"Du Y,Kusama K,Hama K,Chen X,Tahara Y,Kajiwara S,Shibata S,Orihara K.","Protective Effects of Inulin on Stress-Recurrent Inflammatory Bowel Disease.",,"International Journal of Molecular Sciences",,,,,2024,Feb. "Low J,Orihara K,Kajiwara S","Circadian Dysregulation in HaCaT keratinocytes Upon Candida albicans Infection","Japanese Society for Immunology",,,,,,2024,Jan. "Vibriani A,Kajiwara S,Orihara K.","Opsin molecule: A potential communicator between the circadian rhythm and skin-epithelial barrier (immunity) upon blue light exposure","Japanese Society for Immunology",,,,,,2024,Jan. "Orihara K,Du Y,Kusama K,Chen X,Kajiwara S.","Protective Effects of Inulin on Stress-Recurrent Inflammatory Bowel Disease","Japanese Society for Immunology",,,,,,2024,Jan. "Lin M,Huang Y,Orihara K,Chibana H,Kajiwara S,Chen X","A Putative NADPH Oxidase Gene in Unicellular Pathogenic Candida glabrata Is Required for Fungal ROS Production and Oxidative Stress Response.",,"Journal of Fungi",,,,,2023,Dec. "福永もえ,Chen Xinyue,梶原将,山本直之,折原芳波","乳由来オピオイドペプチドβ-Casomorphin-10の概日リズムへの影響評価","日本食品免疫学会学術大会",,,,,,2023,Nov. "Du Y,Chen X,Kajiwara K,Orihara K.","Urolithins regulating circadian ryhthms in immunity on intestinal epithelial cells","日本時間生物学会",,,,,,2023,Sept. "Xinyue Chen,Huang Yao,Hiroji Chibana,Kanami Orihara,Susumu Kajiwara","Roles of a putative NADPH oxidase gene in Candida glabrata.","19th Asia Pacific Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infection (APCCMI 2023)",,,,,,2023,July "Jing Jing,Tenagy,Kengo Tejima,Xinyue Chen,Kanami Orihara,Susumu Kajiwara","Effect of triacsin C to Malassezia acyl-CoA synthetases","2023年度日本生化学会関東支部例会",,,,,,2023,June "Shiela Selisana,Xinyue Chen,Kanami Orihara,Susumu Kajiwara.","Hypoxia, lactate, and low and high pH trigger cell wall remodelling in Candida auris","第95回日本生化学会大会",,,,,,2022,Nov. "Lin Maoyi,Maho Shirai,Xinyue Chen,Kanami Orihara,Susumu Kajiwara","Analysis of hepatocyte apoptosis induction mechanism by Candida species","第95回日本生化学会大会",,,,,,2022,Nov. "Yean Sheng Lee,Xinyue Chen,Tria Widiasih Widiyanto,Kanami Orihara,Hiroyuki Shibata,Susumu Kajiwara","Curcumin affects function of Hsp90 and drug efflux pump of Candida albicans",,"Front Cell Infect Microbiol",,,,,2022,Sept. "Xinyue Chen,Tria Widiasih Widiyanto,Hiroji Chibana,Susumu Kajiwara","The characterization of two proteins related to the biofilm formation of Candida glabrata","International Union of Microbiological societies (IUMS) 2022 Congress",,,,,,2022,July "梶原将,Tenagy,土田周治,植原彩奈,陳馨?,中村浩之","抗マラセチア薬開発に資する脂肪酸取込阻害","第95回日本感染症学会学術講演会",,,,,,2021,May "Xinyue Chen,Shun Iwatani,Yoshitaka Kitamoto,Hiroji Chibana,Susumu Kajiwara","The Lack of SNARE Protein Homolog Syn8 Influences Biofilm Formation of Candida glabrata",,"Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology",,"Vol. 9",,,2021,Feb. "Nguyenthanh Hoa,Rouyu Zhang,Naoki Inokawa,Takahiro Oura,Xinyue Chen,Shun Iwatani,Kyoko Niimi,Masakazu Niimi,Ann Rachel Holmes,Richard David Cannon,SUSUMU KAJIWARA","Candida albicans Bgl2p, Ecm33p, and Als1p proteins are involved in adhesion to saliva-coated hydroxyapatite",,"Journal of Oral Microbiology",,"Vol. 13","No. 1",,2021,Feb. "Yong-Woon Han,Rei Kajitani,Hiroya Morimoto,Maierdan Palihati,Yumiko Kurokawa,Rie Ryusui,Bilge Argunhan,Hideo Tsubouchi,Fumiyoshi Abe,Susumu Kajiwara,Hiroshi Iwasaki,Takehiko Itoh","Draft Genome Sequence of Naganishia liquefaciens Strain N6, Isolated from the Japan Trench.",,"Microbiology Resource Announcements","American Society for Microbiology","Vol. 9","Issue 47"," e00827-20",2020,Nov. "Setyowati