"Naoyuki Murabe,Kazuyoshi Chiba,Enako Hosoda,Susumu Ikegami,Naoyuki Murabe,Ei-Ichi Okumura,Kazuyoshi Chiba,Enako Hosoda,Susumu Ikegami,Takeo Kishimoto","The Starfish Asterina pectinifera: Collection and Maintenance of Adults and Rearing and Metamorphosis of Larvae",,"Methods in molecular biology",,"Vol. 2219",,"pp. 49-68",2021, "Daisaku Hiraoka,Ryota Aono,EIICHI OKUMURA,TAKEO KISHIMOTO","Two new competing pathways establish the threshold for cyclin-B-Cdk1 activation at the meiotic G2/M transition",,"J Cell Sci.",," 129"," 16"," 3153-66",2016,Aug. "千代島隆広,立花和則,梶谷嶺,岸本健雄,伊藤武彦","イトマキヒトデのde novoアセンブリ","第38回日本分子生物学会年会",,,,,,2015,Dec. "EIICHI OKUMURA,Masatoshi Hara,TAKEO KISHIMOTO","Antibody inhibition of protein activity in starfish oocytes.",,"Methods Mol Biol.",,,"No. 1128","pp. 311-30",2014, "西村智洋,立花和則,岸本健雄,伊藤武彦","イトマキヒトデゲノムのde novoアセンブリ","日本動物学会第84回岡山大会",,,,,,2013,Sept. "Tadashi Wada,Masatoshi Hara,Takuya Taneda,Cao Qingfu,Ryouhei Takata,Kanako Moro,Kei Takeda,Takeo Kishimoto,Hiroshi Handa","Antisense morpholino targeting just upstream from a poly(A) tail junction of maternal mRNA removes the tail and inhibits translation",,"Nucleic Acids Res.",,"Vol. 40","No. 22","p. e173",2012,Dec. "M.Hara,Y.Abe,T.Tanaka,T.Yamamoto,E.Okumura,T.Kishimoto.","Greatwall kinase and cyclin B-Cdk1 are both critical constituents of M-phase promoting factor.",,"Nature Communications",,"vol. 3",," 1059",2012,Sept. "M.Hara,Y.Abe,T.Tanaka,E.Okumura,T.Kishimoto","Greatwall kinase and cyclin B-Cdk1 are both critical cocnstituents of MPF.","第34回日本分子生物学会年会 ワークショップ",,,,,,2011,Dec. "M.Hara,Y.Abe,T.Tanaka,T.Kishimoto.","Greatwall Kinase Is an Essential Component of MPF.","Mini-symposium in The 2011 ASCB Annual Meeting","MOLECULAR BIOLOGY OF THE CELL",,"vol. 22",,"p. 83",2011,Dec. "Y. Abe,E. Okumura,T. Hosoya,T. Hirota,TAKEO KISHIMOTO","A single starfish Aurora kinase performs the combined functions of Aurora-A and Aurora-B in human cells.",,"J. Cell Sci.",," 123",," 3978-3988",2010,Nov. "佐方 功幸,稲垣 昌樹,岸本健雄","細胞周期フロンティア",,"細胞周期フロンティア","共立出版",,,,2010,Nov. "T. Nishiyama,K. Tachibana,TAKEO KISHIMOTO","Cytostatic arrest: Post-ovulation arrest until fertilization in metazoan oocytes.",,"Oogenesis: The Universal Process (ed. Verlhac, M.H.)","Wiley-Blackwell, UK",,,"pp. 357-384",2010,Mar. "半田宏,伊藤武彦,岩崎博史,岡田典弘,岸本健雄,工藤明,白髭克彦,田中幹子,徳永万喜洋,広瀬茂久,村上聡,菊池韶彦","ハートウェル遺伝学-遺伝子、ゲノム、そして生命システムへ-",,,"メディカルサイエンスインターナショナル",,,,2010,Mar. "K. Tachibana,M. Mori,T. Matsuhira,T. Karino,T. Inagaki,A. Nagayama,A. Nishiyama,M. Hara,TAKEO KISHIMOTO","Initiation of DNA replication after fertilization is regulated by p90Rsk at pre-RC/pre-IC transition in starfish eggs.",,"Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA",," 107",," 5006-5011",2010,Mar. "岸本健雄","特集「細胞周期研究の新たなステージ」",,"細胞工学",," 28"," 1"," 9-66",2009,Jan. "M. Hara,M. Mori,T. Wada,K. Tachibana,TAKEO KISHIMOTO","Start