"Feifan Han,Kobayashi Kazunori,Safumi Suzuki,Tanaka Hiroki,Hironari Fujikata,MASAHIRO ASADA","Impedance matching in high-power resonant-tunneling-diode terahertz oscillators integrated with rectangular-cavity resonator",,,,,,,2021,Mar.
"MASAHIRO ASADA,Safumi Suzuki","Fundamentals of Terahertz Devices and Applications (Edited by D. Pavlidis)",,,,,,,2021,Mar.
"MASAHIRO ASADA,Safumi Suzuki","THz Communications (Edited by T. Kuerner, D. Mittelemen, and T. Nagatsuma)",,,,,,,2021,Mar.
"Yu Tokizane,Hikaru Ejiri,Takeo Minamikawa,Safumi Suzuki,Masahiro Asada,Takeshi Yasui","Hybrid optical imaging with three largely-wavelength-different lights in near-infrared, mid-infrared, and terahertz regions for non-destructive inspection",,,,,,,2021,Feb.
"Masahiro Asada,Safumi Suzuki","Terahertz Emitter Using Resonant-Tunneling Diode and Applications (Review)",,,,,,,2021,Feb.
"Yuma Takida,Safumi Suzuki,MASAHIRO ASADA,Hiroaki Minamide","Sensitive continuous-wave terahertz detection by resonant-tunneling-diode oscillators","IRMMW-THz 2020",,,,,,2020,Nov.
"Ta Van Mai,Yusei Suzuki,Safumi Suzuki,MASAHIRO ASADA","Novel RTD oscillator with simplified strucutre and fabrication process","IRMMW-THz 2020",,,,,,2020,Nov.
"Adrian Dobroiu,Yusuke Shirakawa,Safumi Suzuki,Masahiro Asada,Hiroshi Ito","Subcarrier frequency-modulated continuous-wave radar in the terahertz range based on a resonant-tunneling-diode oscillator",,,,,,,2020,Nov.
"ユ ジョンビン,ハン フェイファン,鈴木左文,淺田雅洋","矩形空洞共振器とスロットアンテナを集積した高出力高周波共鳴トンネルダイオードテラヘルツ発振器","通信学会THz研究会(合同シンポジウム)",,,,,,2020,Nov.
"Han Feifan,Hirdenari Fujikata,Kazunoro Kobayashi,Hiroki Tanaka,Safumi Suzuki,MASAHIRO ASADA","Impedance matching method in high-power RTD THz oscillator integrated with rectangular-cavity resonator","IRMMW-THz 2020",,,,,,2020,Nov.
"Mikhail Bezhko,Safumi Suzuki,MASAHIRO ASADA","Analysis of oscillation characteristics for resonant-tunneling diode cavity-type terahertz oscillator","IRMMW-THz 2020",,,,,,2020,Nov.
"Hiroki Konno,Adrian Dobroiu,Safumi Suzuki,MASAHIRO ASADA,Hiroshi Ito","OCT technique for distance measurement using an RTD terahertz oscillator","IRMMW-THz 2020",,,,,,2020,Nov.
"Adrian Dobroiu,Yusuke Shirakawa,Safumi Suzuki,MASAHIRO ASADA,Hiroshi Ito","Distance measurement using a subcarrier frequency-modulated continuous-wave radar based on a resonant-tunneling-diode oscillator","IRMMW-THz 2020",,,,,,2020,Nov.
"ユ ションビン,マイ ヴァン タ,鈴木雄成,鈴木左文,淺田雅洋","スプリットリング共振器を集積したテラヘルツ共鳴トンネルダイオード発振器",,,,,,,2020,Sept.
"今野弘樹,ドブロユ アドリアン,鈴木左文,淺田雅洋","RTDテラヘルツ発振器を用いたOCT方式レーダーシステムの誤差の評価及び低減","応用物理学会秋季講演会",,,,,,2020,Sept.
"Han Feifan,Hidenari Fujikata,Kazunori Kobayashi,Hiroki Tanaka,Suzuki Safumi,MASAHIRO ASADA","Structure optimization of RTD THz oscillator integrated with rectangular-cavity resonator for high output power","応用物理学会秋季講演会",,,,,,2020,Sept.
"Mai Van Ta,Safumi Suzuki,MASAHIRO ASADA","Frequency increase of up to 673 GHz in structure-simplified RTD oscillators with small area","応用物理学会秋季講演会",,,,,,2020,Sept.
"Mikhail Bezhko,Safumi Suzuki,MASAHIRO ASADA","Estimation of output power characteristics for resonant-tunneling-diode THz oscillator with cylindrical cvity resonator","応用物理学会秋季講演会",,,,,,2020,Sept.
"Ta Van Mai,Yusei Suzuki,Xiongbin Yu,Safumi Suzuki,MASAHIRO ASADA","Structure-simplied resonant-tunneling-diode terahertz oscillator without metal-insulator-metal capacitors",,"Journal of Infrared Millimeterwave and Terahertz Waves",,,,,2020,Aug.
"Yuma Takita,Safumi Suzuki,MASAHIRO ASADA,Hiroaki Minamide","Sensitive terahertz-wave detector responses originated by negative differential conductance of resonant-tunneling-diode oscillator",,"Applied Physics Letters",,,,,2020,July
"Adrian Dbroiu,Ryouta Wakasugi,Yusuke Shirakawa,Safumi Suzuki,MASAHIRO ASADA","Amplitude-modulated continuous-wave radar in the terahertz range using lock-in phase measurement",,"Measurement Science Technology",,,,,2020,July
"Kazunori Kobayashi,Safumi Suzuki,Feifan Han,Hiroki Tanaka,Hidenari Fujikata,MASAHIRO ASADA","Analysis of a high-power resonant-tunneling-diode terahertz oscillator integrated with a rectangular cavity resonator",,,,,,,2020,May
"Kahled Arzi,Safumi Suzuki,Andreas Rennings,Daniel Erni,Nils Weimann,MASAHIRO ASADA,Werner Prost","Subharmonic injection locking for phase and frequency control of RTD-based THz oscillator",,,,,,,2020,Mar.
"瀧田 佑馬,鈴木 左文,淺田雅洋,南出 泰亜","共鳴トンネルダイオード検出器のCWテラヘルツ波に対する感度評価",,,,,,,2020,Mar.
"今野 弘樹,ドブロユ アドリアン,鈴木 左文,淺田雅洋","RTDテラヘルツ発振器を用いたOCT方式による距離測定",,,,,,,2020,Mar.
"Feifan Han,Kazunori Kobayashi,Hiroki Tanaka,Safumi Suzuki,MASAHIRO ASADA","Impedance matching in high-power RTD THz oscillator integrated with rectangular-cavity resonator",,,,,,,2020,Mar.
"Mai Van Ta,Yusei Suzuki,Safumi Suzuki,MASAHIRO ASADA","Simplification in Device Structure and Fabrication Process of RTD THz Oscillator",,,,,,,2020,Mar.
"Adrian Dobroiu,Yusuke Shirakawa,Safumi Suzuki,MASAHIRO ASADA,Hiroshi Ito","Subcarrier frequency-modulated continuouswave radar based on a terahertz resonant-tunneling-diode oscillator",,,,,,,2020,Mar.
"Bezhko Mikhail,Safumi Suzuki,MASAHIRO ASADA","Frequancy increase in resonant-tunneling diode THz oscillator by simulation-based structure optimization",,,,,,,2020,Mar.
"Bezhko Mikhail,Safumi Suzuki,MASAHIRO ASADA","Frequency increase in resonant-tunneling diode cavity-type terahertz oscillator by simulation-based optimization",,,,,,,2020,Mar.
"MASAHIRO ASADA","Sub-harmonic injecion locking for phase and frequency control of RTD-based THz oscillator",,,,,,,2020,Mar.
"M. Bezhko, S. Suzuki, and M. Asada","Estiation of a frequency increase in RTD THz oscillator by simulation-based structure optimization",,,,,,,2019,Nov.