T Utami,Carissa I Indriani,Anom Bowolaksono,Takashi Yaguchi,Xinyue Chen,Kyoko Niimi,Masakazu Niimi,Susumu Kajiwara.","Identification and functional characterization of Penicillium marneffei major facilitator superfamily (MFS) transporters",,"Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry",,"Vol. 84","No. 7","pp. 1373-83",2020,July "Yao Huang,Keisuke Fujii,Xinyue Chen,Shun Iwatani,Hiroji Chibana,Soichi Kojima,Susumu Kajiwara.","Fungal NOX is an essential factor for induction of TG2 in human hepatocytes.",,"Medical Mycology",,"Vol. 58","No. 5","pp. 679?689",2020,Jan. "Tenagy,Kengo Tejima,Xinyue Chen,Shun Iwatani,Susumu Kajiwara","Long-Chain Acyl-CoA Synthetase is Associated with the Growth of Malassezia spp.",,"Journal of Fungi",,"Vol. 5","No. 4","pp. 88",2019,Sept. "Tria Widiasih Widiyanto,Xinyue Chen,Shun Iwatani,Hiroji Chibana,Susumu Kajiwara.","Role of MFS transporter Qdr2p in biofilm formation by Candida glabrata.",,"Mycoses",,"Vol. 62","No. 12","pp. 1154-63",2019,Sept. "Xinyue Chen,Tria Widiasih Widiyanto,Hiroji Chibana,Susumu Kajiwara","The analysis on the genes related to the biofilm formation of Candida glabrata","第40回関東医真菌懇話会",,,,,,2019,June "Omar N,Iwatani S,Kajiwara S.","Isolation and characterization of Cryptococcus neoformans urease complex.","ISHAM / International Society for Human and Animal Mycology","Medical mycology / International Society for Human and Animal Mycology",,,,,2018,June "Nguyen HT,Inokawa N,Zhang R,Iwatani S,Holmes AR,Cannon RD,Kajiwara S.","Involvement of Candida albicans Bgl2p, Ecm33p and Als1p in adherence to saliva-coated surfaces.","ISHAM / International Society for Human and Animal Mycology","Medical mycology / International Society for Human and Animal Mycology",,,,,2018,June "Tenagy,Ishiai M,Iwatani S,Kajiwara S.","Characterization of Acyl-CoA Synthetase Faa1p Involved in Fatty Acid Utilization of Malassezia spp..","ISHAM / International Society for Human and Animal Mycology","Medical mycology / International Society for Human and Animal Mycology",,,,,2018,June "Widiyanto TW,Iwatani S,Chibana H,Kajiwara S.","Role of MFS Transporter QDR2 in a Pathogen Candida glabrata.","ISHAM / International Society for Human and Animal Mycology","Medical mycology / International Society for Human and Animal Mycology",,,,,2018,June "Tejima K,Ishiai M,MUrayama SO,Iwatani S,Kajiwara S.","Candida albicans fatty acyl-CoA synthetase, CaFaa4p, is involved in the uptake of exogenous long-chain fatty acids and cell activity in the biofilm.",,"Current Genetics",,,,,2018,Apr. "Tria Widiasih Widiyanto,Xinyue Chen,Shun Iwatani,Hiroji Chibana,Susumu Kajiwara","Role of MFS Transporter QDR2 in a Pathogen Candida glabrata","20th Congress of the International Society for Human and Animal Mycology (ISHAM)",,,,,,2018, "Shrestha, R.,Shrestha, R.,Qin,X.-Y.,Kuo,T.-F.,Oshima, Y.,Iwatani, S.,Teraoka, R.,Fujii, K.,Hara, M.,Li, M.,Takahashi-Nakaguchi, A.,Chibana, H.,Lu, J.,Cai, M.,SUSUMU KAJIWARA,Kojima, S.","Fungus-derived hydroxyl radicals kill hepatic cells by enhancing nuclear transglutaminase",,"Scientific Reports",,"Vol. 7","No. 1",,2017, "Kojima, Soichi,Shrestha, Ronak,Qin, Xian-Yang,SUSUMU KAJIWARA","Hepatic Cell Death Caused by Fungi as well as Bacteria Is Mediated by ROS Induction of Nuclear Transglutaminase in Hepatic Cells","67th Annual Meeting of the American-Association-for-the-Study-of-Liver-Diseases (AASLD)","HEPATOLOGY","WILEY","Vol. 64",,"pp. 611A-611A",2016,Oct. "Xinyue Chen,Ruoyu Zhang,Ayako Takada,Shun Iwatani,Chiemi Oka,Yoshitaka Kitamoto,Susumu