"Minoru Takahashi,Toru Obara,Hiroshi Sekimoto","Design Concepts of LFRs and Related Studies in CRINES of Tokyo Tech.","GLOBAL2011",,,,,,2011, "Shinya Ishida,Hiroshi Sekimoto","Applicability of dynamic programming to the accelerator-driven system (ADS) fuel cycle shuffling scheme for minor actinide (MA) transmutation",,"Annals Nuclear Energy","ELSEVIER","Volume 37","Number 3","Page 406-411",2011, "関本博","CANDLE炉を巡る注目の高まりについて",,"原子力eye","日刊工業新聞社",,,,2010,July "Hiroshi Sekimoto,Shinsuke Nakayama,Hiroshi Taguchi,Tsuyoshi Okawa","Power Flattening for CANDLE Fast Reactor by Adding Thorium in Inner Core","Proc. of ICAPP’10, June 13-17, 2010",,,,,,2010,June "Hiroshi Sekimoto,Shinsuke Nakayama,Hiroshi Taguchi,Tsuyoshi Okawa","Power Flattening for Sodium Cooled Metallic Fuel CANDLE Reactor by Adding Thorium in Inner Core","PHYSOR 2010 - Advances in Reactor to Power the Nuclear Renaissance, May 9 - 14, 2010",,,,,,2010,May "Hiroshi Sekimoto","Six Requirements for Nuclear Energy System and Candle Reactor","European Nuclear Conference, ENC 2010, May 31 ? June 2, 2010",,,,,,2010,May "Tsuyoshi Okawa,Shinsuke Nakayama,Hiroshi Sekimoto","Design Study on Power Flattening to Sodium Cooled Large-Scale Candle Burning Reactor with Using Thorium Fuel","Proc. of the 18th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering, ICONE18, May 17-21, 2010",,,,,,2010,May "Hiroshi Sekimoto,Akito Nagata","Introduction of MOTTO Cycle to CANDLE Fast Reactor","PHYSOR 2010 - Advances in Reactor to Power the Nuclear Renaissance, May 9 - 14, 2010",,,,,,2010,May "Zaki Su’ud,Hiroshi Sekimoto","Local blockage analysis of lead-cooled next-generation nuclear power reactors",,"Int. J. Nuclear Energy Science and Technology",,"Vol. 5","No. 2","p. 162-170",2010, "C. F. Smith,L. Cinotti,H. Sekimoto","Lead-Cooled Fast Reactor (LFR): Ongoing R&D and Key Issues","Proc. of GIF Symposium, Paris, France, September 9-10, pp. 181-190, 2009",,,,,"pp. 181-190",2009,Sept. "L. Cinotti,C. F. Smith,H. Sekimoto","Lead-Cooled Fast Reactor (LFR): Overview and Perspectives","Proc. of GIF Symposium, Paris, France, September 9-10",,,,,"pp. 173-180",2009,Sept. "P.T. Krishna Kumar,Hiroshi Sekimoto","Simulation of optical model parameters with reduced model deficiency by D-optimal criterion",,"Annals of Nuclear Energy",,"Volume 36","Number 8","Page 1208-1210",2009,Aug. "Ismail,Peng Hong Liem,Sidik Permana,Naoyuki Takaki,Hiroshi Sekimoto","Symbiotic systems consisting of large-FBR and small water-cooled thorium reactors (WTR)",,"Annals of Nuclear Energy","ELSEVIER","Volume 36","Number 8","Page 1076-1085",2009,Aug. "P.T. Krishna Kumar,HIROSHI SEKIMOTO","Reduction of systematic uncertainty in the transmission measurement of iron using entropy based mutual information",,"Radiation Measurements",,,,,2009,July "HIROSHI SEKIMOTO,Akito Nagata","Optimization of Power Profile of CANDLE Reactor by Using MOTTO Cycle","ICENES2009:14th International Conference on Emerging Nuclear Energy Systems",,,,,,2009,July "HIROSHI SEKIMOTO,Akito Nagata","Core Height Shortening of CANDLE Reactor by Employing MOTTO Cycle",,"Trans. American Nuclear Society","American Nuclear Society",,,,2009,June "HIROSHI SEKIMOTO","CANDLE Reactor: An option for simple, safe, high nuclear proliferation resistant, small waste and efficient fuel use reactor","NATO Advanced Research Workshop “Nuclear Power and Energy Security”, Yerevan, Armenia, 26-29 May 2009","NATO Advanced Research Workshop “Nuclear Power and Energy Security”",,,,,2009,May "shota okui,HIROSHI SEKIMOTO","Research and Development of the Software for Visualizing Nuclear Reactor and Neutronics","2009 International Congress on Advances in Nuclear Power Plants (ICAPP '09)","Proc. of 2009 International Congress on Advances in Nuclear Power Plants (ICAPP '09)",,,,,2009,May "Sidik Permana,A. Waris,naoyuki takaki,HIROSHI SEKIMOTO","All Heavy Metals Closed-Cycle Analysis on Water-Cooled Reactors of Uranium and Thorium Fuel Cycle Systems","2009 International Congress on Advances in Nuclear Power Plants (ICAPP '09)","Proc. of 2009 International Congress on Advances in Nuclear Power Plants (ICAPP '09)",,,,,2009,May "HIROSHI SEKIMOTO","Five Requirements for Nuclear Energy and CANDLE Reactors","Materials for Heavy Liquid Metal Coolant and Related Technologies (HeLiMeRT 2009)",,,,,,2009,May "P.T. Krishna Kumar,HIROSHI SEKIMOTO","Maximization of representativity factors for experimental planning of cross-section measurements: An information theoretic approach",,"Ann. Nucl. Energy",,"Vol. 35","No. 12","pp. 2243-2248",2009,Jan. "Akito Nagata,naoyuki takaki,HIROSHI SEKIMOTO","A feasible core design of lead bismuth eutectic cooled CANDLE fast reactor",,"Ann. Nucl. Energy",,"Vol. 36","No. 5","pp. 562-566",2009,Jan. "P.T. Krishna Kumar,HIROSHI SEKIMOTO","An information theory approach to minimize correlated systematic uncertainty in modeling resonance parameters",,"Applied Radiation and Isotopes",,"Vol. 67","No. 2","pp. 329-333",2009,Jan. "HIROSHI SEKIMOTO","Practical Design of CANDLE Reactor","INSAC-2008: Nuclear Technology- Role of Industry","INSAC-2008: Nuclear Technology- Role of Industry",,,,,2008,Nov. "小原徹,関本博,加藤之貴,山野直樹,有冨正憲,赤塚洋","「東京工業大学21世紀COEプログラム「世界の持続的発展を支える革新的原子力」成果報告」革新的原子力を目指す国際研究ネットワークの構築",,"日本原子力学会2008年春の年会予稿集",,,," OV5",2008,Sept. "Kohei Iwanaga,HIROSHI SEKIMOTO,Takamasa Mori","Application of Monte Carlo Method to Solve the Neutron Kinetics Equation for a Subcritical Assembly",,"J. of Nucl. Sci. Technol","日本原子力学会","Vol. 45","No. 11","pp. 1099-1107",2008,Sept. "Naoyuki Takaki,Sidik Permana,HIROSHI SEKIMOTO","Actinide closed water cooled thorium breeder reactor","Proc. of International Conference on the Physics of Reactors “Nuclear Power: A Sustainable Resource”","Proc. of International Conference on the Physics of Reactors “Nuclear Power: A Sustainable Resource”",,,,,2008,Sept. "HIROSHI SEKIMOTO","Basic Theory of CANDLE Burn-up","International Conference on the Physics of Reactors “Nuclear Power: A Sustainable Resource”","Proc. of International Conference on the Physics of Reactors “Nuclear Power: A Sustainable Resource”",,,,,2008,Sept. "Hiroshi Sekimoto,Kohtaro Tanaka","Candle Burnup for Different Fast Reactor