"SUSUMU ONAKA","Periodic arrangements of tetrahedra having appearances similar to that of the Boerdijk-Coxeter helix",,"Scientific Reports","Springer Nature","Vol. 14",," 18260",2024,Aug. "中田 伸生,遠藤 詩織,宮澤 直己,尾中 晋,手島 俊彦,小坂 誠","フェライト/セメンタイト間の複数結晶方位関係によるパーライとコロニー形成機構","日本鉄鋼協会第187回春季講演大会",,,,,,2024,Mar. "Takehiro Abe,Naoki Miyazawa,SUSUMU ONAKA","Occurrence of {332}?113 ? ? deformation twinning in a single crystal of an Fe-3mass%Al alloy",,"Philosophical Magazine",,"Vol. 103","No. 20","pp. 1897?1910",2023,July "Fumiya Aya,Toshiki Ariga,Naoki Miyazawa,Susumu Onaka","Disorientation Angles among Grains around Triple Junctions in Deformed and Annealed Aluminum",,"Materials Transactions",,"Vol. 64","Issue 2","pp. 535-539",2023,Jan. "清水健太郎,宮澤直己,尾中晋","分子動力学法によるすべり伝達係数を用いた粒界-転位相互作用の整理の検討","日本金属学会秋期講演大会",,,,,,2022,Sept. "阿部 健大,宮澤 直己,尾中 晋","Fe-3mass%Al の高速せん断変形に伴う組織変化とその結晶方位依存性","日本金属学会秋期講演大会",,,,,,2022,Sept. "有賀 才貴,宮澤 直己,尾中 晋","拡散分子動力学法を用いたチタンの双晶変形に伴う酸素の拡散挙動の解析","日本金属学会秋期講演大会",,,,,,2022,Sept. "國吉宏太朗,宮澤直己,尾中晋","超微細粒Alの焼鈍時の組織変化についての粒界三重線周りの結晶粒間方位関係に注目しての評価","日本金属学会秋期講演大会",,,,,,2022,Sept. "Takuya Ogasawara,Naoki Miyazawa,Nobuo Nakada,Susumu Onaka","Effects of number of slip systems on slip transmission between neighbouring grains",,"Philosophical Magazine",,"Vol. 102","No. 15","pp. 1435-1445.",2022,May "Yuki Kawahito,Daisuke Fukui,Naoki Miyazawa,Nobuo Nakada,Susumu Onaka","Heterogeneous cleavage fracture of lath martensite induced by Bain strain","7th International Conference on Advanced Steels",,,,,,2022,May "Yuki Wada,Nobuo Nakada,susumu onaka","Effect of Internal Stress on Sequence of γ?ε?α′ Martensitic Transformations in Austenitic Stainless Steel",,"ISIJ International",,"Vol. 62","No. 3","pp. 613-616",2022,Mar. "Yuki Wada,Nobuo Nakada,Susumu Onaka","Development of Internal Stress of Plate Martensite via fcc-hcp Martensitic Transformation in Metastable Austenitic Stainless Steel","16th International Conference on Martensitic Transformation",,,,,,2022,Mar. "Shiori Endo,Naoki Miyazawa,Nobuo Nakada,Ssusumu Onaka,Toshihiko Teshima,Makoto Kosaka","Formation mechanism of pearlite colony by multiple orientation relationships between ferrite and cementite",,"ISIJ International",,"Vol. 62","No. 2"," 291-298.",2022,Feb. "N. Miyazawa,T. Hirayama,S. Onaka","Molecular dynamics study of interactions between prismatic slip and oxygen-segregated twin boundaries in α-Ti",,"Materialia",,,,,2022,Feb. "Fumito Yoshimasu,Naoki Miyazawa,Nobuo Nakada,Susumu Onaka","Probability densities of disorientation angles among randomly oriented grains in tricrystals",,"Journal of Materials Science",,"Vol. 57",,"pp. 3010-3017",2022,Jan. "福井大介,中田伸生,尾中晋","マルテンサイト鋼の変態内部応力に起因したへき開破壊の異方性","日本金属秋期講演大会",,,,,,2021,Sept. "田中健司,宮澤直己,尾中 晋","Fe合金単結晶の硬さ試験による圧痕周辺の結晶方位変化","日本金属学会秋期講演大会",,,,,,2021,Sept. "Ryosuke Matsutani,Tomohito Sakuragi,Naoki Yamagishi,Naoki Miyazawa,Nobuo Nakada,Susumu Onaka","SEM/EBSD analysis of grain refinement and coarsening of ultra-fine-grained Al during simple shear deformation",,"MATERIALS TRANSACTIONS",,"Vol. 62","No. 7","pp. 921-928.",2021,Aug. "松谷亮輔,宮澤直己,尾中 晋","超微細粒 Al のせん断変形前後における組織変化の対数角による評価","日本金属学会2020年秋期(第167回)大会",,,,,,2020,Sept. "福井大介,中田伸生,尾中晋","Fe?Ni合金における焼入れマルテンサイトの正方晶性と残留ひずみの関係","日本鉄鋼協会秋季講演大会",,,,,,2020,Sept. "和田侑樹,中田伸生,尾中晋","準安定オーステナイト系ステンレス鋼におけるγ?ε?α'マルテンサイト変態の弾性論的検証","日本鉄鋼協会秋季講演大会",,,,,,2020,Sept. "Daisuke Fukui,Nobuo Nakada,SUSUMU ONAKA","Internal residual stress originated from Bain strain and its effect on hardness in Fe?Ni martensite",,"Acta Materialia",,"Vol. 196",,"pp. 660-668",2020,Sept. "Ryosuke Matsutani,Nobuo Nakad,Susumu Onaka","Increase in Total Elongation Caused by Pure Shear Deformation in Ultra-Fine-Grained Cu Processed by Equal-Channel Angular Pressing",,"Metals",,"Vol. 10",," 654",2020,May "松谷亮輔,櫻木智仁,尾中晋","超微細粒Alのせん断変形前後における組織変化","日本金属学会春期講演大会",,,,,,2020,Mar. "尾中 晋","材料の強化における相加効果と相乗効果","日本金属学会春期講演大会",,,,,,2020,Mar. "Susumu ONAKA","Arrangements of three to six cubes with maximum disorientation angles",,"Philosophical Magazine",,"Vol. 100",,"pp. 1703-1705",2020,Feb. "Yuuki Wada,Nobuo Nakada,SUSUMU ONAKA","Internal Stress of Plate Martensite Depending on Aspect Ratio via fcc-hcp Martensitic Transformation in Metastable Austenitic Stainless Steels",,"Materials Transactions",,"Vol. 61","No. 1","pp. 61-67",2020,Jan. "SUSUMU ONAKA","Approximate rotation vector expressions to consider crystal orientation changes in plastically deformed materials",,"Journal of Materials Science.","Springer","Vol. 55","No. 5","pp. 2186-2192",2019,Nov. "古谷玲,服部夏実,宮澤直己,尾中晋","圧痕周辺での結晶方位の変化:対数角による回転角度成分の解析","日本金属学会秋期講演大会",,,,,,2019,Sept. "松谷亮輔,古谷玲,服部夏実,尾中晋","対数角を利用した格子湾曲テンソルの評価とその応用","日本金属学会秋期講演大会",,,,,,2019,Sept. "和田侑樹,中田伸生,尾中晋","Fe-Cr-Ni合金に生成するhcp-マルテンサイトの内部応力","日本金属学会秋期講演大会",,,,,,2019,Sept. "山岸直希,宮澤直己,尾中晋","加工履歴が異なるECAP加工を施した超微細粒銅における延性の違い","日本金属学会秋期講演大会",,,,,,2019,Sept. "小笠原拓哉,宮澤直己,尾中晋","Fe-3 mass%Al合金粗大結晶粒材におけるすべり線近傍での方位変化","日本金属学会秋期講演大会",,,,,,2019,Sept. "Ryosuke Matsutani,Susumu Onaka","Representation of Nye’s Lattice Curvature Tensor by Log Angles",,"Materials Transactions",,"Vol. 60","No. 6","pp. 935-938",2019,Apr. "Ryosuke Matsutani,Yoji Miyajima,Susumu Onaka","Refinement and Coarsening of Grains Caused by Tensile-Shear Tests in Ultra-Fine Grained Cu Processed by Severe Plastic Deformation",,"Materials Transactions",,"Vol. 60","No. 5","pp. 751-757",2019,Apr. "松谷亮輔,中田伸生,尾中晋","超微細粒銅における単純せん断変形の誘起による引張変形時の破断伸びの増大","日本金属学会春期講演大会",,,,,,2019,Mar. "高増宣仁,宮澤知孝,宮嶋陽司,足立大樹,尾中晋","ARB加工した超微細粒Ni多結晶材のX線回折による弾性変形挙動の評価",,"日本金属学会誌",,"Vol. 83","No. 5","pp. 