春の年会 予稿集",,,"No. 3","pp. L35",2003,Mar. "T.Osugi,S.Kusumo,M.Hiraoka,H.Kobayashi,M.Suzuki","Effect of Microwave Oxygen Plasma on Elements Behavior in Melting Glass,",,"Proc.16th Intl. Symp. Plasma Chemistry (ISPC16) ,Taormina, Italy,",,"Vol. PoB18",,"pp. 754-759",2003, "M.Suzuki,T.Ichihashi,A.Jote,S.Nishio","Separation of Zr-Nb alloy by Reactive Thermal Plasma,",,"Proc.16th Intl. Symp. Plasma Chemistry (ISPC16) ,Taormina, Italy, ",,"Vol. PoB28",,"pp. 764-769",2003, "鈴木正昭","反応性マイクロ波プラズマによる廃棄物処理の研究 ?原子力分野への応用を中心として?、 ",,"応用物理",,"Vol. 72","No. 4","pp. 463-465",2003, "M. Suzuki,S. Mori","Plasma Processes of Nuclear Waste Materials under Atmospheric Pressure,",,"30th IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science, Jeju, Korea ",,,,"pp. 7CA01-02",2003, "S.Mori,M.Suzuki","Numerical Analysis of Carbon Isotope Separetion by PlasmaChemical Reactions in CO Glow Discharge,",,"Proc.16th Intl. Symp. Plasma Chemistry (ISPC16) ,Taormina, Italy,",,"Vol. Po4.13",,"pp. 283-288",2003, "A. Yamamoto,K.Matsubayashi,M.Suzuki","Aerosol Particles Generated in a Plasma Process and Penetrations through an Airfilter",,"Proc.16th Intl. Symp. Plasma Chemistry (ISPC16) ,Taormina, Italy,",,"Vol. Po10.36",,"pp. 562-567",2003, "森伸介,赤塚洋,鈴木正昭","CO/Arグロー放電プラズマによる炭素同位体分離 - 14C分離係数の推算 -",,"日本原子力学会 2002年秋の大会 予稿集",,,,"pp. G18",2002,Sept. "森伸介,赤塚洋,鈴木正昭","CO/Arグロー放電プラズマによる炭素同位体分離 - 電子エネルギー分布の影響 -",,"日本原子力学会 2002年春の年会 要旨集",,,,"pp. O3",2002,Mar. "大井典子,鈴木正昭","安心をもたらす物質ライフシステムの構築ー安心指標の提案ー",,"化学工学会第67年会講演要旨集",,,,"pp. D117",2002, "鈴木正昭,渡辺隆行","熱プラズマの基礎過程",,"日本溶射協会",,"Vol. 39","No. 1","pp. 19",2002, "鈴木正昭,大谷正義","大学における安全管理",,"化学工学会",,"Vol. 66","No. 5","pp. 294",2002, "M. Suzuki,A. Ezoubtchenko,H. Akatsuka,H. Matsuura,R. Takagi ","Isotope Separation Required in SCNES and Future Subjects",,"Progress in Nuclear Energy",,"Vol. 40","No. 3/4","pp. 561-568",2002, "S. Mori,H. Akatsuka,M. Suzuki","Numerical Analysis of Carbon Isotope Seoaration by Plasma Chemical Reactions in Carbon Monoxide Glow Discharge",,"J. Nucl. Sci. Tech",,"Vol. 39","No. 6","pp. 637",2002, "鈴木正昭","大気圧反応性プラズマの原子力分野への応用 ー除染技術を中心としてー",,"高温学会誌",,"Vol. 28","No. 5","pp. 107",2002, "大杉武史,クスモ・ストウォ,鈴木正昭,小林洋昭","溶融ガラスにおける酸素プラズマの影響",,"高温学会誌",,"Vol. 28","No. 3","pp. 121",2002, "山本挙,鈴木正昭","プラズマプロセスで発生する微粒子の特性 (エアフィルタによる捕集)",,"日本原子力学会2002年春の年会予稿集",,,,"pp. K35",2002, "鈴木正昭,森伸介","プラズマ化学反応による放射性廃棄物のリスク削減技術",,"化学工学会第67年会講演要旨集",,,,"pp. D124",2002, "M. Suzuki,A. Ezoubtchenko,H. Akatsuka,H. Matsuura,R. Takagi","Isotope Separation Required in SCNES and Future Subjects",,"Progress in Nuclear Energy",,"Vol. 