Core Designs",,,,,,,2008,Aug. "Mingyu Yan,Hiroshi Sekimoto","Safety analysis of small long life CANDLE fast reactor",,"Annals of Nuclear Energy","Elsevier","Vol. 35",,"pp. 813-828",2008,Aug. "関本博","読者の疑問に答える:革新的原子力とは何か",,"エネルギーレビュー","エネルギーレビューセンター","vol. 28",,"pp. 50-51",2008,July "Hiroshi Sekimoto,Mingyu Yan","A Design and Safety Features of Small CANDLE Fast Reactor","2008 International Congress on Advances in Nuclear Power Plants (ICAPP ’08)","Proceedings of 2008 International Congress on Advances in Nuclear Power Plants (ICAPP ’08)","American Nuclear Society",,,,2008,June "HIROSHI SEKIMOTO","Gen IV in Japan","UCOP Asia-Pacific Forum on Integration of Sustainability, Safety and Security of Nuclear Technology","UCOP Asia-Pacific Forum on Integration of Sustainability, Safety and Security of Nuclear Technology",,,,,2008,June "高木直行,Sidik Permana,関本博","水冷却トリウム増殖炉の成立性","日本原子力学会2008年春の年会","日本原子力学会2008年春の年会","日本原子力学会",,,"pp. K17",2008,Mar. "田下正宜,関本博","CANDLE 燃焼制御方式に関する研究;(XIX)21世紀の核燃料サイクルからの期待","日本原子力学会2008年春の年会","日本原子力学会2008年春の年会","日本原子力学会",,,,2008,Mar. "高橋実,関本博,小原徹,加藤之貴,高木直行","総合講演・報告1「東京工業大学21世紀COEプログラム「世界の持続的発展を支える革新的原子力」成果報告」(2)革新的原子力技術?持続・安全・廃棄物・核拡散の解決を目指して革新的炉型概念研究と調和型原子力システム研究","日本原子力学会2008年春の年会",,,,,,2008,Mar. "関本博","総合講演・報告1 「東京工業大学21 世紀COE プログラム『世界の持続的発展を支える革新的原子力』成果報告」 (7)革新的原子力を目指すロードマップの提言","日本原子力学会2008年春の年会","日本原子力学会2008年春の年会","日本原子力学会",,,"pp. OV7",2008,Mar. "井村寛治,関本博","マイクロ化学チップを用いた再処理システムの研究","日本原子力学会2008年春の年会","日本原子力学会2008年春の年会","日本原子力学会",,,"pp. D14",2008,Mar. "石津陽平,鈴木哲,関本博","小型熱供給炉の概念設計研究","日本原子力学会2008年春の年会","日本原子力学会2008年春の年会","日本原子力学会",,,"pp. K18",2008,Mar. "石田真也,関本博,西原健司,大井川宏之","ADS 解析体系の簡素化に伴う炉特性計算結果への影響","日本原子力学会2008年春の年会","日本原子力学会2008年春の年会","日本原子力学会",,,"pp. L13",2008,Mar. "永田章人,関本博","CANDLE 燃焼制御方式に関する研究;(XVIII)CANDLE 高速炉の現実的設計に向けた研究","日本原子力学会2008年春の年会","日本原子力学会2008年春の年会","日本原子力学会",,,"pp. K20",2008,Mar. "関本博","総合講演・報告1「鉛ビスマス利用技術」専門委員会報告 「高速炉と加速器駆動核変換炉の開発における鉛ビスマス利用技術の現状と将来展望」 (1)活動概要","日本原子力学会2008年春の年会","日本原子力学会2008年春の年会","日本原子力学会",,,"pp. OV1",2008,Mar. "Hiroshi Sekimoto,Akito Nagata","Fuel Cycle for “CANDLE” Reactors","Workshop on Advanced Reactors With Innovative Fuels ARWIF-2008","Proceedings of Workshop on Advanced Reactors With Innovative Fuels ARWIF-2008",,,,,2008,Feb. "HIROSHI SEKIMOTO","Sodium-cooled Fast Reactors and their Fuels","Directions and needs in advanced reactors and fuels, Workshop on Advanced Reactors With Innovative Fuels ARWIF-2008","Proceedings of Workshop on Advanced Reactors With Innovative Fuels ARWIF-2008",,,,,2008,Feb. "Toru Obara,Takeru Koga,Terumitsu Miura,Hiroshi Sekimoto","Polonium evaporation and adhesion experiments for the development of polonium filter in lead?bismuth cooled reactors",,"Progress in Nuclear Energy","Elsevier Ltd.","Vol. 50",,"pp. 556-559",2008, "Toru Obara,Termitsu Miura,Takeru Koga,Hiroshi Sekimoto","Fundamental Study for Polonium Issue in Lead-Bismuth Cooled Reactors","The Third Conference on Heavy Liquid-Metal Coolants in Nuclear Technologies (HLMC-2008)","Proc. of The Third Conference on Heavy Liquid-Metal Coolants in Nuclear Technologies (HLMC-2008)",,"Vol. 2",,"pp. 467-471",2008, "水尾順一,有冨正憲,関本博,鳥井弘之,藤井靖彦,山野直樹,澤田哲生,COE-INES社会チーム","原子力の社会的責任(NSR)における個人倫理と組織倫理",,"日本経営倫理学会誌",,,"No. 15","pp. 33-43",2008, "Sidik Permana,Naoyuki Takaki,Hiroshi Sekimoto","Preliminary study on feasibility of large and small water cooled thorium breeder reactor in equilibrium states",,"Progress in Nuclear Energy","Elsevier Ltd.","Vol. 50",,"pp. 320-324",2008, "Permana Sidik,Naoyuki Takaki,Hiroshi Sekimoto","Power density effect on feasibility of water cooled thorium breeder reactor",,"Progress in Nuclear Energy","Elsevier Ltd.","Vol. 50",,"pp. 308-313",2008, "A. Waris,Z. Su'ud,S. Permana,H. Sekimoto","Influence of void fraction change on plutonium and minor actinides recycling in BWR with equilibrium burnup",,"Progress in Nuclear Energy","Elsevier Ltd.","Vol. 50",,"pp. 295-298",2008, "Ismail,Peng Hong Liem,Naoyuki Takaki,Hiroshi Sekimoto","Performance of natural uranium- and thorium-fueled fast breeder reactors (FBRs) for 233U fissile production",,"Progress in Nuclear Energy","Elsevier Ltd.","Vol. 50",,"pp. 290-294",2008, "Mingyu Yan,Hiroshi Sekimoto","Study on small long-life LBE cooled fast reactor with CANDLE burn-up ? Part I: Steady state research",,"Progress in Nuclear Energy","Elsevier Ltd.","Vol. 50",,"pp. 286-289",2008, "Peng Hong Liem,Ismail,Hiroshi Sekimoto","Small high temperature gas-cooled reactors with innovative nuclear burning",,"Progress in Nuclear Energy",,"Vol. 50",,"pp. 251-256",2008, "Naoyuki Takaki,Hiroshi Sekimoto","Potential of CANDLE reactor on sustainable development and strengthened proliferation resistance",,"Progress in Nuclear Energy","Elsevier Ltd.","Vol. 50",,"pp. 114-118",2008, "Hiroshi Sekimoto,Akito Nagata","“CANDLE” burnup regime after LWR regime",,"Progress in Nuclear Energy","Elsevier Ltd.","Vol. 50",,"pp. 109-113",2008, "HIROSHI SEKIMOTO","Progress in ‘‘COE-INES’’",,"Progress in Nuclear Energy",,"Vol. 50",,"pp. 71-74",2008, "Mingyu Yan,Hiroshi Sekimoto","Design research of small long life CANDLE fast reactor",,"Annals of Nuclear Energy","Elsevier Ltd.","Vol. 35","No. 1","pp. 18-36",2008, "M. Yan,H. Sekimoto","Design for a small long-life CANDLE fast reactor",,"Tokyo Tech International","東京工業大学","vol. 9",,"p. 5",2008, "永田章人,関本博","CANDLE 燃焼制御方式に関する研究 ;簡易再処理導入による材料問題の解決の検討(2)","日本原子力学会2007年秋の大会","日本原子力学会2007年秋の大会","日本原子力学会",,,"pp. D13",2007,Sept. "関本博","総合講演・報告1「鉛ビスマス利用技術」専門委員会報告 「高速炉と加速器駆動核変換炉の開発における鉛ビスマス利用技術の現状と将来展望」 (1)活動概要","日本原子力学会2007年秋の大会","日本原子力学会2007年秋の大会","日本原子力学会",,,"pp. OV1",2007,Sept. "Akito Nagata,Hiroshi Sekimoto","Comparison of Removed Fuel Compositions of CANDLE, PWR and FBR","The 8th International Conference GLOBAL 2007 Advanced Nuclear Fuel Cycles and Systems","Proceedings of the 8th International Conference GLOBAL 2007 Advanced Nuclear Fuel Cycles and Systems",,,,,2007,Sept. "Naoyuki Takaki,Sidik Permana,Hiroshi Sekimoto","Feasibility of Water Cooled Thorium Breeder Reactor Based on LWR Technology","The 8th International Conference GLOBAL 2007 Advanced Nuclear Fuel Cycles and Systems","Proceedings of the 8th International Conference GLOBAL 2007 