of the embryonic cell cycle is dually locked in unfertilized starfish eggs.",,"Development",," 136",," 1687-1696",2009, "Kazunori Tachibana,Masatoshi Hara,Yukako Hattori,Takeo Kishimoto","Cyclin B-Cdk1 controls pronuclear union in interphase.",,"Curr. Biol.",," 18",," 1308-1313",2008, "Tomoko Nishiyama,Norio Yoshizaki,Takeo Kishimoto,Keita Ohsumi","Transient activation of calcineurin is essential to initiate embryonic development in Xenopus laevis",,"Nature",," 449",," 341-345",2007,Sept. "Tomoko Nishiyama,Keita Ohsumi,Takeo Kishimoto","Phosphorylation of Erp1 by p90rsk is required for cytostatic factor arrest in Xenopus laevis eggs",,"Nature",," 446",," 1096-1099",2007,Apr. "Tetsuya Gotoh,Noriko Shigemoto,Takeo Kishimoto","Cyclin E2 is required for embryogenesis in Xenopus laevis.",,"Dev. Biol.",," 310",," 341-347",2007, "岸本健雄","ヒトデ卵の成熟と減数分裂周期の制御機構??半世紀にわたる研究の展開",,"動物学会編纂「シリーズ21世紀の動物科学」第6巻「細胞の生物学」","培風館",,,"pp. 9-58",2007, "岸本健雄","細胞周期研究のビッグバン",,,"細胞周期集中マスター(北川雅敏編)、羊土社",,,"pp. 12-33",2006,June "Nishiyama, A.,Muraki, K.,Saito, M.,Ohsumi, K.,Kishimoto, T.,Ishikawa, F.","Cell-cycle-dependent Xenopus TRF1 recruitment to telomere chromatin regulated by Polo-like kinase.",,"EMBO J.",,"Vol. 25",,"pp. 575-584",2006, "Mori, M.,Hara, M.,Tachibana, K.,Kishimoto, T.","p90Rsk is required for G1 phase arrest in unfertilized starfish eggs.",,"Development",,"Vol. 133",,"pp. 1823-1830",2006, "Kishimoto, T.","Cell cycle unleashed (News and Views).",,"Nature",,"Vol. 437",,"pp. 963-965",2005,Oct. "Keishi Shintomi,Mari Iwabuchi,Hideaki Saeki,Kiyoe Ura,Takeo Kishimoto,Keita Ohsumi","Nucleosome assembly protein-1 is a linker histone chaperone in Xenopus eggs",,"Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA",,"Vol. 102","No. 23","pp. 8210-8215",2005,June "Shintomi, K.,Iwabuchi, M.,Saeki, H.,Ura, K.,Kishimoto, T.,Ohsumi, K.","Nucleosome assembly protein-1 is a linker histone chaperone in Xenopus eggs.",,"Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA",,"Vol. 102",,"pp. 8210-8215",2005, "Yamamoto, T.M.,Iwabuchi, M.,Ohsumi, K.,Kishimoto, T.","APC/C-Cdc20-mediated degradation of cyclin B participates in CSF arrest in unfertilized Xenopus eggs.",,"Dev. Biol.",,"Vol. 279",,"pp. 345-355",2005, "Kishimoto, T.","In memory of Andre Picard: 1950-2004 (Obituary).",,"Biol. Cell",,"Vol. 97",,"pp. 349-350",2005, "Hiraoka, D.,Hori-Oshima, S.,Fukuhara, T.,Tachibana, K,Okumura, E.,Kishimoto, T.","PDK1 is required for the hormonal signalling pathway leading to meiotic resumption in starfish oocytes.",,"Dev. Biol.",,"Vol. 276",,"pp. 330-336",2004, "Ohsumi, K.,Koyanagi, A.,Yamamoto, T.M.,Gotoh, T.,Kishimoto, T.","Emi1-mediated M-phase arrest in Xenopus eggs is distinct from cytostatic factor arrest.",,"Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA",,"Vol. 101",,"pp. 12531-12536",2004, "Uchida, A.,Tashiro, T.,Komiya, Y.,Yorifuji, H.,Kishimoto, T.,Hisanaga, S.","Morphological