40","No. 3-4","pp. 561",2002, "A. Yamamoto,M. Suzuki","Simulation of the Evaporation Phenomenon of Metals by the Lattice Boltsman Method",,"J. Chem. Eng. Japan",,"Vol. 35","No. 10","pp. 944",2002, "森 伸介,赤塚 洋,鈴木 正昭","CO/Arグロー放電プラズマによる炭素および酸素の同位体分離",,"日本原子力学会 2001年秋の大会 予稿集",,,,"pp. L56",2001,Sept. "森 伸介,赤塚 洋,鈴木 正昭","CO/Arグロー放電プラズマによる炭素同位体分離の数値解析",,"日本原子力学会 2001年春の年会 要旨集",,,,"pp. M31",2001,Mar. "大井典子,鈴木正昭","安心をもたらす物質ライフシステムの構築 ?安心をもたらす科学情報と安心指標?",,"化学工学会第66年会予稿集",,,,"pp. Q104",2001, "M. Suzuki,H. F. Windarto,T. Matsumoto,K. Sakagishi","Microwave Plasma Decontamination of Radioactive Material Operated at Atmospheric Pressure",,"Proc. of 15th Intl. Symp. Plasma Chemistry (Orlean)",,"Vol. 2",,"pp. 623",2001, "A. Yamamoto,M. Suzuki","Characteristics of the Fine Particles Generated in Plasma Process",,"Proc. of 15th Intl. Symp. Plasma Chemistry (Orlean)",,"Vol. 2",,"pp. 405",2001, "S. Mori,H. Akatsuka,M. Suzuki","Carbon Isotope Separation by Plasma Chemical Reactions in CO Glow Discharge",,"Proc. of 15th Intl. Symp. Plasma Chemistry (Orlean)",,"Vol. 2",,"pp. 647",2001, "S. Mori,H. Akatsuka,M. Suzuki","Carbon and Oxygen Isotope Separations by Plasma Chemical Reactions",,"2001 Intl. Workshop on Plasma Processing for Nuclear Applications",,,"No. 1","pp. 161",2001, "山本 挙,松林 健二,鈴木 正昭","格子ボルツマン法を用いた蒸発現象の解析 ―分子モデルの検討―",,"化学工学会第66年会予稿集",,,,,2001, "山本 挙,松林 健二,鈴木 正昭","プラズマプロセスで発生する微粒子の特性 ―粒子成長の数値解析とその統計量―",,"日本原子力学会2001年春の年会予稿集",,,,"pp. 657",2001, "M. Suzuki","Application of Microwave Plasma to Vitrification and Decontamination Processes",,"2001 Intl. Workshop on Plasma Processing for Nuclear Applications",,,"No. 1","pp. 86",2001, "鈴木正昭,山本挙","原子力におけるプラズマプロセスの利用?エアロゾル生成と安全性評価?",,"第18回エアロゾル科学・技術研究討論会予稿集",,,,"pp. 75",2001, "鈴木正昭","21世紀の安心できる科学技術社会を目指して",,"ケミカル・エンジニヤリング",,"Vol. 46","No. 1","pp. 21",2001, "大杉武史,クスモ・ストウォ,鈴木正昭","酸素プラズマによる塩化物廃棄物の直接ガラス固化?塩素除去と酸素プラズマの影響?",,"日本原子力学会2001年秋の大会予稿集",,,,"pp. 781",2001, "森伸介,赤塚洋,鈴木正昭","CO/Arグロー放電プラズマによる炭素および酸素の同位体分離",,"日本原子力学会2001年秋の大会予稿集",,,,"pp. 726",2001, "森伸介,赤塚洋,鈴木正昭","CO/Arグロー放電プラズマによる炭素同位体分離の数値解析",,"日本原子力学会2001年春の年会予稿集",,,,"pp. 684",2001, "山本 挙,鈴木 正昭","プラズマプロセスで発生する微粒子の特性 ―発生量の推算―",,"日本原子力学会2001年秋の年会",,,,"pp. 782",2001, "S. Mori,H. Akatsuka,M. Suzuki","Carbon and Oxygen isotope Separation by Plasma Chemical Reactions in Carbon Monoxide Glow Discharge",,"J. Nucl Sci. Tech.",,"Vol. 38","No. 10","pp. 850-858",2001, "森 伸介,赤塚 洋,鈴木 正昭","CO/Arグロー放電プラズマによる炭素同位体分離",,"日本原子力学会 2000年秋の大会 予稿集",,,,"pp. I9",2000,Sept. "森 伸介,赤塚 洋,鈴木 正昭","COグロー放電プラズマによる炭素同位体分離における添加ガスの影響",,"日本原子力学会 2000年春の年会 