"Eriko Nango,Takashi Yamamoto,Takashi Kumasaka,Tadashi Eguchi","Structure of Thermus thermophilus Homoisocitrate Dehydrogenase in Complex with a Designed Inhibitor",,"J. Biochem.",,"Vol. 150","No. 6","pp. 607-614",2011,Dec. "Takeshi Hoshino,Eriko Nango,Seiki Baba,Tadashi Eguchi,Takashi Kumasaka","Crystallization and Preliminary X-ray Analysis of Isopentenyl Diphosphate Isomerase from Methanocaldococcus jannaschii",,"Acta Cryst.",,"Vol. F67","No. 1","pp. 101-103",2011,Jan. "R. Yazawa,J. Takakura,Tomoko Sakata,Ihsanawati,R. Yatsunami,T. Fukui,T. Kumasaka,Nobuo Tanaka,Satoshi Nakamura","A calcium-dependent xylan-binding domain of alkaline xylanase from alkaliphilic Bacillus sp. strain 41M-1",,"Biosci. Biotechnol. Biochem.",,"Vol. 75",,"pp. 379-381",2011, "Eriko Nango,Takashi Yamamoto,Takashi Kumasaka,Tadashi Eguchi","Crystal Structure of 3-Isopropylmalate Dehydrogenase in Complex with NAD+ and a Designed Inhibitor",,"Bioorg. Med. Chem.",," 17"," 22"," 7789-7794",2009,Nov. "Eriko Nango,Takashi Kumasaka,Toshifumi Hirayama,Nobuo Tanaka,Tadashi Eguchi","Structure of 2-Deoxy-scyllo-inosose Synthase, a Key Enzyme in the Biosynthesis of 2-Deoxystreptamine-containing Aminoglycoside Antibiotics, in Complex with a Mechanism-Based Inhibitor and NAD+",,"Proteins",,"Vol. 70","No. 2","pp. 517-527",2008,Feb. "Kanamasa, S,Sumi, K.,Yamuki, N.,Kumasaka, T.,Miura, T.,Abe, F.,Kajiwara, S.","Cloning and functional characterization of the copper/zinc superoxide dismutase gene from the heavy-metal-tolerant yeast Cryptococcus liquefaciens strain N6",,"Mol. Genet. Genomics.",,,,"pp. online",2006,Dec. "Iwasaki, T.,Kounosu, A.,Ohmori, D.,Kumasaka, T.","Crystallization and preliminary X-ray diffraction studies of a hyperthermophilic Rieske protein variant (SDX-triple) with an engineered rubredoxin-like mononuclear iron site",,"Acta Cryst. F",,"Vol. 62",,"pp. 993-995",2006,Oct. "Iwasaki, T.,Kounosu, A.,Kolling, D.R.,Lhee, S.,Crofts, A.R.,Dikanov, S.A.,Uchiyama, T.,Kumasaka, T.,Ishikawa, H.,Kono, M.,Imai, T.,Urushiyama, A.","Resonance Raman characterization of archaeal and bacterial Rieske protein variants with modified hydrogen bond network around the [2Fe-2S] center.",,"Protein Sci.",,"Vol. 15",,"pp. 2019-2024",2006,Aug. "Fibriansah, G.,Masuda, S.,Hirose, R.,Hamada, K.,Tanaka, N.,Nakamura, S.,Kumasaka, T.","Crystallization and preliminary crystallographic analysis of endo-1,3-β-glucanase from alkaliphilic Nocardiopsis sp. strain F96",,"Acta Cryst. F",,"Vol. 62",,"pp. 20-22",2006,Jan. "Aik-Hong Teh,Makoto Kimura,Masaki Yamamoto,Nobuo Tanaka,Isamu Yamaguchi,Takashi Kumasaka","The 1.48 Å Resolution Crystal Structure of the Homotetrameric Cytidine Deaminase from Mouse",,"Biochemistry",,"Vol. 45",,"pp. 7825-7833",2006, "Ueno, G.,Kanda, H.,Hirose, R.,Ida, K.,Kumasaka, T.,Yamamoto, M.","RIKEN structural genomics beamlines at the SPring-8; high throughput protein crystallography with automated beamline operation.",,"J. Struct. Funct. Genomics",,"Vol. 7",,"pp. 15-22",2006, "Matsui, T.,Hogetsu, K.,Usukura, J.,Sato, T.,Kumasaka, T.,Akao, Y.,Tanaka, N.","Structural insight of human DEAD-box protein rck/p54 into its substrate recognition with conformational changes",,"Genes Cells",,"Vol. 11",,"pp. 439-452",2006, "Nakamura, K.,Someya, Y.,Kumasaka, T.,Ueno, G.,Yamamoto, M.,Sato, T.,Takeda, N.,Miyamura, T.,Tanaka, N.","A norovirus protease structure provides insights into active and substrate binding site integrity",,"J. Virol.",,"Vol. 79",,"pp. 13685-13693",2005,Nov. "Ihsanawati,Takashi Kumasaka,Tomonori Kaneko,Chihiro Morokuma,Rie Yatsunami,Takao Sato,Satoshi Nakamura,Nobuo Tanaka","Structural basis of the substrate subsite and the highly thermal stability of xylanase 10B from Thermotoga maritima MSB8",,"Proteins",,"Vol. 61",,"pp. 999-1009",2005,Oct. "Ihsanawati,Takashi Kumasaka,Tomonori Kaneko,Chihiro Morokuma,Rie Yatsunami,Takao SATO,Satoshi Nakamura,Nobuo Tanaka","Structural basis of the substrate subsite and the highly thermal stability of xylanase 10B from Thermotoga maritima MSB8",,"Proteins",,"Vol. 61",,"pp. 999-1009",2005, "Eriko Nango,Takashi Kumasaka,Takao Sato,Nobuo Tanaka,Katsumi Kakinuma,Tadashi Eguchi","Crystallization and X-ray analysis of 2-deoxy-scyllo-inosose synthase, the key enzyme in the biosynthesis of 2-deoxystreptamine-containing aminoglycoside antibiotics",,"Acta Cryst. 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