"Koji Kawasaki,Choshiro Koike,Misaichi Takeuchi,Yoshinobu Aoyagi","Vertical AlGaN deep ultraviolet light emitting diode emitting at 322 nm fabricated by the laser lift-off technique",,"Applied Physics Letters",,"Vol. 89","No. 26","pp. 26111",2006,Dec. "Koji Kawasaki,Tomohiro Maegawa,Misaichi Takeuchi,Yoshinobu Aoyagi","Fabrication of Deep Ultraviolet Light-Emitting Diodes with a Large Emission Area Using a Laser Lift-Off Technique","2006 MRS Fall meeting","Materials Research Society",,"Vol. I15.32",,,2006,Nov. "Ryo Kajitani,Misaichi Takeuchi,Koji Kawasaki,Yoshinobu Aoyagi","Structural Properties of AlxIn1-xN Films Grown by Metalorganic Chemical Vapor Deposition","2006 MRS Fall meeting","Materials Research Society",,"Vol. I2.5",,,2006,Nov. "Koji Kawasaki,Tomohiro Maegawa,Misaichi Takeuchi,Kazuya Takada,Yoshinobu Aoyagi","Vertical AlGaN Deep Ultraviolet light-Emitting Diodes Using a Laser Lift-Off Technique for High Al Content AlGaN (WeOD2-2)","International Workshop on Nitride Semiconductors 2006","The Japan Society of Applied Physics",,"Vol. WeOD2-2",,"pp. 167",2006,Oct. "Misaichi Takeuchi,Ryo Kajitani,Hiroshi Shimizu,Koji Kawasaki,Yoshinobu Aoyagi","Removable Buffer Structures of Vertical-Type AlGaN-Based Deep UV LEDs for Laser Lift-Off Technique (TuP2-40)","International Workshop on Nitride Semiconductors 2006","The Japan Society of Applied Physics",,"Vol. TuP2-40",,"pp. 483",2006,Oct. "Misaichi Takeuchi,Hiroshi Shimizu,Koji Kawasaki,Yoshinobu Aoyagi","Gowth-mode Alternating Method for High-Quality AlN Layers on Sapphire by Low-Pressure Flow-Modulation MOCVD (TuP1-75)","International Workshop on Nitride Semiconductors 2006","The Japan Society of Applied Physics",,"Vol. TuP1-75",,"pp. 424",2006,Oct. "武内道一,清水博史,梶谷亮,川崎宏治,木下亨,高田和哉,青柳克信","サファイヤ基板上へAl極性高品質AlN層を形成する改良型フローモジュレーションMOCVD法","第67回応用物理学会学術講演会","日本応用物理学会",,"Vol. 30p-E-9",,"pp. 340",2006,Aug. "前川倫宏,川崎宏治,武内道一,青柳克信","大面積AlGaN系縦型深紫外LEDの作製","第67回応用物理学会学術講演会","日本応用物理学会",,"Vol. 1p-E-3",,"pp. 359",2006,Aug. "清水博史,武内道一,梶谷亮,川崎宏治,青柳克信","深紫外発光素子用AlGaN層と下地テンプレートAlN層の相関","第67回応用物理学会学術講演会","日本応用物理学会",,"Vol. 30p-E-10",,"pp. 340",2006,Aug. "川崎宏治,武内道一,青柳克信","深紫外窒化物系発光バイス",,"光学",,"Vol. 35","No. 5","pp. 246-253",2006,May "M. Takuuchi,H. Shimizu,K. Kawasaki,Y. kumagai,A. Koukitu,Y. Aoyagi","Improvement of crystalline quality of N-polar AlN layers on c-plane sapphire by low-pressure flow-modulated MOCVD (Tu-A1.3)","13th International Conference on Metal Organic Vapor Phase Epitaxy",,,"Vol. Tu-A1.3",,"pp. 11",2006,May "Koji Kawasaki,Choshiro Koike,Misaichi Takeuchi,Yoshinobu Aoyagi","AlGaN Deep Ultraviolet Light-Emitting Diodes with Vertical Structure","2005 Fall Meeting of Materials Research Society",,,,,"pp. FF1.2",2005,Nov. "Misaichi Takeuchi,Shigenori Hayakawa,Ryo Kajitani,Toru Kinoshita,Koji Kawasaki,Kazuya Takada,Yoshinobu Aoyagi","Two-step Annealing of GaN Buffer layers for High-quality AlxGa1-xN (x=0.35) by Low-pressure