Kajiwara","The role of Bgl2p in the transition to filamentous cells during biofilm formation by Candida albicans",,"Mycoses",,"Vol. 60","No. 2","pp. 96-103",2016,Sept. "Panapruksachat S,Iwatani S,Oura T,Vanittanakom N,Chindamporn A,Niimi K,Niimi M,Lamping E,Cannon RD,Kajiwara S.","Identification and functional characterization of Penicillium marneffei pleiotropic drug resistance transporters ABC1 and ABC2.",,"Medical Mycology",,,,,2016,July "Watanasrisin W,Iwatani S,Oura T,Tomita Y,Ikushima S,Chindamporn A,Niimi M,Niimi K,Lamping E,Cannon RD,Kajiwara S.","Identification and characterization of Candida utilis multidrug efflux transporter CuCdr1p.",,"FEMS Yeast Research",,,,,2016,June "Tria Widiasih Widiyanto,Xinyue Chen,Shun Iwatani,Hiroji Chibana,Susumu Kajiwara","The Study of MFS Transporter QDR2 Related to Candida glabrata Biofilm Formation","The 4th International Symposium on Life Science & Biological Engineering (ISLSBE 2016)",,,,,,2016, "Xinyue Chen,Shun Iwatani,Susumu Kajiwara","The analysis of the biofilm formation of Candida glabrata gene disruptants","19th Congress of the International Society for Human and Animal Mycology",,,,,,2015,May "オマル ノールファティン,SUSUMU KAJIWARA","The construction of in vitro functional analysis system for urease complex of C. neoformans",,"日本医真菌学会総会プログラム・抄録集","一般社団法人日本医真菌学会","Vol. 56",,"pp. 96",2015, "楊 旭彬,SUSUMU KAJIWARA","Exogenous expression of Candida albicans Mcd4 protein for construction of functional assay system",,"日本医真菌学会総会プログラム・抄録集","一般社団法人日本医真菌学会","Vol. 56",,"pp. 96",2015, "手島 健吾,梶原将","Candida albicans におけるCWH43 の生理学的な解析",,"日本医真菌学会総会プログラム・抄録集","一般社団法人日本医真菌学会","Vol. 56",,"pp. 96",2015, "井ノ川 直樹,梶原将","Candida albicans BGL2&ECM33破壊によるALS1発現誘導が歯部接着に与える影響",,"日本医真菌学会総会プログラム・抄録集","一般社団法人日本医真菌学会","Vol. 56",,"pp. 94",2015, "Juntachai, W.,SUSUMU KAJIWARA","Differential Expression of Extracellular Lipase and Protease Activities of Mycelial and Yeast Forms in Malassezia furfur",,"Mycopathologia",,"Vol. 180","No. 3-4","pp. 143-151",2015, "Xinyue Chen,Susumu Kajiwara","Investigation on the roles of cell wall proteins, Bgl2 and Ecm33, in the biofilm formation of Candida albicans","12th ASM Conference on Candida and Candidiasis",,,,,,2014,Mar. "ティー チュイブン,清 佳浩,SUSUMU KAJIWARA","Identification of clinical strains of Malassezia species and their hemolytic activities",,"日本医真菌学会総会プログラム・抄録集","一般社団法人日本医真菌学会","Vol. 55",,"pp. 92",2014, "緒方 研哉,梶原将","近赤外分光分析法による清酒のエタノール濃度分析と蒸留?振動式密度計測法との比較",,"分析化学","The Japan Society for Analytical Chemistry","Vol. 63","No. 1","pp. 47-52",2014, "Juntachai, W.,Kummasook, A.,Mekaprateep, M.,SUSUMU KAJIWARA","Identification of the haemolytic activity of Malassezia species",,"Mycoses",,"Vol. 57","No. 3","pp. 163-168",2014, "Yurayart, C.,Nuchnoul, N.,Moolkum, P.,Jirasuksiri, S.,Niyomtham, W.,Chindamporn, A.,SUSUMU KAJIWARA,Prapasarakul, N.","Antifungal agent susceptibilities and interpretation of Malassezia pachydermatis and Candida parapsilosis isolated from dogs with and without seborrheic dermatitis skin",,"Medical Mycology",,"Vol. 51","No. 7","pp. 721-730",2013, "Nagi, M.,Tanabe, K.,Ueno, K.,Nakayama, H.,Aoyama, T.,Chibana, H.,Yamagoe, S.,Umeyama, T.,Oura, T.,Ohno, H.,SUSUMU KAJIWARA,Miyazaki, Y.","The Candida glabrata sterol scavenging mechanism, mediated by the ATP-binding cassette transporter Aus1p, is regulated by iron limitation",,"Molecular Microbiology",,"Vol. 88","No. 2","pp. 371-381",2013, "Youngchim, S.,Nosanchuk, J.D.,Pornsuwan, S.,SUSUMU KAJIWARA,Vanittanakom, N.","The Role of L-DOPA on Melanization and Mycelial Production in