"長谷岳誠,黄慶九,小野京右","2足歩行ロボットの最適軌道計画解(第4報,円弧足付きモデルの歩行性能解析)",,"日本機械学会論文集,C編","日本機械学会","Vol. 75","No. 758","pp. 2709-2718",2009,Oct. "長谷岳誠,黄慶九,小野京右","2足歩行ロボットの最適軌道計画解(第5報,足首関節トルク付与による歩行性能の向上)",,"日本機械学会論文集,C編","日本機械学会","Vol. 75","No. 758","pp. 2719-2728",2009,Oct. "Qingjiu Huang,Takamasa Hase,KYOSUKE ONO","Passive/Active Unified Dynamic Walking for Biped Locomotion","2007 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics","Proceedings of the 2007 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics","IEEE on Robotics and Automation",,,"pp. 964-971",2007,Dec. "Qingjiu Huang,KYOSUKE ONO","Humanoid Robots - New Developments (As invited author) (分担)",,,"Advanced Robotic Systems International and I-Tech.","Vol. 19",,"pp. 321-342",2007,Apr. "長谷岳誠,黄慶九,小野京右","2足歩行ロボットの最適軌道計画解(第3報,不等式拘束条件の適用・実験による検証)",,"日本機械学会論文集, C編",,"Vol. 72","No. 721","pp. 2845-2852",2006,Sept. "Kyosuke Ono,Satoshi Ohara","Experimental Study of Elastic, Damping and Adhesion forces in Collision of a Spherical Slider with a Stationary Magnetic Disk",,"ASME/STLE International Joint Tribology Conference",,"Vol. CD-ROM",,,2004, "村下征賜,小野京右,山浦弘","真円流体軸受ディスクスピンドルの実験的検証",,"日本機械学会情報・知能・精密機器部門講演会講演論文集",,,,"pp. 96-101",2004, "Yunosuke Kaneko,Kyosuke Ono,Hiroshi Yamaura","Study of Self-Excited Walking of a Biped Mechanism with Bending Knees",,"Proc. of the 7th International Conference on Motion and Vibration Control",,,,"pp. 62",2004, "御手洗 毅,小野 京右","ラート体操機構の基本運動特性の解析",,"Dynamics and Design Conference 2004 講演論文集",,"Vol. CD-ROM",,"pp. 428",2004, "金子悠之介,小野京右,山浦弘","自励駆動2足歩行機構における曲がり膝歩行の研究",,"Dynamics & Design Conference 2004",,"Vol. CD-ROM",,"pp. 429",2004, "Kyosuke Ono,Hirotaka Shinada","Study of a Head Suspension with Dynamic Absorber",,"Proceedings of ASME Information Storage and Processing Systems Conference 2004, Flow Induced Vibration ?",,,,,2004, "Kyosuke Ono,Seiji Murashita,Hiroshi Yamaura,Shinya Tokunaga","Experimental Study of a New Disk-Spindle Supported by a Plain Journal Bearing and Pivot Bearing",,"Proceedings of ASME Information Storage and Processing Systems Conference, Spindle Motor Dynamics I",,,,,2004, "T. Mitarai,K. Ono,Y. Gin","Simulation Study of Rising Motion of a Spinning Ellipsoid",,"Proceedings of the 2nd Asian Conference on Multibody Dynamics",,,,"pp. 100100",2004, "C.Y. Peng,K. Ono","Accuracy Analysis of Optimal Trajectory Planning Methods Based on Function Approximation for a Four-DOF Biped Walking Model",,"Proceedings of the 2nd Asian Conference on Multibody Dynamics",,,,"pp. 100100",2004, "Tsuyoshi Mitarai,Kyosuke Ono","Simulation Study of Rhoenrad Mechanism",,"Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Motion and Vibration Control",,,,"pp. 54",2004, "椿 貴弘,中島 求,小野 京右","イルカロボットの水中三次元運動(ロール・ピッチ組み合わせ運動)",,"日本機械学会第16回バイオエンジニアリング講演会講演論文集",,"Vol. 3","No. 38","pp. 317-318",2004, "Motomu Nakashima,Yoshitaka Takahashi,Kyosuke Ono","Three-Dimensinoal Maneuverability of the Dolphin Robot",,"Bio-mechanisms of Swimming anf Flying,(Eds. Naomi Kato, Joseph Ayers, and Hirohisa Morikawa), Springer Verlag Tokyo","Bio-mechanisms of Swimming anf Flying,(Eds. Naomi Kato, Joseph Ayers, and Hirohisa Morikawa), Springer Verlag Tokyo",,,"pp. 79-92",2004, "山根 正巳,小野 京右,山浦 弘","ニアコンタクト領域で生じる浮動ヘッドスライダの自励振動解析",,"日本機械学会2004年次大会講演論文集",,"Vol. 5","No. 4-1","pp. 361-362",2004, "Kyosuke Ono,Takashi Furuichi,Ryutaro Takahashi","Self-Excited Walking of a Biped Mechanism with Feet",,"The International Journal of Robotics Research",,"Vol. 23","No. 1","pp. 55?68",2004, "服部邦夫,山浦弘,小野京右","浮遊ロボットの姿勢制御(トルク入力の導出と時変ゲインによる最大トルクの低減)",,"日本機械学会論文集(C編)",,"Vol. 