157-163",2019,Mar. "高増宣仁,宮嶋陽司,尾中晋","引張変形中その場XRD測定による超微細粒Ni多結晶の弾塑性変形挙動の評価","日本金属学会講演大会",,,,,,2018,Sept. "東海泰三,宮嶋陽司,尾中晋","超微細粒Al-Fe合金のARB加工とその後の焼鈍に伴う力学的特性と電気的特性の変化","日本金属学会秋期講演大会",,,,,,2018,Sept. "村松星彦,宮嶋陽司,尾中晋","ECAP加工で作製された超微細結晶粒AlのXRD測定による内部応力状態の評価","日本金属学会秋期講演大会",,,,,,2018,Sept. "古谷玲,宮嶋陽司,尾中晋","引張変形により延性破壊した銅単結晶試料表面の方位測定","日本金属学会秋期講演大会",,,,,,2018,Sept. "服部夏実,宮嶋陽司,尾中晋","Cu単結晶における圧痕周りでの結晶方位変化の位置依存性","日本金属学会秋期講演大会",,,,,,2018,Sept. "宮嶋陽司,藤岡和毅,尾中晋","超微細粒金属の変形中その場電気抵抗測定","日本金属学会秋期講演大会",,,,,,2018,Sept. "松谷亮輔,宮嶋陽司,尾中晋","ECAP加工で作製した超微細粒銅の引張変形時における単純せん断変形","日本金属学会秋期講演大会",,,,,,2018,Sept. "尾中晋","材料強化における相加効果と相乗効果","金属学会セミナー",,"公益社団法人日本金属学会",,,,2018,Mar. "松谷亮輔,宮嶋陽司,尾中晋","大変形前後における超微細粒銅での同一領域での組織変化の観察","日本金属学会講演大会",,,,,,2018,Mar. "Yoji Miyajima,Takahiko Shinohara,Hiroki Adachi,Toshiyuki Fujii,Susumu Onaka,MASAHARU KATO","Change in Electrical Resistivity of Pure Cu Processed by Accumulative Roll Bonding",,"Materials Transactions",,"Vol. 59","No. 3","pp. 393-398",2018,Feb. "SUSUMU ONAKA","Superspheres: Intermediate Shapes between Spheres and Polyhedra",,"Polyhedral Structures, Symmetry, and Applications","MDPI",,,"pp. 121-128",2018,Jan. "Kunio Hayashi,SUSUMU ONAKA","Analysis of Inhomogeneous Crystal Rotation in a Grain after Plastic Deformation of a Polycrystalline Low Carbon Steel",,"Materials Transactions, Vol. 59, No. 3 (2018) pp. 386 to 392 ?2018 The Japan Institute of Metals and Materials",,,,,2018,Jan. "高増宣仁,小ヶ倉勇樹,宮嶋陽司,尾中晋","超微細粒 Ni 多結晶材の集合組織と弾性変形挙動の評価","日本金属学会講演大会",,,,,,2017,Sept. "松谷亮輔,宮嶋陽司,尾中晋","超微細粒銅の塑性変形に伴う結晶粒の形状と方位の変化","日本金属学会講演大会",,,,,,2017,Sept. "浜野航貴,宮嶋陽司,尾中晋","双結晶銅における圧延による方位変化に及ぼす粒界と低温 焼鈍の影響","日本金属学会講演大会",,,,,,2017,Sept. "林 邦夫,尾中 晋","低炭素鋼の塑性変形に伴う結晶回転の解析","日本鉄鋼協会 第174 回秋季講演大会",,,,,,2017,Sept. "宮嶋陽司,小ヶ倉勇樹,尾中晋","MWP 法および CMWP 法による超微細粒銅の引張試験中そ の場 XRD 測定結果の解析","日本金属学会講演大会",,,,,,2017,Sept. "林邦夫,尾中晋","塑性変形後の結晶粒内方位解析による結晶粒微細化の初期段階の調査","塑性加工春季講演会","塑性加工春季講演会概要集",,,,,2017,June "S. Onaka,K. Hayashi","Description of Changes in Crystal Orientations by the Elements of Logarithm of a Rotation Matrix",,"Scanning","Hindawi Publishing Corporation","Vol. 2017",,,2017,Jan. "宮嶋陽司,福田晃二郎,足立大樹,尾中晋,加藤雅治","巨大ひずみ加工を用いたアルミニウムの結晶粒超微細化に及ぼす鉄添加の効果","日本軽金属学会秋期講演大会",,,,,,2016,Nov. "鯵坂祐介,宮嶋陽司,尾中 晋","銅単結晶の冷間圧延による方位変化のSEM/EBSD解析","第13回ヤングメタラジスト研究交流会",,,,,,2016,Oct. "小ヶ倉勇樹,宮嶋陽司,尾中 晋","種々のFCC金属超微細粒材についての引張変形中その場XRD測定","第13回ヤングメタラジスト研究交流会",,,,,,2016,Oct. "藤岡 和毅,宮嶋 陽司,尾中 晋","純銅の室温引張変形にともなう転位密度化電気抵抗率測定よる評価","第13回ヤングメタラジスト研究交流会",,,,,,2016,Oct. "宮嶋陽司,海住亮太,尾中晋,加藤雅治","超微細粒Al-Mg合金における温度77Kから323Kでの熱活性化変形過程","日本金属学会秋期講演大会",,,,,,2016,Sept. "藤岡和毅,宮嶋陽司,尾中晋","純銅の室温引張変形にともなう格子欠陥量変化の電気抵抗率を用いた検出","日本金属学会秋期講演大会",,,,,,2016,Sept. "鯵坂祐介,宮嶋陽司,尾中 晋","冷間圧延による{111}<112> 銅単結晶の方位変化のSEM/EBSD解析",,"日本金属学会誌",,"Vol. 80","No. 9","pp. 553-561",2016,July "Yoji Miyajima,Midori Uchiyama,Hiroki Adachi,Toshiyuki Fujii,Susumu Onaka,Masaharu Kato","Effect of Roll-Bonding and Subsequent Annealing on Microstructure Evolution of Accumulative Roll Bonded Pure Copper",,"MATERIALS TRANSACTIONS","The Japan Institute of Metals and Materials","Vol. 57","No. 9","pp. 1411-1417",2016,June "Onaka, S.,Hayashi, K.","Interpretation of elements of the logarithm of a rotation matrix as rotation components around coordinate axes of a reference frame",,"Journal of Mathematical Chemistry",,,,"pp. 1-10",2016,May "Hayashi, K.,Osada, M.,Kurosu, Y.,Miyajima, Y.,Onaka, S.","Log angles: Characteristic angles of crystal orientation given by the logarithm of rotation matrix",,"Materials Transactions",,"Vol. 57","No. 4","pp. 507-512",2016,Mar. "SUSUMU ONAKA","Extended Superspheres for Shape Approximation of Near Polyhedral Nanoparticles and a Measure of the Degree of Polyhedrality",,"Nanomaterials",,,,,2016,Feb. "Miyajima yoji,Ueda Taro,Hiroki Adachi,Fujii Toshiyuki,SUSUMU ONAKA,Kato Masaharu","Dislocation Density of FCC Metals Processed by ARB","6th International Conference on Nanomaterials by Severe Plastic Deformation (NanoSPD)",,,,,,2016, "Yoji Miyajima,Satoshi Ookubo,Hiroki Abe,Hiroki Okumura,TOSHIYUKI FUJII,SUSUMU ONAKA,MASAHARU KATO","Dislocation density of pure copper processed by accumulative roll bonding and equal-channel angular pressing",,"Materials Characterization",,"Vol. 104",,"pp. 101-106",2015,Apr. "Hayashi Kunio,Osada Motoki,Kurosu Yuki,Yoji Miyajima,Onaka susumu","Log Angles: Characteristic Angles of Crystal Orientation Given by the Logarithm of Rotation Matrix",,"JOURNAL OF THE JAPAN INSTITUTE OF METALS","The Japan Institute of Metals and Materials","Vol. 79","No. 1","p. 9-15",2015,Jan. "大久保 智,宮澤 知孝,宮嶋 陽司,足立 大樹,藤居 俊之,尾中 晋,加藤 雅治","超微細粒Cuにおける引張変形中の転位密度変化","2014年秋期講演大会(第155回)","日本金属学会講演概要","公益社団法人 日本金属学会",,,,2014,Sept. "Satoshi Ookubo,Hiroki Abe,Yoji Miyajima,TOSHIYUKI FUJII,SUSUMU ONAKA,MASAHARU KATO","Effects of temperature and strain rate on plastic deformation of ultrafine-grained copper prepared by equal-channel angular pressing",,"MATERIALS TRANSACTIONS","The Japan Institute of Metals and Materials","Vol. 55","No. 10","pp. 1325-1530",2014,Aug. "Yoji Miyajima,Kotaro Iguchi,SUSUMU ONAKA,MASAHARU KATO","Effects of Rolling Reduction and Strength of Composed Layers on Bond Strength of Copper and Aluminium Alloy Clad Sheets Fabricated by Cold Roll Bonding",,"Advances in Materials Science and Engineering","Hindawi Publishing Corporation","Vol. 2014"," ID614821"," 11 pages",2014,Apr. "Akari Yoshida,Yoji Miyajima,SUSUMU ONAKA","Evolution of the spread of crystal orientation with plastic deformation in a cold-rolled Cu single crystal",,"Journal of Materials Science",,"Vol. 49","No. 5","pp. 2013-2017",2014, "吉田暁海理,宮嶋陽司,尾中 晋","圧延と繰り返し重ね接合圧延による銅単結晶の方位の回転と分裂",,"日本金属学会誌",,"Vol. 77","No. 10","pp. 435-439",2014, "Satoshi Ookubo,Yoji Miyajima,TOSHIYUKI FUJII,SUSUMU ONAKA,MASAHARU KATO","Grain Size Variation during Low Temperature Creep and Tensile Deformation of Ultrafine-Grained Copper",,"Materials Transactions",,"Vol. 54","No. 9","pp. 1605-1611",2013,May "Yukio Nakanishi,Hiroyuki Tanaka,TOSHIYUKI FUJII,SUSUMU ONAKA,MASAHARU