Advanced Nuclear Fuel Cycles and Systems",,,,,2007,Sept. "有冨正憲,矢野豊彦,水尾順一,藤井靖彦,赤塚洋,山野直樹,鳥井弘之,関本博","東工大原子炉工学研究所のSR イニシアチブ","日本原子力学会2007年秋の大会","日本原子力学会",,,,"pp. A03",2007,Sept. "Toru Obara,Yu Yamazawa,Takeru Koga,Terumitsu Miura,Hiroshi Sekimoto,Toshinobu Sasa","Polonium Research of LBE Coolant Technology","2nd MIT- Tokyo Tech Symposium on Innovative Nuclear Energy System (TM-INES2)","Abstracts and Presentation materials CD of 2nd MIT- Tokyo Tech Symposium on Innovative Nuclear Energy System (TM-INES2)",,,,,2007,July "Hiroshi Sekimoto,Mingyu Yan","Design Study on Small Candle Reactor","13th International Conference on Emerging Nuclear Energy Systems (ICENES’2007)","13th International Conference on Emerging Nuclear Energy Systems (ICENES’2007)",,,,,2007,June "高橋実,関本博","鉛合金冷却高速炉の開発の現状と展望","第12回動力・エネルギー技術シンポジウム","第12回動力・エネルギー技術シンポジウム",,,,,2007,June "Ismail,Peng Hong Liem,Sidik Permana,Hiroshi Sekimoto","Feasibility Study of Small Long-Life Water Cooled Thorium Reactors (WTRS) For Providing Small Quantity of Energy Demands","13th International Conference on Emerging Nuclear Energy Systems (ICENES’2007)","13th International Conference on Emerging Nuclear Energy Systems (ICENES’2007)",,,,,2007,June "Sidik Permana,Naoyuki Takaki,Hiroshi Sekimoto","Breeding Capability and Void Reactivity Performance of Different Driver Fuel on Water Cooled Thorium Reactors for Different Power Reactors","International Congress on Advances in Nuclear Power Plant (ICAPP 2007)","Proceedings of International Congress on Advances in Nuclear Power Plant (ICAPP 2007)",,,,,2007,May "Akito Nagata,HIROSHI SEKIMOTO","Analysis of Recladding in CANDLE Reactor","15th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE-15)","Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE-15)","American Society of Mechanical Engineers",,,,2007,Apr. "関本 博,Kohei Iwanaga,Takamasa Mori","Treatments of Time-Derivatives of Neutron Kinetics Equation for Sub-Critical System with Neutron Source and Monte Carlo Calculation","Joint International Topical Meeting on Mathematics & Computation and Supercomputing in Nuclear Applications (M&C + SNA 2007)","Joint International Topical Meeting on Mathematics & Computation and Supercomputing in Nuclear Applications (M&C + SNA 2007)","American Nuclear Society",,,,2007,Apr. "関本博","原子力ルネッサンス(復興)の中での新興?高温ガス炉で原子力に新たな地平を",,"原子力eye","日刊工業出版プロダクション","vol. 53","No. 4","p. 6-8",2007,Apr. "関本博","[巻頭言]粒子と波動:中沢先生のこと",,"炉物理の研究","日本原子力学会炉物理部会",,"No. 59","p. 1-2",2007,Apr. "Ming Yu Yan,H. Sekimoto","Small Long Life CANDLE Fast Reactor Research (Part II: Accident Analysis)","The 15th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE-15)","Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE-15)","American Society of Mechanical Engineers",,,,2007,Apr. "Ming Yu Yan,Hiroshi Sekimoto","Small Long Life CANDLE Fast Reactor Research (Part II: Accident Analysis)","The First International Conference on Physics and Technology of Reactors Applications(PHYTRA1)","Proceedings of First International Conference on Physics and Technology of Reactors and Applications Vol.1(PHYTRA1)",,,,,2007,Mar. "春日章治,関本博","原子炉可視化ソフトウェアの開発研究","日本原子力学会2007年春の年会","日本原子力学会2007年春の年会","日本原子力学会",,,"pp. D23",2007,Mar. "厳明宇,関本 博","小型長寿命CANDLE 高速炉の事故解析","日本原子力学会2007年春の年会","日本原子力学会2007年春の年会","日本原子力学会",,,"pp. D26",2007,Mar. "岩永宏平,西原健司,辻本和文,佐々敏信,大井川宏之,関本博","加速器駆動システムにおける出力平坦化に関する研究","日本原子力学会2007年春の年会","日本原子力学会2007年春の年会","日本原子力学会",,,"pp. D06",2007,Mar. "江口和宏,関本博,岩永宏平,佐々敏信","ADSの燃焼特性最適化に関する研究","日本原子力学会2007年春の年会","日本原子力学会2007年春の年会","日本原子力学会",,,"pp. D07",2007,Mar. "Hiroshi Sekimoto","A Nuclear Energy System Consisting of a Nuclear Park and Satellite Small Reactors","The First International Conference on Physics and Technology of Reactors Applications(PHYTRA1)","Proceedings of First International Conference on Physics and Technology of Reactors Applications(PHYTRA1)",,"Vol. 1",,,2007,Mar. "関本博","ポンプ駆動冷却型鉛ビスマス冷却長寿命小型高速炉",,"革新的小型原子炉システム開発の最前線と将来展望","日本原子力学会「革新的小型原子炉システム」研究専門委員会",,,,2007,Feb. "関本 博","大草原の国での原子力利用?モンゴル見聞録",,"原子力eye","日刊工業出版プロダクション","Vol. 53","No. 1","pp. 24-27",2007,Jan. "Terumitsu Miura,Toru Obara,Hiroshi Sekimoto","Experimental verification of thermal decomposition of lead polonide",,"Annals of Nuclear Energy","Elsevier Ltd.","Vol. 34","No. 11","pp. 926-930",2007, "Ismail,Yasunori Ohoka,Peng Hong Liem,Hiroshi Sekimoto","Long Life Small CANDLE-HTGRs with Thorium",,"Annals Nuclear Energy","Elsevier Ltd.","Vol. 34","No. 1-2","pp. 120-129",2007, "L. Adamovich,S. Banerjee,M. A. Bolshunkhin,E. Budylov,M. Chaki,I V. Dulera,P. A. Fomichnko,K. Furukawa,B. Gabaraev,E. Greenspan,E. I. Grishanin,N. Handa,K. Hibi,T. Ishida,E. Ivanov,M. Kambe,E. Kaplar,Y. Kato,M. Konomura,A. V. Kurachenkov,V. Kuzunetsov,A. N. Lepekhin,A. Minato,S. M. Modro,R. I. K. Moorthy,M. Moriwaki,J. N. Reyes Jr.,V. A. Rogov,Y. Sakashita,O. B. Samoilov,F. Sefidvash,H. Sekimoto,Y. Shimazu,J. Sienicki,R. K. Sinha,Z. Su’ud,M. Takahashi,G. I. Toshinsky,G. A. Trifanov,G. Tsiklauri,B. A. Vasilyev,D. Wade,R. Yoshioka,V. N. Zelenskiy","Status of Small Reactor Designs without On-Site Refueling",,"IAEA-TECDOC-1536, IAEA",,,,,2007, "関本博","第1章 はじめに,3.4.1 鉛ビスマス冷却長寿命小型炉LSPR, 3.4.2 鉛ビスマス冷却高速炉へのCANDLE 燃焼の適用,第5章 おわりに",,"鉛ビスマス利用技術ハンドブック","日本原子力学会",,,,2007, "関本博","安心・安全な革新的原子炉を作る",,"東京工業大学、日経BPムック「変革する大学」シリーズ2007-2008年版",,,,,2007, "Toru Obara,Terumitsu Miura,Takeru Koga,Hiroshi Sekimoto","Fundamental Study on Polonium Measure in Lead-Bismuth Eutectic Cooled Reactors","Seventeenth National Symposium on Radiation Physics (NSRP-17)","Proc. of Seventeenth National Symposium on Radiation Physics (NSRP-17)",,,," on CD-ROM",2007, "Ismail,Yasunori Ohoka,Peng-Hong Liem,Hiroshi Sekimoto","Long-Life Small CANDLE-HTGRs with Thorium",,"Annals Nuclear Energy","Elsevier Pub.","Vol. 34","No. 1-2","pp. 120-129",2007, "Sidik Permana,Naoyuki Takaki,Hiroshi Sekimoto","Feasible Region of Design Parameters for Water Cooled Thorium Breeder Reactor",,"Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology","Elsevier Ltd.","Vol. 44","No. 7","pp. 946-957",2007, "Mingyu Yan,Hiroshi Sekimoto","Design Study on Small Long Life CANDLE Fast Reactor","The 2nd COE-INES International Symposium on Innovative Nuclear