"Katsushige FUJIMOTO,Toshiaki MUROFUSHI,Michio SUGENO","k-Additivity and C-decomposability of bi-capacities and its integral",,"Fuzzy Sets and Systems","Elsevier","vol. 158","no. 15","pp. 1698?1712",2007,Aug. "Moon-Soo CHANG,Ichiro KOBAYASHI,Michio SUGENO"," Development of a travel consultation system based on exchange of meaning",,"Proc. of 1999 IEEE Int. Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetic (IEEE-SMC'99)",,"Vol. II",,"pp. 540-545",1999, "Soon H. KWON,Michio SUGENO","Criterion for selecting model order in identification",,"ELECTRONICS LETTERS",,"Vol. 35","No. 4","pp. 292-293",1999, "Yasuo NARUKAWA,Toshiaki MUROFUSHI,Michio SUGENO","Space of fuzzy measures and representations",,"Proc. of 8th Int. Fuzzy Systems Association World  Congress (IFSA'99)",,,,"pp. 911-914",1999, "李昌勲,菅野道夫","タイプ II ファジィシステムの安定解析における共通リヤプノフ関数問題の LMI と SQP による解法",,"第15回ファジィシステムシンポジウム講演論文集",,,,"pp. 69-72",1999, "李昌勲,菅野道夫","タイプ II フィードバックファジィシステムの安定条件",,"第15回ファジィシステムシンポジウム講演論文集",,,,"pp. 65-68",1999, "Yasuo NARUKAWA,Toshiaki MUROFUSHI,Michio SUGENO","Conditions for Choquet Integral Representations",,"Proc. of 8th Int. Fuzzy Systems Association World  Congress (IFSA'99)",,,,"pp. 920-924",1999, "谷口崇,菅野道夫,李昌勲"," TSK ファジィシステムの安定条件の改良について",,"第15回ファジィシステムシンポジウム講演論文集",,,,"pp. 77-80",1999, "張文秀,小林一郎,菅野道夫"," 知的コンピューティングのためのテクスト意味処理の方法",,"第15回ファジィシステムシンポジウム講演論文集",,,,"pp. 237-238",1999, "藤本太郎,菅野道夫","ファジィ近接関係を用いた動詞シソーラスの構築",,"日本ファジィ学会誌",,"Vol. 11","No. 3","pp. 462-470",1999, "Chang-Hoon LEE,Michio SUGENO","Stability conditions for closed-loop fuzzy systems with singleton consequents,",,"Proc. of 1999 IEEE Int. Fuzzy Systems Conference (FUZZ-IEEE '99)",,"Vol. I",,"pp. 263-268",1999, "Moon-Soo CHANG,Ichiro KOBAYASHI,Michio SUGENO","An apaproach to processing meaning in computing with texts",,"Proc. of 1999 IEEE Int. Fuzzy Systems Conference (FUZZ-IEEE '99)",,"Vol. II",,"pp. 1148-1152",1999, "Soon H. KWON,Michio SUGENO","Extension of the subset interactive AR model using non-monotonic fuzzy measures",,"Proc. of 1999 IEEE Int. Fuzzy Systems Conference (FUZZ-IEEE '99)",,"Vol. II",,"pp. 1191-1195",1999, "Chang-Hoon LEE,Michio SUGENO","A construction procedure of a Lyapunov function stability analysis of fuzzy systems with singleton       consequents",,"Proc. of 1999 IEEE Int. Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetic (IEEE-SMC'99)",,"Vol. III",,"pp. 1-6",1999, "Michio SUGENO","On stability of fuzzy systems expressed by fuzzy rules with singleton consequents",,"IEEE Trans. on Fuzzy Systems",," 7","No. 2","pp. 201-224",1999, "中村宗徳,中村心哉,菅野道夫","無人ヘリコプタの安定化制御に関する研究",,"第14回ファジィシステムシンポジウム",,,,"pp. 221-224",1998, "李昌勲,菅野道夫","タイプ II ファジィモデルの改良とモデルに基づく安定化制御",,"第14回ファジィシステムシンポジウム",,,,"pp. 65-68",1998, "鈴木洋貴,菅野道夫","TSKファジィシステムとその制御器の改良について",,"第14回ファジィシステムシンポジウム",,,,"pp. 69-72",1998, "藤本太郎,菅野道夫","ジャンルベース自然言語処理システム",,"第14回ファジィシステムシンポジウム",,,,"pp. 355-356",1998, "Michio SUGENO,Chang-Hoon LEE","A stabilization algorithm for fuzzy systems with singleton consequents",,"Proceeding of the 3rd Asian Fuzzy Systems Symposium",,,,"pp. 36-41",1998, "Michio SUGENO,Yasuo NARUKAWA,Toshiaki MUROFUSHI","Choquet integral and fuzzy measures on locally compact Hausdorff space",,"Fuzzy Sets and Systems",,"Vol. 99","No. 2","pp. 205-211",1998, "Katsushige FUJIMOTO,Toshiaki MUROFUSHI,Michio SUGENO","Canonical hierarchical decomposition of Choquet integral over finite set with respect to null additive fuzzy measure",,"Int. J. of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-based systems",,"Vol. 6","No. 4","pp. 345-363",1998, "Toshiaki MUROFUSHI,Katsushige FUJIMOTO,Michio SUGENO","Canonical separated hierarchical decomposition of the Choquet integral over a finite set",,"Int. J. of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems",,"Vol. 6","No. 3","pp. 257-272",1998, "Soon H. KWON,Masaomi UENO,Michio SUGENO ","A consistent and bias corrected extension of Akaike's information criterion(AIC), AICbc(k) ",,"J. of the Korea Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics",,"Vol. 2","No. 1","pp. 41-60",1998, "Yasuo NARUKAWA,Toshiaki MUROFUSHI,Michio SUGENO ","Representation of comonotonically additive functional ",,"数理解析研究所講究録、京都大学数理解析研究所 ",,"Vol. 1039",,"pp. 37-52",1998, "Ichiro KOBAYASHI,Michio SUGENO ","Toward everyday language computing - Computing from a viewpoint of linguistic theory ",,"J. of Advanced Computational Intelligence",,"Vol. 1","No. 1","pp. 1-8",1998, "菅野道夫,李昌勲","シングルトン後件部を持つファジィシステムの安定化制御",,"日本ファジィ学会誌",,"Vol. 10","No. 5","pp. 915-936",1998, "MICHIO SUGENO","A fuzzy logic based approach to qualitative modeling(共著)",,"IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems",,"Vol. 1","No. 1","pp. 7-31",1993, "MICHIO SUGENO","Fuzzy identification of systems and its applications to modelling and control(共著)",,"IEEE Transations on SYSTEMS, MAN, AND CYBERNETICS",,"Vol. 15","No. 1","pp. 116-132",1985, "MICHIO SUGENO","Theory of Fuzzy Integrals and Its Applications",,,,,,,1975,Feb. "MICHIO SUGENO","Fuzzy Measure and Fuzzy Integral",,"計測自動制御学会 論文集",,"Vol. 8","No. 2","pp. 94-102",1972,