KATO","Low-Temperature Fatigue Behavior and Development of Dislocation Structure in Alminum Single Crystals with Single-Slip Orientation",,"Philosophical Magazine",,"Vol. 93","No. 21","pp. 2756-2768",2013,Apr. "Yukito Nakanishi,Yoji MIYAJIMA,Toshiyuki FUJII,Susumu ONAKA,Masaharu KATO","Stability of Fatigued Dislocation Wall Structure in Coarse-Grained and Ultrafine-Grained Aluminum against Monotonic Tensile Deformation",,"Materials Transactions",,"Vol. 54","No. 1","pp. 43-49",2013,Jan. "Yoji MIYAJIMA,Hiroki Abe,Toshiyuki FUJII,Susumu ONAKA,Masaharu KATO","Effects of Si on mechanical properties and microstructure evolution in ultrafine-grained Cu-Si alloys processed by accumulative roll bonding",,"Acta Materialia",,,,,2013, "Hirohito Imamura,Takashi Nagoshi,Akari Yoshida,Tso-Fu Mark Chang,Susumu Onaka,Masato Sone","Evaluation of anisotropic structure in electrodeposited Ni film using micro-sized cantilever",,"Microelectronic Engineering.","Elsevier","Vol. 100","No. C","pp. 25-27",2012,Oct. "SUSUMU ONAKA","Superspheres: Intermediate Shapes between Spheres and Polyhedra",,"Symmetry",,"Vol. 4",,"pp. 336-343",2012,July "S. Onaka","Appropriateness of the Hencky Equivalent Strain as the Quantity to Represent the Degree of Severe Plastic Deformation",,"Materials Transactions",,"Vol. 53",,"pp. 1547-1548",2012,June "S. Onaka","Comment on “A Comparison of the von Mises and Hencky Equivalent Strains for Use in Simple Shear Experiments",,"Philosophical Magazine",,"vol. 92",,"pp. 2264-2271",2012,Apr. "Tomotaka Miyazawa,Yuta Ozawa,Miyajima,TOSHIYUKI FUJII,SUSUMU ONAKA,MASAHARU KATO","Morphological and crystallographic Characteristics of Incoherent Octahedral FCC Co Precipitates in a Cu Matrix",,"MATERIALS TRANSACTIONS","The Japan Institute of Metals","Vol. 53","No. 5","pp. 893-901",2012,Mar. "Yoji MIYAJIMA,Takashi ARAGAKI,Hiroki Adachi,Toshiyuki FUJII,Susumu ONAKA,Masaharu KATO","Retardation of Softening of Ultrafine-Grained Copper during Low Temperature Annealing under Uniaxial Tensile Stress",,"Materials Transactions",,"Vol. 53","No. 1","pp. 96-100",2012,Jan. "A. Yoshida,Y. Miyajima,SUSUMU ONAKA","Changes in Strength and Microstructure of Cu (100) [001] Single Crystals Caused by Accumulative Roll-Bonding",,"Mater Trans",,"Vol. 53",,"pp. 26-29",2012, "Satoshi Okubo,Yoji MIYAJIMA,Toshiyuki FUJII,Susumu ONAKA,Masaharu KATO","Low temperature creep behavior of ultrafine-grained Cu","International Workshop on Bulk Nanostructured Metals",,,,,,2012, "Yoji MIYAJIMA,Hiroki Abe,Toshiyuki FUJII,Susumu ONAKA,Masaharu KATO","Relationship between mechanical properties and microstructure in ultrafine-grained Cu-Si alloy processed by accumulative roll bonding","International Workshop on Bulk Nanostructured Metals",,,,,,2012, "Yoji MIYAJIMA,Midori Uchiyama,TOSHIYUKI FUJII,Susumu ONAKA,Masaharu KATO","Effect of additional shear stress on texture evolution during ARB process","International Workshop on Bulk Nanostructured Metals","Materials Transactions",,,,,2012, "Yukito Nakanishi,Yoji MIYAJIMA,Toshiyuki FUJII,Susumu ONAKA,Masaharu KATO","Stability of Fatigued Dislocation Structure in UFG Aluminum against Monotonic Tensile Deformation","International Workshop on Bulk Nanostructured Metals",,,,,,2012, "Tomotaka Miyazawa,Munehiro Aratake,SUSUMU ONAKA","Superspherical-shape approximation to describe the morphology of small crystalline particles having near-polyhedral shapes with round edges",,"Journal of Mathematical Chemistry","Springer","Vol. 50",,"pp. 249-260",2011,Sept. "Hirohito Imamura,Takashi Nagoshi,Akari Yoshida,Tso-Fu Mark Chang,Susumu Onaka,Masato Sone","Evaluation of anisotropic structure in electrodeposited Ni film using micro-sized cantilever","37th International Conference on Micro and Nano Engineering, (MNE2011)",,"Elsevier",,,"pp. in press",2011,Sept. "Yukito Nakanishi,TOSHIYUKI FUJII,SUSUMU ONAKA,MASAHARU KATO","Low-Cycle Fatigue of Ultrafine-Grained Aluminum at Low Temperatures",,"Materials Transactions",,"Vol. 52","No. 5","pp. 890-894",2011,May "Tomotaka Miyazawa,TOSHIYUKI FUJII,SUSUMU ONAKA,MASAHARU KATO","Shape and Elastic State of Nano-sized Ag Precipitates in a Cu-Ag Single Crystal",,"Journal of Materials Science",,"Vol. 46",,"pp. 4228-4235",2011, "Takahiro Kunimine,Takashi Aragaki,TOSHIYUKI FUJII,SUSUMU ONAKA,MASAHARU KATO","Inverse Temperature Dependence of Activation Volume in Ultrafine-Grained Copper Processed by Accumulative Roll-Bonding",,"Journal of Materials Science",,"Vol. 46",,"pp. 430294307",2011, "Takahiro Kunimine,TOSHIYUKI FUJII,SUSUMU ONAKA,Nobuhiro Tsuji,MASAHARU KATO","Effects of Si Addition on Mechanical Properties of Copper Severely Deformed by Accumulative Roll-Bonding",,"Journal of Materials Science",,"Vol. 46",,"pp. 4290-4295",2011, "Takako Sumiya,TOSHIYUKI FUJII,Hisashi Sato,Yoshimi Watanabe,SUSUMU ONAKA,MASAHARU KATO","Suppression of grain growth by precipitation of Co-Fe particles during aging of an ECAPed Cu alloy",,"Proceedings of International Symposium on Giant Straining Process for Advanced Materials (GSAM-2010)",,,,"p. 105",2010,Nov. "Akari Yoshida,Yoji Miyajima,TOSHIYUKI FUJII,SUSUMU ONAKA,MASAHARU KATO","Microstructural evolution caused by accumulative roll-bonding of Cu (100)[001] single crystals",,"Proceedings of International Symposium on Giant Straining Process for Advanced Materials (GSAM-2010)",,,,"p. 106",2010,Nov. "Yukito Nakanishi,Toshiyuki Fujii,Susumu Onaka,Masaharu Kato","Formation of Dislocation Structure during Cyclic Deformation of Ultrafine-Grained Aluminum at Low Temperatures","12th International Conference on Aluminium Alloys","Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Aluminium Alloys",,,,"pp. 326-331",2010,Sept. "SUSUMU ONAKA","Deformation Behavior and Stress