Energy Systems, INES-2","COE-INES",,"Vol. 1",,,2006,Nov. "Hiroshi Sekimoto","Progress in COE-INES","The 2nd COE-INES International Symposium on Innovative Nuclear Energy Systems, INES-2","COE-INES",,"Vol. 1",,,2006,Nov. "Hiroshi Sekimoto,Akito Nagata","CANDLE burnup regime after LWR regime","The 2nd COE-INES International Symposium on Innovative Nuclear Energy Systems, INES-2","COE-INES",,"Vol. 1",,,2006,Nov. "Sidik Permana,Naoyuki Takaki,Hiroshi Sekimoto","Power Density Effect on Feasibility of Water Cooled Thorium Breeder Reactor","The 2nd COE-INES International Symposium on Innovative Nuclear Energy Systems, INES-2","COE-INES",,"Vol. 1",,,2006,Nov. "Peng Hong Liem,Ismail,Hiroshi Sekimoto","Small High Temperature Gas-Cooled Reactors with Innovative Nuclear Burning","The 2nd COE-INES International Symposium on Innovative Nuclear Energy Systems, INES-2","COE-INES",,"Vol. 1",,,2006,Nov. "Ismail,Peng Hong Liem,Naoyuki Takaki,Hiroshi Sekimoto","Performance of Natural Uranium and Thorium fueled Fast Breeder Reactors as 233U Fissile Producer","The 2nd COE-INES International Symposium on Innovative Nuclear Energy Systems, INES-2","COE-INES",,"Vol. 1",,,2006,Nov. "Naoyuki Takaki,Kazuaki Matsui,Masanobu Tashimo,Hiroshi Sekimoto","Potential role of CANDLE reactor on sustainable development and non-proliferation","The 2nd COE-INES International Symposium on Innovative Nuclear Energy Systems, INES-2","COE-INES",,"Vol. 1",,,2006,Nov. "Abdul Waris,Zaki Su’ud,Sidik Permana,Hiroshi Sekimoto","Influence of void coefficient change on Plutonium and Minor Actinides Recycling in BWR with Equilibrium Burnup","The 2nd COE-INES International Symposium on Innovative Nuclear Energy Systems, INES-2","COE-INES",,"Vol. 1",,,2006,Nov. "Toru Obara,Takeru Koga,Terumitsu Miura,Hiroshi Sekimoto","Polonium Evaporation and Adhesion Experiments for the Development of Polonium Filter in Lead-Bismuth Cooled Reactors","The 2nd COE-INES International Symposium on Innovative Nuclear Energy Systems, INES-2","COE-INES",,"Vol. 1",,,2006,Nov. "Ismail,PH Liem,N. Takaki,H. Sekimoto","Performances of Natural Uranium and Thorium Fueled Fast Breeder Reactors as 233U Fissile Producer","Inter-COE International symposium on Energy System Program","Inter-COE",,"Vol. 1",,,2006,Oct. "Hiroshi Sekimoto","Research and Education on Innovative Nuclear Engineering in 21-St Century Coe Program in Japan,?","15th Pacific Basin Nuclear Conference 2006(PBNC2006)","PBNC2006",,"Vol. CD",,,2006,Oct. "P.Sidik,T. Naoyuki,H. Sekimoto","Power Density Effect on Feasibility of Water Cooled Thorium Breeder Reactor, Feasible Regions of Water Cooled Thorium Breeder Reactors with Different Design Configurations","Inter-COE International symposium on Energy System Program","Inter-COE",,"Vol. 1",,,2006,Oct. "Hiroshi Sekimoto","Innovative Nuclear Reactor Development for Future","Inter-COE International Symposium on Energy Systems","Inter-COE",,"Vol. 1",,,2006,Oct. "Hiroshi Sekimoto","Candle Burnup in a Fast Reactor Core and Relating Nolinear Prblems","2nd International Conference on Quantum Electrodynamics and Statistical Physics(QEDSP2006)","QEDSP",,"Vol. 1",,,2006,Sept. "Ismail,PH Liem,N. Takaki,H. Sekimoto","Systems of Symbiotic Large FBRs and Small CANDLE-Thorium-HTGRs","Proc. of PHYSOR-2006, American Nuclear Society's Topical Meeting on Reactor Physics","PHYSOR-2006",,"Vol. 1",,,2006,Sept. "Sidik Permana,Naoyuki Takaki,Hiroshi Sekimoto","Cell Configuration Effect on Feasibility of Water Cooled Thorium Breeder Reactor","PHYSOR-2006, American Nuclear Society's Topical Meeting on Reactor Physics","PHYSOR",,"Vol. 1",,,2006,Sept. "Sidik Permana,Naoyuki Takaki,Hiroshi Sekimoto","Feasibility Study on Water Cooled Thorium Breeder Reactor;Effect of Different Configurations on Feasible Breeding Regions","日本原子力学会2006年秋の大会","日本原子力学会",,,,"pp. 016",2006,Sept. "Mingyu Yan,Hiroshi Sekimoto","CANDLE Small Long life LBE Coolant FBR Research;Part One:Equilibrium Calculation","日本原子力学会2006年秋の年会","AESJ",,,,"pp. 024",2006,Sept. "Mingyu Yan,Hiroshi Sekimoto","CANDLE Small Long life LBE Coolant FBR Research;Part One:Equilibrium Calculation","日本原子力学会2006年秋の年会","AESJ",,,,"pp. 024",2006,Sept. "Sidik Permana,Naoyuki Takaki,Hiroshi Sekimoto","Design Feasible Area on Water Cooled Thorium Breeder Reactor in Equilibrium States","ICONE14","ICONE14",,"Vol. 1",,,2006,July "Ismail,PH Liem,N. Takaki,H. Sekimoto","Systems of Synergic Large FBRs and Long Life Small HTGRs Using Both Natural Uranium and Thorium","ICONE14","ICONE14",,"Vol. 1",,,2006,July "関本 博,塩沢周策,小川益郎,土江保男,西郷正雄","エネルギー安全保障に向けて、原子力の熱利用を",,"エネルギー",,"Vol. 39","No. 6","pp. 45-63",2006,June "T.Obara,T.Koga,T.Miura,H.Sekimoto","Preliminary Study on Polonium Filter for Lead Alloy Cooled Reactors","Nuclear Fuels and Structural Materials for the Next Generation Nuclea Reactors(NSFM)","NSFM",,,,"pp. CD",2006,June "H.Sekimoto","Fuel-cycle of CANDLE Burnup with Depleted Uranium","2006 Int. Congress on Advanced Nuclear Power Plants(ICAPP'06)","ICAPP",,,,"pp. CD",2006,June "Kazumi Ikeda,HIROSHI SEKIMOTO","Future Energy System in Environment, Economy, and Energy Problems: Nuclear System as a Solution to the E3 Trilemma","2006 Int. Congresson Advanced Nuclear Power Plants (ICAPP'6)","2006 Int. Congresson Advanced Nuclear Power Plants (ICAPP'6)",,,,,2006,June "関本 博","会議報告:革新的原子力エネルギーシステムに関するMIT?