"F. Han, K. Koyayashi, H. Tanaka, S. Suzuki, and M. Asada","Impedance matching in high-power RTD THz oscillator integrated with rectangular- cavity resonator",,,,,,,2019,Nov.
"A. Dobroiu, R. Wakasugi, Y. Shirakawa, S. Suzuki, and M. Asada","Amplitude-modulated continuous-wave radar in the terahertz band using a resonant-tunneling-diode oscillator",,,,,,,2019,Sept.
"白川雄介、ドブロユ アドリアン、 鈴木左文、浅田雅洋","共鳴トンネルダイオードテラヘルツ発振器を用いたサブキャリア周波数変調レーダによる絶対距離測定法",,,,,,,2019,Sept.
"S. Szuki and M. Asada","Resonant ?tunneling-diode oscillator for THz radar imaging system",,,,,,,2019,Sept.
"泉 龍之介、 佐藤 匠、 鈴木 左文、浅田 雅洋","円筒形空洞共振器集積共鳴トンネルダイオードテラヘルツ発振器",,,,,,,2019,Sept.
"M. Asada and S. Suzuki","Novel resonant-tunneling-diode terahertz oscillators integrated with cavity resonators for high frequency and high output power",,,,,,,2019,Sept.
"Y. Takida, S. Suzuki, M. Asada, and H. Minamide","Sensitivity measurement of resonant-tunneling-diode terahertz detectors",,,,,,,2019,Sept.
"G. Yamashita, W. Tsujita, R. Ma, P. Wang, P.V. Orlik, S. Suzuki, A. Dobroiu, and M. Asada","Terahertz polarimetric sensing for linear encoder based on a resonant-tunneling-diode and CFRP polarizing plates",,,,,,,2019,Sept.
"K. Arzi, S. Suzuki, A. Rennings, D. Erni, N. Weimann, M. Asada, and W. Prost","Wireless injection locking of a free running RTD-based THz Oscillator",,,,,,,2019,Aug.
"M. Asada and S. Suzuki","Recent progress on terahertz source using resonant tunneling diodes and application",,,,,,,2019,Aug.
"A. Dobroiu, S. Suzuki, and M. Asada","Terahertz-wave radars based on resonant-tunneling-diode oscillators",,,,,,,2019,Aug.
"A. Dobroiu, R. Wakasugi, Y. Shirakawa, S. Suzuki, and M. Asada","Terahertz-wave radars based on resonant-tunneling-diode oscillators",,,,,,,2019,Aug.
"R. Izumi, T. Sato, S. Suzuki, and M. Asada","Resonent-tunneling-diode terahertz oscillator with a cylindrical cavity for high frequency oscillation",,,,,,,2019,Aug.
"浅田雅洋、鈴木左文、アドリアン ドブロユ、田中大基","共鳴トンネルダイオードを用いたテラヘルツ光源",,,,,,,2019,July
"MASAHIRO ASADA","Recent progress of RTD THz oscillators and applications",,,,,,,2019,July
"MASAHIRO ASADA","Terahertz resonant tunneling diodes",,,,,,,2019,July
"K. Kasagi, S. Suzuki, and M. Asada","Large-scale array of resonant-tunneling-diode terahertz oscillators for high output power at 1 THz",,,,,,,2019,May
"H. Tanaka, K. Kobayashi, R. Izumi, S. Suzuki, and M. Asada","Fabrication of resonant- tunneling-diode terahertz oscillators using rectangular cavity resonators and bow-tie antennas for high output powers",,,,,,,2019,May
"K. Arzi, S. Clochiatti, S. Suzuki, A. Renning, D. Erni, N. Weimann, M. Asada, and W. Prost","Triple-barrier resonant-tunneling diode THz detectors with on-chip antenna",,,,,,,2019,Mar.
"田中大基、 小林和憲、 泉 龍之介、鈴木左文、浅田雅洋","矩形空洞共振器とボウタイアンテナを集積した高出力共鳴トンネルダイオードテラヘルツ発振器の作製",,,,,,,2019,Mar.
"A. Dobroiu, R. Wakasugi, Y. Shirakawa, S. Suzuki, and M. Asada","Terahertz-Wave Amplitude-Modulated Radar Based on a Resonant-Tunneling-Diode Oscillator",,,,,,,2019,Mar.
"H. Matsumoto, S. Suzuki, M. Asada, and Y. Monnai","Waveguide coupler for resonant-tunnelling diode oscillator at 420 GHz",,,,,,,2019,Feb.
"A. Dobroiu、 R. Wakasugi、 Y. Shirakawa、 S. Suzuki、 and M. Asada","Amplitude-modulated radar in the terahertz band based on a resonant-tunneling-diode oscillator",,,,,,,2018,Dec.
"H. Tanaka, R. Izumi, S. Suzuki, and M. Asada","Terahertz Oscillators Using Resonant Tunneling Diodes and Cavity Resonators for High Output Powers",,,,,,,2018,Nov.
"A. Dobroiu, R. Wakasugi, Y. Shirakawa, S. Suzuki, and M. Asada","Toward a Solid-State, Compact, Terahertz-Wave Radar",,,,,,,2018,Nov.
"M. Asada and S. Suzuki","Terahertz Oscillators Using Resonant Tunneling Diodes",,,,,,,2018,Nov.
"A.Dobroiu, R. Wkasugi, Y. Shirakawa, S. Suzuki, and M. Asada","Absolute and Precise Terahertz-Wave Radar Based on an Amplitude-Modulated Resonant-Tunneling-Diode Oscillator",,,,,,,2018,Oct.
"S. Suzuki and M. Asada","THz Sensing using Resonant-Tunneling-Diode Oscillator",,,,,,,2018,Sept.
"アルツィ カリッド、 鈴木左文、レニングス レアス、アニ ダニエル、 ヴァイマン ニルス、 浅田雅洋、プロスト ウェナ","共鳴トンネルダイオードテラヘルツ 発振器 における高調波発生と注入同期",,,,,,,2018,Sept.
"H. Matsumoto, S. Suzuki, M.Asada, Y. Monnai","Waveguide Coupling of Resonant-Tunneling Diode Terahertz Oscillator",,,,,,,2018,Sept.
"A. K. Dal Bosco, S. Suzuki, M. Asada, and H. Minamide","Feedback effects and nonlinear dynamics in Resonant Tunneling Diodes",,,,,,,2018,Sept.
"田中大基、 泉 龍之介、鈴木左文、浅田雅洋","空洞共振器と共鳴トンネルダイオードによるテラヘルツ発振器の高出力化",,,,,,,2018,Sept.
"A. Dobroiu, R. Wakasugi, S. Suzuki, and M. Asada","Absolute and accurate distance measurement using a resonant-tunneling diode terahertz oscillator",,,,,,,2018,Sept.
"若杉良貴、ドブロユ アドリアン、 鈴木左文、浅田雅洋","共鳴トンネルダイオードテラヘルツ発振器を用いた振幅変調による絶対距離測定法",,,,,,,2018,Sept.
"Y. Chen, S. Suzuki, and M. Asada","Generation of Terahertz Vortex Waves in Resonant-Tunneling-Diode Oscillators by Integrated Radial Line Slot Antenna",,,,,,,2018,Sept.
"J. Hu, R. Wakasugi, S. Suzuki, and M. Asada","Amplitude-Modulated Continuous-Wave Ranging System with Resonant-Tunneling-Diode Terahertz Oscillator",,,,,,,2018,Sept.
"M. Asada and S. Suzuki","THz Oscillators Using Resonant Tunneling Diodes and Their Functions for Various Applications",,,,,,,2018,Sept.
"DAISUKE HORIKAWA, YUN CHEN, TAKUYA KOIKE, SAFUMI SUZUKI, MASAHIRO ASADA","Resonant-tunneling-diode terahertz oscillator integrated with a radial line slot antenna for circularly polarized wave radiation",,,,,,,2018,Aug.