States of a Diffusional Creeping Polycrystal with Bimodal Grain-size Distribution",,"Archives of Mechanics",,"Vol. 62","No. 4","pp. 241-251",2010,Sept. "Toshiyuki Fujii,Hiroshi Kamio,Yoshifumi Sugisawa,Susumu Onaka,Masaharu Kato","Cyclic Softening of Cu-Ni-Si Alloy Single Crystals under Low-Cycle Fatigue","7th Pacific Rim International Conference on Advanced Materials and Processing","Materials Science Forum",,"Vol. 654-656",,"pp. 1287-1290",2010,Aug. "Masaharu Kato,Takahiro Kunimine,Toshiyuki Fujii,Susumu Onaka","Role of Dislocations Emitted from Grain Boundaries on Plastic Deformation of Ultrafine-grained Materials","13th International Conference on Intergranular and Interphase Boundaries in Materials","Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Intergranular and Interphase Boundaries in Materials",,,," 54",2010,June "Takahiro Kunimine,Toshiyuki Fujii,Susumu Onaka,Nobuhiro Tsuji,Masaharu Kato","Effects of Si Addition on Mechanical Properties of Copper Severely Deformed by Accumulative Roll-Bonding","13th International Conference on Intergranular and Interphase Boundaries in Materials","Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Intergranular and Interphase Boundaries in Materials",,,," 102",2010,June "Chiharu Kanno,Kenji Aoyagi,TOSHIYUKI FUJII,Susumu Onaka,Masaharu Kato","Shape evolution and arrangement of fcc Co-Fe precipitate particles during coarsening in a Cu matrix","Solid-Solid Phase Transformations in Inorganic Materials (PTM2010)","PTM2010",,,,,2010,June "SUSUMU ONAKA","Equivalent strain in simple shear deformation described by using the Hencky strain",,"Philosophical Magazine Letters",,"Vol. 90","No. 9","pp. 633 ? 639",2010,June "Tomotaka Miyazawa,Toshiyuki Fujii,Susumu Onaka,Masaharu Kato","Shape and Elastic State of Nano-sized Ag Precipitates in a Cu-Ag Single Crystal","13th International Conference on Intergranular and Interphase Boundaries in Materials","Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Intergranular and Interphase Boundaries in Materials",,,," 106",2010,June "菅野千晴,藤居俊之,大塚秀幸,尾中晋,加藤雅治","Cu母相中におけるFe-Co粒子の成長に及ぼす外部磁場効果",,"金属",,"Vol. 80","No. 5","pp. 354-360",2010,May "尾中晋","Henckyひずみによる巨大ひずみ加工量の評価",,"日本金属学会誌",,"Vol. 74","No. 3","pp. 165-170",2010,Mar. "Chiharu Kanno,TOSHIYUKI FUJII,SUSUMU ONAKA,MASAHARU KATO","Effects of magnetic field on solid solubility of Fe and Co in a Cu matrix","6th International Conference on Electromagnetic Processing of Materials","Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Electromagnetic Processing of Materials",,,,"pp. 777-779",2009,Oct. "Ryuichirou Shima,Chiharu Kanno,Toshiyuki Fujii,Hideyuki Ohtsuka,Susumu Onaka,Masaharu Kato","Effects of magnetic field on variant selection of bcc Fe-Co particles in a Cu matrix","the 6th International Conference on Electromagnetic Processing of Materials","Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Electromagnetic Processing of Materials",,,,"pp. 769-772",2009,Oct. "Takahiro Kunimine,Naoki Takata,Nobuhiro Tsuji,Toshiyuki Fujii,Masaharu Kato,Susumu Onaka","Temperature and Strain Rate Dependence of Flow Stress in Severely Deformed Copper by Accumulative Roll Bonding",,"Materials Transactions","The Japan Institute of Metals","Vol. 50","No. 1","pp. 64-69",2009,Jan. "Yoji Furukawa,Toshiyuki Fujii,Susumu Onaka,Masaharu Kato","Cyclic Deformation Behavior of Ultra-Fine Grained Copper Produced by Equal Channel Angular Pressing",,"Materials Transactions",,"Vol. 50","No. 1","pp. 70-75",2009,Jan. "Yoji Furukawa,Toshiyuki Fujii,Susumu Onaka,Masaharu Kato","Cyclic Deformation Behavior of Ultra-Fine Grained Copper Produced by Equal Channel Angular Pressing",,"International Symposium on Giant Straining Process for Advanced Materials (GSAM-2008), Fukuoka, Japan",,,,"pp. 36-37",2008,Nov. "Takahiro Kunimine,Naoki Takata,Nobuhiro Tsuji,Toshiyuki Fujii,Masaharu Kato,Susumu Onaka","Temperature and Strain Rate Dependence of Flow Stress in Severely Deformed Copper by Accumulative Roll Bonding","International Symposium on Giant Straining Process for Advanced Materials (GSAM-2008)","Abstract of the International Symposium on Giant Straining Process for Advanced Materials (GSAM-2008)",,,,"pp. 72-73",2008,Nov. "菅野千晴,尾中晋,加藤雅治,藤居俊之,大塚秀幸","Cu母相中のfcc Fe-Co粒子の形状変化に及ぼす外部磁場効果",,"物質・材料研究機構強磁場共用ステーション2007年度成果報告書",,,,"pp. 89-90",2008,Sept. "Toshiyuki Fujii,Shizuma Uju,Hiroyuki Tanaka,Toru Murayama,Chihiro Watanabe,Susumu Onaka,Masaharu Kato","Relationship between Dislocation Microstructure and Flow Stress during Cyclic Deformation in Al single Crystals",,"Proceedings of the Hael Mughrabi Honorary Symposium",,,,"pp. 123-127",2008,Mar. "M. Kato,T. Fujii,S. Onaka","Dislocation bow-out model for yield stress of ultra-fine grained materials",,"Materials Transactions",,"Vol. 49","No. 6","pp. 1278-1283",2008,Jan. "H. Sato,T. Murase,T. Fujii,S. Onaka,Y. Watanabe,M. Kato","Formation of a wear-induced layer with nanocrystalline structure in Al-Al3Ti functionally graded material",,"Acta Materialia",,"Vol. 56",,"pp. 4549-4558",2008, "和田 竜二,小林 法子,藤居 俊之,尾中 晋,加藤 雅治","弾性相互エネルギーと界面エネルギーが析出物の形状と分布に及ぼす影響:異方性弾性論による2次元解析",,"日本金属学会誌",,"Vol. 71","No. 8","pp. 587-591",2007,Aug. "Toshiyuki Fujii,Shizuma Uju,Chihiro Watanabe,Susumu Onaka,Masaharu Kato","Cyclic Deformation of Al-Mg Single Crystals with a Single Slip Orientation","The Sixth Pacific Rim International Conference on Advanced Materials and Processing","Materials Science Forum",,"Vol. 561-565",,"pp. 2213-2216",2007,July "尾中晋","球と多面体のあいだの形:合金中の微細な粒子の形状に関する考察",,"応用力学研究所研究集会報告",," No.18ME-S5",," ArticleNo._10",2007,July "M. Seki,M. Fujimoto,T. Fujii,M. Kato,S. Onaka","Effects of grain-boundary sliding and plastic deformation of grains on the formation of grain-boundary cracks in a double