MOCVD","2005 Fall Meeting of Material Research Society",,,,,"pp. FF27.4",2005,Nov. "M. Takeuchi,S. Hayakawa,R. Kajitani,T. Kinoshita,K. Kawasaki,K. Takada,Y. Aoyagi","In-situ monitoring during LT -GaN-2-step anneal-AlGaN growth in MOCVD by multi-channel reflectmetry","The 66th Autumn Meeting, 2005, The Japan Society of Applied Physics",,,,,"pp. 7a-N-12",2005,Sept. "K. Kawasaki,C. Koike,M. Takeuchi,Y. Aoyagi","Structure for high power vertical AlgaN deep ultraviolet light emitting diode","The 66th Autumn Meeting , 2005; The Japan Society of Applied Physics",,,,,"pp. 10p-X-11",2005,Sept. "N. Kawaguchi,K. Kawasaki,M. Takeuchi,T. Kinoshita,K. Takada,Y. Aoyagi","Study on high power AlGaN deep ultraviolet LED fabrication","The 66th Autumn Meeting , 2005; The Japan Society of Applied Physics",,,,,"pp. 10p-X-10",2005,Sept. "M. Takeuchi,S. Hayakawa,T. Kinoshita,K. Kawasaki,Y. Aoyagi","New growth procedure of buffer layers for high-quality AlxGa1-xN (x=0.35) by low-pressure MOCVD","6th Inter. Conf. on Nitride Semiconductors",,,,,"pp. Th-P-024",2005,Aug. "M. Itoh,T. Kinoshita,C. Koike,M. Takeuchi,K. Kawasaki,Y. Aoyagi","Fabrication of GaN-based nanostructure devices by combination of dry and wet etching","6th International Conference on Nitride Semiconductors",,,,,"pp. Tu-P-051",2005,Aug. "Koji Kawasaki,Noriaki Kawaguchi,Chosiro Koike,Toru Kinoshita,Misaichi Takeuchi,Kennji Nomura,Hideo Hosono,Kazuya Takada,Yoshinobu Aoyagi","AlGaN Deep Ultraviolet Light-Emitting Diodes with New Structure","6th Inter. Conf. on Nitride Semiconductors",,,,,"pp. Tu-PD2-6",2005,Aug. "Toru Kinoshita,Misaichi Takeuchi,Koji Kawasaki,Kazuya Takada,Yoshiobu Aoyagi","Effect of AlN nucleation processeson polarity, mosaicity and morpforogy of AlN thin films","6th Inter. Conf. on Nitride Semiconductors",,,,,"pp. Th-P-124",2005,Aug. "K. Kawasaki,C. Koike,M. Takeuchi,K. Numura,N. Kawaguchi,T. Kinoshita,K. Takada,H. Hosono,Y. Aoyagi","New AlgaN LED structure for high power deep ultraviolet light source","24th Electronic Materials Symposium",,,,,"pp. B3",2005,July "R,Kajitani,M. takeuchi,T. Kinoshita,S. Hayakawa,K. Kawasaki,Y. Aoyagi","Study of polarization effect in AlGaN/AlGaN double quantum wells","24th Electronic Materials Symposium",,,,,"pp. M6",2005,July "M. Itoh,T. Kinoshita,C. Koike,M. Takeuchi,K. Kawasaki,Y. Aoyagi","Nano-fabrication of GaN-based striped structures by combination of dry and wet etching","24th Electronic Materials Symposium",,,,,"pp. B-7",2005,July "青柳克信,田中悟,武内道一,平山秀樹,川崎宏治","深紫外発光素子の開発",,"オーム社",,"Vol. 92","No. 4","pp. 8-9",2005,Apr. "M. Itoh,K. Kawasaki,M. Takeuchi,T. Kinoshita,Y. Aoyagi","Fabrication of damage-free nanostructures on AlGaN/GaN single-heterostructure","The 52nd Spring Meeting,2005, The Japan Society of Applied Physics and Related Societies",,,,,"pp. 1a-N-3",2005,Apr. "R. Kajitani,M. Takeuchi,T. Kinoshita,S. Hayakawa,K. Kawasaki,Y. Aoyagi","Sutudy of AlxGa1-xN/AlyGa1-yN