要旨集",,,,"pp. D8",2000,Mar. "後藤孝宣,鈴木正昭","オペレータスプリッティング法を用いた熱伝導解析",,"BEMテクノロジー論文集",,"Vol. 10",,"pp. 11-16",2000, "K. Kano,M. Suzuki,H. Akatsuka","Spectroscopic Measurement of Electron Tempearture and Density in Argon Plasmas Based on Collisional Radiative Model",,"Plasma Sources Sci. Technol.",,"Vol. 9",,"pp. 314-322",2000, "旦代智哉,寺師孝昭,狩野勝弘,鈴木正昭,赤塚洋","マイクロ波放電大気圧酸素プラズマの受動・能動分光診断",,"分光研究",,"Vol. 49","No. 2","pp. 72-82",2000, "赤塚洋,佐藤史紀,鈴木正昭","放電励起酸素ヨウ素レーザーのための酸素プラズマパラメータについて",,"レーザー研究",,"Vol. 28","No. 7","pp. 428-434",2000, "H. Windardo,T. Matsumoto,H. Akatsuka,M. Suzuki","Decontamination Process Using CF4-O2Microwave Discharge Plasma Atmospheric Pressure",,"J. Nucl. Sci. Tech.",,"Vol. 37","No. 9","pp. 787-792",2000, "H. Akatsuka,A. N. Ezoubtchenko,M. Suzuki","A Numerical Study on Neon Isotope Separation in a Discharge through a Narrow Capillary",," J. Phys. D",,"Vol. 33",,"pp. 948-959",2000, "H. Windardo,T. Matsumoto,H. Akatsuka,M. Suzuki","Removal of oxide film Prepared under BWR Condition by Using Atmospheric CF4/O2 Plasma Decontamination Process",,"J. Nucl. Sci. Tech.",,"Vol. 37","No. 10","pp. 913-918",2000, "Masaaki Suzuki,Shinsuke Mori,Noritaka Matsumoto,Hiroshi Akatsuka","Effect of nonequilibrium degree on separation factor in carbon isotope separation by CO2 microwave discharge",,"Proceedings of 4th All-Russian International Scientific Conference on Physical Chemical Processes at Selection of Atoms and Molecules",,,,"pp. 205-213",1999,Oct. "森 伸介,松本 典孝,赤塚 洋,鈴木 正昭","CO直流グロー放電による炭素の同位体分離",,"日本原子力学会 1999年秋の大会 予稿集",,,,"pp. J22",1999,Sept. "森 伸介,松本 典孝,赤塚 洋,鈴木 正昭","マイクロ波放電炭素同位体分離における放電部直後の分離係数",,"日本原子力学会 1999年春の年会 要旨集",,,,"pp. L34",1999,Mar. "後藤孝宣,鈴木正昭","オペレータスプリッティング法の3次元熱伝導解析への応用",,"境界要素法論文集、16, 37-40 (1999)",,"Vol. 16",,"pp. 37-40",1999, "H. Akatsuka,N. Ohtsuki,A. N. Ezoubtchenko,M. Suzuki","An Experimental Study of Noble Gas Isotope Separation by Arc Discharge",,"Contrib. Plasma Phys., 39[6], 557-570 (1999)",,"Vol. 39","No. 6","pp. 557-570",1999, "森 伸介,永岡 千明,A.N. エズブチェンコ,赤塚 洋,鈴木 正昭","炭素のマイクロ波放電同位体分離に及ぼすクエンチングの効果",,"日本原子力学会 1998年秋の大会 予稿集",,,,"pp. J10",1998,Sept. "M. Ohta,M. Suzuki","Numerical Analysis of a Dispersed DropBehavior in Pulsed Sieve-Plate Extraction Column",,"Intl. Comm. Heat Mass Transfer",,"Vol. 25","No. 4","pp. 521-530",1998, "M. Ohta,M. Suzuki","Numerical Analysis of Mass Transfer in a Drop Formation Process under Pressure Pulse Conditions",,"Solvent Extraction Res. Dev. , Japan",,"Vol. 5",,"pp. 165-144",1998, "A. N. Ezoubtchenko,H. Akatsuka,M. Suzuki","Measurements of Plasma Parameters in the