cylindrical bicrystal of a Cu-SiO2 alloy",,"Materials Transactions",,"Vol. 48","No. 6","pp. 1412-1416",2007,June "SUSUMU ONAKA","Geometrical analysis of near polyhedral shapes with round edges in small crystalline particles or precipitates",,"Journal of Materials Science",,"Vol. 43","No. 8","pp. 2680-2685",2007,Apr. "S. Onaka,T. Fujii,M. Kato","Elastic strain energy due to misfit strains in a polyhedral precipitate composed of low-index planes",,"Acta Materialia",,"Vol. 55","No. 2","pp. 669-673",2007,Jan. "藤居俊之,尾中晋,加藤雅治","丘の上に棲むかものはし",,"ふぇらむ",,"Vol. 11","No. 9","pp. 589",2006,Sept. "藤居俊之,尾中晋,加藤雅治","純Al単結晶の繰り返し変形に伴う転位組織の形成",,"材料開発のための顕微鏡法と応用写真集,日本金属学会","社団法人日本金属学会",,,"pp. 146",2006,Mar. "SUSUMU ONAKA","Simple Equations Giving Shapes of Various Convex Polyhedra: The Regular Polydedra and Polyhedra Composed of Crystallographically Low-index Planes",,"Philosophical Magazine Letters",,"Vol. 86",,"pp. 175-183",2006, "C. Watanabe,R. Monzen,H. Nagayoshi,S. Onaka","Elastic State of Rod-shaped Ag Precipitates in a Cu-5.7wt%Ag Single Crystal",,"Philosophical Magazine Letters",,"Vol. 86",,"pp. 65-73",2006, "渡邊千尋,門前亮一,尾中 晋","Cu-5.7mass%Ag合金単結晶の棒状Ag粒子の弾性ひずみ",,"まてりあ(日本金属学会報)",,"Vol. 44",,"pp. 979",2006, "尾中晋","球と正多面体のあいだの形状を与える数式",,"数学セミナー,日本評論社",,"Vol. 45",,"pp. 54-58",2006, "藤居 俊之,尾中 晋,加藤雅治","純Al単結晶の繰り返し変形に伴う転位組織の形成",,"材料開発のための顕微鏡法と応用写真集,社団法人日本金属学会",,,,"pp. 146",2006, "尾中 晋","いわゆるMackenzieプロットにおける確率密度の導出について",,"シンポジウム「耐熱材料の組織制御と長寿命化」,日本鉄鋼協会",,,,"pp. 39-44",2005, "S. Onaka","A Simple Equation Giving Shapes between a Circle and a Regular N-sided Polygon",,"Philosophical Magazine Letters",,"Vol. 85",,"pp. 359-365",2005, "S,Onaka","Elastic Strain Energy due to Deviatoric Eigenstrains in an Inclusion Having Symmetric Shape",,"Philosophical Magazine Letters",,"Vol. 85",,"pp. 115-123",2005, "R. Monzen,H. Nagayoshi,C. Watanabe,S. Onaka","Effect of external stress on discontinuous precipitation in {100} planes in a Cu-5.7 wt% Ag single crystal",,"Philosophical Magazine Letters",,"Vol. 85",,"pp. 13-20",2005, "S. Onaka","Strain Fields Caused by Doughnut-like and Tubular Inclusions with Uniform Eigenstrains",,"Mechanics Research Communications",,"Vol. 32",,"pp. 316-322",2005, "N. Kobayashi,S. Onaka,T. Fujii,M. Kato","Morphological Stability of Inclusions: Two-dimensional Analysis with a Superelliptic Approximation",,"Materials Science and Engineering A",,"Vol. 392",,"pp. 248-253",2005, "S. Onaka,T. Fujii,M. Kato","Effects of Octahedral to Spherical Precipitate-shape Transition on Elastic Strain Energy due to Misfit Precipitates in Materials with Cubic Structures",,"Mechanics of Materials",,"Vol. 37",,"pp. 179-187",2005, "N. Kobayashi,Susumu Onaka,Toshiyuki Fujii,Masaharu Kato","Morphological Stability of Inclusions: Two-Dimensional Analysis with a Superelliptic Approximation",,"Materials Science and Engineering A",,"Vol. 392",,"pp. 248-253",2005, "Toshiyuki Fujii,Naoki Sawatari,Susumu Onaka,Masaharu Kato","Cyclic Deformation of Pure Aluminum Single Crystals with Double-Slip Orientations",,"Mater. Sci. Eng. A",,"Vol. 387-389C",,"pp. 486-490",2004,Dec. "藤居俊之,尾中晋,加藤雅治,渡邊千尋,冠和樹,澤渡直樹,村山徹","CuおよびAl単結晶の繰り返し変形に伴う転位組織発達過程",,"まてりあ",,"Vol. 43","No. 12","pp. 1028",2004,Dec. "藤居俊之,尾中晋,加藤雅治","エネルギー論による転位上優先析出の理解",,"まてりあ",,"Vol. 43","No. 11","pp. 925-930",2004,Nov. "H. Sato,I. Ota,T. Fujii,SUSUMU ONAKA,MASAHARU KATO","Morphological Evolution of Grain-Boundary SiO2 in Internally Oxidized Cu-Si Bicrystals",,"Materials Transactions",,"Vol. 45","No. 3","pp. 818-823",2004,Mar. "H. Sato,I. Ota,T. Fujii,S. Onaka,M. Kato","Morphological Evolution of Grain-Boundary SiO2 in Internally Oxidized Cu-Si Bicrystals",,"Materials Transactions",,"Vol. 45",,"pp. 818-823",2004, "T. Fujii,N. Sawatari,S. Onaka,M. Kato","Cyclic Deformation of Pure Aluminum Single Crystals with Double Slip Orientations",,"Materials Science and Engineering A",,"Vol. 387-389",,"pp. 486-490",2004, "M. KATO,T. Fujii,S. Onaka","Interface Character and Crystallography and Morphology of Second-Phase Particles",,"Nano-Interface Mechanics Workshop, Nanotechnology Researchers Network Center of Japan, Tokyo",,,,"pp. 30",2004, "S. Onaka,T. Fujii,M. Kato","Effects of Octahedral to Spherical Precipitate-Shape Transition on Elastic Strain Energy due to Misfit Precipitates in Materials with Cubic Structures",,"Mechanics of Materials",,"Vol. 37",,"pp. 179-187",2004, "松原佳弘,斉藤英雄,岡田英之,藤居俊之,尾中晋,加藤雅治","塑性変形と再結晶におよぼす結晶粒界面方位の影響",,"日本金属学会誌",,"Vol. 67","No. 8","pp. 398-403",2003,Aug. "尾中晋","第二相の形状変化に伴う材料の力学物性の変化",,"析出制御メタラジー研究会最終報告書「鉄鋼の析出制御メタラジー最前線 2」,日本鉄鋼協会",,,,"pp. 36-37",2003, "SUSUMU ONAKA","Strain-free points near a doughnut-like inclusion with purely dilatational eigenstrains",,"Mechanics Research Communications",,"Vol. 30",,"pp. 663-666",2003, "松原佳弘,斎藤英雄,岡田英之,藤居俊之,尾中 晋,加藤雅治","塑性変形と再結晶に及ぼす結晶粒界面方位の影響",,"日本金属学会誌",,"Vol. 67",,"pp. 398-403",2003, "S. Onaka,N. Kobayashi,T. Fujii,M. Kato","Energy Analysis with a Superspherical Shape Approximation on the Spherical to Cubic Shape Transitions of Coherent Precipitates in Materials with Cubic Structures",,"Materials Science and Engineering A",,"Vol. A347",,"pp. 42-49",2003, "熊井真次,若菜剛介,尾中 晋,加藤雅治,佐藤彰一","Cu-15mass%Cr複相合金圧延板におけるヤング率の異方性",,"日本金属学会誌",,"Vol. 67",,"pp. 324-330",2003, "H. Sato,T. Fujii,S. Onaka,M. Kato","Effects of Grain-Boundary GeO2 particles on Intergranular Fracture of Cu-GeO2 Polycrystals",,"Journal of Materials Science",,"Vol. 38",,"pp. 1689-1693",2003, "藤居俊之,小川仁志,尾中 晋,加藤雅治","Cu-Cr合金におけるCr粒子の転位上優先析出",,"日本金属学会誌",,"Vol. 66",,"pp. 989-996",2003, "H. Sato,T. Fujii,S. Onaka,M. Kato","Effects of Grain-Boundary GeO2 Particles on Intergranular Fracture of Cu-GeO2 Polycrystals",,"Jounal of Materials Science",,"Vol. 38",,"pp. 1689-1693",2003, "S. Onaka,N. Kobayashi,T. Fujii,M. Kato","Energy