"S. Suzuki and M. Asada","Resonant-tunneling-diode terahertz oscillators for wireless communications",,,,,,,2018,Aug.
"K. Arzi, S. Suzuki, A. Rennings, D. Erni, N. Weimann, M. Asada, and W. Prost","On the Sensitivity of Triple-barrier Resonant-tunneling (Sub-) mm-wave Detectors",,,,,,,2018,Aug.
"S. Suzuki, M. Asada, and Y. Aoyama","Proposal of a Resonant-tunneling-diode Terahertz Oscillator Integrated with Rectangular Cavity Resonator for High Output Power",,,,,,,2018,Aug.
"H. Tanaka, Y. Aoyama, R. Izumi, S. Suzuki, and M. Asada","Proposal of Novel Terahertz Oscillators Using Resonant Tunneling Diodes and Cavity Resonators",,,,,,,2018,Aug.
"K. Kasagi, S. Suzuki, and M. Asada","Large-Element Array of Resonant-Tunneling-Diode Terahertz Oscillator for High Output Power at 1 THz Region",,,,,,,2018,May
"25. K. Arzi, A. Rennings, D. Erni, N. Weimann, W. Prost, S.Suzuki, and M.Asada","Millimeter-wave signal generation and detection via the same triple barrier RTD and on-chip antenna",,,,,,,2018,May
"K. Arzi, S. Suzuki, A. Rennings, D. Erni, N. Weimann, M. Asada, and W. Prost","Triple Barrier RTD Integrated in a Slot Antenna for Mm-Wave Signal Generation and Detection",,,,,,,2018,May
"M. Asada and S. Suzuki","Resonant-Tunnelling-Diode THz Oscillators for High-Frequency, High-Power, and High-Functional Operations",,,,,,,2018,Apr.
"A. K. Dal Bosco, S. Suziki, M. Asada and H. Minamide","Resonant tunneling diodes versus semiconductor laser with feedback: confronting their oscillating dynamics",,,,,,,2018,Apr.
"陳 雲超,鈴木左文,浅田雅洋","ラジアルラインスロットアンテナ集積による共鳴トンネルダイオード発振器のTHz渦波発生",,,,,,,2018,Mar.
"胡 霽雨,若杉良貴,鈴木左文,浅田雅洋","共鳴トンネルダイオードテラヘルツ発振器を用いた振幅変調連続波方式測距システム",,,,,,,2018,Mar.
"K. Ogino,S. Suzuki,M. Asada","Phase Locking and Frequency Tuning of Resonant-Tunneling-Diode Terahertz Oscillators",,,,,,,2018,Mar.
"浅田 雅洋,鈴木 左文","テラヘルツ帯発振を可能にする共鳴トンネルダイオードの構造と物理",,,,,,,2017,Dec.
"鈴木左文,堀川大輔,陳 雲超,小池拓哉,浅田雅洋","円偏波放射が可能なラジアルラインスロットアンテナ集積共鳴トンネルダイオードテラヘルツ発振器",,,,,,,2017,Dec.
"S. Suzuki,M. Asada","Resonant-tunneling-diode oscillators for terahertz communications",,,,,,,2017,Dec.
"S.Suzuki,M. Asada","Tuning and Phase Locking of Resonant-Tunneling-Diode THz Oscillators",,,,,,,2017,Nov.
"D. Horikawa,N. Oshima,S. Suzuki,M. Asada","Wireless Data Transmission using Circularly-Polarized Wave Generated by Resonant-Tunneling-Diode Terahertz Oscillator Integrated with Radial Line Slot Antennas",,,,,,,2017,Nov.
"A. K. Dal Bosco,S. Suzuki,M. Asada,H. Minamide","High-frequency oscillations in a resonant tunneling diode with optical feedback",,,,,,,2017,Nov.
"M.Asada,S. Suzuki","THz Oscillators Using Resonant Tunnelling Diodes and Their Functions for Various Applications",,,,,,,2017,Oct.
"M. Asada,S. Suzuki,T. Fukuma","Measurements of temperature characteristics and estimation of terahertz negative differential conductance in resonant-tunneling-diode oscillators",,,,,,,2017,Oct.
"M. Asada,S. Suzuki","Resonant-Tunneling-Diode THz Oscillators and Application to Wireless Communications",,,,,,,2017,Oct.
"K. Ogino,S. Suzuki,M. Asada","Spectral Narrowing of a Varactor-Integrated Resonant-Tunneling-Diode Terahertz Oscillator by Phase-Locked Loop",,,,,,,2017,Oct.
"泉 龍之介,鈴木左文,浅田雅洋","共鳴トンネルダイオードテラヘルツ発振器のアンテナ電極厚膜化による1.98 THz基本波発振",,,,,,,2017,Sept.
"堀川大輔,大島直人,鈴木左文,浅田雅洋","ラジアルラインスロットアンテナ集積共鳴トンネルダイオード テラヘルツ発振器による円偏波通信",,,,,,,2017,Sept.
"K. Ogino,S. Suzuki,M. Asada","Phase Locking of Resonant-Tunneling-Diode Terahertz Oscillators",,,,,,,2017,Aug.
"K. Ogino,S. Suzuki,M. Asada","Phase Locking of Resonant-Tunneling-Diode Terahertz Oscillator Using Bias-Dependent Oscillation Frequency",,,,,,,2017,Aug.
"R. Izumi,S. Suzuki,M. Asada","1.98 THz Resonant-Tunneling-Diode Oscillator with Reduced Conduction Loss by Thick Antenna Electrode",,,,,,,2017,Aug.
"K. Murano,S. Fukuma,S. Suzuki,M. Asada,W. Withayachumnankul,T. Tanaka,Y. Monnai","Design of Terahertz Leaky-Wave Antenna Driven by Resonant-Tunneling Diode",,,,,,,2017,Aug.
"N. Oshima,K. Hashimoto,S. Suzuki,M. Asada","Terahertz Wireless Data Transmission With Frequency and Polarization Division Multiplexing Using Resonant-Tunneling-Diode Oscillators",,,,,,,2017,July
"S.Suzuki,M. Asada","Terahertz Oscillators and Receivers Using Electron Devices for Applications",,,,,,,2017,June
"Y. Takida,K. Nawata,S. Suzuki,M. Asada,H. Minamide","Simultaneous Nonlinear Up-Conversion of Dual-Frequency Terahertz-Wave Radiation",,,,,,,2017,June
"Y. Takida,K. Nawata,S. Suzuki,M. Asada,H. Minamide","Nonlinear Optical Detection of Terahertz-Wave Radiation",,,,,,,2017,June
"S. Sasaki,S. Kawamura,S. Suzuki,M. Asada","Resonant-Tunneling-Diode Terahertz Oscillators Integrated with Broadband Bow-tie Antenna",,,,,,,2017,May
"S. Kitagawa,M. Mizuno,S. Saito,K. Ogino,S. Suzuki,M..Asada","Frequency-tunable resonant-tunneling-diode terahertz oscillators applied to absorbance measurement",,,,,,,2017,May
"S.Fukuma,S.Suzuki,M.Asada","Proposal and Gain Estimation of Terahertz Amplifier Using Resonant Tunneling Diodes with 90 Degree Hybrid Coupler",,,,,,,2017,May
"A. K. Dal Bosco,S. Suzuki,M. Asada,H. Minamide","Study on nonlinear dynamics in Resonant Tunneling Diodes (RTD): unlocking dynamical diversity for THz devices applications",,,,,,,2017,Apr.
"Kitagawa, Seiichirou,Ogino, Kota,Safumi Suzuki,MASAHIRO ASADA","Wide frequency tuning in resonant-tunneling-diode terahertz oscillator using forward-biased varactor diode",,"JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS","IOP PUBLISHING LTD","Vol. 56","No. 4",,2017,Apr.