DC Discharge for Isotope Separation",,"Plasma Sources Sci. Technol.",,"Vol. 7",,"pp. 136-140",1998, "M. Ohta,M. Suzuki","Numerical Analysis of Mass Transfer from a Free Motion Drop with Various Shapes in a Solvent Extraction Process",,"Solvent Extraction Res. Dev. , Japan",,"Vol. 4",,"pp. 107-116",1997, "T. Goto,M. Suzuki","A Boundary Integral Equation Method for Analysis of Natural Convection, (共著)",,"Intl. Comm. Heat Mass Transfer",,"Vol. 24",,"pp. 3",1997, "T. Goto,M. Suzuki","A Contractor Iteration Method of Solving Nonlinear Simultaneous Equations",,"Analysis with Boundary Elements",,"Vol. 18","No. 3","pp. 239-244",1997, "A. N. Ezoubtchenko,H. Akatsuka,M. Suzuki","Isotope Separation Methods for SCNES",,"Progress in Nuclear Energy",,"Vol. 32","No. 3-4","pp. 729-735",1997, "M.Suzuki, M,Komatsubara,H. Akatsuka","Conversion of Chloride Waste into Oxide by Mycrowave Heated Oxygen Plasma",,"J. Nucl. Sci. Technol.",,"Vol. 34","No. 12","pp. 1159-1170",1997, "M. Ohta,M. Suzuki","Numerical Analysis of Mass Transfer from a Free Motion Dropwith Various Shaped Drops in a Solvent Extraction Process",,"Solvent Extraction Res. Dev. , Japan",,"Vol. 4",,"pp. 107-116",1997, "T. Goto,M. Suzuki","A Boundary Integral Equation Method for Nonlinear Heat Conduction Problems with Temperature-Dependent Material Properties",,"Int.J.Heat and Mass Transfer,",,"Vol. 39","No. [4]","pp. 823-830",1996, "MASAAKI SUZUKI","Characterstics of Microwave Heated Oxygen Plasma and its Application to oxygenation of Metal Chloride Waste(共著)",,"Proc. of The 3rd Asia-Pacific Conference on Plasma Science & Technology",,"Vol. 2",,"pp. 417-422",1996, "MASAAKI SUZUKI","Numerical Analysis of Behaviour of Hydrogen Added into Free Burning Arc, (共著)",,"Plasma Chemistry and Plasma Processing",,"Vol. 16","No. 3","pp. 399-415",1996, "MASAAKI SUZUKI","Numerical Analysis of Mass Transfer from a Free Motion Drop in a Solvent Extraction Process, (共著)",,"Solvent Extraction Res. Dev. , Japan",,"Vol. 3",,"pp. 138-149",1996, "MASAAKI SUZUKI","Analysis of Transient Heat Concuction with Phase Change by a Boundary Integral Equation Method,(共著)",,"Nucl.Eng.Des.,",,"Vol. 162",,"pp. 317-324",1996, "MASAAKI SUZUKI","Numerical Analysis of Mass Transfer from a Free Motion Drop in a Solvent Extraction Process,(共著)",,"Solvent Extraction Res.Dev.,Japan,",,"Vol. 3",,"pp. 138-149",1996, "MASAAKI SUZUKI","Experimental Study on Neon Isotope Separation by DC Arc Discharge,(共著)",,"J.Nucl.Sci.Tech.,",,"Vol. 33","No. [5]","pp. 414",1996, "MASAAKI SUZUKI","Hydrogen Effects in Interaction