and biochemical changes of neurofilaments in aged rat sciatic nerve axons.",,"J. Neurochem.",,"Vol. 88",,"pp. 735-745",2004, "岸本健雄","細胞周期制御の概要",,"発生における細胞増殖制御(竹内隆、岸本健雄編)シュプリンガーフェアラーク東京","発生における細胞増殖制御(竹内隆、岸本健雄編)シュプリンガーフェアラーク東京",,,"pp. 7-12",2004, "TAKEO KISHIMOTO","More than G1 or G2 arrest: Useful starfish oocyte system for investigating skillful MAP kinase.",,"Biol. Cell ",,"Vol. 96",,"pp. 241-244",2004, "Honma, N.,Asada, A.,Takeshita, S.,Enomoto, M.,Yamakawa, E.,Tsutsumi, K.,Saito, T.,Satoh, T.,Itoh, H.,Kaziro, Y.,Kishimoto, T.,Hisanaga, S.","Apoptosis-associated tyrosine kinase is a Cdk5 activator p35 binding protein.",,"Biochem. Biophys. Res. Comm.",,"Vol. 310",,"pp. 398-404",2003, "岸本健雄","減数分裂周期の制御機構ーー世代の交代に際してゲノムの恒常性を維持するためにはーー",,"学術月報(日本学術振興会)",,"Vol. 56","No. 12","pp. 印刷中",2003, "Kishimoto, T.","Cell cycle control during meiotic maturation.",,"Curr. Opin. Cell Biol.",,"Vol. 15",,"pp. 654-663",2003, "Terasaki, M.,Okumura, E.,Hinkel, B.,Kishimoto, T.","Localization and dynamics of Cdc2-cyclin B during meiotic reinitiation in starfish oocytes.",,"Mol. Biol. Cell",,"Vol. 14",,"pp. 4685-4694",2003, "Okano-Uchida, T.,Okumura, E.,Iwashita, M.,Yoshida, H.,Tachibana, K.,Kishimoto, T.","Distinct regulators for Plk1 activation in starfish meiotic and early embryonic cycles.",,"EMBO J.",,"Vol. 22",,"pp. 5633-5642",2003, "Saito, T.,Onuki, R.,Fujita, Y.,Kusakawa, G.,Ishiguro, K.,Bibb. J. A.,Kishimoto, T.,Hisanaga,s.","Developmental regulation of the proteolysis of the p35 cyclin-dependent kinase 5 activator by phosphorylation.",,"J. Neurosci.",,"Vol. 23",,"pp. 1189-1197",2003, "Okumura, E.,Fukuhara, T.,Yoshida, H.,Hanada, S.,Kozutsumi, R.,Mori, M.,Tachibana, K.,Kishimoto, T.","Akt inhibits Myt1 in the signalling pathway that leads to meiotic G2/M-phase transition.",,"Nature Cell Biol.",,"Vol. 4",,"pp. 111-116",2002, "Iwabuchi, M.,Ohsumi, K.,Yamamoto, T. M.,Kishimoto, T.","Coordinated regulation of M phase exit and S phase entry by the Cdc2 activity level in the early embryonic cell cycle.",,"Dev. Biol",,"Vol. 243",,"pp. 34-43",2002, "岸本健雄","シリーズ:検証・20世紀の生物科学 細胞周期",,"遺伝",,"Vol. 56","No. 3","pp. 77-87",2002, "岸本健雄","サイクリン-CDKとチェックポイント",,"細胞の誕生と死(長田重一、山本雅 編)共立出版","細胞の誕生と死(長田重一、山本雅 編)共立出版",,,"pp. 59-85",2001, "Misaki, K.,Mukai, H.,Yoshinaga, C.,Oishi, K.,Isagawa, T.,Takahashi, M.,Ohsumi, K.,Kishimoto, T.,Ono, Y.","PKN delays mitotic timing by inhibition of Cdc25C: Possible involvement of PKN in the regulatiion of cell division.",,"Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA",,"Vol. 98",,"pp. 125-129",2001, "Gotoh, T.,Ohsumi, K.,Matsui, T.,Takisawa, H.,Kishimoto, T.","Inactivation of the checkpoint kinase Cds1 is dependent on cyclin B-Cdc2 kinase activation at the meiotic G2/M-phase transition in Xenopus oocytes.",,"J. Cell Sci.",,"Vol. 114",,"pp. 