"Y. Takida,K. Nawata,S. Suzuki,M. Asada,H. Minamide","Terahertz-wave differential detection based on simultaneous dual-wavelength up-conversion",,,,,,,2017,Apr.
"M.Asada,S.Suzuki","Resonant-tunneling-diode terahertz oscillators and applications",,,,,,,2017,Mar.
"Safumi Suzuki,MASAHIRO ASADA","Terahertz communications using resonant-tunneling-diode oscillators",,"2017 11th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, EUCAP 2017",,,,"pp. 1615-1617",2017,
"Murano, K.,Watanabe, I.,Kasamatsu, A.,Safumi Suzuki,MASAHIRO ASADA,Withayachumnankul, W.,Tanaka, T.,Monnai, Y.","Low-Profile Terahertz Radar Based on Broadband Leaky-Wave Beam Steering",,"IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology",,"Vol. 7","No. 1","pp. 60-69",2017,
"Dal Bosco, A.K.,Safumi Suzuki,MASAHIRO ASADA,Minamide, H.","Super-harmonic oscillations in a resonant tunneling diode with optical feedback",,"Optics InfoBase Conference Papers",,"Vol. Part F54-NLO 2017",,,2017,
"Takida, Y.,Nawata, K.,Safumi Suzuki,MASAHIRO ASADA,Minamide, H.","Nonlinear optical detection of terahertz-wave radiation from resonant tunneling diodes",,"Optics Express",,"Vol. 25","No. 5","pp. 5389-5396",2017,
"M Asada,S Suzuki","Room-Temperature Oscillation of Resonant Tunneling Diodes close to 2 THz and Their Functions for Various Applications",,"Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves",,"vol. 37","no. 12","pp. 1185-1198",2016,Dec.
"N Oshima,K Hashimoto,S Suzuki,M Asada","Wireless data transmission of 34 Gbit/s at a 500-GHz range using resonant-tunnelling-diode terahertz oscillator",,"Electronics Letters",,"vol. 52","no. 22","pp. 1897-1898",2016,Oct.
"S. Kitagawa,S. Suzuki,M. Asada","Wide frequency-tunable resonant tunneling terahertz oscillators using varactor diodes",,"Electron. Lett.",,"vol. 52","no. 6","pp. 479-481",2016,Mar.
"S. Suzuki,T. Nukariya,Y. Ueda,T. Otsuka,M. Asada","High Current Responsivity and Wide Modulation Bandwidth Terahertz Detector Using High-Electron-Mobility Transistor for Wireless Communication",,"J Infrared Millimeter and Terahz Waves",,"vol. 37",,"pp. 658-667",2016,Mar.
"T. Maekawa,H. Kanaya,S. Suzuki,M. Asada","Oscillation up to 1.92 THz in resonant tunneling diode by reduced conduction loss",,"Appl. Phys. Express",,"vol. 9",,"p. 024101",2016,Jan.
"Murano, K.,Watanabe, I.,Kasamatsu, A.,Safumi Suzuki,MASAHIRO ASADA,Withayachumnankul, W.,Tanaka, T.,Monnai, Y.","Demonstration of short-range terahertz radar using high-gain leaky-wave antenna",,"International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, IRMMW-THz",,"Vol. 2016-November",,,2016,
"MASAHIRO ASADA,Safumi Suzuki","Terahertz oscillators using resonant tunneling diodes and their functions for various applications",,"Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering",,"Vol. 9856",,,2016,
"Horikawa, D.,Safumi Suzuki,MASAHIRO ASADA","Resonant-tunneling-diode terahertz oscillator integrated with radial line slot antenna for circularly polarized wave radiation",,"International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, IRMMW-THz",,"Vol. 2016-November",,,2016,
"Maekawa, T.,Kanaya, H.,Safumi Suzuki,MASAHIRO ASADA","Frequency increase in resonant-tunneling-diode terahertz oscillator by reduction in conduction loss with thick antenna electrode",,"2016 Compound Semiconductor Week, CSW 2016 - Includes 28th International Conference on Indium Phosphide and Related Materials, IPRM and 43rd International Symposium on Compound Semiconductors, ISCS 2016",,,,,2016,
"Oshima, N.,Hashimoto, K.,Horikawa, D.,Safumi Suzuki,MASAHIRO ASADA","Wireless data transmission of 30 Gbps at a 500-GHz range using resonant-tunneling-diode terahertz oscillator",,"IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium Digest",,"Vol. 2016-August",,,2016,
"MASAHIRO ASADA,Safumi Suzuki","Room-temperature resonant-tunneling-diode terahertz oscillators",,"International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, IRMMW-THz",,"Vol. 2016-November",,,2016,
"Kasagi, K.,Fukuma, S.,Safumi Suzuki,MASAHIRO ASADA","Proposal and fabrication of dipole array antenna structure in resonant-tunneling-diode terahertz oscillator array",,"International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, IRMMW-THz",,"Vol. 2016-November",,,2016,
"K. Kasagi,N. Oshima,S. Suzuki,M. Asada","Power Combination in 1 THz Resonant-Tunneling-Diode Oscillators Integrated with Patch Antennas",,"IEICE Trans. Electron.",,"vol. E98-C","no. 12","pp. 1131-1133",2015,Dec.
"H. Kanaya,T. Maekawa,S. Suzuki,M. Asada","Structure dependence of oscillation characteristics of resonant-tunneling-diode terahertz oscillators associated with intrinsic and extrinsic delay times",,"Jpn. J. Appl. Phys.",,"vol. 54",,"p. 094103",2015,Aug.
"K. Okada,K. Kasagi,N. Oshima,S. Suzuki,M. Asada","Resonant-Tunneling-Diode Terahertz Oscillator Using Patch Antenna Integrated on Slot Resonator for Power Radiation",,"IEEE Trans. THz Sci. Technol.",,"vol. 5","no. 4","pp. 613-618",2015,July
"M. Asada,S. Suzuki","Theoretical analysis of external feedback effect on oscillation characteristics of resonant-tunneling-diode terahertz oscillators",,"Jpn. J. Appl. Phys.",,"vol. 54",,"p. 070309",2015,June
"Y. Ikeda,S. Kitagawa,K. Okada,S. Suzuki,M. Asada","Direct intensity modulation of resonant-tunneling-diode terahertz oscillator up to ~30 GHz",,"IEICE Electron. Express",,"vol. 12","no. 3","p. 20141161",2015,Feb.
"Ueda, Y.,Nukariya, T.,Safumi Suzuki,MASAHIRO ASADA","Bandwidth measurement of terahertz detector using high electron mobility transistor by heterodyne mixing",,"IRMMW-THz 2015 - 40th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves",,,,,2015,
"Kasagi, K.,Safumi Suzuki,MASAHIRO ASADA","Array configuration using resonant-tunneling-diode terahertz oscillator integrated with patch antenna",,"IRMMW-THz 2015 - 40th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves",,,,,2015,
"Safumi Suzuki,MASAHIRO ASADA","Terahertz oscillators and receivers using electron devices for high-capacity wireless communication",,"Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering",,"Vol. 9483",,,2015,
"淺田雅洋,鈴木左文","共鳴トンネルダイオードによる室温小型テラヘルツ光源",,"OPTRONICS",,,"no. 9","pp. 70-73",2015,
"S. Kitagawa,S. Suzuki,M. Asada","650-GHz Resonant-Tunneling-Diode VCO with Wide Tuning Range Using Varactor Diode",,"IEEE Electron Dev. Lett.",,"vol. 35","no. 12","pp. 1215-1217",2014,Dec.
"T. Maekawa,H. Kanaya,S. Suzuki,M. Asada","Frequency increase in terahertz oscillation of resonant tunnelling diode up to 1.55 THz by reduced slot-antenna length",,"Electron. Lett.",,"vol. 50","no. 17","pp. 1214-1216",2014,Aug.