70","No. 691","pp. 174?181",2004, "御手洗毅,小野京右","ラート体操機構の基本運動特性の解析",,"日本機会学会論文集(C編)",,"Vol. 70","No. 698","pp. 127?134",2004, "大原 聡,小野 京右","球スライダ・磁気ディスク衝突時の接触剛性と減衰の同定",,"日本機械学会、情報・知能・精密機器部門講演会講演論文集",,"Vol. 4","No. 7","pp. 42-47",2004, "山根 正巳,小野 京右","バルク変形・粗さ接触・潤滑剤の吸着力を考慮した2面間の接触特性",,"日本機械学会、情報・知能・精密機器部門講演会講演論文集",,"Vol. 4","No. 7","pp. 36-41",2004, "金子悠之介,小野京右,山浦弘","励駆動2足歩行機構における曲がり膝歩行の研究",,"Robotics Symposia 2004 予稿集",,,,"pp. 204-209",2004, "品田博隆,小野京右,山浦弘","ヘッドサスペンションの制振機構の研究",,"日本機械学会2004年次大会講演論文集",,"Vol. 5","No. 4-1","pp. 335-336",2004, "山根正巳,小野京右,山浦弘","ニアコンタクト領域の粗さ接触/潤滑剤の吸着力を考慮した浮上ヘッドスライダの2自由度接触振動解析",,"日本機械学会論文集(C編)",,"Vol. 69","No. 686","pp. 114?121",2003, "Ming FENG,Kyosuke ONO,Kenji MIMURA","Stress Analysis of a New Disk-Type Variable Torque Slipping Clutch with Skewed Rollers",,"JSME International Journal Mechanical Systems,Machine Elements and Manufacturing",,"Vol. 46","No. 4","pp. 1509?1522",2003, "Chunye PENG,Kyosuke ONO","Numerical Analysis of Energy-Efficient Walking Gait with Flexed Knee for a Four-DOF Planar Biped Model",,"JSME International Journal Mechanical Systems,Machine Elements and Manufacturing",,"Vol. 46","No. 4","pp. 1346?1355",2003, "Satoshi OHARA,Kyosuke ONO","IDENTIFICATION OF STIFFNESS AND DAMPING IN COLLISION OF A SPHERICAL SLIDER WITH A MAGNETIC DISK",,"Proceedings of 2003 STLE/ASME Joint International Tribology Conference",,,,,2003, "T.Hwang,K.Ono","Analysis and design of hydrodynamic journal air bearings for high performance HDD spindle",,"Microsystem Technologies",,"Vol. 9",,"pp. 386?394",2003, "Masami YAMANE,Kyosuke ONO,Hiroshi YAMAURA","2-DOF ANALYSIS OF FRICTION-INDUCED SLIDER VIBRATIONS IN A NEAR-CONTACT REGIME",,"Proceedings of 2003 STLE/ASME Joint International Tribology Conference",,,,,2003, "中島 求,岡野 真也,小野 京右","2関節イルカ形水中推進機構の推進特性の検討(実験とパネル法の比較)",,"日本機械学会2003年度年次大会講演論文集",,"Vol. ?","No. 3-1","pp. 69-70",2003, "Motomu Nakashima,Yoshitaka Takahashi,Kyosuke Ono,Takahiro Tsubaki","Three-Dimensional Maneuverability of a Dolphin Robot",,"Proceedings of the Second International Symposium on Aqua Bio-Mechanisms",,"Vol. CD-ROM","No. 6-10",,2003, "Motomu Nakashima,Norifumi Ohgishi,Kyosuke Ono","A Study on the Propulsive Mechasnism of a Double Jointed Fish Robot Utilizing Self-Excitation Control",,"JSME International Journal, Series C",,"Vol. 6","No. 3","pp. 982-990",2003, "Seiji MURASHITA,Kyosuke ONO,Hiroshi YAMAURA","Stability Analysis of Disk Spindle Supported by a Full Cylindrical Journal Bearing and Pivot Bearing",,"IIP/ISPS Joint MIPE'03",,"Vol. 1",,"pp. 197?198",2003, "Kyosuke Ono,X.Yao ","Simulation Study of self-excited walking of a biped mechanism with bent knee",,"AMAM2003",,"Vol. CD-ROM",,,2003, "Chunye Peng,Kyosuke Ono","Minimum Input Walking Gait of Four-DOF Biped Model Solved by Optimal Trajectory Planning Method",,"AMAM2003",,"Vol. CD-ROM",,,2003, "大原聡,小野京右","ヘッド・ディスク間接触剛性および接触減衰の同定に関する研究",,"日本機械学会2003年度年次大会講演論文集",,"Vol. ?",,,2003, "山根正巳,小野京右,山浦弘","粗さ接触/潤滑剤の吸着力を考慮した2自由度スライダ接触振動解析",,"日本機械学会2003年度年次大会講演論文集",,"Vol. ?",,,2003, "勝又理恵,小野京右,山浦弘","義足に関する解析的研究",,"日本機械学会D&D2003論文集",,"Vol. CD-ROM",,,2003, "Huichen Zhang,Kyosuke Ono","Molecular Dynamics study of dynamic contact and saparation between tip and disk surface",,"Tribology International",,"Vol. 36",,"pp. 361?365",2003, "金子悠之介,小野京右,山浦弘","自励駆動2足歩行機構における曲がり膝歩行の研究",,"日本機械学会D&D2003論文集",,"Vol. CD-ROM",,,2003, "小野京右,姚暁峰","自励駆動2足歩行のシュミレーション研究",,"ロボット学会",,"Vol. CD-ROM",,,2003, "御手洗毅,小野京右","ラート体操機構の研究",,"日本機会学会論文集(C編)",,"Vol. 69","No. 