3397-3406",2001, "Uchida, A.,Komiya, Y.,Tashiro, T.,Yorifuji, H.,Kishimoto, T.,Nabeshima, Y.,Hisanaga, S.","Neurofilaments of Klotho, the mutant mouse prematurely displaying symptoms resembling human aging",,"J. Neurosci. Res.",,,,"pp. 364-370",2001, "Iwabuchi, M.,Ohsumi, K.,Yamamoto, T. M.,Sawada, W.,Kishimoto, T.","Residual Cdc2 activity remaining at meiosis I exit is essential for meiotic M-M transition in Xenopus oocyte extracts.",," EMBO J.",,"Vol. 19",,"pp. 4513-4523",2000, "Tachibana, K.,Tanaka, D.,Isobe, T.,Kishimoto, T.","c-Mos forces the mitotic cell cycle to undergo meiosis II to produce haploid gametes.",,"Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A.",,"Vol. 97","No. 26"," 14301-14306",2000, "Fangman, W.L.,Kishimoto, T.,Kohiyama, M.,Coath, C.","Cell Division and the Replicon : Human Frontier Workshop IX",,"Human Frontier Science Program","Human Frontier Science Program",,,,2000, "Nishiyama, A.,Tachibana, K.,Igarashi, Y.,Yasuda, H.,Tanahashi, N.,Tanaka, K.,Ohsumi, K.,Kishimoto","A non-proteolytic function of the proteasome is required for the dissociation of Cdc2 and cyclin B at the end of M-phase.",,"Genes Dev.",,"Vol. 14",,"pp. 2344-2357",2000, "Kusakawa, G.,Saito, T.,Onuki, R.,Ishiguro, K.,Kishimoto, T.,Hisanaga, S.","Calpain-dependent proteolytic cleavage of the p35 cyclin-dependent kinase 5 activator to p25.",,"J. Biol. Chem.",,"Vol. 275",,"pp. 17166-17172",2000, "Kawahara, H.,Kasahara, M.,Nishiyama, A.,Ohsumi, K.,Goto, T.,Kishimoto, T.,Saeki, Y.,Yokosama, H.,Shimbara, N.,Murata, S.,Chiba, T.,Suzuki, K.,Tanaka","Developmentally regulated, alternative splicing of the Rpn10 gene generates multiple forms of 26S proteasomes.",,"EMBO J.",,"Vol. 19",,"pp. 4144-4153",2000, "TAKEO KISHIMOTO","Activation of MPF at meiosis reinitiation in starfish oocytes (Review)",,"Developmental Biology",,"Vol. 214",,"pp. 1-8",1999, "TAKEO KISHIMOTO","Oocyte maturation and spawning in starfish.",,"Encyclopedia of Reproduction (Knobil, E. and Neill, J. D. eds.)","Encyclopedia of Reproduction (Knobil, E. and Neill, J. D. eds.)","Vol. 3",,"pp. 481-488",1999, "TAKEO KISHIMOTO","In vivo Regulation of cyclin A/Cdc2 and cyclin B/Cdc2 through meiotic and early cleavage cycles in starfish.",,"Develop. Biol.",,"Vol. 197",,"pp. 39-53",1998, "TAKEO KISHIMOTO","Cell cycle arrest and release in starfish oocytes and eggs.",,"Seminars Cell Develop. Biol.",,"Vol. 9",,"pp. 549-557",1998, "岸本健雄","細胞周期",,"細胞周期;細胞機能と代謝マップ 2。細胞の動的機能(日本生化学会編),東京化学同人","細胞周期;細胞機能と代謝マップ 2。