"M. Feiginov,H. Kanaya,S. Suzuki,M. Asada","Operation of resonant-tunneling diodes with strong back injection from the collector at frequencies up to 1.46 THz",,"Appl. Phys. Lett.",,"vol. 104","no. 24","p. 243509",2014,July
"S. Kitagawa,S. Suzuki,M. Asada","Wide-Range Varactor-Tuned Terahertz Oscillator Using Resonant Tunneling Diode",,"J. Infrared, Millimeter and Terahertz Waves",,"vol. 35",,"pp. 445-450",2014,Mar.
"H. Kanaya,R. Sogabe,T. Maekawa,S. Suzuki,M. Asada","Fundamental Oscillation up to 1.42 THz in Resonant Tunneling Diodes by Optimized Collector Spacer Thickness",,"J. Infrared, Millimeter and Terahertz Waves",,"vol. 35",,"pp. 425-431",2014,Feb.
"H. Sugiyama,A. Teranishi,S. Suzuki,M. Asada","Structural and electrical transport properties of MOVPE-grown pseudomorphic AlAs/InGaAs/InAs resonant tunneling diodes on InP substrates",,"Jpn. J. Appl. Phys.",,"vol. 53",,"p. 031202",2014,Feb.
"Kanaya, H.,Sogabe, R.,Maekawa, T.,Safumi Suzuki,MASAHIRO ASADA","Frequency increase in resonant-tunneling-diode terahertz oscillators using optimum collector spacer",,"Conference Proceedings - International Conference on Indium Phosphide and Related Materials",,,,,2014,
"M. Asada,S. Suzuki","Handbook of Terahertz Technologies: Devices and Applications, Chapter 7, Resonant Tunneling Diodes for THz Sources",,"Pan Stanford Publishing",,,,,2014,
"Okada, K.,Safumi Suzuki,MASAHIRO ASADA","Resonant-tunneling-diodeterahertz oscillator integrated with slot-coupled patch antenna",,"Conference Proceedings - International Conference on Indium Phosphide and Related Materials",,,,,2014,
"Ikeda, Y.,Okada, K.,Kitagawa, S.,Safumi Suzuki,MASAHIRO ASADA","Resonant-tunneling-diode oscillator with high-frequency modulation structure for high-capacity terahertz communication",,"International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, IRMMW-THz",,,,,2014,
"Feiginov, M.,Kanaya, H.,Safumi Suzuki,MASAHIRO ASADA","1.46 THz RTD oscillators with strong back injection from collector",,"International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, IRMMW-THz",,,,,2014,
"M. Asada,H. Kanaya,S. Suzuki","Terahertz Emission from Resonant Tunneling Diodes without Satisfying Oscillation Condition",,"Jpn. J. Appl. Phys.",,"vol. 52",,"p. 100210",2013,Sept.
"H. Kanaya,S. Suzuki,M. Asada","Terahertz Oscillation of Resonant Tunneling Diodes with Deep and Thin Quantum Wells",,"Electron. Express",,"vol. 10",,"pp. 1-7",2013,Aug.
"S. Suzuki,M. Shiraishi,H. Shibayama,M. Asada","High-Power Operation of Terahertz Oscillators with Resonant Tunneling Diodes Using Impedance-Matched Antennas and Array Configuration",,"IEEE J. Selected Topics Quantum Electron.",,"vol. 19","no. 1","p. 8500108",2013,Feb.
"MASAHIRO ASADA,Safumi Suzuki","Resonant tunneling diodes for room-temperature terahertz oscillators",,"Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference Proceedings, APMC",,,,"pp. 345-347",2013,
"MASAHIRO ASADA,Safumi Suzuki","Room-temperature terahertz oscillation of resonant tunneling diodes",,"Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering",,"Vol. 8846",,,2013,
"Sogabe, R.,Shizuno, K.,Kanaya, H.,Safumi Suzuki,MASAHIRO ASADA,Sugiyama, H.,Yokoyama, H.","Terahertz oscillators using resonant tunneling diodes with InAlGaAs/InP composite collector",,"Conference Proceedings - International Conference on Indium Phosphide and Related Materials",,,,,2013,
"Minoguchi, K.,Okada, K.,Safumi Suzuki,MASAHIRO ASADA","Proposal and fabrication of resonant-tunneling-diode terahertz oscillator with structure for high frequency modulation",,"International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, IRMMW-THz",,,,,2013,
"MASAHIRO ASADA,Safumi Suzuki","Compact THz oscillators with resonant tunneling diodes and application to high-capacity wireless communications",,"ICECom 2013 - Conference Proceedings: 21st International Conference on Applied Electromagnetics and Communications",,,,,2013,
"H. Kanaya,H. Shibayama,R. Sogabe,S. Suzuki,M. Asada","Fundamental Oscillation up to 1.31 THz in Resonant Tunneling Diodes with Thin Well and Barriers",,"Appl. Phys. Express",,"vol. 5","no. 12","p. 124101",2012,Dec.
"Daisuke Take,Mizuki Shirao,Kaoru Maruyama,Nobuhiko Nishiyama,Masahiro Asada,Shigehisa Arai","Compact Optical/THz Signal Converter using Photo-generated Carrier Gate in THz Waveguide","the IEEE Photonics Conference 2012","the IEEE Photonics Conference 2012",,,,,2012,Sept.
"武 大助,白尾 瑞基,丸山 薫,西山 伸彦,浅田 雅洋,荒井 滋久","光励起キャリアゲート型光-テラヘルツ信号直接変換器の信号特性の検討","第73回応用物理学会学術講演会","第 73 回応用物理学会学術講演会 講演予稿集(2012 秋 愛媛大学・松山大学) 11p-B1-8",,,,,2012,Sept.
"鈴木左文,鏑木新治,金谷英敏,浅田雅洋","共鳴トンネルダイオードのテラヘルツ発振とレーザー光照射による出力の変調",,"レーザー研究",,"vol. 40","no. 7","p. 517-522",2012,July
"H. Shibayama,S. Suzuki,M. Shiraishi,M. Asada","Dependence of Output Power on Slot Antenna Width in Terahertz Oscillating Resonant Tunneling Diodes",,"J. Infrared Milli. Terahz. Waves",,"vol. 33","no. 5","pp. 475-478",2012,May
"K. Ishigaki,M. Shiraishi,S. Suzuki,M. Asada,N. Nishiyama,S. Arai","Direct intensity modulation and wireless data transmission characteristics of terahertz-oscillating resonant tunnelling diodes",,"Electron. Lett.",,"vol. 48","no. 10","pp. 582-583",2012,May
"A. Teranishi,S. Suzuki,K. Shizuno,M. Asada,H. Sugiyama,H. Yokoyama","Estimation of Transit time in Terahertz Oscillating Resonant Tunneling Diodes with Graded Emitter and Thin Barriers",,"Trans. Electron. IEICE of Japan",,"vol. E95-C","no. 3","pp. 401-407",2012,Mar.
"A. Teranishi,K. Shizuno,S. Suzuki,M. Asada,H. Sugiyama,H. Yokoyama","Fundamental Oscillation up to 1.08 THz in Resonant Tunneling Diodes with High-Indium Composition Transit Layers for Reduction of Transit Delay",,"IEICE Electron. Express",,"vol. 9","no. 5","pp. 385-390",2012,Mar.
"Shiraishi, M.,Suzuki, S.,MASAHIRO ASADA","High-power operation of terahertz oscillators with resonant tunneling diodes using offset-fed slot antennas and array configuration",,"International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, IRMMW-THz",,,,,2012,
"Kanaya, H.,Shibayama, H.,Safumi Suzuki,MASAHIRO ASADA","Fundamental oscillation up to 1.31 THz in thin-well resonant tunneling diodes",,"Conference Proceedings - International Conference on Indium Phosphide and Related Materials",,,,"pp. 106-109",2012,
"H. Sugiyama,A. Teranishi,S. Suzuki,M. Asada","High Uniformity InP-Based Resonant Tunneling Diode Wafers with Peak Current Density of over 6×105 A/cm2 Grown by Metal-Organic Vapor-Phase Epitaxy",,"J. Crystal Growth",,"vol. 336",,"pp. 24-28",2011,Sept.
