"宮木裕崇,角皆 潤,伊藤昌稚,渡部紘平,中川書子,田中 良,西川空良,寺田暁彦","ドローンを用いた噴気孔別の噴煙採取と遠隔噴気温度推定","日本火山学会2022年秋季大会","日本火山学会講演予稿集",,"Vol. 2022"," B1-04",,2022,Oct. "井尻 暁,土岐 知弘,山口 保彦,川口 慎介,服部 祥平,諸野 祐樹,寺田 武志,吉田 尚弘,角皆 潤,中村 光一,高井 研,芦 寿一郎,稲垣 史生","熊野海盆泥火山噴出堆積物中のメタンハイドレートと生物地球化学過程","日本地球惑星科学連合2012年度連合大会",,,,,,2012,May "Naizhong Zhang,Keita Yamada,Sakae Toyoda,Naohiro Yoshida,Shuji Aoki,Takakiyo Nakazawa,Satoshi Sugawara,Urumu Tsunogai,Daisuke Komatsu","Variations of the tropospheric and stratospheric 16O13C18O","第17回大気化学討論会",,,,,,2011,Oct. "Sato, M.,U. Tsunogai,J. Ishibashi,K. Notsu,H. Wakita","Carbon isotope measurement of extremely low amounts of CH4: Application to volcanic gases from Satsuma-Iwojima, Japan",,"Analitical Sciences",,"Vol. 15",,"pp. 513-516",1999, "Urume Tsunogai,Naohiro Yoshida,Toshitaka Gamo","Carbon isotopic compositions of C2-C5 hydrocarbons and methyl chloride in urban, coastal and maritime atmosphere over western-North Pacific",,"Journal of Geophysical Research",,"Vol. 104",,"pp. 16,033-16,039",1999, "Nishimura, R.,U. Tsunogai,J. Ishibashi,H. Wakita,Y. Nojiri","Origin of 13C-enriched methane in the crater lake Towada, Japan",,"Geochemical Journal",,"Vol. 33",,"pp. 277-283",1999, "吉田尚弘 角皆 潤 豊田 栄 河村圭美","地球環境の未来を探る-水・物質サイクルの変動と変化-",,"丸善","丸善",,,,1998, "Tsunogai, U.,J. Ishibashi,H. Wakita,T. Gamo","Methane-rich plumes in Suruga Trough (Japan) and their carbon isotopic characterization",,"Earth and Planetary Science Letters",,"Vol. 160",,"pp. 97-105",1998, "Tsunogai, U.,H. Wakita","Anomalous changes in ground water chemistry: Possible precursors of the Hyogo-ken Nanbu earthquake, Japan",,"J. Phys. Earth",,"Vol. 44",,"pp. 281-290",1997, "Minai, Y.,U. Tsunogai,H. Takahashi,J. Ishibashi,R. Matsumoto,T. Tominaga","Neutron activation analysis of deep sea sediments from the regions near Japan",,"J. Radioanal. Nuclear Chem.",,"Vol. 216",,"pp. 265-277",1997, "Tsunogai, U.,J. Ishibashi,H. Wakita,T. Gamo,T. Masuzawa,T. Nakatsuka,Y. Nojiri,T. Nakamura","Fresh water seepage and pore water recycling on the seafloor: Sagami Trough Subduction Zone, Japan",,"Earth Planet. Sci. Lett.",,"Vol. 138",,"pp. 157-168",1996, "Johansen, A.,D. Sornette,H. Wakita,U. Tsunogai,W.I. Newman","Discrete Scaling in Earthquake Precursors: Evidence from the Kobe Earthquake, Japan",,"Journal de Physique I",,"Vol. 6",,"pp. 1391-1402",1996, "角皆潤","地殻内流体の挙動と起源に関する地球化学的研究",,,,,,,1996, "Tsunogai, U.,H. Wakita","Precursory chemical change in ground water: Kobe Earthquake, Japan",,"Science",,"Vol. 269",,"pp. 61-63",1995, "Tsunogai, U.,J. Ishibashi,H. Wakita,T. Gamo,K. Watanabe,T. Kajimura,S. Kanayama,H. Sakai","Peculiar features of Suiyo Seamount hydrothermal fluids, Izu-Bonin Arc: Differences from subaerial volcanism",,"Earth Planet. Sci. Lett.",,"Vol. 126",,"pp. 289-301",1994, "渡邊一樹,芝田 厚,梶村 徹,石橋純一郎,角皆 潤,青木正博,中村光一","海底火山とそれに伴う海底熱水鉱床の調査手法",,"海洋調査技術",,"Vol. 6",,"pp. 29-44",1994, "角皆潤","溶存気体種を用いた海底湧水系の研究 ",,,,,,,1993,