細胞の動的機能(日本生化学会編),東京化学同人","Vol. 2",,"pp. 70-75",1998, "TAKEO KISHIMOTO","An indirect role for cyclin B-Cdc2 in inducing chromosome condensation in Xenopus egg extracts.",,"Biol. Cell",,"Vol. 90",,"pp. 519-530",1998, "TAKEO KISHIMOTO","Phosphorylation states of microtubule-associated protein 2(MAP2) determine the regulatory role of MAP2 in microtubule dynamics.",,"Biochemistry",,,,,1997, "TAKEO KISHIMOTO","In vivo Regulation of the entry into M-phase : initial activation and nuclear translocation of cyclin B/Cdc2.",,"Progress in Cell Cycle Res. (Meijer, L. , Guidet, S. and Philippe, M. eds. ), Plenum Press, New York","Progress in Cell Cycle Res. (Meijer, L. , Guidet, S. and Philippe, M. eds. ), Plenum Press, New York","Vol. 3",,,1997, "TAKEO KISHIMOTO","MAP kinase links the fertilization signal transduction pathway to the G1/S-phase transition in starfish eggs.",,"EMBO Journal",,"Vol. 16",,"pp. 4333-4339",1997, "岸本健雄","酵母の細胞周期調節遺伝子cdc2に相同な遺伝子がヒトにもある",,"英語論文セミナー現代の細胞生物学(共著)","英語論文セミナー現代の細胞生物学(共著)",,,,1996, "岸本健雄","カエル卵無細胞系での染色体凝縮.",,"蛋白質・核酸・酵素",,"Vol. 41",,"pp. 2202-2209",1996, "岸本健雄","Cdc2キナーゼはどのようにしてM期を実現するのか.",,"蛋白質・核酸・酵素",,"Vol. 41",,"pp. 1839-1846",1996, "TAKEO KISHIMOTO","Isolation and characterization of the cDNA for an A-like cyclin in Adiantum capillus-veneris L.",,"Plant and Cell Physiology",,"Vol. 37",,"pp. 825-832",1996, "TAKEO KISHIMOTO","Two Types of apoptotic cell death of rat central nervous system-derived neuroblastoma B50 and B104 cells : apoptosis induced during proliferation and after differentiation.",,"Journal of Neurochemistry",,"Vol. 67",,"pp. 1856-1865",1996, "TAKEO KISHIMOTO","Starfish Maturation-Promoting Factor",,"Trends Biochemical Sciences",,,"No. 21","pp. 35-37",1996, "TAKEO KISHIMOTO","Initial Triggering of M-Phase in Starfish Oocytes:A Possible Novel Component of MPF Besides cdc2 Kinase",,"J.Cell Biol",,"Vol. 132",,"pp. 125-135",1996, "TAKEO KISHIMOTO","The Cell Cycle -an Introduction",,"メディカル・サイエンス・インターナショナル","メディカル・サイエンス・インターナショナル",,,,1995, "岸本健雄","cdc2/MPF.サイクリンA",,"バイオサイエンス用語ライブラリー「細胞周期」(共著)","バイオサイエンス用語ライブラリー「細胞周期」(共著)",,,,1995, "TAKEO KISHIMOTO","Cell Cycle Control by Cyclin-Dependent Klnases",,"細胞",,"Vol. 27","No. 8","pp. 316-319",1995, "TAKEO KISHIMOTO","In Situ Dephosphorylation of Tau by Protein Phosphatase 2A and 2B in Fetal Rat Primary Cultured Neurons",,"FEBS Lett",,,"No. 376","pp. 238-242",1995, "TAKEO KISHIMOTO","Degradation of c-Fos by the 26S Proteasome is Accelerated by c-Jun and Multiple Protein Kinases",,"Mol.Cell.Biol.,",,,"No. 15","pp. 5682-5687",1995, "TAKEO KISHIMOTO","Porcine Brain Neurofilament-H Tail Domain Kinase:Its Identification as CDK5/p26 Complex, and Comparison with CDC2/Cyclin B Kinase",,"Cell Motil.Cytoskel.,",,,"No. 31","pp. 283-297",1995, "TAKEO KISHIMOTO","Dependence of removal of sperm-specific proteins from ┣DBXenopus(/)-┫DB sperm nuclei on the phosphorylation state of nucleoplasmin.",,"Develop. Growth Differ.",,"Vol. 37",,"pp. 329-336",1995, "TAKEO KISHIMOTO","Neurofilament-associated protein phosphatase 2A : Its possible role in preserving neurofilaments in filamentous states.",,"Biochem.",,"Vol. 34",,"pp. 7376-7384",1995, "TAKEO KISHIMOTO","Evidence for cdk5 as a major activity phosphorylating tau