東工大共催シンポジウム",,"日本原子力学会誌",,"Vol. 48","No. 5","pp. 40-41",2006,May "Sidik Permana,Naoyuki Takaki,Hiroshi Sekimoto","Feasibility Stude on Water Cooled Thorium Breeder Reactor;(2)Design Feasible Window of Light Water Reactor","日本原子力学会2006年春の年会","AESJ",,,,"pp. N21",2006,Mar. "Shidik Permana,高木直行,関本博","トリウム燃料水冷却増殖炉の成立性検討:(1)研究意図","日本原子力学会2006年春の年会","日本原子力学会",,,,"pp. N20",2006,Mar. "古賀建,三浦照光,小原徹,関本博","ビスマスから生成されるポロニウムの振る舞いに関する研究?;ポロニウムのニッケルに対する吸着特性","日本原子力学会2006年春の年会","日本原子力学会",,,,"pp. N17",2006,Mar. "笠原光善,関本博,渡部隆","CANDLE燃焼高温ガス炉の安全特性に関する研究","日本原子力学会2006年春の年会","日本原子力学会",,"Vol. N28",,,2006,Mar. "Ismail,Peng Hong Liem,Naoyuki Takaki,Hiroshi Sekimoto","Systems of Synergic Large FBRs and Long-Life Small HTGR-CANDLE Reactors with both Natural Uranium and Thorium","日本原子力学会2006年春の年会","AESJ",,,,"pp. N27",2006,Mar. "永田章人,関本博","CANDLE燃焼制御方式に関する研究(XV)・簡易再処理導入による材料問題の解決検討","日本原子力学会2006年春の年会","日本原子力学会",,"Vol. N29",,,2006,Mar. "Hiroshi SEKIMOTO,Yutaka UDAGAWA","Effects of Fuel and Coolant Temperatures and Neutron Fluence on CANDLE Burnup Calculation",,"J. of Nucl. Sci. Technol.",,"Vol. 43","No. 2","pp. 189-197",2006,Feb. "Hiroshi SEKIMOTO,Yutaka UDAGAWA","Effects of Fuel and Coolant Temperatures and Neutron Fluence on CANDLE Burnup Calculation",,"J. of Nucl. Sci. Technol.",,"Vol. 43","No. 2","pp. 189-197",2006,Feb. "Hiroshi Sekimoto,Seiichi Miyashita","Startup of“CANDLE" Burnup in Fast Reactor from Enriched Uranium Core",,"Energy Conv.Manag.",,"Vol. 47","No. 17","pp. 2772-2780",2006, "Toru Obara,Takeru Koga,Terumitsu Miura,Hiroshi Sekimoto","Preliminary Study on Polonium Filter for Lead Alloy Cooled Reactors",,"Bulletin of the Research Laboratory for Nuclear Reactors",,"Vol. 30",,"p. 247",2006, "Shidik Permana,Naoyuki Takaki,Hiroshi Sekimoto","Impact of Different Moderator Ratios with Light and Heavy Water Cooled Reactors in Equilibrium States",,"Ann.Nucl.Energy",,"Vol. 33","No. 7","pp. 561-572",2006, "Terumitsu Miura,Toru Obara,Hiroshi Sekimoto","Investigation of Polonium Decontamination from Stainless Steel Surfaces Using the Baking Method",,"Nucl.Technol.",,"Vol. 155","No. 1","pp. 78-89",2006, "Terumitsu MIURA,Toru OBARA,Hiroshi SEKIMOTO","Investigation of polonium decontamination from stainless steel surfaces using the baking method",,"Nuclear Technology",,"Vol. 155",,"pp. 78-89",2006, "Sidik Permana,Naoyuki Takaki,Hiroshi Sekimoto","Feasibility of Water Cooled Thorium Breeder Reactor as a Sustainable Energy Source",,"MIT-TokyoTech Symposium on Innovative Nuclear Energy Systems, Boston, (CD), November 2-4, 2005",,,,"pp. CD",2005,Nov. "Toru Obara,Terumitsu Miura,Takeru Koga,Hiroshi Sekimoto","Recent Results of Polonium Research for Pb-Bi Cooled Reactors",,"MIT-TokyoTech Symposium on Innovative Nuclear Energy Systems, Boston, (CD), November 2-4, 2005",,,,"pp. CD",2005,Nov. "Hiroshi Sekimoto","Long-Life Core Design",,"MIT-TokyoTech Symposium on Innovative Nuclear Energy Systems, Boston, (CD), November 2-4, 2005",,,,"pp. CD",2005,Nov. "Toru Obara,Terumitsu Miura,Takeru Koga,Hiroshi Sekimoto","Recent Results of Polonium Research for Pb-Bi Cooled Reactors",,"MIT-TokyoTech Symposium on Innovative Nuclear Energy Systems, Boston, (CD), November 2-4, 2005",,,,"pp. CD",2005,Nov. "Terumitsu Miura,Toru Obara,Hiroshi Sekimoto","Chemical Form of Polonium in LBE and Vacuum Sublimation Method",,"MIT-TokyoTech Symposium on Innovative Nuclear Energy Systems, Boston, (CD), November 2-4, 2005",,,,"pp. CD",2005,Nov. "Toru Obara,Terumitsu Miura,Hiroshi Sekimoto","Development of Polonium Contamination Measure in Pb-Bi Cooled Reactors",,"9-th Int. Conf. “Nuclear Safety & Nuclear Education” Obninsk, Russia, 24-27 Oct.r 2005",,,,"pp. 1",2005,Oct. "H. Ujita,K. Matsui,H. Sekimoto","Nuclear System for Problems of Enviroiment, Economy, and Energy (1), Nuclear Energy Role and Potential for Energy System in Asia",,"Proc. Int. Conf. Nuclear Energy System for Future Generation and Global Sustainability, GLOBAL 2005, Oct. 9-13, 2005, Tsukuba, Japan (CD) (2005)",,"Vol. (CD)",,,2005,Oct. "Sidik Permana,Naoyuki Takaki,Hiroshi Sekimoto","Feasibility of Sustainable Thorium Reactor with Heavy or Light Water Coolants in Equilibrium States","9-th International Conference “Nuclear Safety & Nuclear Education” Obninsk, Russia, 24-27 October 2005",,,,,"pp. CD",2005,Oct. "Hiroshi Sekimoto","CANDLE Burnup of Fast Reactor with Depleted Uranium",,"9-th Int. Conf.“Nuclear Safety & Nuclear Education” Obninsk, Russia, 24-27 Oct. 2005",,,,"pp. 1",2005,Oct. "Hiroshi Sekimoto","Nuclear Renaissance and COE-INES",,"9-th Int. Conf. “Nuclear Safety & Nuclear Education” Obninsk, Russia, 24-27 October 2005",,,,"pp. 1",2005,Oct. "S. Permana,N. Takaki,H. Sekimoto","Study on Characteristics for Different Moderation Ratios of Heavy Water Coolant with Different Reactor Types in Equilibrium States","Proc. Int. Conf. Nuclear Energy System for Future Generation and Global Sustainability, GLOBAL 2005, Oct. 9-13, 2005, Tsukuba, Japan (CD) (2005)","Proc. Int. Conf. Nuclear Energy System for Future Generation and Global Sustainability, GLOBAL 2005, Oct. 9-13, 2005, Tsukuba, Japan (CD) (2005)",,"Vol. (CD)",,,2005,Oct. "Shunichi Wakana,Takashi Watanabe,Hiroshi Sekimoto","Comparative Study of Different Calculation Method for Double Heterogeneity in HTGR",,"9-th Int. Conf. “Nuclear Safety & Nuclear Education” Obninsk, Russia, 24-27 Oct. 2005",,,,"pp. 1",2005,Oct. "Terumitsu Miura,Toru Obara,Hiroshi Sekimoto","Polonium Contamination Removal by Formation of H2Po",,"9-th Int. Conf. “Nuclear Safety & Nuclear Education” Obninsk, Russia, 24-27 Oct. 2005",,,,"pp. 1",2005,Oct. "Terumitsu Miura,Toru Obara,Hiroshi Sekimoto","Polonium Contamination Removal by Formation of H2Po",,"9-th Int. Conf. “Nuclear Safety & Nuclear Education” Obninsk, Russia, 24-27 Oct. 2005",,,,"pp. 1",2005,Oct. "M. Svirskas,N. Takaki,H. Sekimoto","Multi-Component Fission System with Centralized Nuclear Park for Clean, Efficient and Proliferation Resistant Use of Nuclear Energy","Proc. Int. Conf. Nuclear Energy System for Future Generation and Global Sustainability, GLOBAL 2005, Oct. 9-13, 2005, Tsukuba, Japan (CD) (2005)","Proc. Int. Conf. Nuclear Energy System for Future Generation and Global Sustainability, GLOBAL 2005, Oct. 9-13, 2005, Tsukuba, Japan (CD) (2005)",,"Vol. (CD)",,,2005,Oct. "Masatoshi Kondo,Minoru Takahashi,Tadashi Suzuki,Kotaro Ishikawa,Koji Hata,Suizheng Qiu,Hiroshi Sekimoto","Metallurgical study on erosion and corrosion behaviors of steels exposed to liquid lead?bismuth flow",,"Journal of Nuclear Materials","Elsevier","Vol. 343",,"pp. 349-359",2005,Aug. "Hiroshi Sekimoto,Seiichi Miyashita","Startup of “Candle” Burnup in Fast Reactor from Enriched Uranium Core, 12th International Conference on Emerging Nuclear Energy Systems (ICENES’2005)",,"Brussels, Belgium, August 21–26, 2005, SCK•CEN, Mol, Belgium",,,,"pp. CD",2005,Aug. "Ehud Greenspan,Pavel Hejzlar,Hiroshi Sekimoto,Georgy Toshinsky,David Wade","New Fuel Cycle and Fuel Management Options in Heavy Liquid Metal-Cooled Reactors",,"Nucl. Technol.",,"Vol. 