Malassezia Furfur",,"PLoS ONE",,"Vol. 8","No. 6",,2013, "Nagi, M.,Tanabe, K.,Nakayama, H.,Yamagoe, S.,Umeyama, T.,Oura, T.,Ohno, H.,SUSUMU KAJIWARA,Miyazaki, Y.","Serum cholesterol promotes the growth of Candida glabrata in the presence of fluconazole",,"Journal of Infection and Chemotherapy",,"Vol. 19","No. 1","pp. 138-143",2013, "Panapruksachat, S.,Oura, T.,Chindamporn, A.,Vanittanakom, N.,Lamping, E.,Niimi, K.,Niimi, M.,Monk, B. C.,Cannon, D.,SUSUMU KAJIWARA","Isolation of Penicillium marneffei ABC transporters and their expression in Saccharomyces cerevisiae",,"MYCOSES","WILEY-BLACKWELL","Vol. 55",,"pp. 330-330",2012,June "Thong-On, A.,Suzuki, K.,Noda, S.,Inoue,J.-I.,SUSUMU KAJIWARA,Ohkuma, M.","Isolation and characterization of anaerobic bacteria for symbiotic recycling of uric acid nitrogen in the gut of various termites",,"Microbes and Environments",,"Vol. 27","No. 2","pp. 186-192",2012, "Zhang,G.-L.,Oura, T.,Du, W.,Liu,D.-H.,SUSUMU KAJIWARA","Cloning and transcriptional expression analysis of ARE Gene in Rhodosporidium toruloides",,"Guocheng Gongcheng Xuebao/The Chinese Journal of Process Engineering",,"Vol. 12","No. 6","pp. 1002-1007",2012, "梶原将,Ann Holmes,Richard Cannon","口腔内接着におけるカンジダ真菌のBgl2Ecm33 の役割",,"日本医真菌学会総会プログラム・抄録集","一般社団法人日本医真菌学会","Vol. 53",,"pp. 86",2012, "Juntachai, W.,Oura, T.,SUSUMU KAJIWARA","Purification and characterization of a secretory lipolytic enzyme, MgLIP2, from Malassezia globosa",,"Microbiology",,"Vol. 157","No. 12","pp. 3492-3499",2011, "Akao, T.,Yashiro, I.,Hosoyama, A.,Kitagaki, H.,Horikawa, H.,Watanabe, D.,Akada, R.,Ando, Y.,Harashima, S.,Inoue, T.,Inoue, Y.,SUSUMU KAJIWARA,Kitamoto, K.,Kitamoto, N.,Kobayashi, O.,Kuhara, S.,Masubuchi, T.,Mizoguchi, H.,Nakao, Y.,Nakazato, A.,Namise, M.,Oba, T.,Ogata, T.,Ohta, A.,Sato, M.,Shibasaki, S.,Takatsume, Y.,Tanimoto, S.,Tsuboi, H.,Nishimura, A.,Yoda, K.,Ishikawa, T.,Iwashita, K.,Fujita, N.,Shimoi, H.","Whole-genome sequencing of sake yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae Kyokai no. 7",,"DNA Research",,"Vol. 18","No. 6","pp. 423-434",2011, "Nagi, M.,Nakayama, H.,Tanabe, K.,Bard, M.,Aoyama, T.,Okano, M.,Higashi, S.,Ueno, K.,Chibana, H.,Niimi, M.,Yamagoe, S.,Umeyama, T.,SUSUMU KAJIWARA,Ohno, H.,Miyazaki, Y.","Transcription factors CgUPC2A and CgUPC2B regulate ergosterol biosynthetic genes in Candida glabrata",,"Genes to Cells",,"Vol. 16","No. 1","pp. 80-89",2011, "Yurayart, C.,Chindamporn, A.,Suradhat, S.,Tummaruk, P.,SUSUMU KAJIWARA,Prapasarakul, N.","Comparative analysis of the frequency, distribution and population sizes of yeasts associated with canine seborrheic dermatitis and healthy skin",,"Veterinary Microbiology",,"Vol. 148","No. 2-4","pp. 356-362",2011, "Xu, J.,Oura, T.,Liu, D.,SUSUMU KAJIWARA","Heat-alkaline treatment of excess sludge and the potential use of hydrolysate as nitrogen source for microbial lipid production",,"Shengwu Gongcheng Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Biotechnology",,"Vol. 27","No. 3","pp. 482-488",2011, "Li-Ying Yang,Tsuyoshi Haraguchi,Tomoka Inazawa,Susumu Kajiwara,Hideya Yuasa","Synthesis of a novel class of glycocluster with a cyclic ?