"Shinta Watanabe,Yusuke Inaba,Miki Harigai,Kenji Takeshita,Jun Onoe","The uptake characteristics of Prussian-blue nanoparticles for rare metal ions for recycling of precious metals from nuclear and electronic wastes",,"Scientific Reports",,"Vol. 12","No. 5135"," Online",2022,Mar. "三島理愛,稲葉優介,中瀬正彦,立岡壮太郎,渡邊真太,尾上順,松村達郎,竹下健二","高レベル放射性廃液ガラス固化体の高品質・減容化のための白金族元素高収着能を有するシアノ基架橋型配位高分子材料の開発(10)フェロシアン化アルミニウムの白金族元素に対する収着性能評価","日本原子力学会2020春の年会",,,,,,2020,Mar. "立岡壮太郎,三島理愛,針貝美樹,中瀬正彦,稲葉優介,竹下健二,渡邊真太,尾上順","フェロシアン化アルミニウムによる高レベル放射性廃液からのパラジウム吸着","第33回日本吸着学会研究発表会","第33回日本吸着学会研究発表会予稿集",,,," P-51",2019,Nov. "Ria Mishima,Yusuke Inaba,Sotaro Tachioka,Miki Harigai,Shinta Watanabe,Jun Onoe,Masahiko Nakase,Kenji Takeshita","Sorption properties of aluminum hexacyanoferrate for platinum group elements",,"Chemistry Letters",,"Vol. 49","No. 1","p. 83-86",2019,Oct. "Ria Mishima,Sotaro Tachioka,Yusuke Inaba,Miki Harigai,Shinta Watanabe,Jun Onoe,Masahiko Nakase,Kenji Takeshita","Adsorption study of platinum group metals by Aluminium ferrocyanide from nitric acid solution","The 5th China Japan Academic Symposium on Nuclear Fuel Cycle (ASNFC2019)","Abstracts of the 5th China Japan Academic Symposium on Nuclear Fuel Cycle (ASNFC2019)",,,,,2019,July "竹下健二,岡村知拓,針貝美樹,稲葉優介,中瀬正彦,渡邊 真太,尾上順","高レベル放射性廃液ガラス固化体の高品質・減容化のための白金族元素高収着能を有するシアノ基架橋型配位高分子材料の開発(4) プロセス評価","日本原子力学会2019春の年会","日本原子力学会2019春の年会予稿集",,,,,2019,Mar. "尾上順,大澤映二,松尾豊,高井和之,榎敏明,石橋幸治,本間芳和","ナノ炭素材料:基礎と応用 「グラフェン」",,,"近代科学社",,,,2012,July "Sou Ryuzaki,Takeshi Hasegawa,Jun Onoe","X-ray diffraction and infrared multiple-angle incidence resolution spectroscopic studies on the crystal structure and molecular orientation of Zinc-porphyrin thin films on a SiO2Si substrate",,"J. Appl. Phys.","American Institute of Physics","Vol. 105",," 113529",2009,June "T.A. Beu,J. Onoe,A. Hida","First-priciple calculations of the electronic structure of one-dimensional C60 polymers",,"Physical Review B",,"Vol. 72",,"pp. 155416/1-5",2005, "S. Ueda,Y. Noguchi,T. Ishii,J. Onoe,K. Ohno","Calculation of energy bands for peanuts-shaped fused fullerene polymers",,"Journl of Metastable &Nanocrystalline Materials",,"Vol. 24-25",,"pp. 249-252",2005, "J. Onoe,T. Nakayama,M. Aono,T. Hara","The electron transport properties of photo- and electron-beam-irradiated C60 films",,"Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids",,"Vol. 65",,"pp. 343-348",2004, "M. Kurihara,M. Hirata,R. Sekine,J. Onoe,H. Nakamatsu","Theoretical study on the alloying behavior of gamma-uranium metal (I): gamma-uranium alloy with 3d transition metals",,"Journal of Nuclear Materials",,"Vol. 326",,"pp. 75-79",2004, "N. Djourelov,T. Suzuki,Y. Ito,V. Shantarovich,Y. Ito,K. Kondo,J. Onoe","Application of Coincidence Doppler Broadening Spectroscopy to Simple Hydrocarbons",,"Chemical Physics",,"Vol. 298",,"pp. 183-187",2004, "J. Onoe,T. Nakayama,M. Aono,T. Hara","Electrical