151","No. 2","pp. 177-191",2005,Aug. "Toru Obara,Terumitsu Miura,Toshiro Ohsaki,Masayuki Igashira,Toyohiko Yano,Hiroshi Sekimoto","Development of Measure for Polonium Contamination in Pb-Bi Cooled Direct Contact Water FBR (PBWFR)",,"Proc. of ICAPP ’05, Seoul, KOREA, May 15-19",,,,"pp. CD",2005,May "Hiroshi Sekimoto,Yutaka Udagawa,Yasunori Ohoka","Application of “CANDLE” Burnup to Fast and Thermal Reactors",,"Proc. of ICAPP ’05, Seoul, KOREA, May 15-19",,,,"pp. CD",2005,May "Yasunori Ohoka,Hiroshi Sekimoto,Takashi Watanabe,Liem Peng Hong,Shunichi Wakana,Ismail","Neutronic Characteristics of CANDLE Burnup Applied to Block-Type High Temperature Gas Cooled Reactor","Proc. of ICAPP ’05, Seoul, KOREA, May 15-19","Proc. of ICAPP ’05, Seoul, KOREA, May 15-19",,,,"pp. CD",2005,May "Hiroshi Ujita,Kazuaki Matsui,Hiroshi Sekimoto","Role of Nuclear Energy for Problems of Environment, Economy, and Energy (1), Nuclear Role and Potential for Long-Term Energy Source,",,"Proc. of ICAPP ’05, Seoul, KOREA, May 15-19",,,,"pp. CD",2005,May "Terumitsu Miura,Toru Obara,Hiroshi Sekimoto","Polonium Contamination Removal Experiment For Lead-Bismuth Cooled Fast Reactor","Proc. of ICAPP ’05, Seoul, KOREA, May 15-19","Proc. of ICAPP ’05, Seoul, KOREA, May 15-19",,,,"pp. CD",2005,May "Hiroshi Sekimoto","An Introduction to COE-INES: The 21st Century Center of Excellence Program: Innovative Nuclear Energy Systems for Sustainable Development of the World",,"Book of Presentations of Tokyo Tech COE-INES – Indonesia International Symposium 2005 “Prospect of Nuclear Energy in Indonesia”, Bandung, Indonesia, March 2-4, 2005",,,,"pp. 1-6",2005,Mar. "Sidik Permana,Naoyuki Takaki,Hiroshi Sekimoto","Study on Characteristics for Different Moderation Ratios of Heavy Water Coolant with Different Reactor Types in Equilibrium States","Tokyo Tech COE-INES – Indonesia International Symposium 2005","Book of Presentations of Tokyo Tech COE-INES – Indonesia International Symposium 2005 “Prospect of Nuclear Energy in Indonesia”, Bandung, Indonesia, March 2-4, 2005",,,,"pp. 249-252",2005,Mar. "ISMAIL,Yasunori OHOKA,Peng Hong LIEM,Hiroshi SEKIMOTO","Feasibility Study of Thorium Fuel Utilization on HTGRs with CANDLE Burnup Strategy",,"Book of Presentations of Tokyo Tech COE-INES – Indonesia International Symposium 2005 “Prospect of Nuclear Energy in Indonesia”, Bandung, Indonesia, March 2-4, 2005",,,,"pp. 109-112",2005,Mar. "Kohei Iwanaga,Hiroshi Sekimoto","Treatments of on Kinetic Equation of Fast Sub Critical Assembly","Tokyo Tech COE-INES – Indonesia International Symposium 2005","Book of Presentations of Tokyo Tech COE-INES – Indonesia International Symposium 2005 “Prospect of Nuclear Energy in Indonesia”, Bandung, Indonesia, March 2-4, 2005",,,,"pp. 243-248",2005,Mar. "Peng Hong Liem,Ismail,Yasunori Ohoka,Takashi Watanabe,Hiroshi Sekimoto","Review on Conventional and Innovative Fuel Burning Schema for HTGRs",,"Book of Presentations of Tokyo Tech COE-INES – Indonesia International Symposium 2005 “Prospect of Nuclear Energy in Indonesia”, Bandung, Indonesia, March 2-4, 2005",,,,"pp. 57-64",2005,Mar. "若菜俊一,渡部隆,関本博","二重非均質問題に関する燃料格子セル計算コードの開発","日本原子力学会2005年春の年会,G13(2005)","日本原子力学会2005年春の年会,G13(2005)",,,,"pp. G13",2005,Mar. "Hiroshi Ujita,Kazuaki Matsui,Hiroshi Sekimoto","Nuclear Energy Role and Potential for Problems of Environment, Economy, and Energy",,"Book of Presentations of Tokyo Tech COE-INES – Indonesia International Symposium 2005 “Prospect of Nuclear Energy in Indonesia”, Bandung, Indonesia, March 2-4, 2005",,,,"pp. 45-50",2005,Mar. "Terumitsu Miura,Toru Obara,Hiroshi Sekimoto","Investigation for Removal of Polonium Contamination by Baking Method","Tokyo Tech COE-INES – Indonesia International Symposium 2005","Book of Presentations of Tokyo Tech COE-INES – Indonesia International Symposium 2005 “Prospect of Nuclear Energy in Indonesia”, Bandung, Indonesia, March 2-4, 2005",,,,"pp. 135-140",2005,Mar. "Toru Obara,Terumitsu Miura,Masayuki Igashira,Hiroshi Sekimoto","Development of Measure for Polonium Contamination in Lead-Bismuth Eutectic Cooled Reactors","Tokyo Tech COE-INES – Indonesia International Symposium 2005","Book of Presentations of Tokyo Tech COE-INES – Indonesia International Symposium 2005 “Prospect of Nuclear Energy in Indonesia”, Bandung, Indonesia, March 2-4, 2005",,,,"pp. 79-84",2005,Mar. "Yasunori Ohoka,Takashi Watanabe,Hiroshi Sekimoto","Neutron Characteristics of CANDLE Burnup Applied to HTTR",,"Book of Presentations of Tokyo Tech COE-INES – Indonesia International Symposium 2005 “Prospect of Nuclear Energy in Indonesia”, Bandung, Indonesia, March 2-4, 2005",,,,"pp. 103-108",2005,Mar. "関本 博","読者の疑問に答える:革新的原子力研究とは",,"エネルギーレビュー, 2005年1月号",,"Vol. 288",,"pp. 46-47",2005,Jan. "関本 博","CANDLE燃焼方程式の種々の原子炉への適応に関する研究(原子力基礎研究 H13-002)",,"JAERI-Tech 2005-008,日本原子力研究所(2005)",,"Vol. JAERI-Tech 2005-008",,,2005, "Koki Hibi,Hiroshi Sekimoto","Investigation of Neutron Reaction Behavior in Water-cooled FBR with (Pu,U)O2 Fuel",,"J. of Nucl. Sci. Technol",,"Vol. 42","No. 2","pp. 153-160",2005, "関本 博","MA関連研究開発について","次世代核燃料サイクル技術開発計画の検討,MA燃焼技術開発検討会活動報告(業務報告),JNC TN9440 2005-004,付録2,pp. 95-121 (2005)","JNC TN9440 2005-004,付録2,pp. 95-121 (2005)",,"Vol. JNC TN9440 2005-004",,"pp. 95-121",2005, "関本 博,山野 直樹","会議報告:第1回COE-INES国際シンポジウム,INES-1「世界の持続的発展を支える革新的原子力」",,"日本原子力学会誌,47[3], 60-61 (2005)",,"Vol. 47","No. 3","pp. 60-61",2005, "三浦照光,小原徹,関本博","ビスマスから生成されるポロニウムの振る舞いに関する研究VI;鉛ビスマス中におけるポロニウムの化学形態の検討","日本原子力学会2005年秋の大会,E46(2005)","日本原子力学会2005年秋の大会,E46(2005)",,,,"pp. E46",2005, "岩永宏平,関本博","高速炉未臨界体系における動特性に関する研究(III)遅発中性子を考慮した3 次元動特性について","日本原子力学会2005年春の年会,G6(2005)","日本原子力学会2005年春の年会,G6(2005)",,,,"pp. G6",2005, "Sidik Permana,Naoyuki Takaki,Hiroshi Sekimoto","Characteristics for Different Moderation Ratios of the Reactor with Heavy Water Coolant in Equilibrium State","日本原子力学会2005年春の年会,F46(2005)","日本原子力学会2005年春の年会,F46(2005)",,,,"pp. F46",2005, "三浦照光,小原徹,関本博","Pb-Bi冷却直接接触沸騰水型小型高速炉に関する技術開発(III)(4)鉛ビスマス・水直接接触ポロニウム放出・拡散・吸着試験","日本原子力学会2005年春の年会,F33(2005)","日本原子力学会2005年春の年会,F33(2005)",,,,"pp. F33",2005, "ISMAIL,Yasunori Ohoka,Peng Hong Liem,Hiroshi Sekimoto","CANDLE 燃焼制御方式に関する研究 (XV)Feasibility Study of Thorium Fuel Utilization on HTTR with CANDLE Burnup","日本原子力学会2005年春の年会,F3(2005)","日本原子力学会2005年春の年会,F3(2005)",,,,"pp. F3",2005, "大岡靖典,渡部隆,関本博","CANDLE 燃焼制御方式に関する研究 (XIV)CANDLE 燃焼HTTR の核特性","日本原子力学会2005年春の年会,F2(2005)","日本原子力学会2005年春の年会,F2(2005)",,,,"pp. F2",2005, "宮下誠一,関本博","CANDLE 燃焼制御方式に関する研究(XIII)CANDLE 燃焼高速炉の起動シミュレーション","日本原子力学会2005年春の年会,F1(2005)","日本原子力学会2005年春の年会,F1(2005)",,,,"pp. F1",2005, "三浦照光,小原徹,関本博","鉛ビスマス冷却炉の構造材表面に対するポロニウムの吸着・脱離特性研究","日本機械学会2005年度年次大会, 3514.