-(1→6)-octaglucoside as a scaffold and their binding abilities to concanavalin A",,"Carbohydr. Res.",,"Vol. 345","No. 15","pp. 2127-2132",2010,Oct. "Oura, T.,SUSUMU KAJIWARA","Candida albicans sphingolipid C9-methyltransferase is involved in hyphal elongation",,"Microbiology",,"Vol. 156","No. 4","pp. 1234-1243",2010, "三原久和,梶原将,湯浅英哉,小畠英理","バイオ系のための基礎化学問題集",,"バイオ系のための基礎化学問題集","講談社サイエンティフィック",,,,2008, "Takahiro Oura,Susumu Kajiwara","Cloning and functional characterization of a fatty acid synthase component FAS2 gene from Saccharomyces kluyveri",,"Cur. Genet.",,"Vol. 49","No. 6","pp. 393-402",2006,June "Somay Yamagata Murayama,Yumiko Negishi,Takashi Umeyama,Aki Kaneko,Takahiro Oura,Masakazu Niimi,Kimiko Ubukata,Susumu Kajiwara","Construction and functional analysis of the fatty acid desaturase gene disruptants in Candida albicans",,"Microbiology",,"Vol. 152",,"pp. 1551-1558",2006, "Hiromichi Sakai,Susumu Kajiwara","Cloning and functional characterization of a delta12 fatty acid desaturase gene from basidiomycete Lentinula edodes",,"Mol. Genet. Genomics",,"Vol. 273",,"pp. 336-341",2005, "Kyoko Watanabe,Takahiro Oura,Hiromichi Sakai,Susumu Kajiwara","Yeast delta12 fatty acid desaturase: gene cloning, expression, and function",,"Biosci. Biotechnol. Biochem.",,"Vol. 68","No. 3","pp. 721-727",2004,Mar. "Kyoko Watanabe,Takahiro Oura,Hiromichi Sakai,Susumu Kajiwara","Yeast delta12 fatty acid desaturase: gene cloning, expression, and function",,"Biosci. Biotechnol. Biochem.",,"Vol. 68","No. 3","pp. 721-727",2004, "Takahiro Oura,Susumu Kajiwara","Saccharomyces kluyveri FAD3 encodes an omega3 fatty acid desaturase",,"Microbiology",,"Vol. 150","No. 5","pp. 1983-1990",2004, "Hiromichi Sakai,Susumu Kajiwara","Membrane lipid profile of an edible basidiomycete Lentinula edodes during growth and cell differentiation",,"Lipids",,"Vol. 39","No. 1","pp. 67-73",2004, "梶原 将(分担)","キノコとカビの基礎科学とバイオ技術",,"アイピーシー社","アイピーシー社",,,,2002, "梶原 将","真菌類の効率的遺伝子破壊株作製法",,"蛋白質 核酸 酵素",,"Vol. 46","No. 3","pp. 276-282",2001, "梶原将","担子菌のリグニン分解酵素研究に関わる最近の研究展開",,"酵素工学ニュース","酵素工学ニュース","Vol. 45","No. 4","pp. 11-14",2001, " Y. Maeda,S. Kajiwara,K. Ohtaguchi","Manganese peroxidase gene of the perennial mushroom Elfvingia applanata: cloning and evaluation of its relationship with lignin degradation",,"Biotechnol. Lett.",,"Vol. 23",,"pp. 103-109",2001, "S. Kajiwara,T. Oura,K. Shishido","Cloning of a fatty acid synthase component FAS1 gene from Saccharomyces kluyveri and its functional complementation of S. cerevisiae fas1 mutant",,"Yeast",,"Vol. 18",,"pp. 1339-1345",2001, "kazuhisa ohtaguchi,SUSUMU KAJIWARA,Keigo ARITOMI,Keiko SUGA,O KOBAYASHI","Overexpression of the OLE1 gene enhances ethanol fermentation",,"Appl Microbiol Biotechnol","Springer-Verlag","Vol. 53",,"p. 568-574",2000,Feb. "S. Kajiwara,T. Aritomi,K. Suga,K. Ohtaguchi,O. Kobayashi","Overexpression of the OLE1 gene enhances ethanol fermentation by Saccharomyces cerevisiae",,"Appl. Microbiol. Biotechnol.",,"Vol. 53",,"pp. 568-574",2000, "S. Kajiwara,K. Suga,H. Sone,K. Nakamura","Improved ethanol tolerance of Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains by the increase in fatty acid unsaturarion via metabolic engineering",,"Biotechnol. Lett.",,"Vol. 22",,"pp. 1839-1843",2000, "SUSUMU KAJIWARA","Basidiomycete fungal gene encoding a regulatory subunit a homologue of protein phosphatase 2A",,"Biosci. Biotechnol. Biochem.",,"Vol. 64",,"pp. 438-442",2000, "SUSUMU KAJIWARA","Structure and function of pyrimidine/purine-baised stretch originated from the 5'-flanking region of the basidiomycete Lentinus edodes priA gene",,"Mol. Gen. Genet.",,"Vol. 263",,"pp. 262-270",2000, "Yoshimasa Maeda,梶原 将,太田口 和久","白色腐朽菌コフキサルノコシカケ由来マンガンペルオキシダーゼ遺伝子のクローニングとその発現解析",,"第22回日本分子生物学会年会",,,,,1999,Dec. "Nahoko TAKAHASHI,Masayoshi TAMURA,Susumu KAJIWARA,Kazuhisa OHTAGUCHI","Genetically engineered herbicide resistance in cyanobacterium Synechococcus sp. by bialaphos resistance gene from Streptomyces