double quantum well structures","The 52nd Spring Meeting,2005, The Japan Society of Applied Physics and Related Societies",,,,,"pp. 29p-N-4",2005,Mar. "K. Kawasaki,N. Kawaguchi,C. Koike,T. Kinoshita,M. Takeuchi,Y. Aoyagi","Fabrication of AlgaN deep ultraviolet light emitting diode with new structure","The 52nd Spring Meeting,2005, The Japan Society of Applied Physics and Related Societies",,,,,"pp. 29p-N-6",2005,Mar. "S. Hayakawa,M. Takeuchi,T. Kinoshita,R. Kajitani,K. Kawasaki,Y. Aoyagi","MOCVD growth of high quality AlGaN layers on thin GaN layers/sapphire substrate","The 52nd Spring Meeting,2005, The Japan Society of Applied Physics and Related Societies",,,,,"pp. 29p-N-3",2005,Mar. "T. Kinoshita,N. Kawaguchi,M. Takeuchi,K. Kawasaki,Y. Aoyagi","Growth and characterization of electrical properties of high Al content p-type AlAGaN","The 52nd Spring Meeting,2005, The Japan Society of Applied Physics and Related Societies",,,,,"pp. 29p-N-5",2005,Mar. "Yasunori Kitaichi,Koji Kawasaki,Misaichi Takeuchi,Yoshinobu Aoyagi","Electrical Transport Property of Single-Electron Transistor using a Nano-Vertical GaN Quantum Dot",,"Extended Abstracts (The 64th Autumn Meeting, 2003) The Japan Society of Applied Physics",,"Vol. 30p-YF-3/I",,"pp. 152",2003, "Koji Kawasaki,Kazuo Tsutsui,Yoshinobu Aoyagi","Control of Electron Transport through Position-Controlled Nitride Quantum Dots and Resonant Tunneling Structure with Variable Enegy Band Alignment ",,"The 2003 CREST Symposium on Function Evolution of Materials and Devices Based on Electron / Photon Related Phenomena, October 30-31, 2003, Kokuyo Hall (Shinagawa)",,,,"pp. 23",2003, "Koji Kawasaki,Yasunori Kitaichi,Yoshinobu Aoyagi","Single-electron transistors using a vertical GaN quantum dot for infrared light operations",,"New Phenomena in Mesoscopic Structures 6 Surfaces and Interfaces in Mesoscopic Devices 4, November 30-December 5, 2003, Wailea Marriott Resort Maui, Hawaii",,"Vol. P2.28",,,2003, "Koji Kawasaki,Yasunori Kitaichi,Misaichi Takeuchi,Yoshinobu Aoyagi","Single-Electron Transistors with Large-Energy Binary States in a GaN Quantum Dot ",,"Extended Abstracts of the 2003 International Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials, Tokyo",,"Vol. E-7-4",,"pp. 836-837",2003, "川崎宏治,青柳克信","縦型GaN量子ドットの単一電子輸送",,"第63回応用物理学会学術講演会,2002年9月24日-27日、新潟大学 ",,,"No. 26a-S-11",,2002, "井上振一郎,梶川浩太郎,川崎宏治,青柳克信","非線形光学polynerを用いたフォトニック結晶導波路の作製とバンド構造の観測",,"第63回応用物理学会学術講演会,2002年9月24日-27日、新潟大学",,,"No. 24p-YA-8",,2002, "谷口学,川崎宏治,田昭二,武内道一,青柳克信","RF-MBE法によるGaNへのMgとSiの交互供給コドーピング",,"第63回応用物理学会学術講演会,2002年9月24日-27日、新潟大学",,,"No. 25p-YG-3","pp. 322",2002, "金井大,川崎宏治,平山秀樹,筒井一生,青柳克信","GaN量子ドットを用いた単一電子トランジスタの高温動作",,"第49回応用物理学関係連合講演会,2002年3月27日-30日、東海大学(湘南校舎)",,,"No. 27a-YM-10",,2002, "川崎宏治,金井大,平山秀樹,筒井一生,青柳克信","選択成長法により形成した縦型GaN/AlN量子ドットを用いた単一電子素子の作製",,"第49回応用物理学関係連合講演会,2002年3月27日-30日、東海大学(湘南校舎)",,,"No. 