properties of a two-dimensionally hexagonal C60 photopolymer",,"Journal of Applied Physics",,"Vol. 96",,"pp. 443-445",2004, "Y. Ito,N. Djourelov,T. Suzuki,K. Kondo,Y. Ito,V. Shantarovich,J. Onoe","Application of coincidence Doppler-broadening spectroscopy to different carbon phases",,"MATERIALS SCIENCE FORUM",,"Vol. 445",,"pp. 310-312",2004, "J. Onoe,A. Nakao,T. Hara","In situ x-ray photoelectron spectroscopic and density-functional studies of Si atoms adsorbed on a C60 film",,"The Journal of Chemical Physics",,"Vol. 121",,"pp. 11351-11357",2004, "J. Onoe,A. Nakao,A. Hida","Valence photoelectron spectra of an electron-beam irradiated C60 film",,"Applied Physics Letters",,"Vol. 85",,"pp. 2741-2743",2004, "川合知二編,尾上順","ナノテクノロジー大辞典",,,"工業調査会",,,,2003, "Jun Onoe","Vibrational analysis of peanut-shaped C120 fullerenes",,"The European Physical Journal D",,"Vol. 24",,"pp. 389-392",2003, "E. Endo,S. Koizumi,T. Otsuka,T. Ida,T. Morohashi,J. Onoe,A. Nakao,E.Z. Kurmaev,A. Moewes,D.P. Chong","Analysis of Electron Spectra of Carbon Allotropes (Diamond, Graphite, Fullerene) by Density Functional Theory Calculations Using the Model Molecules",,"Journal of Physical Chemistry A",,"Vol. 107",,"pp. 9403-9408",2003, "Jun Onoe","Structural and electronic properties of an electron-beam irradiated C60 film",,"Applied Physics Letters",,"Vol. 82","No. 4","pp. 595-597",2003, "Jun Onoe","Field emission from an electron-beam-irradiated C60 film",,"Journal of Applied Physics",,"Vol. 92","No. 12","pp. 7302-7305",2002, "Jun Onoe","In situ Fourier-transform infrared study of electron-irradiation-induced reaction in a C60 film",,"Japanese Journal of Applied Physics",,"Vol. 39",,"pp. 1872-1876",2000, "Jun Onoe","Photo-induced products in a C60 monolayer on Si(111)√3x√3R30°-Ag: An STM study",,"Surface Review Letters",,"Vol. 6",,"pp. 1073-1078",1999, "Jun Onoe","In situ infrared spectroscopy of a photoirradiated potassium-doped C60 film",,"Chemical Physics Letters",,"Vol. 315",,"pp. 19-24",1999, "Jun Onoe","Relativistic Effects on Covalent Bonding: Role of Individual Valence Atomic Orbitals",,,,,,,1997,Sept. "Jun Onoe","Relativistic effects on covalent bonding: Role of individual valence atomic orbitals",,"Journal of the Physical Society of Japan",,"Vol. 66",,"pp. 2328-2336",1997, "Jun Onoe","XPS study of a photopolymerized C60 film",,"Physical Review B",,"Vol. 55",,"pp. 10051-10056",1997, "Jun Onoe","How many [2+2] four-membered rings are formed on a C60 molecule when photopolymerization is saturated?",,"Physical Review Letters",,"Vol. 79",,"pp. 2987-2989",1997, "Jun Onoe","In situ high-resolution infrared spectroscopy of a photopolymerized C60 film",,"Physical Review B",,"Vol. 54",,"pp. 6167-6171",1996, "Jun Onoe","Relativistic effects on the electronic structure and chemical bonding of UF6",,"Journal of Chemical Physics",,"Vol. 99",,"pp. 6810-6817",1993,