680","pp. 837?843",2003, "Kohei Iida,Kyosuke Ono","Design Consideration of Contact/Near-Contact Sliders Based on a Rough Surface Contact Model",,"Transactions of ASME Journal of Tribology",,"Vol. 125","No. 3","pp. 562?570",2003, "Masami YAMANE,Kyosuke ONO,Kohei IIDA","Analysis of Tracking Characteristics and Optimum Design of Tri-Pad slider to Micro-Waviness",,"Transactions of the ASME Journal of Tribology",,"Vol. 125","No. 1","pp. 152?161",2003, "Ming Feng,Kyosuke Ono,Kenji Mimura","The FEM Analysis of Dry Contact in the Variable Torque Slipping Clutch With Skewed Rollers by Using Weighted Simplex and BFGS Methods",,"Transactions of the ASME Journal of Mechanical Design",,"Vol. 125",,"pp. 186?199",2003, "小野京右,山根正巳,飯田浩平","ヘッドスライダのディスク表面うねりに対する追従特性と最適設計指針",,"日本機械学会論文集(C編)",,"Vol. 68","No. 670","pp. 1805?1813",2002, "Kohei IIDA,Kyosuke ONO,Masami YAMANE","Dynamic Characteristics and Design Consideration of a Tripad Slider in the Near-Contact Regime",,"ASME, Journal of Tribology",,"Vol. 124","No. 3","pp. 600?606",2002, "小野京右","柔軟媒体搬送技術と学理に関する研究会成果報告書 第二巻 学理研究成果",,"精密工学会 産学協議会協同研究会","精密工学会 産学協議会協同研究会",,,,2002, "小野京右","柔軟媒体搬送技術と学理に関する研究会成果報告書 第一巻 分科会活動",,"精密工学会 産学協議会協同研究会","精密工学会 産学協議会協同研究会",,,,2002, "是永 敦,佐々木信也,小野京右","液晶ジャーナル軸受の圧力特性",,"トライボロジー会議予稿集",,,,"pp. 161?162",2002, "是永 敦,佐々木信也,小野京右","液晶ジャーナル軸受の圧力分布",,"日本機械学会 2002年度年次大会講演論文集",,"Vol. ?",,"pp. 147?148",2002, "小野京右,村下征賜","流体軸受・ディスク回転体系の安定性解析",,"日本機械学会 2002年度年次大会講演論文集",,"Vol. ?",,"pp. 251?252",2002, "御手洗 毅,小野京右","ラート体操機構の研究",,"日本機械学会 機械力学・計測制御部門D&D講演会",,"Vol. CD-ROM",,"pp. 227",2002, "小野京右","ハードディスクにおけるコンタクトスライダの可能性",,"トライボロジスト",,"Vol. 47","No. 3","pp. 157?163",2002, "Junji UTE,Kyosuke ONO","Fast and Efficient Locomotion of a Snake Robot Based on self-Excitation Principle",,"Proceedings of 7th International Workshop on Advanced Motion Control",,,,"pp. 532?539",2002, "Kyosuke Ono,Rongqiang Liu","Optimal Biped Walking Locomotion Solved by Trajectory Planning Method",,"Transactions of the ASME",,"Vol. 124",,"pp. 554?565",2002, "Kyosuke ONO,Takashi FURUICHI,Xiaofeng YAO","Multi-Body Simulation of Self-Excited Biped Mechanism with Feet",,"Proceedings of The First Asian Conference on Multibody Dynamics (ACMD'2)",,,,"pp. 259?265",2002, "飯田浩平,小野京右","粗さ接触を考慮したコンタクト/ニアコンタクトスライダの設計指針",,"日本機械学会論文集(C編)",,"Vol. 68","No. 669","pp. 1518?1525",2002, "Norifumi OHGISHI,Kyosuke ONO,Motomu NAKASHIMA","A Study on the Propulsive Mechanism of a Double Jointed Fish Robot Utilizing Self-Excitation Control ",,"Proceedings of The Sixth International Conference on Motion and Vibration Control",,"Vol. 1",,"pp. 127?134",2002, "Kyosuke ONO,Xiaofeng YAO,Jianfu HOU","Simulation Study on Fast Biped Walking Based on Self-Excitation ",,"Proceedings of SICE Annual Conference 2002",,,,"pp. 2649?2654",2002, "小野京右","柔軟媒体搬送技術と学理に関する研究",,"日本機械学会 2002年度年次大会講演資料集",,"Vol. ?",,"pp. 44?45",2002, "小野京右","マスストレージのヘッド・媒体位置決め技術",,"計測と制御",,"Vol. 41","No. 6","pp. 381?386",2002, "Tsuyoshi MITARAI,Kyosuke ONO","Simulation study of Rhonrad mechanism",,"The Book of the 4th International Conference on the Engineering of Sport",,,,"pp. 82?84",2002, "小野京右,右手潤二,中島 求","自励駆動ヘビ形推進機構に関する研究",,"日本機械学会論文集(C編)",,"Vol. 68","No. 668","pp. 1096?1103",2002, "小野京右,Sukit DEEYIENGYANG","スクィーズ空気軸受減衰によるディスクスピンドルの共振振幅の抑圧",,"日本機械学会論文集(C編)",,"Vol. 67","No. 660","pp. 2491?2497",2001, "Kyosuke ONO,Ryutaro TAKAHASHI,Toru SHIMADA","Self-Excited Walking of a Biped Mechanism",,"The International Journal of Robotics Research",,"Vol. 20","No. 12","pp. 953?966",2001, "小野京右","高回転精度の必要性と現状・展望",,"精密工学会誌",,"Vol. 