"S. Suzuki,K. Karashima,K. Ishigaki,M. Asada","Heterodyne Mixing of Sub-Terahertz Output Power from Two Resonant Tunneling Diodes Using InP Schottky Barrier Diode",,"Jpn. J. Appl. Phys.",,"vol. 50",,"p. 080211",2011,Aug.
"M. Asada,S. Suzuki","Terahertz Oscillators Using Electron Devices - an Approach with Resonant Tunneling Diodes",,"IEICE Electron. Express",,"vol. 8","no. 14","pp. 1110-1126",2011,July
"H. Sugiyama,S. Suzuki,M. Asada","Room-Temperature Resonant Tunneling Diode Terahertz Oscillator Based on Precisely Controlled Semiconductor Epitaxial Growth Technology",,"NTT Technical Review",,"vol. 9","no. 10","pp. 12-17",2011,July
"M. Shiraishi,H. Shibayama,K. Ishigaki,S. Suzuki,M. Asada,H. Sugiyama,H. Yokoyama","High Output Power (~400 μW) Oscillators at around 550GHz Using Resonant Tunneling Diodes with Graded Emitter and Thin Barriers",,"Appl. Phys. Express",,"vol. 4",,"p. 064101",2011,May
"浅田雅洋,鈴木左文","電子デバイスによるテラヘルツ光源",,"電気学会論文誌A(基礎・材料共通)",,"vol. 131-A",,"pp. 21-25",2011,Jan.
"Kaburaki, S.,Safumi Suzuki,MASAHIRO ASADA","Intensity modulation of sub-terahertz oscillating resonant tunneling diode by irradiation of 1.55-μm laser",,"IEEE Photonic Society 24th Annual Meeting, PHO 2011",,,,"pp. 821-822",2011,
"Shiraishi, M.,Shibayama, H.,Ishigaki, K.,Suzuki, S.,MASAHIRO ASADA,Sugiyama, H.,Yokoyama, H.","High output power (?400 μW) oscillators at around 550 GHz using large area RTD and optimized antenna structure",,"Conference Proceedings - International Conference on Indium Phosphide and Related Materials",,,,,2011,
"Teranishi, A.,Shizuno, K.,Suzuki, S.,MASAHIRO ASADA,Sugiyama, H.,Yokoyama, H.","Fundamental oscillation up to 1.08 THz in resonant tunneling diodes with high indium composition transit layers",,"Conference Proceedings - International Conference on Indium Phosphide and Related Materials",,,,,2011,
"Ishigaki, K.,Karashima, K.,Shiraishi, M.,Shibayama, H.,Safumi Suzuki,MASAHIRO ASADA","Direct modulation of THz-oscillating resonant tunneling diodes",,"IRMMW-THz 2011 - 36th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves",,,,,2011,
"S. Suzuki,M. Asada,A. Teranishi,H. Sugiyama,H. Yokoyama","Fundamental oscillation of resonant tunneling diodes above 1 THz at room temperature",,"Appl. Phys. Lett.",,"Vol. 97",,"p. 242102",2010,Dec.
"MASAHIRO ASADA","Theoretical analysis of spectral linewidth of terahertz oscillators using resonant tunneling diodes and their coupled arrays",,"Journal of Applied Physics",,"vol. 108",," 034504",2010,Aug.
"S. Suzuki,K. Sawada,A. Teranishi,M. Asada,H. Sugiyama,H. Yokoyama","Fundamental oscillations at ~900 GHz with low bias voltages in RTDs having spike-doping structures",,"Electron. Lett.",,"vol. 46",,"pp. 1006-1007",2010,July
"K. Hinata,M. Shiraishi,S. Suzuki,M. Asada,H. Sugiyama,H. Yokoyama","Sub-Terahertz Resonant Tunneling Diode Oscillators with High Output Power (~200μW) Using Offset-Fed Slot Antenna and High Current Density",,"Applied Physics Express",,"vol. 3",," 014001",2010,Jan.
"Safumi Suzuki,Teranishi, A.,MASAHIRO ASADA,Sugiyama, H.,Yokoyama, H.","Increase of fundamental oscillation frequency in resonant tunneling diode with thin barrier and graded emitter structures",,"IRMMW-THz 2010 - 35th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, Conference Guide",,,,,2010,
"Safumi Suzuki,Hinata, K.,Shiraishi, M.,MASAHIRO ASADA,Sugiyama, H.,Yokoyama, H.","RTD oscillators at 430-460 GHz with high output power (?200 μW) using integrated offset slot antennas",,"Conference Proceedings - International Conference on Indium Phosphide and Related Materials",,,,"pp. 152-155",2010,
"MASAHIRO ASADA,Safumi Suzuki","THz oscillators using resonant tunneling diodes",,"ICSICT-2010 - 2010 10th IEEE International Conference on Solid-State and Integrated Circuit Technology, Proceedings",,,,"pp. 1331-1334",2010,
"M. Shiraishi,S. Suzuki,A. Teranishi,M. Asada,H. Sugiyama,H. Yokoyama","Fundamental Oscillation of up to 915 GHz in Small-Area InGaAs/AlAs Resonant Tunneling Diodes with Planar Slot Antennas",,"Jpn. J. Appl. Phys.",,"vol. 49",,"p. 020211",2010,
"Karashima, K.,Shiraishi, M.,Hinata, K.,Safumi Suzuki,MASAHIRO ASADA","Heterodyne detection of output of sub-THz RTD oscillator using InP-SBD detector and RTD local oscillator",,"IRMMW-THz 2010 - 35th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, Conference Guide",,,,,2010,
"H. Sugiyama,H. Yokoyama,A. Teranishi,S. Suzuki,M. Asada","Extremely High Peak Current Densities of over 1×106 A/cm2 in InP-Based InGaAs/AlAs Resonant Tunneling Diodes Grown by Metal?Organic Vapor-Phase Epitaxy",,"Jpn. J. Appl. Phys.",,"vol. 49",,"p. 051201",2010,
"MASAHIRO ASADA,Safumi Suzuki","THz oscillators using resonant tunneling diodes at room temperature",,"IRMMW-THz 2010 - 35th International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves, Conference Guide",,,,,2010,
"K. Karashima,R. Yokoyama,M. Shiraishi,S. Suzuki,S. Aoki,M. Asada","Measurement of Oscillation Frequency and Spectral Linewidth of Sub-Terahertz InP-Based Resonant Tunneling Diode Oscillators Using Ni?InP Schottky Barrier Diode",,"Jpn. J. Appl. Phys.",,"vol. 49",,"p. 020208",2010,
"Mizuki Shirao,Yuki Numajiri,Ryo Yokoyama,Nobuhiko Nishiyama,Masahiro Asada,Shigehisa Arai","Preliminary Experiment for Direct Media Conversion to Sub-Terahertz Wave Signal from 1.55-μm Optical Signal Using Photon-generated Free Carriers",,"Japanese Journal of Applied Physics",,"vol. 48","no. 9","pp. 090203-1-3",2009,Sept.
"K. Urayama,S. Aoki,S. Suzuki,MASAHIRO ASADA,H. Sugiyama,H. Yokoyama","Sub- Terahertz resonant Tunneling Diode Oscillators Integrated with tapered Slot Antennas for Horizontal Radiation",,"Applied Physics Express",,"vol. 2",," 044501",2009,May
"Safumi Suzuki,Atsushi Teranishi,Kensuke Hinata,Masahiro Asada,Hiroki Sugiyama,Haruki Yokoyama","Fundamental Oscillation of up to 831 GHz in GaInAs/AlAs Resonant Tunneling Diode",,"Applied Physics Express",,"Vol. 2",,"p. 054501",2009,Apr.