Analysis with a Superspherical Shape Approximation on the Shape Transitions of Coherent Precipitates in Cubic Materials from Spherical to Cuboidal",,"Materials Science and Engineering A",,"Vol. 347","No. 1-2","pp. 42-49",2003, "藤居俊之,小川仁志,尾中晋,加藤雅治","Cu-Cr合金におけるCr粒子の転位上優先析出",,"日本金属学会誌",,"Vol. 66","No. 10","pp. 989-996",2002,Oct. "TOSHIYUKI FUJII,T. Tamura,MASAHARU KATO,SUSUMU ONAKA","Size-Dependent Equilibrium Shape of Co-Cr Particles in Cu",,"Microscopy & Microanalysis",,"Vol. 8","No. s","pp. 1434-1435",2002,Aug. "H. Sato,N. Takeoka,TOSHIYUKI FUJII,SUSUMU ONAKA,MASAHARU KATO","Brittle intergranular fracture of Cu polycrystals containing liquid B2O3 particles",,"Jounal of Materials Science Letters",,"Vol. 21","No. 8","pp. 617-619",2002,Aug. "C. Watanabe,TOSHIYUKI FUJII,SUSUMU ONAKA,MASAHARU KATO","Low-cycle fatigue and microstructure of Cu-Fe single crystals with a double-slip orientation",,"International Journal of Fatigue",,"Vol. 24","No. 7","pp. 795-802",2002,July "C. Watanabe,K. Kanmuri,MASAHARU KATO,SUSUMU ONAKA,TOSHIYUKI FUJII","Rearrangement of Fatigue Dislocation Structure in Copper Single Crystals Associated reduction in the Plastic Strain Amplitude",,"Philosophical Magazine A",,"Vol. 87","No. 7","pp. 1317-1330",2002,July "SUSUMU ONAKA,N. Kobayashi,TOSHIYUKI FUJII,MASAHARU KATO","Simplified Energy Analysis on the Equilibrium Shape of Coherent gamma prime Precipitates in gamma Matrix with a Superspherical Shape Approximation",,"Intermetallics",,"Vol. 10","No. 4","pp. 343-346",2002,Apr. "H. Sato,T. Murase,T. Fujii,S. Onaka,M. Kato,Y. Watanabe","Formation of the Fine Al3Ti Fibers near the Worn Surface of the Al Alloy Containing Large Al3Ti Dispersoids",,"Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Advanced Fiber/Textiles 2002 in Ueda",,,,"pp. 91",2002, "S. Onaka,H. Sato,M. Kato","Elastic States of Doughnut-like Inclusions with Uniform Eigenstrains Treated by Averaged Eshelby Tensors",,"Philosophical Magazine Letters",,"Vol. 82",,"pp. 1-7",2002, "C. Watanabe,K. Kanmuri,M. Kato,S. Onaka,T. Fujii","Rearrangement of Fatigue Dislocation Structure in Copper Single Crystals Associated with Reduction of the Plastic Strain Amplitude",,"Philosophical Magazine A",,"Vol. 82",,"pp. 1317-1330",2002, "SUSUMU ONAKA","Size-Depandent Equilibrium Shape of Co-Cr Particles in Cu",,"Microscopy and Microanalysis",,"Vol. 8",,"pp. 1434-1435",2002, "A. Madgwick,T. Mori,S. Onaka,P.W. Withers","Creep of a Composite with a Diffusional Creeping Matrix",,"Materials Science and Engineering A",,"Vol. 335",,"pp. 320-323",2002, "S. Onaka,N. Kobayashi,M. Kato","Two-dimensional Analysis on Elastic Strain Energy due to a Uniformly Eigenstrained Supercircular Inclusion in an Elastically Anisotropic Material",,"Mechanics of Materials",,"Vol. 34",,"pp. 117-125",2002, "S. Onaka,N. Kobayashi,T. Fujii,M. Kato","Simplified Energy Analysis on the Equilibrium Shape of Coherent Gamma-Prime Precipitates in Gamma Matrix with a Superspherical Shape Approximation",,"Intermetallics",,"Vol. 10",,"pp. 343-346",2002, "H. Sato,N. Takeoka,T. Fujii,S. Onaka,M. Kato","Brittle Intergranular Fracture of Cu polycrystals Containing Liquid B2O3 Particles",,"Journal of Materials Science Letters",,"Vol. 21",,"pp. 617-619",2002, "C. Watanabe,T. Fujii,S. Onaka,M. Kato","Low-cycle Fatigue and Microstructure of Cu-Fe Single Crystals with a Double-slip Orientation",,"International Journal of Fatigue",,"Vol. 24",,"pp. 795-802",2002, "H. Sato,T. Murase,T. Fujii,S. Onaka,M. Kato,Y. Watanabe","Formation of the fine Al3Ti fibers near the Worn Surface of the Al Alloy Containing Large Al3Ti Dispersoids",,"Proc. of the 2nd International Conference on Advanced Fiber/Textile",,,,"pp. 91",2002, "尾中晋","鉄鋼の強度学概論",,"日本鉄鋼協会,第27回鉄鋼工学セミナーテキスト","日本鉄鋼協会,第27回鉄鋼工学セミナーテキスト",,,"pp. 1-18",2001, "尾中晋","第二相粒子による加工硬化 ? 最適な粒子の種類と形状は何か ?",,"日本鉄鋼協会,セミナー「鉄鋼の析出制御メタラジー最前線」テキスト",,,,"pp. 81-91",2001, "C. Watanabe,T. Fujii,S. Onaka,M. Kato","Effects of Distributed Fe Particles on Low-Cycle Fatigue Behavior of Cu-Fe Alloy Single Crystals",,"Materials Science and Engineering A",,"Vol. 319-321",,"pp. 506-510",2001, "S. Onaka,A. Madgwick,T. Mori","Kinetics of Diffusional Creep Discussed by Energy Dissipation and Effect of Grain-size Distribution on the Rate Equations",,"Acta Materialia",,"Vol. 49",,"pp. 2161-2168",2001, "MASAHARU KATO,SUSUMU ONAKA,TOSHIYUKI FUJII","Energy Consideration for Variant Selection in Precipitation on Dislocations",,"Science and Technology of Advanced Materials",,"Vol. 2",,"pp. 375-380",2001, "M. Kato,S. Onaka,T. Fujii","Energy Consideration for Variant Selection in Precipitation on Dislocations",,"Science and Technology of Advanced Materials",,"Vol. 2",,"pp. 375-380",2001, "C. Watanabe,T. Fujii,S. Onaka,M. Kato","Effects of Distributed Fe Particles on Low-Cycle Fatigue Behavior of Cu-Fe Alloy Single Crystals",,"Materials Science and Engineering A",,"Vol. 319-321",,"pp. 506-510",2001, "SUSUMU ONAKA","Averaged Eshelby Tensor and Elastic Strain Energy of a Superspherical Inclusion with Uniform Eigenstrains",,"Philosophical Magazine Letters",,"Vol. 81",,"pp. 265-272",2001, "SUSUMU ONAKA","Effect of Poisson's Ratio on the Variation of the Average Young's Moduli of Composites with Transitions of Second-Phase Shape",,"Philosophical Magazine A",,"Vol. 80",,"pp. 1183-1192",2000, "加藤雅治,尾中 晋","材料の変形と破壊の熱力学",,"ふぇらむ",,"Vol. 5",,"pp. 736-741",2000, "尾中晋","母相と強化相の両方より高いヤング率を示す複合材料 ? マイクロメカニックスによる解析 ?",,"まてりあ(日本金属学会報)",,"Vol. 39","No. 5","pp. 430-433",2000, "H. Miura,T. Sakai,T. Otsuka,R. Monzen,S. Onaka","Sliding of Copper [001]-Twist Grain boundaries Detected by Shear Deformation of Liquid B2O3 Particles on the Grain Boundaries",,"Acta Materialia",,"Vol. 48",,"pp. 1959-1966",2000, "SUSUMU