67","No. 7","pp. 1051?1054",2001, "飯田浩平,高橋 幹,小野京右","コンタクトスライダの一自由度モデルによる接触追従性と耐久性設計条件",,"日本機械学会論文集",,"Vol. 67","No. 654","pp. 451?459",2001, "御手洗 毅,小野京右","ラート体操機構の研究",,"ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会’01講演論文集 (CD-ROM:1A1-F5)",,,,,2001, "高橋隆太郎,小野京右","2足歩行機構の自励駆動(足付き型の歩行特性と実験的研究)",,"ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会’01講演論文集 (CD-ROM:2A1-E6)",,,,,2001, "小野京右,飯田浩平","コンタクト記録の可能性",,"日本トライボロジー学会トライボロジー会議予稿集",,,,"pp. 19?20",2001, "Ming FENG,Kyosuke ONO,Kenji MIMURA","Studies on Contact Geometry and Limiting Resistant Torque Characteristics of the Variable Torque Slipping Clutch with Skewed Rollers",,"JSME International Journal (C)",,"Vol. 44","No. 3","pp. 763?774",2001, "Ming FENG,Kyosuke ONO,Kenji MIMURA","Fundamental Characteristics of a New Variable Torque Clutch With Skewed Rollers",,"Transactions of the ASME Journal of Mechanical Design",,"Vol. 123",,"pp. 436?446",2001, "Sukit DEEYIENGYANG,Kyosuke ONO","Analysis of Ball-Bearing Vibrations of Hard Disk Spindles",,"Journal of Information Storage and Processing Systems",,"Vol. 3",,"pp. 89?99",2001, "Sukit DEEYIENGYANG,Kyosuke ONO","Suppression of Resonance Amplitude of Disk Vibrations by Squeeze Air Bearing Plate",,"IEEE Transactions on Magnetics",,"Vol. 37","No. 2","pp. 820?825",2001, "Kohei IIDA,Kyosuke ONO","Analysis of Bouncing Vibrations of a 2-DOF Model of Tripad Contact Slider Over a Random Wavy Disk Surface",,"ASME, Journal of Tribology",,"Vol. 123","No. 1","pp. 159?167",2001, "小野京右,劉 栄強","2足歩行ロボットの最適軌道計画解(第1報,最適軌道解析法と全関節駆動系の最適解)",,"日本機械学会論文集(C編)",,"Vol. 67","No. 660","pp. 2601?2608",2001, "村富洋一,小野京右","有限要素法による磁気ヘッドスライダの時間応答解析",,"日本機械学会論文集(C編)",,"Vol. 67","No. 658","pp. 1874?1881",2001, "小野京右","機械振動・衝撃用語",,"日本工業規格 JIS BO153-2000",,,,"pp. 1-43",2000, "山本幸治,小野京右,今津篤志","二自由度リンク機構における大車輪運動の制御",,"日本機械学会論文集(C編)",,"Vol. 66","No. 651","pp. 3591-3599",2000, "野口昭治,小野京右","磁気ディスクスピンドルモータ用玉軸受の回転非同期振れの低減(第3報,回転非同期振れに及ぼす潤滑の影響)",,"日本機械学会論文集(C編)",,"Vol. 66","No. 642","pp. 648-653",2000, "今津篤志,山本幸治,小野京右","二自由度リンク機構における自由大車輪運動の解析",,"日本機械学会論文集(C編)",,"Vol. 66","No. 644","pp. 1102-1109",2000, "Sukit Deeyiengyang,小野京右","転がり軸受によって生じるハードディスクスピンドルの振動解析",,"日本機械学会論文集(C編)",,"Vol. 66","No. 648","pp. 2502-2509",2000, "前田英太郎,小野京右,山浦 弘","スクイーズ空気軸受によるディスクフラッタの制振",,"日本機械学会論文集(C編)",,"Vol. 66","No. 651","pp. 3600-3606",2000, "Changzhi Cui,Kyosuke Ono","Influence of Secondary Factors on Characteristics of Externally Pressurized Porous Annular Thrust Gas Bearings",,"JSME International Journal, Series C",,"Vol. 43","No. 2","pp. 464-471",2000, "Kyosuke Ono,Kohei Iida","Statistical Analysis of Perfect Contact and Wear Durability Conditions of a Single-Degree-of-Freedom Contact Slider",,"ASME, Journal of Tribology",,"Vol. 122","No. 1","pp. 238-245",2000, "Kyosuke Ono,Eitaro Maeda","Suppression of Disk Flutter by a Squeeze Air-Bearing Plate",,"Journal of Information Storage and Processing Systems",,"Vol. 2","No. 1/2","pp. 33-40",2000, "小野京右","制御性を考慮した機構設計",,"情報システム制御学会 システム/制御/情報",,"Vol. 44","No. 11","pp. 632-639",2000, "小野京右","磁気ディスクスピンドル技術の動向",,"月間トライボロジ",,"Vol. 14","No. 7","pp. 36-39",2000, "Sukit Deeyiengyang,Kyosuke Ono","Suppression of Resonance Amplitude of Disk Vibrations by Squeeze Air Bearing Plate",,"Digest of APMRC2000",,"Vol. Cat NO:00EX395",,"pp. MB1-01-02",2000, "Feng Ming,Kyosuke Ono,Kenji Mimura,Tadashi Kojima","The Self-Lock Condition of a New Adjustable Torque Clutch with Skewed Rollers",,"Proceedings of Spring Annual Meeting of JAST",,,,"pp. 319-320",2000, "Rongqiang