between Thermal Ar-H Plasma and Metal,(共著)",,"Proc.Symp.Plasma Chem.,",,"Vol. 12",,"pp. 1521-1526",1995, "MASAAKI SUZUKI","Science Feasibilityof Incineration in SCNES,(共著)",,"Progress in Nuclear Energy,29,Supplement,",,,,"pp. 477",1995, "M. Ohta,M. Yamamoto,M.SuzukiM.","Numerical Analysis of A Single Drop Formation Process under Pressure Pulse Condition,(共著)",,"Chemical Engimeering Science,",,"Vol. 50","No. [18]","pp. 2923-2931",1995, "MASAAKI SUZUKI","An Experimental Study of Stationary Population Inversion in A Cold Recombining Expanding Helium Plasma Jet(共著)",,"Plasma Source Sci. Technol.",,"Vol. 4",,"pp. 125",1995, "MASAAKI SUZUKI","Numerical Solution of Heat Conduction Problems with Solidification and Melting by Boundary Integral Equation Method(共著)",,"BEM Tech. Conf.",,"Vol. 5",,"pp. 1-6",1995, "MASAAKI SUZUKI","Numerical Implimentation of a Contrator Iteration Method for Solving Nonlinear Simultaneous Equations",,"境界要素法論文集(和文)",,"Vol. 12",,"pp. 33-38",1995, "H. Akatsuka,T. Ohsaki,T. Obara,M. Igashira,M. Suzuki,Y. Fujii-e","Scientific Feasibility of Incineration in SCNES",,"Progress in Nuclear Energy",,"Vol. 29",,"pp. 477-484",1995, "MASAAKI SUZUKI","Numerical Solution for a Comparison Problem on Natural Convection by Boundary Integral Equation Method(共著)",,"Theory and Application of Boundary Element Method, Proc. of the Sixth China-Japan Symposium on Boundary Element Methods,",,,,"pp. 129-136",1994, "標宣男,鈴木正昭,石黒美佐子,寺坂晴夫","数値流体力学",,"朝倉書店","朝倉書店",,,,1994, "MASAAKI SUZUKI","Boundary Integral Equation Method for Numerical Solution of Natural Convection Problem(共著)",,"境界要素法論文集",,"Vol. 11",,"pp. 189-194",1994, "MASAAKI SUZUKI","Numerical Study on Population Inversion and Lasing Conditions in an Optically Thick Recombining Helium Plasma(共著)",,"Contrib. Plasma Phys.",,"Vol. 34","No. 4","pp. 539-561",1994, "MASAAKI SUZUKI","Spectroscopy of Magnetically Trapped Expanding Plasma Jet(共著)",,"プラズマ核融合学会誌",,"Vol. 70","No. 11","pp. 1196-1210",1994, "MASAAKI SUZUKI","(Hydrogen Effects in Thermal Plasma Metal Processing. )(共著)",,"(Proc. of Symp. on Plasma Science & for Materials)",,"Vol. 6",,"pp. 225-230",1993, "MASAAKI SUZUKI","Numerical Study of Combined Natural and Marangoni Convection by Boundary Integral Equation Method",,"10th Symposium on BEM's",,,"No. 10","pp. 59-64",1993, "MASAAKI SUZUKI","(Numerical Study of Shallow Cavity Convective Flows by Boundary Element Method, )(共著)",,"(Proc. of the 1st Pan-Pacific Conf. on Comp. Eng. )",,,,"pp. 125-130",1993, "MASAAKI SUZUKI","(Experiment of Mecrowave Oxygen Plasma