"Yoshihiro Hayashi,Akimitsu Miyaji,Ken Motokura,Naoki Asakawa,Toshihide Baba","Relationship between the Catalytic Activities of Acidic Protons in Aluminosilicate and Silicoaluminophosphate Molecular Sieves for n-Butane Cracking and their 1H Chemical Shifts Measured at the Reaction Temperature",,"Journal of Physical Chemistry C",," 120",," 9207-9217",2016,Apr. "Bo Zhu,Yong He,Naoki Asakawa,Haruo Nishida,Yoshio Inoue","A New Crystal Form Favored in Low Molecular Weight Biodegradable Poly(3-hydroxypropionate)",,"Macromolecules",,"Vol. 39",,"pp. 194",2006, "Naoki Asakawa,Kiyohiko Matsubara,Yoshio Inoue","Low-dimensional lattice diffusion in solids investigated by nuclear spin echo measurements",,"Chemical Physics Letters",,"Vol. 406",,"pp. 215-221",2005,Mar. "Kazuki Ishida,Naoki Asakawa,Yoshio Inoue","Structure, Properties and Biodegradation of Some Bacterial Copoly(hydroxyalkanoate)s",,"Macromole.Symp.",,"Vol. 224",,"pp. 47-57",2005, "Bo Zhu,Yong He,Naoki Asakawa,Naoko Yoshie,Haruo Nishida,Yoshio Inoue","A new crystal form, polymorphism, and multi-morphology in biodegradable poly(3-hydroxypropionate).",,"Macromolecular Rapid Communications",,"Vol. 26","No. 8","pp. 581-585",2005, "Bayar Hexig,Hexig Alata,Naoki Asakawa,Yoshio Inoue","Generation of Compositional-Gradient Structures in Biodegradable, Immiscible, Polymer Blends by Intermolecular Hydrogen-Bonding Interactions",,"Advanced Functional Materials",,"Vol. 15",,"pp. 1630-1634",2005, "Seiichiro Mori,Yoshio Inoue,Takakazu Yamamoto,Naoki Asakawa","Dynamics of the quasiordered structure in the regioregulated pi-conjugated polymer poly(4-methylthiazole-2,5-diyl)",,"Physical Review B",,"Vol. 71","No. 5","pp. 054205",2005, "Naoki Asakawa,Manabu Ohira,Koji Yazawa,Takakazu Yamamoto,Yoshio Inoue","Dynamics of twist glass transition of a pi-conjugated polymer investigated by NMR relaxation spectroscopy: poly(p-phenylene)",,"Los Alamos National Laboratory, Preprint Archive, comdensed Matter(cond-mat)",,"Vol. -","No. -","pp. 0507515",2005, "浅川直紀","パイ共役系高分子の乱れた構造のダイナミクス",,"高分子加工","高分子加工","Vol. 53","No. 12","pp. 24-31",2004, "Shigeki Kuroki,Naoki Asakawa,Hidekazu Yasunaga","Nuclear Magnetic Resonance",,"The Royal Society of Chemistry","The Royal Society of Chemistry","Vol. 33",,,2004, "Bayar Hexig,Yong He,Naoki Asakawa,Yoshio Inoue","Diphenol Miscibility Effect on the Immiscible Polymester/Polyester Binary Blends through Intermolecular Hydrogen-bonding Interaction",,"Journal of Polymer Science Part B:Polym.Phys.",,"Vol. 42",,"pp. 2971-2982",2004, "Bo Zhu,Yong He,Naoko Yoshie,Naoki Asakawa,Yoshio Inoue","Partial Phase Segregation in Strongly Hydrogen-bonded and Miscible Blends",,"Macromolecules",,"Vol. 37","No. 9","pp. 3257-3266",2004, "Lidan Feng,Naoko Yoshie,Naoki Asakawa,Yoshio Inoue","Comonomer-Unit Compositions, Physical Properties and Biodegradability of Bacterial Copolyhydroxyalkanoates",,"Macromolecular Bioscience.",,"Vol. 4",,"pp. 186-198",2004, "Weihua Kai,Yong He,Naoki Asakawa,Yoshio Inoue","Effect of Lignin Particles as a nucleating Agent on Crystallization of Poly(3-hydroxybutyrate).",,"Journal of Applied Polymer Science",,"Vol. 94","No. 6","pp. 