"T. Asai,N. Hara,S. Kobayashi,S. Kohshima,Y. Fujimoto","Acylglycerols (=Glycerides) from the Glandular Trichome Exudate on the Leaves of Paulownia tomentosa",,"Helv. Chim. Acta",,"Vol. 92","No. 8","pp. 1473-1494",2009,Aug. "幸島司郎","氷河に生きる生物の世界",,"FRONT",,"Vol. 219",,"pp. 13-15",2006,Dec. "Sakai, M.,T. Hishii,S. Takeda,S. Kohshima","Flipper rubbing behaviours in wild bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops aduncus)",,"Marine Mammal Science",,"Vol. 22",,"pp. 966-978",2006, "Takeuchi, N.,Dial, R.,Kohshima, S.,Segawa, T.,Uetake J.","Spatial distribution and abundance of red snow algae on the Harding Icefield, Alaska derived from a satellite image",,"Geophysical Research Letter",,"Vol. 33",,"pp. L21502",2006, "Yoshimura, Y.,Kohshima, S.,Takeuchi, N.,Seko, K.,Fujita, K."," Snow algae in a Himalayan ice core: new environmental markers for ice core analyses and their correlation with summer mass balance",,"Annals of Glaciology",,"Vol. 43",,"pp. 148-153",2006, "Sekiguchi, Y.,Arai, K.,Kohshima, S.","Sleep in continuously active dolphins",,"Nature",,"Vol. 441",,"pp. E9-10",2006, "Miyamoto, K.,Kohshima, S.","Experimental and field studies on foraging behavior and activity rhythm of hard-spined sea urchin, Anthocidaris crassispina",,"Fisheries Science",,"Vol. 72",,"pp. 796-803",2006, "Matsubayashi H.,Bosi E.,Kohshima S.","The social system of the lesser mouse-deer (Tragulus javanicus)",,"Mammal Study",,"Vol. 31",,"pp. 966-978",2006, "Sakai, M.,Hishii, T.,Takeda, S.,Kohshima, S.","Laterality of flipper rubbing behaviour in wild bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops aduncus): Caused by asymmetry of eye use?",,"Behavioural Brain Research",,"Vol. 170",,"pp. 204-210",2006, "幸島司郎,小林左和","プラントミメティックスー植物に学ぶー",,,"NTS",,,"pp. 536-541",2006, "Uetake, J.,S.Kohshima,F.Nakazawa,K.Suzuki,M.Kohno,T.Kameda,S.Arkhipov,Y.Fujii","Biological ice-core analysis of the Sofiyskiy Glacier in the Russian Altai mountains",,"Annals of Glaciology",,"Vol. 43",,"pp. 70-78",2006, "NOKO KUZE,TITOL PETER MALIM,AND SHIRO KOHSHIMA","Developmental Changes in the Facial Morphology of the Borneo Orangutan (Pongo pygmaeus): Possible Signals in Visual Communication",,"American Journal of Primatology",,"Vol. 65",,"pp. 353-376",2005, "T. 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Kohshima","Seasonal Change in Bacterial Flora and Biomass in Mountain Snow from the Tateyama Mountains, Japan, Analyzed by 16SrRNA Gene Sequencing and Real-Time PCR",,"APPLIED AND ENVIRONMENTAL MICROBIOLOGY,",,"Vol. 71","No. 1","pp. 123-130",2005, "梅棹 忠夫,山本 紀夫 編,幸島司郎","山の世界 ― 自然・文化・暮らし ―",,"岩波書店","岩波書店",,,"pp. 145-154",2004, "幸島司郎","野生化したペット、ワカケホンセイインコの生態",,"遺伝",,"Vol. 58","No. 4","pp. 10-13",2004, "N.Takeuchi,S.Kohshima","A Snow Algal Community on Tyndall Glacier in the Southern Patagonia Icefield, Chile",,"Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research",,"Vol. 36","No. 1","pp. 92-99",2004, "Matsubayashi, H.,Edwin B.,Kohshima, S.","Activity and habitat use of lesser mouse-deer (Tragulus javanicus).",,"Journal of Mammalogy",,"Vol. 84","No. 1","pp. 234-242",2003, "Takeuchi, N.,Koshima, S.,Segawa, T.","Effect of cryoconite and snow algal communities on surface albedo on maritime glaciers in south Alaska",,"Bulletin of Glaciological Research",,"Vol. 20",,"pp. 21-27",2003, "幸島司郎","氷河生態系の生物たち",,"遺伝",,"Vol. 57","No. 5","pp. 31-35",2003, "幸島司郎","雪と氷の世界の生物たちー雪氷圏の生物学",,"化学と生物",,"Vol. 41","No. 9","pp. 598-604",2003, "Yuske Sekiguchi,Shiro Kohshima","Resting behaviors of captive bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus)",,"Physiology & Behavior",,"Vol. 79",,"pp. 643-653",2003, "Kohshima, S.,Yoshimura, Y.,Takeuchi, N.","Glacier Ecosystem and Biological Ice-core Analysis",," in The Patagonian Ice Fields:A Unique Natural Laboratory for Environmental and Climate Change Studies,ed. 