hygroscopicus",,"Biotechnology Letters",,"Vol. 21",,"pp. 751-757",1999, "SUSUMU KAJIWARA","Secretional expression of a Bacillus subtilis xylanase gene in the basidiomycete Coprinus cinereus",,"FEMS Microbiology Letters",,"Vol. 178",,"pp. 277-282",1999, "SUSUMU KAJIWARA","Increased heavy metal sensitivity of Escherichia coli producing the expression product of PriA gene derived from the Basidiomycete Lentinus edodes",,"FEMS Microbiology Letters",,"Vol. 171",,"pp. 141-146",1999, "梶原 将,Ryo Takayama,太田口 和久","Pseudomonasによるトルエン処理反応の適用範囲拡大に関する遺伝工学的アプローチ",,"化学工学会第63年会研究発表講演要旨集",," 1",," 193",1998,Apr. "堀 克敏,梶原 将,太田口 和久","微生物の複合機能による水質浄化システムの開発",,"化学工学会第63年会研究発表講演要旨集",," 3",," 54",1998,Apr. "Anondho WIJANARKO,梶原 将,太田口 和久","排ガス二酸化炭素処理用藍藻培養法へのアプローチ",,"化学工学会第63年会研究発表講演要旨集",," 2",," 92",1998,Apr. "Yoshimasa Maeda,梶原 将,太田口 和久","担子菌リグニン分解システムの解析",,"化学工学会第63年会研究発表講演要旨集",," 1",," 199",1998,Apr. "SUSUMU KAJIWARA","Molecular Breeding of the Basidiomycetes Coprinus cinereus strains with High Lignin-Decolorization and -Degradation Activities Using Novel Heterologous Protein Expression Vectors,",,"Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology",,"Vol. 49",,"pp. 285-289",1998, "SUSUMU KAJIWARA","Transformation of the Edible Basidiomycete Lentinus edodes by Restriction Enzyme-mediated Integration of plasmid DNA",,"Biosci. Biotechnol. Biochem.",,"Vol. 62","No. 12","pp. 2346-2350",1998, "kazuhisa ohtaguchi,SUSUMU KAJIWARA,Dani Mustaqim,Nahoko TAKAHASHI","Cyanobacterial bioconversion of carbon dioxide for fuel productions",,"Energy Conversion and Management",,"Vol. 38",,"p. S523-S528",1997,Dec. "Hideyuki KAKI,Susumu KAJIWARA,Kazuhisa OHTAGUCHI","Effect of shear stress on the performance of immobilized yeast cell biocatalyst in bubble-column bioreactors",,"Preprints for 4th Japanese/German Symposium on Bubble Columns",,,,"pp. 154-163",1997,Dec. "Kazuhisa OHTAGUCHI,Susumu KAJIWARA,Dani MUSTAQIM","Gas holdup,light interception efficiency and volumetric liquid-phase mass transfer coeficient of carbon dioxide in bubble-column photobioreactors for laboratory experiments",,"Preprints for 4th Japanese/German Symposium on Bubble Columns",,,," 322-331",1997,Dec. "Susumu KAJIWARA,Hidenao YAMADA,Narumasa OHKUNI,Kazuhisa OHTAGUCHI","Design of the bioreactor for carbon dioxide fixation by Synechococcus PCC7942",,"Energy Convers. Mgmt.",," 38",," S529-S532",1997,Dec. "Kazuhisa OHTAGUCHI,Dani MUSTAQIM,Susumu KAJIWARA","Saccharification of cyanobacterial biomass for technical conversion of carbon dioxide to ethanol",,"Proceedings of regional symposium on chemical engineering 1997",,"Vol. 2",,"pp. 385-391",1997,Dec. "梶原将,Keiko SUGA,Toshio FUJII,Hidetaka SONE,Katsumi NAKAMURA,太田口和久","Delta-9-desaturase遺伝子の改変によるシロイヌナズナFAD2発現酵母の不飽和脂肪酸生合成",,"平成9年度日本生物工学会講演要旨集",,,," 31",1997,Dec. "Anondho WIJANARKO,Susumu KAJIWARA,Kazuhisa OHTAGUCHI","An approach with bubble-column bioreactor to the development of large scale culture of cyanobacteria for carbon dioxide removal",,"Preprints for 4th Japanese/German Symposium on Bubble Columns",,,," 110-117",1997,Dec. "Dani MUSTAQIM,梶原 将,太田口 和久","エタノール生成プロセス用藍藻バイオマスの糖化反応",,"平成9年度日本生物工学会講演要旨集",,,,"pp. 88",1997,Dec. "Ryo TAKAYAMA,梶原 将,太田口 和久","Pseudomonasによるトルエン分解における共存物質の影響",,"平成9年度日本生物工学会講演要旨集",,,,"pp. 230",1997,Dec. "梶原 将,Keiko SUGA,Toshio FUJII,Hidetaka SONE,Katsumi NAKAMURA,太田口 和久","Δ9-desaturase遺伝子の改変によるシロイナズナFAD2発現酵母の不飽和脂肪酸生合成",,"平成9年度日本生物工学会大会講演要旨集",,,,"pp. 31",1997,Sept. "梶原 将,太田口 和久","植物の脂肪酸不飽和化酵素が酵母で機能した",,"バイオサイエンスとインダストリー",,"Vol. 55","No. 9","pp. 629-630",1997,Sept. "Hideyuki