Liu,Kyosuke Ono","Energy Optimal Trajectory Planning of Biped Walking Motion",,"Proceedings of the International Symposium on Adaptive Motion of Animals and Machines, Montreal, Aug.8-12",,,,"pp. WeA-11-3",2000, "Kyosuke Ono,Ryutaro Takahashi,Toru Shimada,Atsushi Imadu","Self-Excited Walking of a Biped Mechanism",,"Proceedings of the International Symposium on Adaptive Motion of Animals and Machines, Montreal, Aug.8-12",,,,"pp. ThP-1-6",2000, "Kyosuke Ono,Kohei Iida,Kan Takahashi","The Design Conditions of a Contact Slider Based on a Single-DOF Model",,"Proceedings of The Symposium on International Tribology Towards 100 Gbit/in2 and Beyond, ASME",,,,"pp. 19-26",2000, "Ming Feng,Kyosuke Ono,Kenji Mimura","Inherent Properties of a New Adjustable Torque Clutch With Skewed Rollers",,"Synopses of the International Tribology Conference Nagasaki",,,,"pp. ID3-3",2000, "Kyosuke Ono,Ryutaro Takahashi,Toru Shimada,Atsushi Imadu","Self-Excitation Control for Biped Walking Mechanism",,"Proceedings of the 2000 IEEE/RSJ Intelligent Robots and Systems, Takamatsu",,,,"pp. T-AI-8-1, 1143-1148",2000, "Kyosuke Ono,Kouji Yamamoto,Atsushi Imadu","Control of Giant Swing Motion of a Two-Link Underactuated Horizontal Bar Robot",,"Proceedings of the 2000 IEEE/RSJ Intelligent Robots and Systems, Takamatsu",,,,"pp. F-MI-5-3, 1676-1683",2000, "Sukit Deeyiengyang,Kyosuke Ono","Analysis of Vibration of Hard Disk Spindle Caused By Ball Bearing",,"11th Annual Symposium on Information Storage and Processing Systems, Program and Extended Abstracts, ISPS 2000",,,,"pp. 1-2",2000, "大岸範史,中島 求,小野京右","自励駆動2関節イルカ形水中推進機構の研究",,"日本機械学会 Dynamics & Design Conference 2000 講演論文集",,,,"pp. 113",2000, "小野京右,高橋隆太郎,劉 栄強","2足歩行機構の研究",,"日本機械学会 Dynamics & Design Conference 2000 講演論文集",,,,"pp. 253",2000, "Kyosuke Ono","Mechanical Engineering Research in Information Processing Equipment",,"HEDS SST2000 Seminar Keynote Paper, Batam, Indonesia",,,,"pp. 1-15",2000, "今津篤志,山本幸治,小野京右","二自由度リンク機構における大車輪運動の解析",,"日本機械学会論文集(C編)",,"Vol. 66","No. 644","pp. 1102-1109",2000, "崔長植,小野京右","表面目づまりを有する多孔質環状スラスト静圧気体軸受の特性に及ぼす表面すべり速度の影響",,"日本機械学会論文集(C編)",,"Vol. 65","No. 629","pp. 337-344",1999, "小野京右","メカトロニクス時代の機械力学",,"培風館","培風館",,,,1999, "Jiasheng ZHU,Kyosuke ONO","A Comparison Study on the Performance of Four Types of Oil Lubricated Hydrodynamic Thrust Bearings for Hard Disk Spindles",,"ASME Journal of Tribology",,"Vol. 121","No. 1","pp. 114-120",1999, "Kyosuke ONO,Kan TAKAHASHI,Kohei IIDA","Analytical Study on Bouncing Vibrations of a Point Contact slider over Random Surfaces and Design of Contact Recording Slider",,"Proceedings of the First Workshop on Infomation Storage Device",,,,"pp. 6-17",1999, "小野京右","情報・精密機器のマイクロメカトロニクスの課題",,"日本機械学会講習会教材(情報・精密機器のマイクロメカトロニクスの現状と動向)","日本機械学会講習会教材(情報・精密機器のマイクロメカトロニクスの現状と動向)","Vol. 99-56",,"pp. 1-8",1999, "飯田浩平,小野京右","ランダムディスク表面における一自由度コンタクトスライダの設計条件",,"日本機械学会IIP'99情報・知能・精密機器部門講演会講演論文集",,"Vol. 99-13",,"pp. 39-44",1999, "小野京右,DEEYIENGYANG Sukit","転がり軸受によって生じるハードディスクスピンドルの振動解析",,"日本機械学会IIP'99情報・知能・精密機器部門講演会講演論文集",,"Vol. 99-13",,"pp. 34-38",1999, "小野京右,前田英太郎,山浦 弘","スクイーズ軸受板によるフラッタ低減法の研究",,"日本機械学会IIP'99情報・知能・精密機器部門講演会講演論文集",,"Vol. 99-13",,"pp. 29-33",1999, "Kyosuke ONO,Hiroshi TAKEKAWA,Hiroshi YAMAURA","Inphase Design of the Two lowest Natural Modes of Vibrations of Swing-Arm for a High Frequency Band Head Positioner",,"Advances in Information Storage Systems",,"Vol. 10",,"pp. 19-32",1999, "Kyosuke ONO,Jiasheng ZHU,Changzhi CUI","A Comparison Study on the Characteristics of Five Types of Hydrodynamic