27a-YM-9",,2002, "川崎宏治,青柳克信","GaN量子ドットの位置制御とデバイス応用(招待講演)",,"近接場光学研究グループ 第11回研究討論会 予稿集、東京工業大学 すずかけ台キャンパス、2002年6月28日",,,,"pp. 69-70",2002, "Koji Kawasaki,Hideki Hirayama,Kazuo Tsutsui,Yoshinobu Aoyagi","Selective area growth of nitride nanopillars for future devices",,"Inter. Workshop on Nitride Semiconductors, 22-25 July 2002, Aachen, Germany.",,,"No. 063-A08-206","pp. 107",2002, "Koji Kawasaki,Ikuo Nakamatsu,Hideki Hirayama,Kazuo Tsutsui,Yoshinobu Aoyagi","Formation of GaN nanopillars by selective area growth using ammonia gas source molecular beam epitaxy",,"Journal of Crystal Growth",,"Vol. 243",,"pp. 129-133",2002, "中松郁雄,川崎宏治,アドリアンアブラメスク,平山秀樹,筒井一生,青柳克信","GaNナノピラーの選択成長による結合量子ドットの作製",,"第62回応用物理学会学術講演会 講演予稿集、2001年9月愛知工業大学",,"Vol. 12a-Q-5",,"pp. 261",2001, "川崎宏治,筒井一生,青柳克信","GaN結合量子ドットの形成とその電子輸送特性",,"第62回応用物理学会学術講演会 講演予稿集、2001年9月愛知工業大学",,"Vol. 12a-Q-4",,"pp. 261",2001, "Koji Kawasaki,Daisuke Yamazaki,Ikuo Nakamatsu,Kazuo Tsutsui,Yoshinobu Aoyagi","Fabrication of GaN Coupled Dots Structure by Focused Electron Eeam Induced Droplet Epitaxy and Application to Single Electron Transistors",,"Abstracts of The 45th International Conference on Electron, Ion and Photon Beam Technology and Nanofabrication, The J.W.Marriott Hotel Washington, DC, May 29 -June 1, 2001",,"Vol. 9-5",,"pp. 315",2001, "Koji Kawasaki,Ikuo Nakamatsu,Kazuo Tsutsui,Yoshinobu Aoyagi","Selective Area Growth of GaN Nanopillars on AlGaN/SiC(0001) by Gas Source Molecular Beam Epitaxy",,"Abstarct of the Fourth International Conference on Nitride Semiconductors, Denver. Colorado USA, July 16-20,2001",,"Vol. B11.4",,"pp. 93",2001, "Koji Kawasaki,Ikuo Nakamatsu,Kazuo Tsutsui,Yoshinobu Aoyagi","Selective Area Growth of GaN Nanopillars by Molecular Beam Epitaxy on AlGaN/SiC(0001) substrate",,"Abstracts of The Thirteenth International Conference on Crystal Growth in Conjunction with The eleventh International Conference on Vapor Growth and Epitaxy,30 July-4 August 2001, Doshisha University, Kyoto, Japan",,"Vol. 03a-SB2-05",,"pp. 414",2001, "Koji Kawasaki,Daisuke Yamazaki,Ikuo Nakamatsu,Kazuo Tsutsui,Yoshinobu Aoyagi","Formation and Positioning of GaN Nanostructures by Focused Electron Beam Induced Droplet Epitaxy",,"Abstracts of The Thirteenth International Conference on Crystal Growth in Conjunction with The eleventh International Conference on Vapor Growth and Epitaxy,30 July-4 August 2001, Doshisha University, Kyoto, Japan",,"Vol. 04p-SB2-10",,"pp. 580",2001, "Koji Kawasaki,Daisuke Yamazaki,Masaki Suzuki,Kazuo Tsutsui,Yoshinobu Aoyagi","Single Electron Transistor using GaN Coupled Quantum Dots Formed on SiO2/Si Substrate",,"Extended Abstracts of the 2001 International Conference on SOLID STATE DEVICES AND MATERIALS, Tokyo, 2001",,"Vol. P-1-16",,"pp. 430-431",2001, "Koji Kawasaki,Kazuo Tsutsui,Yoshinobu Aoyagi","Fabrication of Single Electron Transistor Using GaN Coupled Quantum Dots",,"The Second CREST Symposium on Function Evolution of