protein in porcine brain extract.",,"J. Biochem.",,"Vol. 117",,"pp. 741-749",1995, "TAKEO KISHIMOTO","Cyclin B interaction with microtubule-associated protein 4 (MAP4) targets p34┣D2cdc2┫D2 kinase to microtubules and is a potential regulator of M-phase microtubule dynamics.",,"Journal. Cell Biology.",,"Vol. 128",,"pp. 849-862",1995, "TAKEO KISHIMOTO","Cell reproduction : induction of M-phase events by cyclin-dependent cdc2 kinase.",,"Int. J. Dev. Biol.",,"Vol. 38",,"pp. 185-191",1994, "TAKEO KISHIMOTO","Meiosis-specific cell cycle regulation in maturing ┣DBXenopus(/)-┫DB oocytes.",,"J. Cell Sci.",,"Vol. 107",,"pp. 3005-3013",1994, "TAKEO KISHIMOTO","Identification of phosphorylation sites responsible for structural change of myogenin.",,"FEBS Let.",,"Vol. 352",,"pp. 236-242",1994, "TAKEO KISHIMOTO","SV40 large T antigen reinduces the cell cycle in terminally differentiated myotubes through inducing cdk2, cdc2, and their partner cyclins.",,"Exp. Cell Res.",,"Vol. 214",,"pp. 270-278",1994, "TAKEO KISHIMOTO","Tau protein kinase II has a similar characteristic to cdc 2 kinase for phosphorylating neurofilament proteins.",,"Journal of Biological Chemistry",,,"No. 268","pp. 15056-15060",1993, "TAKEO KISHIMOTO","Control of M-phase by MPF/cyclin-dependent cdc2 kinase.",,"Japan Scientific Societies PressBiology of Germ Line-In Animals andMan(共著)","Japan Scientific Societies PressBiology of Germ Line-In Animals andMan(共著)",,,"pp. 1-16",1993, "TAKEO KISHIMOTO","Cell cycle",,"Biological Science",,,"No. 44","pp. 425-442-445",1993, "TAKEO KISHIMOTO","Chromosome condensation in Xenopus mitotic extracts without histone Hl.",,"Science",,,"No. 262","pp. 2033-2035",1993, "TAKEO KISHIMOTO","Phosphorylation of synthetic vimentin peptides by cdc2 kinase.",,"Biochemistry Biophysics Research Communication",,,"No. 195","pp. 837-843",1993, "TAKEO KISHIMOTO","Association of p34┣D1cdc2┫D1/cyclin B complex with microtubules in starfish oocytes.",,"Journal of Cell Science",,,"No. 105","pp. 873-881",1993, "TAKEO KISHIMOTO","Microtubule nucleating activity of centrosomes in cell-free extracts from Xenopus eggs : involvement of phosphorylation and accumulation of pericentriolar material.",,"Journal of Cell Science",,,"No. 104","pp. 124-137",1993, "TAKEO KISHIMOTO","P13┣D1suc1┫D1 suppresses the catalytic function of p34┣D1dc2┫D1 kinase for intermediate filament proteins, in vitro.",,"Journal of Biological Chemistry",,,"No. 267","pp. 20937-20942",1992, "K. Ookata,S. Hisanaga,T. Okano,K. Tachibana,TAKEO KISHIMOTO","Relocation and distinct subcellular localization of p34cdc2-cyclin B complex at meiosis reinitiation in starfish oocytes.",,"EMBO J.",," 11",," 1763-1772",1992, "岸本健雄","卵成熟とcdc2キナーゼ",,"新生化学実験講座","東京化学同人","Vol. 14",,"pp. 143-158",1992, "岸本健雄","MPF・cdc2キナーゼ・サイクリンーM期の制御と細胞周期の制御-",,"Annual Review細胞生物学1991","中外医学社",,," 