(2005)","日本機械学会2005年度年次大会, 3514.(2005)",,,,"pp. 3514",2005, "Toru Obara,Terumitsu Miura,Hiroshi Sekimoto","Polonium Release Experiment in Direct Contact of Lead-Bismuth Eutectic with Water",,"Trans. American Nuclear Society, 93 (CD) (2005)",,"Vol. 93",,"pp. (CD)",2005, "Terumitsu Miura,Toru Obara,Hiroshi Sekimoto","Chemical Form of Polonium in Lead-Bismuth Eutectic",,"Trans. American Nuclear Society, 93 (CD) (2005)",,"Vol. 93",,"pp. (CD)",2005, "Hiroshi Sekimoto,Yutaka Udagawa","Shut-down and Restart Simulation of CANDLE Fast Reactors",,"Trans. American Nuclear Society, 93 (CD) (2005)",,"Vol. 93",,"pp. (CD)",2005, "Kohei Iwanaga,HIROSHI SEKIMOTO","Study on Kinetics of Subcritical System - Contribution of Delayed Neutrons to the Transition after a Reactivity Insertion",,"Ann. Nucl. Energy",,"Vol. 32","No. 18","pp. 1953-1962",2005, "Terumitsu Miura,Toru Obara,Hiroshi Sekimoto","Removal of Polonium from Stainless Steel Surface Contaminated by Neutron Irradiated Lead-Bismuth Eutectic",,"Progress in Nucl. Energy",,"Vol. 47","No. 1-4","pp. 624-631",2005, "Toru Obara,Terumitsu Miura,Hiroshi Sekimoto","Development of Polonium Surface Contamination Measure in Lead-Bismuth Eutectic Coolant",,"Progress in Nucl. Energy",," 47","No. 1-4","pp. 577-585",2005, "Yasunori Ohoka,Takashi Watanabe,Hiroshi Sekimoto","Simulation Study on CANDLE Burnup Applied To Block-Type High Temperature Gas Cooled Reactor",,"Progress in Nucl. Energy",,"Vol. 47","No. 1-4","pp. 292-299",2005, "Kohei Iwanaga,Hiroshi Sekimoto","Study on Kinetics of fast Subcritical Assembly - Contribution of Delayed Neutrons to the Transition after Reactivity Insertion in a Subcritical System -",,"Progress in Nucl. Energy",," 47","No. 1-4","pp. 163-170",2005, "Hiroshi Sekimoto","Application of CANDLE Burnup Strategy for Future Nuclear Energy Utilization",,"Progress in Nucl. Energy",,"Vol. 47","No. 1-4","pp. 91-98",2005, "Hiroshi Sekimoto","The 21st Century COE Program:COE-INES “Innovative Nuclear Energy Systems for Sustainable Development Of The World”",,"Progress in Nucl. Energy",,"Vol. 47","No. 1-4","pp. 9-15",2005, "T. Obara,T. Miura,H. Sekimoto","Fundamental Study of Polonium Contamination by Neutron Irradiated Lead-Bismuth Eutectic",,"J. of Nucl. Materials",,"Vol. 343",,"pp. 297-301",2005, "Shunichi Wakana,Takashi Watanabe,Hiroshi Sekimoto","Development of Lattice Program to Analyze HTR",,"Proc.of MC2005 CEA-ANS Topical Meeting",,"Vol. Sept 13-16,2005","No. Avignon France",,2005, "Kohei Iwanaga,Hiroshi Sekimoto","Treatment of kinetics of subcritical system",,"Proc.of MC2005 CEA-ANS Topical Meeting",,"Vol. Sept 13-16,2005","No. Avignon France",,2005, "H.Sekimoto","Application of “CANDLE"Burnup to LBE Cooled Fast Reactor, Innovative Small and Medium Sized Reactors:Design Features, Safety Approaches R&D Trends",,"Final Report of a Technical Meeting Held in Vienna",,"Vol. 7?11 June 2004","No. IAEA-TECDOC-1451","pp. 203-212",2005, "Hiroshi Sekimoto,Yutaka Udagawa","Shut-down and Restart Simulation of CANDLE Fast Reactors",,"Trans. American Nuclear Society",," 93",,"pp. (CD)",2005, "田下昌紀,池田一三,関本博,松井一秋","環境・経済・エネルギー問題における原子力の役割(1)総論",,"日本原子力学会2004年秋の大会,J38",,,,"pp. J38",2004,Nov. "氏田博士,松井一秋,青木和夫,関本博","環境・経済・エネルギー問題における原子力の役割(3)核燃料サイクル開発計画の展望",,"日本原子力学会2004年秋の大会,J39",,,,"pp. J39",2004,Nov. "三浦照光,小原徹,関本博 ","PbBi 冷却直接接触沸騰水型小型高速炉に関する技術開発II (8)SUS316ポロニウム表面汚染除去実験",,"日本原子力学会2004年秋の大会,C34",,,,,2004, "関本博,小原徹","CANDLE 燃焼方式の種々の原子炉への適応に関する研究",,"日本原子力学会2004年秋の大会,C14",,,,,2004, "Sidik Permana,Hiroshi Sekimoto,Toru Obara","Characteristics for Different Moderation Ratios of the Reactor with Light and Heavy Water Coolant in Equilibrium State",,"日本原子力学会2004年秋の大会,C13",,,,,2004, "岩永宏平,関本博,岡嶋成晃","高速炉未臨界体系における動特性に関する研究(II) 体系内における遅発中性子の発生位置を考慮した動特性について",,"日本原子力学会2004年秋の大会,B43",,,,,2004, "関本博","東京工業大学21世紀COE プログラム「世界の持続的発展を支える革新的原子力」計画 総合講演・報告1. 「21世紀COE プログラム「世界の持続的発展を支える革新的原子力」」",,"日本原子力学会2004年秋の大会",,,,,2004, "関本 博","第19回蔵前スクール講演(1) 世界の持続的発展を支える革新的原子力",,"蔵前工業会誌 ",,,"No. 4月","pp. 19-24",2004, "木村康子,関本 博","新たなエネルギー獲得のため安全、安心なシステムを目指す原子力研究",,"大学受験アルファ,春号 ","大学受験アルファ,春号 ",,"No. 343","pp. 2-3",2004, "関本 博","21世紀COEプログラム「世界の持続的発展を支える革新的原子力」",,"東工大クロニクル ",,,"No. 388","pp. 2-5",2004, "関本 博,藤川正剛,小川益朗,土江保男,早川均,皆月功,西郷正雄","実用化急がれる高温ガス炉 ",,"エネルギー,8月号 ",,"Vol. 37","No. 8","pp. 101-122",2004, "関本 博","私の研究から:未来の理想的な核平衡社会を目指して",,"日本原子力学会誌",,"Vol. 46","No. 8","pp. 561-565",2004, "関本 博","特別寄稿:革新的原子力への取り組み・COE-INES",,"原子力eye,11月号",,"Vol. 50","No. 11","pp. 22-23",2004, "岩永宏平,関本博,岡嶋成晃","高速炉未臨界体系における動特性に関する研究; 緩やかな反応度投入後の過渡事象に対する遅発中性子の寄与 ",,"日本原子力学会2004年春の年会,P49",,,,,2004, "小原徹,三浦照光,関本博,大崎敏郎,井頭政之,矢野豊彦","PbBi 冷却直接接触沸騰水型小型高速炉に関する技術開発(I) (10)ポロニウム対策技術試験の概要",,"日本原子力学会2004年春の年会,O10",,,,,2004, "三浦照光,小原徹,関本博","PbBi 冷却直接接触沸騰水型小型高速炉に関する技術開発(I) (11)ポロニウム対策試験用加熱吸着試験装置の温度校正実験",,"日本原子力学会2004年春の年会,O11",,,,,2004, "大岡靖典,関本博","CANDLE燃焼制御方式に関する研究 (IX)高温ガス炉のCANDLE 燃焼シミュレーション ",,"日本原子力学会2004年春の年会,O44",,,,,2004, "冨田賢,関本博","CANDLE燃焼制御方式に関する研究 (X)小型高速炉へのCANDLE 燃焼方式の適応シミュレーション ",,"日本原子力学会2004年春の年会,O45 ",,,,,2004, "山崎真,関本博","CANDLE燃焼制御方式に関する研究 (XI)鉛ビスマス冷却高速炉の事故解析 ",,"日本原子力学会2004年春の年会,O46",,,,,2004, "宇田川豊,関本博","CANDLE燃焼制御方式に関する研究 (XII)鉛ビスマス冷却・金属及び窒化物燃料高速炉の事故解析 ",,"日本原子力学会2004年春の年会,O47",,,,,2004, "H. Sekimoto","Research and Education on Innovative Nuclear Engineering in 21st Century COE Program in Japan (COE-INES)",,"Proc. of 2004 Int. Congress on Advanced Nuclear Power Plants: ICAPP ‘04, June 13-17 2004, Pittsburgh, PA USA (CD)",,,,,2004, "Toru Obara,Terimitsu Miura,Hiroshi Sekimoto","Polonium Contamination Removal from Stainless Steel by Baking Method",,"Trans. American Nuclear Society, 92 (CD)",,,"No. 92",,2004, "Kohei Iwanaga,Hiroshi Sekimoto","Treatments of Kinetic Equation of Fast Sub Critical Assembly",,"Trans. American