KAKI,梶原 将,太田口 和久","高密度酵母固定化生体触媒粒子懸濁気泡塔の装置特性",,"化学工学会第30回秋季大会講演要旨集",," 1",," 90",1997,Sept. "Hidenao YAMADA,Narumasa OHKUNI,Susumu KAJIWARA,Kazuhisa OHTAGUCHI","CO2-removal characteristics of Anacystis nidulans R2 in airlift bioreactors",,"Energy",," 22"," 2-3"," 349-352",1997,Mar. "SUSUMU KAJIWARA","CO2-Removal Characteristics of Anacystis nidulans R2",,"Energy",,"Vol. 22","No. 2/3","pp. 349-352",1997, "Susumu KAJIWARA,Paul D. FRASER,Keiji KONDO,Norihiko MISAWA","Expression of an Exogenous Isopentenyl Diphosphate Isomerase Gene Enhances Isoprenoid Biosynthesis in Escherichia coli",,"Biochemical Journal",,"Vol. 324",,"pp. 421-426",1997, "SUSUMU KAJIWARA"," Design of the Bioreactor for Carbon Dioxide Fixation by Synechococcus PCC7942 ",,"Energy Convers. Mgmt",,"Vol. 38",,"pp. S529-S532",1997, "SUSUMU KAJIWARA","Cyanobacterial Bioconversion of Carbon Dioxide for Fuel Productions ",,"Energy Convers. Mgmt",,"Vol. 38",,"pp. S523-S528",1997, "SUSUMU KAJIWARA","Structure and Function in Escherichia coli of Plasmids Containing Pyrimidine/Purine-Based Stretch Originated from the 5'-Flanking Region of the Basidiomycete ras Gene",,"Journal of Biochemistry",,"Vol. 122",,"pp. 696-702",1997, "Dani MUSTAQIM,梶原 将,太田口 和久,Kozo KOIDE","光合成反応用気泡塔型バイオリアクターの装置特性",,"気泡塔、懸濁気泡塔の基礎と応用","化学工学会",,," 159-163",1996,Dec. "Yoshimasa MAEDA,Susumu Kajiwara,Kazuo SHISHIDO,Kazuhisa OHTAGUCHI","Decolorization of lignin by oriental mushroom Ganoderma applanatum",,"Asian International Mycological Congress '96 Proceedings",,,,"pp. 105",1996,Dec. "SUSUMU KAJIWARA,Atsuya SHIRAI,Toshio FUJII,Toshihiro TOGURI,kazuhisa ohtaguchi,Katsumi NAKAMURA","Polyunsaturated fatty acid biosynthesis in Saccharomyces cerevisiae: expression of ethanol tolerance and the FAD2 gene from Arabidopsis thaliana",,"APPLIED AND ENVIRONMENTAL MICROBIOLOGY","American Society for Microbiology","Vol. 62","No. 12","p. 4309?4313",1996,Dec. "Susumu KAJIWARA,Hidenao YAMADA,N.Ohkuni,Kazuhisa OHTAGUCHI","Design of the bioreactor for carbon dioxide fixation by Synechococcus PCC7942",,"ICCDR-3",,,," 108",1996,Dec. "梶原 将,白井 敦也,太田口 和久,Toshio FUJII,Toshihiro TOGURI,Katsumi NAKAMURA","シロイヌナズナFAD2遺伝子を発現する酵母Saccharomyces cerevisiaeのエタノール耐性",,"平成8年度日本生物工学会大会講演要旨集",,,,"pp. 312",1996,Oct. "Anondho WIJANARKO,Susumu KAJIWARA,Kazuhisa OHTAGUCHI","A search for the state variables of CO2 fixation systems of the cyanobacterium Synechococcus leopoliensis",,"Proceedings for the Rgional Symposium on Chemical Engineering 19 the Rgional Symposium on Chemical Engineering 1996",,,," 6-8-1?6-8-6",1996,Oct. "Nahoko TAKAHASHI,梶原 将,太田口 和久","藍藻Spirulina platensisの温度耐性機構の解析",,"化学工学会第29回秋季大会研究発表講演要旨集",,,," V306",1996,Sept. "Ryo TAKAYAMA,梶原 将,太田口 和久","Pseudomonas putidaによるトルエン分解反応の高活性化",,"化学工学会第29回秋季大会研究発表講演要旨集",,,," V315",1996,Sept. "Kazuhisa OHTAGUCHI,Susumu KAJIWARA,Dani MUSTAQIM,Nahoko TAKAHASHI","Cyanobacterial bioconversion of carbon dioxide for fuel productions",,"ICCDR-3",,,," 107",1996,Aug. "Anondho WIJANARKO,梶原 将,太田口 和久","藍藻Synechococcus leopoliensisの光合成増殖用最少培地の構成",,"化学工学会盛岡大会研究発表講演要旨集",,,," D204",1996,Aug. "Hideyuki KAKI,梶原 将,太田口 和久","固定化生体触媒粒子懸濁気泡塔型バイオリアクターの生体触媒脱離現象の解析",,"化学工学会第61回年会研究発表講演要旨集",,,," K302",1996,Apr. "Hideyuki KAKI,梶原 将,太田口 和久","固定化生体触媒粒子懸濁気泡塔型バイオリアクターの生体触媒脱離現象の解析",,"化学工学会第64年会研究発表講演要旨集",," 1",," 180",1996,Apr. "SUSUMU KAJIWARA","Polyunsaturated Fatty Acid Biosynthesis in Saccharomyces cerevisiae: Expression of Ethanol Tolerance and FAD2 Gene from Arabidopsis thaliana",,"Applied and Environmental Microbiology",,"Vol. 62","No. 12","pp. 4309-4313",1996, "SUSUMU KAJIWARA","The