"Koujin Takeda,Yoshiyuki Kabashima","Reconstruction algorithm in compressed sensing based on maximum a posteriori estimation","ELC International Meeting on Inference, Computation, and Spin Glasses (ICSG2013)","Journal of Physics Conference Series","IOP","Vol. 473",,"pp. 012003(1-11)",2013,Dec. "D. Lee,Y. Kabashima,K. Takeda,T. Yamada,K. Akabane,K. Uehara","Sparse-Matrix-Based Compressed Sensing for Spectrum Sensing in Flexible Wireless","18th Asia-Pacific Conference on Comunications (APCC2012)","Proc. APCC2012","IEEE",,,"pp. 418-422",2012,Oct. "Koujin Takeda,Yoshiyuki Kabashima","A study of the universal threshold in the L1 recovery by statistical mechanics","46th Annual Conference on Information Sciences and Systems 2012 (CISS 2012)","Proc. CISS2012","IEEE",,,"pp. 1-6",2012,Mar. "K. Takeda,Y. Kabashima","Statistical mechanical assessment of a reconstruction limit of compressed sensing: Toward theoretical analysis of correlated signals",,"EPL (Europhysics Letters)","IOP","Vol. 95",,"pp. 18006(1-6)",2011,June "Tomoyuki Obuchi,Kazutaka Takahashi,Koujin Takeda","Statistical mechanical analysis of hierarchical random code ensemble in signal processing",,"Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical",,"Vol. 44",," 085002",2011,Feb. "Tomoyuki Obuchi,Kazutaka Takahashi,Koujin Takeda","Replica symmetry breaking, complexity, and spin representation in the generalized random energy model",,"Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical",,"Vol. 43",,,2010,Nov. "Koujin Takeda,Yoshiyuki Kabashima","Statistical Mechanical Analysis of Compressed Sensing Utilizing Correlated Compression Matrix","2010 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT2010)","Proc. ISIT2011","IEEE",,,"pp. 1538-1542",2010,June "Yukinori Tonosaki,Koujin Takeda,Yoshiyuki Kabashima","Numerical Study of TAP Metastable States in 3-body Ising Spin Glasses",,"Physical Review B","American Physical Society","Vol. 75",,"pp. 094405",2007,May "Koujin Takeda,Tomohiro Sasamoto,Hidetoshi Nishimori","Exact location of the multicritical point for finite-dimensional spin glasses: a conjecture",,"Journal of Physics A",,"Vol. 38",,"pp. 3751-3774",2005, "Koujin Takeda,Hidetoshi Nishimori","Self-dual random-plaquette gauge model and the quantum toric code",,"Nuclear Physics B",,"Vol. 686",,"pp. 377-396",2004, "|cWl","Anderson Transition in One Dimensional Random Mass Fermion Model",,,,,,,2001,Mar. "Koujin Takeda,Ikuo Ichinose","Random-Mass Dirac Fermions in an Imaginary Vector Potential: Delocalization Transition and Localization Length",,"Journal of the Physical Society of Japan",,"Vol. 70",,"pp. 3623-3631",2001,