"沼尻 祐貴,横山 亮,白尾 瑞基,西山 伸彦,浅田 雅洋,荒井 滋久","光生成キャリア変調による光信号からサブテラヘルツ信号への直接変換速度特性","第56回春季応用物理学会学術講演会","第56回春季応用物理学会学術講演会予稿集","応用物理学会",,,,2009,Apr.
"沼尻 祐貴,横山 亮,白尾 瑞基,西山 伸彦,浅田 雅洋,荒井 滋久","テラヘルツ信号の光生成キャリアによる光信号からの直接変換","電子デバイス研究会","電子情報通信学会技術研究報告","社団法人電子情報通信学会","Vol. 108","No. 369","pp. 65-70",2008,Dec.
"Mizuki Shirao,Ryo Yokoyama,Yuki Numajiri,Nobuhiko Nishiyama,MASAHIRO ASADA,SHIGEHISA ARAI","Direct Conversion to Sub-THz Signal from 1.55-μm Optical Signal Using Photon-Generated Free-Carriers","2008 LEOS Annual Meeting","2008 LEOS Annual Meeting",,,"No. TuJ 3",,2008,Nov.
"S. Suzuki,K. Urayama,M. Asada","Coherent Power Combination in Multi-Element Sub-Terahertz Resonant Tunneling Diode Oscillators Coupled with Metal-Insulator-Metal Stub Structure",,"Applied Phys. Express",,"vol. 1",," 093001",2008,Sept.
"沼尻祐貴,横山亮,白尾瑞基,西山伸彦,浅田雅洋,荒井滋久","光生成キャリア変調による光信号のテラヘルツ・サブテラヘルツ信号への直接変換","第69回応用物理学会学術講演会","第69回応用物理学会学術講演会予稿集","応用物理学会","Vol. ?","No. 4p-ZE-11",,2008,Sept.
"Mizuki Shirao,Ryo Yokoyama,Yuki Numajiri,Nobuhiko Nishiyama,MASAHIRO ASADA,SHIGEHISA ARAI","Direct Modulation of Sub-Teraherz Waves by 1.55-μm Optical Signal","iNOW2008","Technical digest of iNOW 2008",,,," 1-P28",2008,Aug.
"N. Kishimoto,S. Suzuki,A. Teranishi,M. Asada","Frequency Increase of Resonant Tunneling Diode Oscillators in Sub-THz and THz Range Using Thick Spacer Layers",,"Applied Phys. Express",,"vol. 1",,"p. 042003",2008,
"M. Asada,S. Suzuki","Theoretical Analysis of Coupled Oscillator Array Using Resonant Tunneling Diodes in Subterahertz and Terahertz Range",,"J. Appl. Phys.",,"vol. 103",,"p. 124514",2008,
"S. Suzuki,N. Kishimoto,M. Asada,N. Sekine,I. Hosako","Experiment and theory of the dependence of oscillation characteristics on structure of integrated slot antennas in sub-THz and THz oscillating resonant tunneling diodes",,"Jpn. J. Appl. Phys.",,"vol. 47",,"pp. 64-67",2008,
"M. Asada,S. Suzuki,N. Kishimoto","Resonant Tunneling Diodes for Sub-Terahertz and Terahertz Oscillators",,"Jpn. J. Appl. Phys.",,"vol. 47",,"pp. 4375-4384",2008,
"M. Watanabe,T. Kanazawa,M. Asada","Transmission Electron Microscopy Analysis of CaF2/CdF2/CaF2 Resonant Tunneling Diode Structures grown on Si(100) Substrate","The 34th International Symposium on Compound Semiconductors (ISCS2007)",,,"Vol. TuD P8",,"pp. 222",2007,Oct.
"藤久雄己,粂井正也,梶浦俊祐,佐々木雄祐,渡辺正裕,浅田雅洋","Si基板上CdF2/CaF2サブバンド間遷移レーザに向けたナノエリア微小孔によるリーク電流低減","第68回応用物理学会学術講演会",,," 5a-N-5"," 3"," 1404",2007,Sept.
"H. Sano,K. Jinen,S. Kodaira,K. Uchida,M. Kumei,Y. Fujihisa,M. Watanabe,M. Asada","Mid-infrared (?4μm) Electroluminescence from CdF2/CaF2 Intersubband transition structures grown on Si(111) substrate","15th International Conference on Nonequilibrium carrier Dynamics in Semiconductors (HCIS15)",,,"Vol. MoP-31",,"pp. 47",2007,July
"T. Kanazawa,A. Morosawa,R. Fuji,T. Wada,M. Watanabe,M. Asada","Suppression of Leakage Current of CdF2/CaF2 Resonant Tunneling Diode Structures Grown on Si(100) Substrates by Nanoarea Local Epitaxy",,"Jpn. J. Appl. Phys.",,"Vol. 46","No. 6A","pp. 3388-3390",2007,June
"佐野洋,自念圭輔,内田薫,小平新志,粂井正也,藤久雄己,渡辺正裕,浅田雅洋","Si(111)基板上CdF2/CaF2量子へテロ構造からの中赤外(?4μm) EL発光","第54回応用物理学会関係連合講演会",,," 29p-T-19"," 3"," 1473",2007,Mar.
"T. Kanazawa,M. Watanabe,M. Asada","Room temperature negative differential resistance of CdF2/CaF2 double-barrier resonant tunneling diode structures grown on Si(100) substrates",,"Appl. Phys Lett.",,"Vol. 90","No. 9","pp. 092101-1-092101-3",2007,Feb.
"自念圭輔,内田薫,小平新志,渡辺正裕,浅田雅洋","Si基板上弗化物系サブバンド間遷移レーザの理論解析","電子情報通信学会(電子デバイス研究会)",,,"Vol. 106","No. 520"," 23-28",2007,Jan.
"S. Suzuki,M. Asada","Proposal of Resonant Tunneling Diode Oscillators with Offset-Fed Slot Antennas in THz and Sub-THz Range",,"Jpn. J. Appl. Phys.",,"Vol. 46","No. 1",,2007,Jan.
"S. Suzuki,M. Asada","Coherent Power Combination in Highly Integrated Resonant Tunneling Diode Oscillators with Slot Antennas",,"Jpn. J. Appl. Phys.",,"vol. 46",,"pp. L1108-L1110",2007,
"M. Asada,N. Orihashi,S. Suzuki","Voltage-Controlled Harmonic Oscillation at About 1 THz in Resonant Tunneling Diodes Integrated with Slot Antennas",,"Jpn. J. Appl. Phys.",,"vol. 46",,"pp. 2904-2906",2007,
"S. Suzuki,M. Asada","Proposal of Resonant Tunneling Diode Oscillators with Offset-Fed Slot Antennas in Terahertz and Sub-Terahertz Range",,"Jpn. J. Appl. Phys.",,"vol. 46",,"pp. 119-121",2007,
"K. Jinen,K. Uchida,S. Kodaira,M. Watanabe,M. Asada","Improvement of electroluminescence from CdF2/CaF2 Intersubband light-emitting structure by trench patterning and hydrogen annealing of Si substrate",,"IEICE Electronics Express",,"Vol. 3","No. 23","pp. 493-498",2006,Dec.
"T. Kanazawa,R. Fujii,T. Wada,Y. Suzuki,M. Watanabe,M. Asada","Control of NDR Characteristics of CdF2/CaF2 RTDs Using Nano-Area Local Growth on Si(100) Substrates","2006 International Microprocesses and Nanotechnology Conference",,,"Vol. 27B-11-7",,"pp. 410-411",2006,Oct.
"K. Jinen,T. Kikuchi,M. Watanabe,M. Asada","Near-infrared Electroluminescence from Multilayered CdF2/CaF2 Quantum Heterostructure Grown on Trench-Patterned Si(111) Substrate","3rd IEEE International Conference of GroupIV Photonics",,,"Vol. P29",,"pp. 128-130",2006,Sept.