Integrative Transformation of Pleurotus ostreatus Using Bialaphos Resistance as a Dominant Selectable Marker",,"Biosci. Biotech. Biochem.",,"Vol. 60","No. 3","pp. 472-475",1996, "SUSUMU KAJIWARA","Expression in Escherichia coli and Properties of Carotene Ketolase from Haematococcus pluvialis",,"FEMS Microbiology Letters",,"Vol. 140",,"pp. 241-246",1996, "Dani MUSTAQIM,梶原 将,太田口 和久,KOzo KOIDE","光合成反応用気泡塔型バイオリアクターの装置特性",,"化学工学会第28回秋季大会研究発表講演要旨集",,,," T205",1995,Sept. "Dani MUSTAQIM,梶原 将,太田口 和久","光合成反応用気泡塔型バイオリアクターの光透過特性,CO2物質移動特性",,"化学工学会第64年会研究発表講演要旨集",," 1",," 181",1995,Apr. "Dani MUSTAQIM,梶原 将,太田口 和久","光合成反応用気泡塔バイオリアクターの光透過特性、CO2物質移動特性",,"化学工学会第61回年会研究発表講演要旨集",,,," K303",1995,Apr. "SUSUMU KAJIWARA","Isolation and Function Identification of a Novel cDNA for Astaxanthin Biosynthesis from Haematococcus pluvialis and Astaxanthin Synthesis in Escherichia coli",,"Plant Molecular Biology",,"Vol. 29",,"pp. 343-352",1995, "SUSUMU KAJIWARA","Canthaxanthin Biosynthesis by the Conversion of Methylene to Keto Groups in a Hydrocarbon beta-Carotene by a Single Gene",,"Biochem. Biophy. Res. Commun.",,"Vol. 209","No. 3","pp. 867-876",1995, "SUSUMU KAJIWARA","A Transformation System for the Yeast Candida utilis : Use of Modified Endogenous Ribosomal Protein Gene as a Dominant Marker and Ribosomal DNA as an Integration Target for Vector DNA",,"Journal of Bacteriology",,"Vol. 177","No. 24","pp. 7171-7177",1995, "SUSUMU KAJIWARA","A Fruiting Body-Specific cDNA, mfbAc, from the Mushroom Lentinus edodes Encodes a High-Molecular-Weight Cell-Adhesion Protein Containing an Arg-Gly-Asp Motif",,"Gene",,"Vol. 154",,"pp. 31-37",1995, "SUSUMU KAJIWARA","Structure and Functional Analysis of a Marine Bacterial Carotenoid Biosynthsis Gene Cluster and Astaxanthin Biosynthetic Pathway Proposed at the Gene Level",,"Journal of Bacteriology",,"Vol. 177","No. 22","pp. 6575-6584",1995, "SUSUMU KAJIWARA","A Novel cDNA, priBc, Encoding a Protein with a Zn(II)2Cys6 Zinc Cluster DNA-Binding Motif, Derived from the Basidiomycete Lentinus edodes",,"Gene",,"Vol. 139",,"pp. 117-121",1994, "梶原将","担子菌ras相同遺伝子及び形態分化関連遺伝子の分子遺伝学的研究",,,,,,,1993,Mar. "SUSUMU KAJIWARA","Bending of DNA Segments with Saccharomyces cerevisiae Autonomously Replicating Sequence Activity, Isolated from Basidiomycetes Mitochondrial Linear Plasmids",,"Molecular and General Genetics",,"Vol. 237",,"pp. 1-9",1993, "SUSUMU KAJIWARA","Isolation and Sequence of a Developmentally Regulated Putative Novel Gene, priA, from the Basidiomycete Lentinus edodes",,"Gene",,"Vol. 114",,"pp. 173-178",1992, "SUSUMU KAJIWARA","Characterization of the Promoter Region of the Basidiomycete Lentinus edodes Le.ras Gene",,"FEMS Microbiology Letters",,"Vol. 92",,"pp. 147-150",1992, "SUSUMU KAJIWARA","A Wide Distribution of Linear DNA Plasmids in the Basidiomycetes Lentinus edodes and Pleurotus ostratus",,"J. Gen. Appl. Microbiol.",,"Vol. 38",,"pp. 289-292",1992, "SUSUMU KAJIWARA","Cloning, Sequence Analysis and Transcriptional Expression of a ras Gene of the Edible Basidiomycete Lentinus edodes",,"Gene",,"Vol. 105",,"pp. 91-96",1991, "太田口和久,梶原将,Tsutomu Fukumoto,Kozo KOIDE","耐熱性酵素生産用プラスミドの情報構造と機能に関する工学的研究",,"旭硝子財団研究報告",," 57",," 37-43",1990,Dec. "SUSUMU KAJIWARA","The Basidiomycete Lentinus edodes Linear Mitochondrial DNA Plasmid Contains a Segment Exhibiting a High Autonomously Replicating Sequence Activity in Saccharomyces cerevisiae",,"Nucleic Acids Research",,"Vol. 18",,"pp. 1395-1400",1990, "梶原 将,太田口 和久,Kozo KOIDE","耐熱性ロイシン合成酵素生産用組換え菌の回分培養特性",,"化学工学協会第53年会研究発表講演要旨集",,,," B106",1988,Apr.