Oil Bearings for Hard Disk Spindles",,"Advances in Information Storage Systems",,"Vol. 9",,"pp. 33-46",1999, "Kyosuke ONO,Atsushi SUZUKI","Analysis of the Friction-Induced Self-Excited Vibration of a Contact-Recording Head Slider Supported by a Cantilever Beam",,"Journal of Information Storage and Processing Systems",,"Vol. 1",,"pp. 59-65",1999, "Atushi IMADU,Kyosuke ONO","Optimum Trajectory Planning Method for a System that Includes Passive Joints (Proposal of a Function Approximation Method)",,"JSME, International Journal, Series C",,"Vol. 42","No. 2","pp. 309-315",1999, "Kyosuke ONO,Kan TAKAHASHI","Analysis of Bouncing Vibrations of a 2-DOF Tripad Contact Slider Model With Air Bearing Pads Over a Harmonic Wavy Disk Surface",,"ASME Journal of Tribology",,"Vol. 121","No. 4","pp. 939-947",1999, "kyosuke ONO,Kohei IIDA,Kan TAKAHASHI","Effects of Design Parameters on Bouncing Vibrations of a Single-DOF Contact Slider and Necessary Design Conditions for Perfect Contact Sliding",,"ASME Journal of Tribology",,"Vol. 121","No. 3","pp. 596-603",1999, "Kyosuke ONO,Kan TAKAHASHI,Kohei IIDA","Computer Analysis of Bouncing Vibration and Tracking Characteristics of a Point Contact Slider Model Over Random Disk Surfaces",,"ASME Journal of Tribology",,"Vol. 121","No. 3","pp. 587-595",1999, "Takao YOSHIMURA,Kyosuke ONO,Ko INAGAKI,Hideki KOTSUKA,Atsushi KORENAGA","Analysis of Lubricating Characteristics of Rotary Compressors for Domestic Refrigerators",,"ASME Journal of Tribology",,"Vol. 121","No. 3","pp. 510-516",1999, "今津篤志,小野京右,山本幸治","非ホロノミック拘束系の最適軌道計画に関する研究(第2報,大車輪運動の解析と系統的探索手法の提案)",,"日本機械学会論文集(C編)",,"Vol. 65","No. 637","pp. 3583-3591",1999, "高橋 幹,小野京右","3パッド空気膜混成形コンタクトスライダの二自由度スライダと調和うねりディスク面モデルによる跳躍振動解析",,"日本機械学会論文集(C編)",,"Vol. 65","No. 633","pp. 1778-1786",1999, "崔長植,小野京右","多孔質環状スラスト静圧気体軸受の特性に及ぼす二次的要素の影響",,"日本機械学会論文集(C編)",,"Vol. 65","No. 631","pp. 1186-1192",1999, "KYOSUKE ONO","Inphase Design of the Lowest Two Natural Modes of Vibrations of Swing-Arm for High Frequency Band Head Positioner",,"日本機械学会論文集(C編)",,"Vol. 64","No. 620","pp. 1347-1355",1998, "KYOSUKE ONO","Reduction of NRRO in a Ball Bearing for HDD Spindle Motors (1st Report, Theoretical Analysis used by NRRO Culculation Program)",,"日本機械学会論文集(C編)",,"Vol. 64","No. 620","pp. 1398-1403",1998, "KYOSUKE ONO","Optimum Trajectory Planning Method for a System that Includes Passive Joints (1st Report, Proposal of a function approximation method)",,"日本機械学会論文集(C編)",,"Vol. 64","No. 618","pp. 516-522",1998, "KYOSUKE ONO","Theoretical and Experimental Study on Externally Pressurized Porous Annular Thrust Gas Bearing and its Optimal Design",,"ASME, Journal of Tribology",,"Vol. 119","No. 3","pp. 486-492",1997, "KYOSUKE ONO","Bouncing Vibration Complete Tracking Conditions of a Contact Recording Slider Model on a Harmonic Wavy Disk Surface",,"ASME, Journal of Tribology",,"Vol. 119","No. 4","pp. 720-725",1997, "KYOSUKE ONO","Analysis of Lubricating Characteristics in Rotary Compressors for Domestic Refrigerators",,"日本機械学会論文集(C編)",,"Vol. 63","No. 615","pp. 4004-4011",1997, "KYOSUKE ONO","Effects of Slider Mass, Contact Stiffness and Contact Damping on Bouncing Vibrations of a Single-DOF Contact Slider Model",,"日本機械学会論文集(C編)",,"Vol. 63","No. 614","pp. 3352-3360",1997, "KYOSUKE ONO","Computer Analysis of Bouncing Vibration and Tracking Characteristics of a Single-Degree-of-Freedom Contact Slider Model over a Random Disk Surface",,"日本機械学会論文集(C編)",,"Vol. 63","No. 612","pp. 2635-2642",1997, "KYOSUKE ONO","Design of a