"金澤 徹,藤井 諒,和田 宇史,鈴木 雄介,渡辺 正裕,浅田 雅洋","Si (100)基板上CdF2/CaF2ナノ領域成長共鳴トンネルダイオードのI-V特性制御","第67回応用物理学会学術講演会",,," 30p-RE-14"," 3"," 1266",2006,Aug.
"内田薫,自念圭輔,小平新志,粂井正也,佐野洋,渡辺正裕,浅田雅洋","弗化物系サブバンド間遷移レーザのためのSOI構造プラズモン導波路の作製","第67回応用物理学会学術講演会",,," 30p-RE-16"," 3"," 1267",2006,Aug.
"小平新志,自念圭輔,内田薫,粂井正也,佐野洋,渡辺正裕,浅田雅洋","Si基板上フッ化物系サブバンド間遷移レーザに向けた基板表面制御","第67回応用物理学会学術講演会",,," 30p-RE-15"," 3"," 1267",2006,Aug.
"自念圭輔,内田薫,小平新志,粂井正也,佐野洋,渡辺正裕,浅田雅洋","(CdF2/CaF2)量子構造におけるサブバンド間遷移時間の理論解析","第67回応用物理学会学術講演会",,," 30p-RE-17"," 3"," 1267",2006,Aug.
"M. Asada,N. Orihashi,S. Suzuki","Experiment and Theoretical Analysis of Voltage-Controlled Sub-THz Oscillation of Resonant Tunneling Diodes",,"IEICE Trans. Electron.",,"vol. E89-C","No. 7","pp. 965-971",2006,July
"Keisuke Jinen,Takeshi Kikuchi,Masahiro Watanabe,MASAHIRO ASADA","Room-Temperature Electroluminescence from a Single-Period (CdF2/CaF2) Inter-subband Quantum Cascade Structure on Si Substrate",,"Jpn. J. Appl. Phys.",,"Vol. 45","No. 4B","pp. 3656-3658",2006,Apr.
"T. Hori,T. Ozono,N. Orihashi,M. Asada","Frequency mixing characteristics of room temperature resonant tunneling diodes at 100 and 200 GHz",,"J. Appl. Phys.",,"Vol. 99","No. 6","pp. 064508",2006,Mar.
"金澤 徹,諸澤篤史,藤井 諒,和田宇史,渡辺正裕,浅田雅洋","ナノ領域成長を用いたSi(100)基板上弗化物系共鳴トンネルダイオード","電子情報通信学会(電子デバイス研究会)",,,"Vol. 105","No. 550"," 11-14",2006,Jan.
"N. Orihashi,S. Suzuki,M. Asada","One THz harmonic oscillation of resonant tunneling diodes",,"Appl. Phys. Lett.",,"vol. 87","No. 24","p. 233501",2005,Dec.
"S. Suzuki,N. Orihashi,M. Asada","Mutual Injection Locking between Sub-THz Oscillating Resonant Tunneling Diodes",,"Jpn. J. Appl. Phys.",,"vol. 44","No. 48","pp. L1439-L1441",2005,Nov.
"N. Orihashi,S. Hattori,S. Suzuki,M. Asada","Experimental and Theoretical Characteristics of Sub-Terahertz and Terahertz Oscillations of Resonant Tunneling Diodes Integrated with Slot Antennas",,"Jpn. J. Appl. Phys.",,"vol. 44","No. 11","pp. 7809-7815",2005,Nov.
"T. Kanazawa,A. Morosawa,M. Watanabe,M. Asada","High peak-to-valley current ratio of CdF2/CaF2 resonant tunneling diode grown on Si(100) substrates","2005 International conference on Solid State Devices and Materials",,,"Vol. G-1-7",,"pp. 162-163",2005,Sept.
"諸澤篤志,金澤徹,藤井諒,和田宇史,渡辺正裕,浅田雅洋","ナノ領域成長によるSi(100)基板上CdF2/CaF2共鳴トンネルダイオードの微分負性抵抗特性","第66回応用物理学会学術講演会",,," 9a-W-7"," 3"," 1215",2005,Sept.
"自念圭輔,菊池毅,渡辺正裕,浅田雅洋","Si基板上(CdF2/CaF2)量子ヘテロ構造のEL発光特性","第66回応用物理学会学術講演会",,," 9a-W-6"," 3"," 1214",2005,Sept.
"金澤徹,諸澤篤志,藤井諒,和田宇史,渡辺正裕,浅田雅洋","Si(100)基板上CaF2/CdF2/CaF2量子井戸構造の成長温度依存性","第66回応用物理学会学術講演会",,," 9a-W-5"," 3"," 1214",2005,Sept.
"菊池毅,自念圭輔,内田薫,小平新志,渡辺正裕,浅田雅洋","プラズモン導波路を用いた弗化物系サブバンド間遷移レーザの理論解析","第66回応用物理学会学術講演会",,," 9a-W-8"," 3"," 1215",2005,Sept.
"K. Jinen,T. Kikuchi,M. Watanabe,M. Asada","Room temperature electroluminescence of CdF2/CaF2 intersubband transition laser structures grown on Si substrate","2005 International conference on Solid State Devices and Materials",,,"Vol. G-4-3",,"pp. 412-413",2005,Sept.
"N. Orihashi,S. Hattori,S. Suzuki,M. Asada","Voltage-controlled sub-terahertz oscillation of resonant tunnelling diode integrated with slot antenna",,"Electronics Letters",,"Vol. 41","No. 15","pp. 872-873",2005,July
"浅田雅洋","共鳴トンネル構造における光支援トンネルとテラヘルツデバイス",,"応用物理",,"Vol. 74","No. 5","pp. 587-592",2005,May
"渡辺正裕,田村信平,金澤徹,自念圭輔,浅田雅洋","ローカルエピタキシー法によるCoSi2/CaF2三重障壁共鳴トンネルダイオードの微分負性抵抗特性","電子情報通信学会(電子デバイス研究会)",,," ED2004-227"," SDM2004-222"," 7-10",2005,Jan.
"自念圭輔,村田博,渡辺正裕,浅田雅洋","Si基板上(CdF2/CaF2)量子へテロ構造の近赤外EL発光","第65回応用物理学会学術講演会",,," 4a-ZK-6"," 3"," 1242",2004,Sept.
"M. Watanabe,T. Kanazawa,K. Jinen,M. Asada","Negative Differential Resistance of CdF2/CaF2 Resonant Tunneling Diode Grown on Si(100) Substrate","2004 Silicon Nanoelectronics Workshop","2004 Silicon Nanoelectronics Workshop,9-20",,"Vol. 9-20",,"pp. 145-146",2004,June
"自念圭輔,村田博,渡辺正裕,浅田雅洋","CoSi2-プラズモン導波路を用いた弗化物系サブバンド間遷移レーザの理論解析","第51回応用物理学会関係連合講演会",,," 30p-ZE-1"," 3"," 1549",2004,Mar.
"田村信平,渡辺正裕,浅田雅洋","ナノ領域エピタキシー法によるCoSi2/CaF2三重障壁共鳴トンネルダイオードの室温微分負性抵抗特性","第51回応用物理学会関係連合講演会",,," 30a-ZE-8"," 3"," 1548",2004,Mar.
"渡辺正裕,金澤徹,自念圭輔,浅田雅洋","Si(100)基板上に形成されたCdF2/CaF2超ヘテロ構造による共鳴トンネルダイオードの室温微分負性抵抗特性","電子情報通信学会(電子デバイス研究会)",,," ED2003-231"," SDM2003-217"," 25-28",2004,Feb.
"MASAHIRO ASADA","Structural Dependence of the Negative Differential Resistance Characteristics of CdF2/CaF2 Resonant Tunneling Diodes grown on Si using Nanoarea Local Epitaxy",,"IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology",,,,,2004,
"MASAHIRO ASADA","Proposal and Analysis of a Travelling-Wave Amplifier in Terahertz Range Using Two-Dimensional Electron Gas",,"Japanese Journal of Applied Physics",,"Vol. 42","No. 4A","pp. 1332-1333",2004,