Materials and Devices based on Electron / Photon related Phenomena, October 25, 2001 Kokuyo Hall (Shinagawa)",,,,"pp. 18",2001, "Kazuo Tsutsi,Koji Kawasaki,Yoshinobu Aoyagi","Fabrication of Quantum Dot Arrays with Artificial Site-control Using Electron Beam Surface Modification",,"The Second CREST Symposium on Function Evolution of Materials and Devices based on Electron / Photon related Phenomena, October 25, 2001 Kokuyo Hall (Shinagawa)",,,,"pp. 17",2001, "K. Kawasaki,D. Yamazaki,A. Kinoshita,H. Hirayama,K. Tsutsui,Y. Aoyagi","GaN quantum dot formation by self-assembling droplet epitaxy and application to single-electron transistors",,"Appl. Phys. Lett.",,"Vol. 79",,"pp. 2243-2245",2001, "F. Hirabayashi,S. Yamada,KOJI KAWASAKI,K. Tsutsui","Dot arrays fabricated by electron beam site control method and its application to single electron devices","Dot arrays fabricated by electron beam site control method and its application to single electron devices",,,,,,2000,Sept. "Koji Kawasaki,Daisuke Yamazaki,Ikuo Nakamatsu,Kazuo Tsutsui","Position Control of GaN Quantum Dots by Focused Electron Beam Induced Droplet Epitaxy and Fabrication of Single Electron Transistors",,"The First CREST Symposium on Function Evolution of materials and Devices based on Electron/Photon Related Phenomena, October 26, 2000 JA Hall (Ohtemachi)",,,,"pp. 18",2000, "山崎大輔,川崎宏治,筒井一生,青柳克信","電子ビーム位置制御液滴エピタキシー法によるGaN量子ドットアレイの形成",,"第47回応用物理学関係連合講演会,2000.3、青山学院大学",,"Vol. 29p-Y-13",,"pp. 365",2000, "川崎宏治,山崎大輔,筒井一生,青柳克信","液滴エピタキシー法により自然形成させたGaN量子ドットの光学特性",,"第47回応用物理学関係連合講演会,2000.3、青山学院大学",,"Vol. 29p-YQ-12",,"pp. 365",2000, "川崎宏治,山崎大輔,筒井一生,青柳克信","自然形成GaNドットを用いた単電子トランジスタの作製",,"第61回応用物理学会学術講演会 講演予稿集、2000.9、北海道工業大学",,"Vol. 6a-L-11",,"pp. 311",2000, "山崎大輔,川崎宏治,筒井一生,青柳克信","電子ビーム位置制御液滴エピタキシー法によるGaNドットの近接配置",,"第61回応用物理学会学術講演会 講演予稿集、2000.9、北海道工業大学",,"Vol. 6a-L-10",,"pp. 311",2000, "Koji Kawasaki,Daisuke Yamazaki,Kazuo Tsutsui,Yoshinobu Aoyagi","Site-Control of Self-Assembling GaN Quantum Dots and Fabrication of Single Electron Transistors",,"Abstarcts of Material Research Society 2000 Fall meeting, November 27 - December 1, Boston, Massachusetts, USA",,,,"pp. 172",2000, "Koji Kawasaki,Daisuke Yamazaki,Kazuo Tsutsui,Yoshinobu Aoyagi","Control of formation sites of self-assembling GaN dots by focused electron beam exposure","1999 Mat. Res. Soc. Fall Meeting",,,,,,1999,Nov. "K. Tsutsui,A. Himura,M. Mochizuki,K. Kawasaki","High density metal dot array formed by electron beam induced nucleation method","1999 Int. Microprocesses and Nanotechnology Conferenc",,,,,,1999,July "川崎宏治,筒井一生","二次元島形成法によりCaF/Si(111)基板上に成長させたGaAsの表面モホロジー",,"第46回応用物理学会関係連合講演会講演予稿集",,"Vol. 29p-P-/I",," 359",1999, "K. Kawasaki,M. Mochizuki,K. Tsutsui","Single electron devices formed by self-ordering metal nanodroplet arrays on epitaxxial CaF2 film",,"Jpn.J. Appl. Phys",,"Vol. 38","No. 1B","pp. 418-412",1999, "K. Kawasaki,K.Tsutsui","Effects of