2466-2474",2004, "NAOKI ASAKAWA","Determination of Small Chemical Shielding Anisotropy by Adiabatically Ramped Spin-locking NMR and Ab Initio Chemical Shielding Calculation:L-alanine Methyl Carbon",,"Journal of Molecular Structure(THEOCHEM)",,"Vol. 675",,"pp. 29-35",2004, "S.Kuroki,N.Asakawa,H.Yasunaga","Nuclear Magnetic Resonance",,"The Royal Society of Chemistry","The Royal Society of Chemistry","Vol. 32",,"pp. 75-125",2003, "NAOKI ASAKAWA","Measurements of Local Magnetic Field Gradient and Diffusion in Polymers in the Solid State",,"J.Mole.Struct.",,"Vol. 602-603",,"pp. 455-461",2002, "N. Asakawa,T. Kajikawa,K. Sato,M. Sakurai,Y. Inoue,T. Yamamoto","Measurements of local magnetic field gradient and diffusion in polymer in the solid state",,"J. Mol. Struct.",,"Vol. 602-603",,"pp. 455-461",2002, "Mariko Shiozawa,Masaki Yoda,Narutoshi Kamiya,Naoki Asakawa,Junichi Higo,Yoshio Inoue,Minoru Sakurai","Evidence for Large Structural Fluctuations of the Photobleached Intermediate of Photoactive Yellow Protein in Solution",,"J. Am. Chem. Soc.",,"Vol. 123","No. 30","pp. 7445-7446",2001, "Kenichi Akao,Yusei Okubo,Naoki Asakawa,Yoshio Inoue,Minoru Sakurai","Infrared Spectroscopic Study on the Properties of the Anhydrous Form II of Trehalose. Implications for the Functional Mechanism of Trehalose as a Biostabilizer",,"Carbohydr. Res.",,"Vol. 334",,"pp. 233-241",2001, "Naoki Asakawa,Daisuke Sato,Minoru Sakurai,Yoshio Inoue","Local Structure of Phosphate/amine Polyion Complexes in Phospholipid/polypeptides Mixtures by Solid State NMR and Ab Initio Chemical Shielding Calculation",,"Journal of Physical Chemistry",,"Vol. A104",,"pp. 2716",2000, "N. Asakawa,D. Sato,M. Sakurai,Y. Inoue","Local structure of phosphate/amine polyion complexes in phospholipid/polypeptide mixtures by solid state NMR and ab initio chemical shielding calculation",,"J. Phys. Chem. A",,"Vol. 104",,"pp. 2716-2723",2000, "NAOKI ASAKAWA","A Dual Role for Intracellular Trehalose in the Resistance of Yeast Cells to Water Stress",,"Cryobiology",,"Vol. 39",,"pp. 80",1999, "櫻井実,浅川直紀","生物工学基礎コース 計算機化学入門(共著)",,"計算機化学入門","計算機化学入門",,,,1999, "N. Asakawa,D. Sato,M. Sakurai,Y. Inoue","13C chemical shift tensors and secondary structure of poly-L-alanine by solid-state two-dimensional spin-echo NMR and ab initio chemical shielding calculation",,"Magn. Reson. Chem.",,"Vol. 37",,"pp. 303-311",1999, ",浅川直紀","水和特性から探るトレハロースの生体物質保護機能",,"食品工業",,"Vol. 41","No. 20","pp. 64-72",1998, "I.Ando,T.Kameda,S.Kuroki,N.Asakawa","Polypeptides",,"Solid State NMR of Polymer","Solid State NMR of Polymer",,,"pp. 819-851",1998, "I.Ando,G.A.Webb,N.Asakawa","NMR Chemical Shift and Electronic Structure",,"Solid State NMR of Polymers","Solid State NMR of Polymers",,,"pp. 1-21",1998, "D. Sato,N. Asakawa,M. Sakurai,Y. Inoue","Structural study of acidic phospholipid-basic homopolypeptide complexes by 31P and 13C solid-state NMR chemical shifts",,"J. Phys. Chem. B",,"Vol. 102","No. 17","pp. 3073-3076",1998, "Naoki Asakawa,T.Kameda,S.Kuroki,H.Kurosu,S.Ando,I.Ando,A.Shoji","Structural Studies of Hydrogen-bonded Peptides and Polypeptides by Solid State NMR",,"Annual Reports on NMR Spectroscopy",,"Vol. 35",,"pp. 