Hydrostatic Air Bearing Spindle with Highest Possible Dynamic Stiffness",,"日本機械学会論文集(C編)",,"Vol. 63","No. 608","pp. 1342-1349",1997, "KYOSUKE ONO","Physical Consideration of Complex Modal Solutions of a Nonproportionally Damped Mechanical System",,"日本機械学会論文集(C編)",,"Vol. 63","No. 608","pp. 1110-1117",1997, "KYOSUKE ONO","Study on Characteristics and Optimal Design Method of Externally Pressurized Porous Annular Thrust Gas Bearing with a Thin Surface-Restricted Layer",,"日本機械学会論文集(C編)",,"Vol. 63","No. 606","pp. 238-245",1997, "KYOSUKE ONO","Theoretical and Experimental Studies on Externally Pressurized Porous Annular Thrust Gas Bearing with a Thin Restricted Surface Layer",,"日本機械学会論文集(C編)",,"Vol. 63","No. 606","pp. 230-237",1997, "小野京右,山田一郎,山浦弘,他15名","情報機器のダイナミックスと制御 「(共著)」",,"(株)養賢堂","(株)養賢堂",,,,1996, "KYOSUKE ONO","Optimal Motion Trajectory of Giant Swing",,"日本機械学会論文集(C編)",,"Vol. 62","No. 599","pp. 124-131",1996, "KYOSUKE ONO","Dynamics of Two-Joint Dolphinlike Propulsion Mechanism (2nd Report, Optimum Motion for Primary Body Form)",,"日本機械学会論文集(B編)",,"Vol. 62","No. 602","pp. 67-74",1996, "KYOSUKE ONO","Analysis of Bouncing Vibration and Complete Contact Condition of a Single-Degree-of-freedom Contact Slider Model for Contact Recording",,"日本機械学会論文集(C編)",,"Vol. 62","No. 601","pp. 9-15",1996, "KYOSUKE ONO","Theoretical Analysis of Shaft Uibration Supported by a Ball Bearing with Small Sinusoidal Waviness 「(共著)」",,"IEEE Trans. on Magnetics",,"Vol. 32","No. 3","pp. 1709-1714",1996, "KYOSUKE ONO","Vibration Analysis of Hydrostatic Gas Bearing Spindle Considering the Elastic Deformation of Rotor",,"日本機械学会論文集(C編)",,"Vol. 62","No. 603","pp. 172-179",1996, "KYOSUKE ONO","Frequency Response Characteristics of Unbalance and External Excitations of Scanner Rotor Supported by Self-Acting Grooved-Journal Air Bearings",,"日本機械学会論文集(C編)",,"Vol. 62","No. 602","pp. 177-183",1996, "KYOSUKE ONO","Dynamics of Two-Joint Dolphinlike Propulsion Mechanism(3rd Report, Parameter Study for High Propulsive Efficiency)",,"日本機械学会論文集(B編)",,"Vol. 62","No. 602","pp. 75-81",1996, "KYOSUKE ONO","Dynamics of Two-Joint Dolphinlike Propulsion Mechanism(1st Report, Analytical Model and Analysis Method)",,"日本機械学会論文集(B編)",,"Vol. 62","No. 600","pp. 136-143",1996, "KYOSUKE ONO","Design and Manufacturer of High-Performance Hydrostatic Air Bearing Spindle with Grid-Shaped Grooves",,"日本機械学会論文集(C編)",,"Vol. 61","No. 581",,1995, "KYOSUKE ONO","Study on Dynamic Characteristics and Optimal Design Method of Externally Pressurized Axnular Porous Thrust Bearings(Numerical Analysis for a Porous Bearing Model with Orifice-Restricted Thin Surtace Layer)",,"Transactions of JSME",,"Vol. 61","No. 584","pp. 1626-1633",1995, "小野京右,多川則男,市原順一,中山正之,吉村茂","記憶と記録-情報機械学のすすめ「共著」",,"オーム社","オーム社",,,,1995, "KYOSUKE ONO","Self-Excited Vibratory Actuator (1st Report, Analysis of Two-Degree-of-Freedom Self-Excited Systems)",,"日本機械学会論文集(C編)",,"Vol. 60","No. 577",,1994, "KYOSUKE ONO","Computer Analysis of the Dynamic Contact Behavior and Tracking Characteristics of a Single-Degree-of-Freedom Slider Model for a Contact Recording Head",,"Transaction of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers",,"Vol. 60","No. 576","pp. 2574-2581",1994, "KYOSUKE ONO","Self-Excited Vibratory Actuator (3rd Report, Biped Walking Mechanism by Self-Excitation)",,"日本機械学会論文集(C編)",,"Vol. 60","No. 579",,1994, "KYOSUKE ONO","Analysis and Design of Radial and Thrust Bearing for Polygonal Scanner Rotor-Bearing System",,"日本機械学会論文集(C編)",,"Vol. 60","No. 