the two-step growth growth method for GaAs grown on CaF2/Si(111) with electron beam surface modification technique",,"Jpn.J. Appl. Phys",,"Vol. 38","No. 3A","pp. 1521-1525",1999, "K. Kawasaki,D. Yamazaki,K. Tsutui,Y. Aoyagi","Control of Formation Sites of Self-Assembling GaN Dots by Focused Electron beam Exposure",,"Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Abs., W12.2",,,,"pp. 429",1999, "K. Kawasaki,M. Mochizuki,K. Tsutusui","Single-Electron Devices Formed by Self-Ordering Metal Nanodroplet Arrays on Epitaxial CaF Film",,"Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 38 (1B)",,,," 418-420",1999, "K. Kawasaki,K. Tsutsui"," Heteroepitaxy of GaAs on GaF/Si(111) by Surface Free Energy Modulation Method",,"Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc.",,"Vol. 535",,"pp. 51-56",1999, "川崎大輔,川崎宏治,望月麻理恵,筒井一生,青柳克信","液滴エピタキシー法により形成されるGaN量子ドットの集束電子ビームによる位置制御",,"第60回応用物理学会学術講演会講演予稿集",,"Vol. 2p-W-/I",,"pp. 283",1999, "K. Tsutsui,K. Kawasaki,M. Mochizuki,T. Matsubara","Site controlled metal and semiconductor quantum dots on epitaxial fluoride films","4th Int. Symp. on New Phenomena in Mesoscopic Structures, Hawaii",,,,,,1998,Dec. "Koji Kawasaki,M. Mochizuki,Kazuo Tsutsui","Single electron transistors formed by self-ordering metal nanodroplet arrays on epitaxial CaF2 film","2nd Int. Symp. on Formation, Physics and Device Application of Quantum dot Structures (QDS-98)",,,,,,1998,May "K. Kawasaki,K. Tsutsui","Surface free energy modification of CaF┣D22┫D2 by atomic-height island formation on heteroepitaxy of GaAs on CaF┣D22┫D2",,"Applied Surface Science",,,,"pp. 130-132",1998, "K. Kawasaki,K. Tsutsui","Multitunneling junction of metal droplets formed on CaF┣D22┫D2 step edges in a self-assembling manner",,"Japanese Journal of Applied Physics",,,,"pp. 37",1998, "川崎宏治","表面エネルギー変調によるCaF2/Si(111)基板上へのヘテロ構造形成に関する研究",,,,,,,1998, "Koji Kawasaki,Kazuo Tsutsui","Surface free energy modification of CaF2 by atomic-height island formation on heteroepitaxy of GaAs on CaF2","The 4th Int. Symp. on Atomically Controlled Surfaces and Interfaces (ACSI-4)",,,,,,1997,Oct. "Koji Kawasaki,Jun Takeshita,Kazuo Tsutsui","Multi-tunneling junctions of metal droplets formed on CaF2 step edges by self-assembling manner","1997 Int. Conf. on Solid State Devices and Materials (SSDM)",,,,,,1997,Sept. "K. Kawasaki,K. Tsutsui","Optical in situ observation of electron beam induced surface modification on epitaxial fluoride films",,"Japanese Journal of Applied Physics",,,,"pp. 36",1997, "K. Kawasaki,K. Tsutsui","Observations of GaAs/CaF┣D22┫D2 heterointerface formation by electron beam surface modification and its effects",,"Applied Surface Science",,,,"pp. 117-118",1997, "K. Uejima,K. Kawasaki,K. Tsutsui","Fabrication of Ga droplets array site-controlled by electron beam surface modification","The 9th Int. MicroProcess Conf.",,,,,,1996,July "川崎宏治","Si上GaAs中の熱歪の形状効果に関する研究",,,,,,,1991,