Generator and Its Application to Al┣D22┫D2O┣D23┫D2 Preparation)(共著)",,"(Proc. of Symp. on Plasma Science & for Materials)",,,"No. 6","pp. 169-176",1993, "MASAAKI SUZUKI","(Preparation of Carbon Clusters by Arc Heated Expanding Plasma Jet)(共著)",,"(Plasma Sources Science & Technology)",,"Vol. 2","No. 1","pp. 46-50",1993, "MASAAKI SUZUKI","(Stationary Population Inversion of Hyodrogen in an Arc-Heated Magnetically Trapped Expanding Hydrogen-Helium Plasma Jet)(共著)",,"Physical Review E",,"Vol. 49","No. 2","pp. 1534-1544",1993, "MASAAKI SUZUKI","(Arc-Heated Magnetically-Trapped Expanding Plasma Jet Generator)(共著)",,"Rev. Sci. Instrum.",,"Vol. 64","No. 7","pp. 1734-1739",1993, "MASAAKI SUZUKI","Preparation of Carbon Clusters by Arc Heated Expanding Plasma Jet",,"Proceedings of Jpn. Symp. Plasma Chemistry",,,,"pp. 5",1992, "MASAAKI SUZUKI","Separation of Metal Composition by Reactive Thermal Plasma",,"Proceedings of Intl. Symp. Plasma Chemistry",,"Vol. 10",,"pp. 1",1991, "MASAAKI SUZUKI","Characteristics of Magnetically Trapped Expanding Plasma Jet",,"Journal of Chemical Engineering Japan",,"Vol. 16",,"pp. 3",1990, "MASAAKI SUZUKI","Cooling and Separation Phenomena in Magnetically Trapped Expanding Plasma Jet",,"Proceedings of Jpn. Symp Plasma Chemistry",,,,"pp. 2",1989, "M. Ohta,M. Akiyoshi,E. Obata,M. Suzuki"," Numerical Analysis of Mass Transfer in a Drop Formation Process under Pressure Pulse Conditions, Solvent Extraction",,"Solvent Extraction Res. Dev., Japan",,"Vol. 5",,"pp. 135-144",1988, "MASAAKI SUZUKI","Experimental Investigation on Interaction between Plasma and Neutral gas in Parallel Magnetic Field.",,"Proceedings of Intl. Symp on Plasma Chemistry",,"Vol. 7",,"pp. 2",1985, "MASAAKI SUZUKI","Characteristics of Gas-Stabilized Free-Burning Arc Reactor",,"Journal of Chemical Engineering Japan",,"Vol. 11",,"pp. 4",1985, "MASAAKI SUZUKI","Application Feasibility of Gas-Stabilized Free-Burning Arc Reactor",,"Journal of Chemical Engineering Japan",,"Vol. 17",,"pp. 4",1984, "MASAAKI SUZUKI","Synthesis of β-WC┣D21-x┫D2 in an Atmospheric-Pressure Thermal Plasma Jet Reactor",,"Plasma Chemistry and Plasma Processing",,"Vol. 3",,"pp. 1",1983, "MASAAKI SUZUKI","Measurement of Flow behind Stationary Cylinder Placed in Rotating Gas",,"J. Nucl. Sci. Technol",,"Vol. 17",,"pp. 5",1980, "M. Suzuki,A. Kanzawa","Boundary-Layer Charged-Particle Density Profiles in an Atmospheric Pressure Plasma",,"AIAA Journal",,"Vol. 17",,"pp. 5",1979, "鈴木正昭","熱プラズマ流における再結合現象に関する研究",,,,,,,1978,Feb. "鈴木正昭","熱プラズマ流における再結合現象に関する研究",,,,,,,1975,