55",1998, "I.Ando,T.Kameda,S.Kuroki,N.Asakawa","Structure of Peptides and Polypeptides in the Solid State as elucidated by NMR Chemical Shift",,"Journal of Molecular Structure",,"Vol. 441",,"pp. 213",1998, "NAOKI ASAKAWA","Extensive Studies on pi-Stacking of Poly(3-alkylthiophene-2,5-diyl)and Poly(4-alkylthiazole-2,5-diyl)s by Optical Spectroscopy, NMR Analysis, Light Scattering Analysis, and X-ray Crystallography",,"Journal of American Chemical Society",,"Vol. 120","No. 9","pp. 2047-2058",1998, "NAOKI ASAKAWA","Conformational Analysis of the Alkyl Spacer of a Dimer Liquid Crystal in the Solid and Liquid Crystalline States by C13-C13 Dipolar Coupling",,"Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry",,"Vol. 36",,"pp. S195-S199",1998, "NAOKI ASAKAWA","A Solid-state P-31 NMR Study of the Interaction between Trehalose and DPPC Bilayer",,"Chemistry Letters",,,,"pp. 713-714",1998, "NAOKI ASAKAWA","Phase Structure and Biodegradation of the Bacterial Poly(3-hydroxybutyric acid)/Chemosynthetic Poly(3-hydroxypropionic acid)Blend",,"Polymer Journal",,"Vol. 30","No. 9","pp. 743-752",1998, "佐野文彦,浅川直紀,井上義夫,櫻井実","酵母のストレス耐性発現に対するトレハロースの役割",,"低温生物工学会誌",,"Vol. 44",,"pp. 41-44",1998, "naoki asakawa","A Structural Study of Peptides and Proteins by Solid State NMR",,,,,,,1996,Feb. "NAOKI ASAKAWA","Morphological Study of Bacterial Poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxy-propionate)",,"Macromolecular Chem. Phys.",,"Vol. 197",,"pp. 2467",1996, "NAOKI ASAKAWA","Composition Fraction and Thermal Characterization of Poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxypropionate)",,"Polymer J.",,"Vol. 28",,"pp. 1096",1996, "NAOKI ASAKAWA","Ab initioStudy of the C12-C13Conformation of 11-cis-retinal",,"Chemistry Letters.",,,,"pp. 1039",1995, "NAOKI ASAKAWA","Hydrogen-bonding Effect on ┣D113┫D1CNMR Chemical Shifts of Amino Acid Residue Carbonyl Carbons of some Peptides in the Cystallime State",,"Journal of Molecular Structure",,"Vol. 350",,"pp. 233",1995, "浅川直紀","新高分子実験学講座(第五巻)(共著)",,"共立出版","共立出版",,,,1994, "N.Asakawa,H.Kurosu,I.Ando","Structural Study of Peptides Containing L-Alanine Residues by ab-initio Chemical Shielding Calculations",,"Journal of Molecular Structure",,"Vol. 323",,"pp. 279",1994, "NAOKI ASAKAWA","A Structural Study of Peptides and Proteins Containing L-Alanine Residue by ┣D113┫D1C NMR Spectroscopy",,"Journal of Molecular Structure",,"Vol. 317",,"pp. 119",1994, "浅川直紀","NMR(溶液)",,"高分子",,,,"pp. 42",1993, "浅川直紀","各種分析手法におけるサンプリング・調製法と前処理技術(共著)",,"技術情報協会","技術情報協会",,,,1993, "浅川直紀","固体高分解能NMRによるペプチドおよびタンパク質の構造研究",,,,,,,1993, "NAOKI ASAKAWA","Hydrogen-bonded Structure of Peptides and Proteins as studied by ┣D113┫D1C NMR",,"Reports on Progress in Polymer Physics in Japan",,"Vol. 36",,"pp. 639",1993, "NAOKI ASAKAWA","Hydrogen-Bonding Effect on ┣D113┫D1C NMR Chemical Shift of L-Alanine Residue Carbonyl-Carbon in peptides in the Solid State",,"Journal of American Chemical Society",,"Vol. 114",,"pp. 3261",1992, "NAOKI ASAKAWA","Hydrogen Bond Length and ┣D115┫D1N Chemical Shift of the Glycine Residue of Some Oligopeptides in the Solid State",,"J. Molecular Structure",,"Vol. 245",,"pp. 69",1991,