576","pp. 2670-2678",1994, "KYOSUKE ONO","Dynamic Characteristics of Hydrostatic Gas Bearing Slider with Comb-Shaped Crooves",,"Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers",,"Vol. 59","No. 565","pp. 3347-3354",1993, "KYOSUKE ONO","Vibrationless Access Control of a Positioning Mechanism for High-Order Natural Modes of Vibration",,"Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers",,"Vol. 59","No. 559","pp. 727-732",1993, "KYOSUKE ONO","Stabilizing Effects of Dampings on the Head and Flexible Disk Coupled System",,"Proceedings of the 1993 JSME Internatinal Conference on Advanced Mechatoanics",,,,"pp. 899-904",1993, "KYOSUKE ONO","A Study of the Bending Propulsion Mechanism(1st Report Proposition of a Method to Analyze a Coupled System of Mechanism and Fluid of a 3-Joint Model and Its Experimental Verification",,"Transactions of Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers",,"Vol. 59","No. 558","pp. 407-413",1993, "KYOSUKE ONO","Stabilizing Effects of Damping on the Head and Flexble Disk Coupled System",,"Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers",,"Vol. 59","No. 561","pp. 1465-1472",1993, "KYOSUKE ONO","Stability Analysis of the head-Disk Interface in Flexible Disk Drives, (part II, Effects of Pitch Parameters of Head Suspension System on the Instability Due to Dynamic Frictional Forces)",,"Advances in Information Storage Systems(ASME press)",,,"No. 5","pp. 467-479",1993, "KYOSUKE ONO","Stability Analysis of the Head-Disk Interface in Flexible Disk Drives(Part I, Instability Due to the Dynamic Friction Forces)",,"Advances in Information Storage Systems(ASME press)",,,"No. 5","pp. 451-465",1993, "KYOSUKE ONO","High-Speed Motion Control of Mechanisms under Average Heat Generation Restriction",,"Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers",,"Vol. 58",,"pp. 55",1992, "KYOSUKE ONO","A New Numerical Analysis Method for Two-Dimensional Foil-Bearing Problems Based on Inverse Analysis Concept",,"JSME International Journal",,"Vol. 34",,"pp. 1",1991, "KYOSUKE ONO","Stability Analysis for the Head-Disk Interface in a Flexible Disk Drive",,"Transactions of the ASME Journal of Applied Mechanics",,"Vol. 58",,"pp. 4",1991, "KYOSUKE ONO","Vibrationless Acceleration Control of Positioning Mechanisms and Its Application of Hard-Disk Drives",,"Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers",,"Vol. 56",,"pp. 522",1990, "KYOSUKE ONO","Fundamental Investigation of a Feedback Positioning System with Vibration Freedom",,"Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers",,"Vol. 55",,"pp. 520",1989, "KYOSUKE ONO","A New Numerical Analysis Method of Three Dimensional Elastic Contact Problems.",,"Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers",,"Vol. 51",,"pp. 470",1985, "KYOSUKE ONO","Theory on Balancing of a Flexible Rotor by Driving Torque Excitation",,"Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers",,"Vol. 50",,"pp. 438",1984, "KYOSUKE ONO","Static Characteristics of Hydrostatic Air Bearing with Circumferential Grooves.",,"Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers",,"Vol. 47",,"pp. 424",1981, "KYOSUKE ONO","Analysis and its Experimental Verification of Motion of Mass Supported on Compressible Squeeze Film",,"潤滑",,"Vol. 21",,"pp. 9",1976, "KYOSUKE ONO","Dynamic Characteristics of Air-Lubricated Slider Bearing for Noncontact Magnetic Recording",,"transactions of the ASME journal of lubrication technology",,"Vol. 97",,"pp. 2",1975, "小野京右","静圧気体ジャーナル軸受の動特性に関する研究",,,,,,,1969,Feb.