217-235",1991, "S. Hisanaga,M. Kusubata,E. Okumura,TAKEO KISHIMOTO","Phosphorylation of neurofilament H subunit at the tail comain by CDC2 kinase dissociates the association to microtubules.",,"J. Biol. Chem.",," 266",," 21798-21803",1991, "K. Tachibana,M. Ishiura,T. Uchida,TAKEO KISHIMOTO","The starfish egg mRNA responsible for reinitiation of meiotic maturation encodes cyclin.",,"Dev. Biol.",," 140",," 241-252",1990, "TAKEO KISHIMOTO","Hormonal control of oocyte maturation in Echinoderms.",,"Progress in Comparative Endocrinology","Wiley-Liss, New York","Vol. 342",,"pp. 372-378",1990, "F. Shilling,K. Chiba,M. Hoshi,TAKEO KISHIMOTO,L. A. Jaffe","Pertussis toxin inhibits 1-methyladenine-induced maturation in starfish oocytes.",,"Dev. Biol.",," 133",," 605-608",1989, "TAKEO KISHIMOTO","Regulation of metaphase by a maturation-promoting factor.",,"Dev. Growth Differ.",," 30",," 105-115",1988, "N. Hashimoto,TAKEO KISHIMOTO","Regulation of meiotic metaphase by a cytoplasmic maturation-promoting factor during mouse oocyte maturation.",,"Dev. Biol.",," 126",," 242-252",1988, "K. Tachibana,N. Yanagishima,TAKEO KISHIMOTO","Preliminary characterization of maturation-promoting factor from yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae.",,"J. Cell Sci.",," 88",," 273-281",1987, "岸本健雄","卵成熟促進因子(MPF)による細胞分裂の制御.",,"生物物理",," 26",," 157-167",1986, "TAKEO KISHIMOTO,H. Kondo","Extraction and preliminary characterization of maturation-promoting factor from starfish oocytes.",,"Exp. Cell Res.",," 163",," 445-452",1986, "TAKEO KISHIMOTO","Microinjection and cytoplasmic transfer in starfish oocytes.",,"Methods in Cell Biol.",," 27",," 379-394",1986, "TAKEO KISHIMOTO,N. Usui,H. Kanatani","Breakdown of starfish ovarian follicle induced by maturation-promoting factor.",,"Dev. Biol.",," 101",," 28-34",1984, "TAKEO KISHIMOTO,K. Yamazaki,Y. Kato,S. S. Koide,H. Kanatani","Induction of starfish oocyte maturation by maturation-promoting factor of mouse and surf clam oocytes.",,"J. Exp. Zool.",," 231",," 293-295",1984, "TAKEO KISHIMOTO,R. Kuriyama,H. Kondo,H. Kanatani","Generality of the action of various maturation- promoting factors.",,"Exp. Cell Res.",," 137",," 121-126",1982, "TAKEO KISHIMOTO,S. Hirai,H. Kanatani","Role of germinal vesicle material in producing maturation-promoting factor in starfish oocyte.",,"Dev. Biol.",," 81",," 177-181",1981, "岸本健雄","ヒトデ卵の成熟誘起機構に関する研究",,,,,,,1976, "TAKEO KISHIMOTO,M. L. Cayer,H. Kanatani","Starfish oocyte maturation and reduction of disulfide-bond on oocyte surface.",,,," 101",," 104-110",1976, "TAKEO KISHIMOTO,H. Kanatani","Cytoplasmic factor responsible for germinal vesicle breakdown and meiotic maturation in starfish oocyte.",,"Nature",," 260",," 321-322",1976, "TAKEO KISHIMOTO,H. Kanatani","Induction of starfish oocyte maturation by disulfide-reducing agents.",,"Exp. Cell Res.",," 82",," 296-302",1973,