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M.,Kubota, K.,Takeuchi, N.,Shinbori, K.","Ice Core Drilling at Southern Patagonian Icefield - Development of a New Portable Drill and the Field Campaign in 1999",,"Memoirs of National Institute of Polar Research, Special Issue",,,"No. 56","pp. 49-58",2002, "幸島司郎","氷河と昆虫:氷河生態系の生物たち",,"「科学」岩波書店",,"Vol. 72","No. 12","pp. 1151",2002, "Shiraiwa, T.,Kohshima, S.,Uemura, R.,Yoshida, N.,Matoba, S.,Uetake, J.,Godoi, M.A.","High net accumulation rates at Campo de Hielo Patagonico Sur, South America, revealed by analysis of a 45.97 m long ice core.",,"Annals of Glaciology",,"Vol. 35",,"pp. 84-90",2002, "Hiromi Kobayashi,Shiro Kohshima","Primate Origins of Human Cognition and Behavior(分担)",,"Springer-Verlag","Springer-Verlag",,,"pp. 383-401",2001, "Takeuchi, N.,Kohshima, S.,Seko, K.","Structure, formation and darkening process of albedo-reducing material (cryoconite) on a Himalayan glacier: a granular algal mat growing on the glacier",,"Arctic, Antarctic and Alpine Research",,"Vol. 33","No. 2","pp. 115-122",2001, "幸島司郎","生物学の未開のフィールドへ",,"エコソフィア",,,"No. 8","pp. 30-37",2001, "Takeuchi, N.,Kohshima, S.,Shiraiwa, T.,Kubota, K.","Characteristics of cryoconite (surface dust on glaciers) and surface albedo of a Patagonian glacier, Tyndall Glacier, Southern Patagonia Icefield",,"Bulletin of Glaciological Research",,"Vol. 18",,"pp. 65-69",2001, "Hiromi Kobayashi,Shiro Kohshima","Unique Morphology of the Human Eye and its adaptive meaning: comparative studies on external morphology of the primate eye",,"Journal of Human Evolution",,"Vol. 40",,"pp. 419-435",2001, "Takeuchi, N.,Kohshima, S.,Goto-Azuma, K.,Koerner, R.M.","Biological characteristics of dark colored material (cryoconite) on Canadian Arctic glaciers",,"the Proceeding of the Memoris of National Institute of Polar Research, Special Issue",,,"No. 54","pp. 495-505",2001, "幸島司郎","氷河に昆虫を求めて",,"ワイルドライフ",,"Vol. 4",,"pp. 14-19",2000, "幸島司郎","極限環境と生物ー雪氷環境の好冷生物",,"宇宙生物科学",,"Vol. 14","No. 4","pp. 353-362",2000, "長田和雄,木戸瑞佳,飯田肇,矢吹裕伯,幸島司郎,川田邦夫,中尾正義","立山・室堂平の春季積雪に含まれる化学成分の深度分布",,"雪氷",,"Vol. 62",,"pp. 3-14",2000, "Takeuchi, N.,Kohshima, S.","Effect of debris cover on species composition of living organisms in supuraglacial lakes on a Himalayan glacier",,"in Debris-Covered Glaciers,IAHS Publ. no 264",,,,"pp. 267-275",2000, "Takeuchi, N.,Kohshima, S.,Yoshimura, Y.,Seko, K.,Fujita, K.","Characteristics of cryoconite holes on a Himalayan glacier, Yala Glacier Central Nepal",,"Bulletin of Glacier Research",,"Vol. 17",,"pp. 51-59",2000, "Yoshimura, Y.,Kohshima,S.Takeuchi, N.,Y.,Seko,Fujita","Himalayan ice core dating with snow algae",,"J.Glaciology",,"Vol. 46","No. 153","pp. 335-340",2000, "小林洋美,幸島司郎","コミュニケーション装置としてのヒトの目の進化",,"電子情報通信学会誌",,"Vol. 82","No. 6","pp. 601-603",1999, "Kohshima, S.,Shiraiwa, T.,Muravyev, Y.D.,Yamaguchi, S","Snow Algae of Koryto Glacier in the Kronotsky Peninsula, Kamchatka, Russia.",,"Cryospheric Studies in Kamchatka II",,,,"pp. 70-75",1999, "Takeuchi, N.,Kohshima, S.,Fujita, K.","Snow Algae Community on a Himalayan Glacier, Glacier AX010 East Nepal : Relationship with Glacier Summer Mass Balance.",,"Bul. 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