ONAKA","A Relationship among Components of the Eshelby Tensor and its Physical Meaning in General Inclusion Problems",,"Philosophical Magazine Letters",,"Vol. 80",,"pp. 367-370",2000, "S. Onaka,T. Fujii,Y. Suzuki,M. Kato","Application of the Average Field Method to the Prediction of Stable Shapes of Coherent Precipitates under Uniaxial Stresses",,"Materials Science and Engineering A",,"Vol. 285",,"pp. 246-252",2000, "M. Kato,T. Fujii,S. Onaka","Effects of Shape and Volume Fraction of Second Phase on Stress States in Two-Phase Materials",,"Materials Science and Engineering A",,"Vol. 285",,"pp. 144-150",2000, "S. Onaka,M. Kato","Shape Change of Liquid Particles Embedded in a Solid Matrix Caused by Plastic Deformation of a Cu-B2O3 Alloy",,"Metals and Materials",,"Vol. 6",,"pp. 7-11",2000, "S. Onaka,H. Miura,M. Kato","Viscous Deformation of Glass Particles Embedded in a Crystalline Matrix Caused by Plastic Deformation of a Cu-B2O3 Alloy",,"Journal of Materials Science Letters",,"Vol. 9",,"pp. 279-281",2000, "S. Onaka,T. Fujii,Y. Suzuki,M. Kato","Application os the Average Field Method to the Prediction of Stable Shapes of Coherent Precipitates under Uniaxial Stresses",,"Materials Science and Engineering A",,"Vol. 285","No. 1-2","pp. 246-252",2000, "M. Kato,T. Fujii,S. Onaka","Effects of Shape and Volume Fraction of Second Phase on Stress States in Two-Phase Materials",,"Materials Science and Engineering A",,"Vol. 285","No. 1-2","pp. 144-150",2000, "尾中 晋,安藤嘉門","複相材料の平均的ヤング率に及ぼす構成相の形状とポアソン比の影響",,"日本金属学会誌",,"Vol. 56",,"pp. 1283-1289",1999, "S. Onaka,J.H. Huang,K. Wakashima,T. Mori","Stress Relaxation Caused by the Combination of Interfacial Sliding and Diffusion around Spherical Inclusions",,"Mechanics of Materials",,"Vol. 31",,"pp. 717-727",1999, "加藤雅治,熊井真次,尾中 晋","材料強度学",,"朝倉書店","朝倉書店",,,,1999, "H. Miura,T. Otsuka,T. Sakai,S. Onaka","High-Temperature Deformation of Copper Bicrystals Containing Liquid B2O3 Particles",,"Scripta Materialia",,"Vol. 40",,"pp. 33-38",1999, "S. Onaka,M. Kato","Effects of Elastic Modulus, Shape and Volume Fraction of an Elastically Inhomogeneous Second Phase on Stress States in a Loaded Composite",,"Materials Transactions, JIM",,"Vol. 40",,"pp. 1102-1107",1999, "S. Onaka,M. Kato","Shape Change of Liquid Particles Embedded in a Solid Matrix Caused by Plastic Deformation of a Cu-B2O3 Alloy",,"Proc. of the First Korea-Japan Structural Dynamic Symposium",,,,"pp. 85-95",1999, "S. Onaka,Y. Suzuki,T. Fujii,M. Kato","Reexamination of Influence of Uniaxial Stress on the Morphology of Coherent Precipitates",,"Scripta Materialia",,"Vol. 38","No. 5","pp. 783-788",1998,May "T. Mori,S. Onaka,K. Wakashima","Role of Grain-Boundary Sliding in Diffusional Creep of Polycrystals",,"Journal of Applied Physics",,"Vol. 83",,"pp. 7547-7552",1998, "S. Onaka,Y. Suzuki,T. Fujii,M. Kato","Reexamination of Influence of Uniaxial Stress on the Morphology of Coherent Precipitates",,"Scripta Materialia",,"Vol. 38",,"pp. 783-788",1998, "S. Onaka,Y. Suzuki,T. Fujii,M. Kato","Reexamination of Influence of Uniaxial Stress on the Morphology",,"Scripta Materialia",,"Vol. 38",,"pp. 783-788",1998, "S. Onaka,J.H. Huang,K. Wakashima,T. Mori","Kinetics of Stress Relaxation Caused by the Combination of Interfacial Sliding and Diffusion: Two-Dimensional Analysis",,"Acta Materialia",,"Vol. 46",,"pp. 3821-3828",1998, "尾中晋,藤居俊之,加藤雅治","析出物の形状と方位についての弾性ひずみエネルギー考察",,"軽金属",,"Vol. 47","No. 10","pp. 561-567",1997,Oct. "尾中 晋,藤居 俊之,加藤雅治","析出物の形状と方位についての弾性ひずみエネルギー考察",,"軽金属",,"Vol. 47",,"pp. 561-567",1997, "尾中 晋,廣瀬達郎,加藤博之,橋本 敏","ステレオ観察による楕円体粒子の軸比と方位の決定",,"日本金属学会誌",,"Vol. 61",,"pp. 574-579",1997, "加藤雅治,相沢龍彦,大谷博司,尾中 晋,梶原正憲,三島良直","解いてわかる材料工学 II (材料の組織と強度)",,"丸善","丸善",,,,1997, "T. Fujii,S. Onaka,M. Kato","Shape-Dependent Strain Energy of an Inhomogeneous Coherent Indusion with General Tetragonal Misfit Strains",,"Scripta Materiaria",,"Vol. 34","No. 10","pp. 1529",1996,Oct. "Masaharu Kato,Toshiyuki Fujii,Susumu Onaka","Elastic States of a General Inhomogeneous Ellipsoidal Inclusions",,"Materials Transactions, JIM",,"Vol. 37","No. 3","pp. 314-318",1996,Mar. "M. Kato,T. Fujii,S. Onaka","Elastic State and Orientation of Needle-Shaped Inclusions",,"Acta Materiaria",,"Vol. 44","No. 3","pp. 1263-1269",1996,Mar. "M. Kato,T. Fujii,S. Onaka","Elastic State and Orientation of Needle-Shaped Inclusions",,"Acta Materialia",,"Vol. 44","No. 3","pp. 1263",1996, "T. Fujii,S. Onaka,M. Kato","Shape-Dependent Strain Energy of an Inhomogeneous Coherent Inclusion with General Tetragonal Misfit Strains",,"Scripta Materialia",,"Vol. 34",,"pp. 1529-1535",1996, "S. Onaka,K. Hasegawa,H. Miura","Shape Change of Liquid B2O3 Particles in Copper Single Crystals Deformed at High Temperatures",,"Philosophical Magazine A",,"Vol. 74",,"pp. 531-541",1996, "M. Kato,T. Fujii,S. Onaka","Elastic States of Inhomogeneous Sheroidal Inclusions",,"Materials Transactions, JIM",,"Vol. 37","No. 3","pp. 314",1996, "Masaharu Kato,Toshiyuki Fujii,Susumu Onaka","Elastic Strain Energies of Sphere, Plate and Needle Inclusions",,"Materials Science and Engineering",,"Vol. A211",,"pp. 95-103",1996, "Susumu Onaka,Toshiyuki Fujii,Masaharu Kato","The Elastic Strain Energy of a Coherent Inclusion with Deviatric Misfit Strains",,"Mechanics of materials",,"Vol. 20","No. 4","pp. 329-336",1995,Apr. "尾中 晋,加藤 大樹,橋本 敏,三浦 精","加熱鋳型を用いて連続鋳造された純マグネシウムの結晶方位と降伏強度",,"日本金属学会誌",,"Vol. 59",,"pp. 607-611",1995, "S. Onaka,T. Fujii,M. Kato","The Elastic Strain Energy of a Coherent Inclusion with Deviatoric Misfit Strains",,"Mechanics of Materials",,"Vol. 20","No. 3","pp. 329",1995, "S. Miura,S. Hashimoto,S. Onaka,H. Kato","Study of Crystal Boundary and Interface using Bi- and Tricrystals in Metals",,"Proc. of the Thirty-Eighth Japan Congress