Nuclear Society, 92 (CD)",,,"No. 92",,2004, "Toru Obara,Terumitsu Mirua,Hiroshi Sekimoto","Updated NRC Research Plan for Digital System Safety in Nuclear Polonium Distribution Analysis by Alpha-Ray Spectrum Unfolding Method",,"Trans. American Nuclear Society, 91 (CD)",,,"No. 91",,2004, "Hiroshi Sekimoto","A Role of Small Reactors in the Latter Part of 21st Century",,"Proc. of 5th International Conference on Nuclear Option in Countries with Small and Medium Electricity Grids, Dubrovnik, Croatia, May 16-20,(CD) ",,,,,2004, "Kosuke Saito,Masayuki Igashira,Jun Kawakami,Toshiro Ohsaki,Toru Obara,Hiroshi Sekimoto","Measurement of 210Po Production Cross Sections of 209Bi in the keV Reagion",,"J. Nucl. Sci. Technol. ",,,,,2004, "Kosuke Saito,Masayuki Igashira,Jun Kawakami,Toshiro Ohsaki,Toru Obara,Hiroshi Sekimoto","Measurement of keV-Neutron Capture Cross Sections and Capture Gamma-Ray Spectra of 209Bi",,"J. Nucl. Sci. Technol. ",,"Vol. 41","No. 4","pp. 406-412",2004, "Hiroshi Sekimoto","Research and Education on Innovative Nuclear Engineering in 21st Century COE Program in Japan",,"Proc. of the 14th Pacific Basin Nuclear Conference (PBNC), March 21 - 25, (CD), American Nuclear Society, Honolulu, Hawaii ",,,,,2004, "Hiroshi Sekimoto,Toru Obara,Terumitsu Miura","Characteristics of Polonium Contamination from Neutron Irradiated Lead-Bismuth Eutectic",,"Proc. of 12th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering, ICONE12-49191, April 25-29, Arlington, Virginia USA (CD)",,,,,2004, "日比宏基,関本博","稠密格子燃料を採用した水冷却炉の中性子反応挙動",,"日本原子力学会2004年秋の大会,C41 ",,,,,2004, "Y. Ohoka,Ismail,H. Sekimoto","Effects of Burnup and Temperature Distributions to CANDLE Burnup of Block-Type High Temperature Gas Cooled Reactor",,"Proc. of 2004 Int. Congress on Advanced Nuclear Power Plants: ICAPP ‘04, June 13-17 2004, Pittsburgh, PA USA (CD)",,,,,2004, "Y. Ohoka,H. Sekimoto","Application of CANDLE Burnup to Block-type High Temperature Gas Cooled Reactor;",,"Nucl. Engin. and Design",,"Vol. 229","No. 1","pp. 15-23",2004, "Kazumi Ikeda,Hiroshi Ujita,Masanori Tashimo,Hiroshi Sekimoto","Long-Term Energy Forecast from Global Policy of CO2 Constraint and Nuclear Power",,"Proc. of the 14th Pacific Basin Nuclear Conference (PBNC), March 21 - 25, (CD), American Nuclear Society, Honolulu, Hawaii ",,,,,2004, "Hiroshi Sekimoto,Yasunori Ohoka","Burnup and Temperature Effects on CANDLE Burnup of Block-Type High Temperature Gas Cooled Reactor",,"Proc. of 12th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering, ICONE12-49191, April 25-29, Arlington, Virginia USA (CD)",,,,,2004, "Hiroshi Sekimoto","Application of “CANDLE” Burnup to Small Fast Reactor",,"Proc. of 5th International Conference on Nuclear Option in Countries with Small and Medium Electricity Grids, Dubrovnik, Croatia, May 16-20, (CD)",,,,,2004, "Yasunori Ohoka,Hiroshi Sekimoto","Simulation Study on CANDLE Burnup of High Temperature Gas Reactor",,"Trans. American Nuclear Society, 92 (CD)",,,"No. 92",,2004, "Hiroshi Sekimoto","Effect of Neutron Spectra and Fuel Burnup on CANDLE Calculation,",,"Trans. American Nuclear Society, 92 (CD)",,,"No. 92",,2004, "Kohei Iwanaga,Tsuyoshi Yamane,Kenji Nishihara,Shigeaki Okajima,Hiroshi Sekimoto,Takumi Asaoka","Examination of applicability of IK method in the negative reactivity measurement",,"Proc. of ICONE11: 11th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering, Tokyo, Japan, April 20-23 (CD: ICONE11-36126)",,,,,2003, "関本博","Study on Innovative Reactors in University",,"原子核研究","原子核研究","Vol. 48","No. 2","pp. 95-97",2003, "K. Ikeda,M. Hatano,M. Tashimo,H. Sekimoto","CO2 Emissions Reduction by Fast Breeder Reactor based on Long Term Energy Optimization",,"Proc. of GENES4/ANP2003: International Conference on Global Environment and Advanced Nuclear Power Plants, September 15-19,Kyoto, JAPAN(CD)",,,,,2003, "相澤益男,安藤恒也,広瀬茂男,大町達夫,関本 博,古井貞熙","21世紀COEプログラム平成15年度採択",,"蔵前工業会誌",,,"No. 10月","pp. 17-21",2003, "Hiroshi Sekimoto,Yasunori Ohoka","Application of Candle Burnup to Block-Fuel High Temperature Gas Reactor",,"Proc. of 2003 International Congress on Advances in Nuclear Power Plants, ICAPP’03, May 4-7, Cordoba, Spain(CD).",,,,,2003, "Terumitsu Miura,Toru Obara,Hiroshi Sekimoto","Removal of Polonium Contamination by Lead-Bismuth Eutectic in Nuclear Systems",,"Proc. of ICONE11: 11th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering, Tokyo, Japan, April 20-23, (CD: ICONE11-36045).",,,,,2003, "関本 博","原子力と法",,"原安協だより",,,"No. 192","pp. 1-2",2003, "関本 博","リサーチコスモ,「ろうそく」のような原子炉",,"東工大クロニクル",,,"No. 377","pp. 8-9",2003, "関本 博","書評:知っていますか?放射線の利用(岩崎民子著)",,"学鐙11","学鐙11","Vol. 100","No. 11","pp. 54-55",2003, "関本 博","21世紀COEプログラム:機会,土木,建築,その他工学分野:「世界の持続的発展を支える革新的原子力」",,"東工大クロニクル",,,"No. 380","pp. 4",2003, "関本 博,山本一良","21世紀COEプログラムにおける原子力研究",,"日本原子力学会誌","日本原子力学会誌","Vol. 45","No. 11","pp. 716-722",2003, "関本 博","原子炉の炉心における核燃料物質の取替方法",,"特許第3433230号,平成15年5月30日",,,,,2003, "関本 博","原子炉の炉心およびその炉心における核燃料物質の取替方法",,"特許第3463100号,平成15年8月22日",,,,,2003, "高橋 実,関本 博","流動鉛ビスマス共晶合金中腐食試験技術に関する研究-平成14年度共同研究成果報告書-",,"JNC TY9400 2003-003,核燃料サイクル開発機構",,,,,2003, "関本 博","CANDLE燃焼方程式の概要",,"NUCEC report 原子力高度技術研究会総合的開発課題第IV-5回作業部会議事録,原子力化学工学センター産業創造研究所",,,,"pp. 21-37",2003, "関本 博","CANDLEという名の燃焼法",,"原子力システムニュース",,"Vol. 14","No. 2","pp. 21-31",2003, "関本 博","21世紀COEプログラム拠点形成計画-世界の持続的発展を支える革新的原子力",,"原子力eye,11月号",,"Vol. 49","No. 11","pp. 50-53",2003, "関本 博","今、なぜ、炉物理なのか?VI.新型炉",,"日本原子力学会誌",,"Vol. 45","No. 2","pp. 104-108",2003, "Marijus Svirskas,Hiroshi Sekimoto","CANDLE burnup strategy application to thorium fuel",,"日本原子力学会2003年秋の大会",,,,"pp. E27",2003, "Ismail,Yasunori Ohoka,Toru Obara,Hiroshi Sekimoto","Temperature Effects on CANDLE Burnup of High Temperature Gas Cooled Reactor",,"日本原子力学会2003年秋の大会",,,,"pp. E26",2003, "宇田川豊,関本博","CANDLE 燃焼制御方式に関する研究(VIII)温度及び燃焼度の影響",,"日本原子力学会2003年秋の大会",,,,"pp. E25",2003, "Hiroshi Sekimoto","Study on Innovative Reactors in University",,"日本原子力学会2003年春の年会,国際セッション-炉物理/核データ部会合同-(13)",,,,,2003, "三浦照光,小原徹,関本博","ビスマスから生成されるポロニウムの振る舞い(V); α線スペクトルによる鉛ビスマス内のポロニウム分布の評価",,"日本原子力学会2003年春の年会",,,,"pp. O61",2003, "大岡靖典,関本博","GANDLE 燃焼制御方式に関する研究(VII);高温ガス炉による兵器級プルトニウム燃焼への適用",,"日本原子力学会2003年春の年会",,,,"pp. G61",2003,