on Materials Research,The Society of Materials Science",,,,"pp. 1-7",1995, "S. Onaka,F. Tajima,S. Hashimoto,S. Miura","Retardation of Intergranular Fracture at Intermediate Temperatures by a Boundary Node in a Cu-9at. %AL Alloy Tricrystal",,"Acta Metallurgica et Materialia",,"Vol. 43","No. 1","pp. 307",1995, "SUSUMU ONAKA","Determination of the Aspect Ratio of a Spheroidal Particle by Stereo Observation",,"Materials Characterization",,"Vol. 34","No. 2","pp. 167",1995, "S. Onaka,S. Hashimoto,S. Miura,M. Kato","Effect of Diffusional Relaxation on the Shape Change of Liquid B┣D22┫D2 O┣D23┫D2 Particles in a Deforming Cu Matrix",,"Acta Metallurgica et Materialia",,"Vol. 43","No. 4","pp. 1577",1995, "S. Onaka,F. Tajima,S. Hashimoto,S. Miura","The Effect of a Boundary Node on Intergranular Fracture of an α-CuAl Alloy at Intermediate Temperatures",,"Proc. of the Tenth International Conference on the Strength of Materials, Aug. 1994, Sendai, Japan",,,,"pp. 599-601",1994, "方 蘇春,尾中 晋,橋本 敏,三浦 精","Distribution of Disorientation and Stability of Σ3+Σ3+Σ9 Triple Junctions in a Copper Polycrystal",,"Journal of the Society of Materials Science",,"Vol. 42","No. 478","pp. 791",1993, "SUSUMU ONAKA","Roles of Grain Boundaries in Recrystallization of Copper Bicrystals with Σ3{111} and Σ9{221} Boundaries",,"Journal of the Society of Materials Science",,"Vol. 42","No. 478","pp. 784",1993, "斎藤 安俊 ら51名,尾中晋","絵で見る工業材料事典?金属材料編",,"日刊工業新聞社","日刊工業新聞社",,,"pp. 85-87",1993, "TOSHIYUKI FUJII,Susumu Onaka,Tsutomu Mori,Masaharu Kato","A New Method of Deriving Fundamental Rate Equations for Ostwald Ripening",,"ISIJ International",,"Vol. 32","No. 10","pp. 1128-1129",1992,Oct. "T. Fujii,S. Onaka,T. Mori,M. Kato","A New Method of Deriving Fundamental Rate Equations for Ostwald Ripening",,"ISIJ International",,"Vol. 32",,"pp. 1128-1129",1992, "方 蘇春,今井圭介,尾中 晋,三浦 精","α-CuAl合金の短範囲規則度による降伏点降下に及ぼす結晶粒界の影響",,"材料",,"Vol. 41",,"pp. 607-611",1992, "P.D. Funkenbusch,E.K.H. Li,S. Onaka","HIP of Powder Mixtures",,"Proc. of Materials Research Society, Dec. 1991, Boston, USA,Pressure Effects on Materials Processing and Design, MRS pub",,"Vol. 251",,"pp. 15-20",1992, "S. Onaka,P.D. Funkenbusch","Low Temperature Diffusion Bonding Using Nano-scale Materials",,"Proc. of the 1992 Powder Metallurgy World Congress, June 1992, San Francisco, USA, Advances in Powder Metallurgy and Particular Materials-1992",,"Vol. 8",,"pp. 33-44",1992, "方 蘇春,今井圭介,尾中 晋,三浦 精","<110>対称傾角粒界を有する銅双結晶の変形挙動",,"材料",,"Vol. 40",,"pp. 151-157",1991, "S. Onaka,M. Kato","Relaxed Stresses and Relaxation Kinetics Caused by Diffusion around a Second-Phase Particle",,"Materials Science and Engineering A",,"Vol. A146",,"pp. 217-232",1991, "S. Onaka,M. Kato","Unified Analysis for Various Diffusion-coutrolled Deformation and Fracture Processes",,"ISIJ International",,"Vol. 31",,"pp. 331-341",1991, "S. Onaka,T. Okada,M. Kato","Relaxation Kinetics and Relaxed Stresses Caused by Interface Diffusion around Spheroidal Inclusions",,"Acta Metallurgica et Materialia",,"Vol. 39",,"pp. 971-978",1991, "SUSUMU ONAKA","Unified Analysis of Various Diffusion-controlled Deformation and Fracture Processes",,,,,,,1991, "H. Andoh,J. Sugita,S. Onaka,S. Miura","Sliding and Migration of a Σ19 [0001] Symmetrical Tilt Boundary n a Zn Bicrystal",,"Journal of Materials Science Letters",,"Vol. 9",,"pp. 314-315",1990, "S. Miura,T. Okada,S. Onaka,S. Hashimoto","Effects of a Boundary Node on Grain-Boundary Sliding and Intergranular Fracture in Cu-9at.%Al Tricrystals",,"Proc. of the International Congress on Intergranular and Interphase Boundaries in Materials",,"Vol. 51","No. 1","pp. 587-592",1990, "S. Onaka,S. Soeta,M. Kato","Yield Stress of a Copper Single Crystal Containing B┣D22┫D2O┣D23┫D2 Particles",,"Journal of Materials Science",,"Vol. 25",,"pp. 220-222",1990, "S. Onaka,S. Miura,M. Kato","Relaxation in Dispersion-Hardened Alloys by Volume Diffusion",,"Mechanics of Materials",,"Vol. 8",,"pp. 285-292",1990, "T. Okada,S. Onaka,S. Hashimoto,S. Miura","Suppression of Grain-Boundary Sliding by a Boundary Node in Cu-9at% Al Tricrystals",,"Scripta Metallurgica",,"Vol. 23",,"pp. 49-54",1989, "S. Onaka,M. Kato","A Free Energy Approach for Deriving Rate Equations for Diffusion-controlled Sintering",,"ISIJ International",,"Vol. 29",,"pp. 852-861",1989, "S. Onaka,M. Kato,T. Mori","Reexamination of the Intermediate and Final Stages of Sintering Controlled by Diffusion",,"Proc. of the International Institute for the Science of Sintering Symposium, Nov. 1987, Tokyo, Japan, Elsevier",,"Vol. 1",,"pp. 334-339",1988, "S. Onaka,M. Kato,S. Soeta,T. Mori","A New Approach for Diffusional Growth of Grain-Boundary Voids",,"Transactions of the Japan Institute of Metals",,"Vol. 29",,"pp. 284-291",1988, "S. Onaka,S. Soeta,M. Kato,R. Tanaka","High-Temperature Deformation and Fracture Behaviour of Cu-SiO2 Bicrystals",,"Journal of Materials Science",,"Vol. 23",,"pp. 577-582",1988, "S. Onaka,M. Kato,R. Tanaka","Intermediate Temperature Embrittlement of Dispersion Hardened Cu-GeO┣D22┫D2 Plycrystals",,"Transactions of the Japan Institute of Metals",,"Vol. 28",,"pp. 32-40",1987, "尾中 晋,加藤雅治,田中良平","Cu-GeO2分散強化合金多結晶の中間温度脆性",,"日本金属学会誌",,"Vol. 50",,"pp. 141-147",1986, "S. Onaka,M. Kato,T. Mori","Reexamination of Grain-Boundary Sliding by Diffusion",,"Metallurgical Transactions A",,"Vol. 17A",,"pp. 1949-1953",1986, "S. Onaka,A. Sato,M. Miyakoshi,M. Kato","Low-Temperature Recovery of Dispersion-Hardened Cu-GeO2 Alloy Single Crystals",,"Journal of Materials Science Letters",,"Vol. 4",,"pp. 1504-1506",1985, "A. Sato,S. Onaka,R. Monzen,K. Kitagawa,T. Mori","Elastic Distortion of α-Fe Particles in a Cu Matrix Caused by Orowan Loops",,"Acta Metallurgica",,"Vol. 32",,"pp. 655-661",1984,