"Takahiko Tsukahara,MASAYUKI HARADA,HIROSHI TOMIYASU,Yasuhisa Ikeda","NMR Studies on Effects of Temperature, Pressure, and Fluorination on Structures and Dynamics of Alcohols in Liquid and Supercritical States",,"Journal of Physical Chemistry A",,"Vol. 112",,"pp. 9657 - 9664",2008,Oct. "Takahiko Tsukahara,MASAYUKI HARADA,HIROSHI TOMIYASU,Yasuhisa Ikeda","17O Chemical Shift and Spin-Lattice Relaxation Measurements of Water in Liquid and Supercritical States by Using High-Resolution Multinuclear NMR",,"The Journal of Supercritical Fluids",,"Vol. 26",,"pp. 73 - 82",2003,July "Takahiko Tsukahara,HIROSHI TOMIYASU,MASAYUKI HARADA","Physicochemical study on supercritical fluids and their industrial use",,"Progress in Nuclear Energy",,"Vol. 37",,"pp. 411 - 416",2000,Dec. "HIROSHI TOMIYASU","Electrochemical Studies on Bis(ƒÀ-diketonato)(dimethyl sulfoxide)dioxouranium(VI)in Dimethyl Sulfoxide",,"Journal of Alloys and Compounds",,"Vol. 271",,"pp. 163",1998, "HIROSHI TOMIYASU","Deactivation and Luminescence Lifetimes of Excited Uranyl Ion and its Fluoro Complexes",,"Journal of Alloys and Compounds",,"Vol. 271",,"pp. 756",1998, "HIROSHI TOMIYASU","Study on a Nuclear Fuel Reprocessing System Based on the Precipitation Method in Mild Aqueous solutions",,"Nuclear Technology",,"Vol. 120",,"pp. 198",1997, "HIROSHI TOMIYASU","Photochemical Oxidation of N„°D2P„²D2 ((]G0005[)) to N„°D2P„²D2 ((]G0006[)) in Nitric Acid Solution Containing Reduetants",,"J.Nucl.Sci.Technol.",,"Vol. 32","No. 10","pp. 1019",1995, "HIROSHI TOMIYASU","Photochimical Mutal Separation Technology between Plutonium and Neptunium in Nitric Acid Solution",,"Radiochi.Acta",,"Vol. 68",,"pp. 233",1995, "HIROSHI TOMIYASU","A Nulear Magnetic Resonance Study on Ligand Exchange Reactions in La((]G0003[)), Nd((]G0003[)) and U((]G0006[)) Nitrate complexes with n-octyl (phenyl) -N,N-dibutyl carbamoyl phosphine Oxide in Non-aqueous Solvents",,"J.Nucl.Sci.Technol.",,"Vol. 32","No. 10","pp. 1145",1995, "HIROSHI TOMIYASU","Kinetics and Mechanism of Ligand Exchange in Tetrokis (acetyl acetomato) zirconium ((]G0006[)) in Organic Solvents",,"J.Chem.Soc., Dalton Trans.",,,,"pp. 1077",1995, "HIROSHI TOMIYASU","Kinetic Study of UO„°D22„²D2 Powders in Acidic Aqueous Solutions Containing Cerium (T(]G0005[)) or Chlorine Dioxide as Oxidants",,"J.Nucl.Sci.Technol.",,"Vol. 33","No. 2","pp. 152",1995, "HIROSHI TOMIYASU","Photo chemistry in Aqueous Photochemical Reaction of Pultonium and Neptunium, and Photochemical Dissolution of Uranium dioxide",,"ƒŒ[ƒU[Œ¤‹†",,"Vol. 23","No. 12","pp. 44",1995, "•yˆÀ”Ž","UiIVj‚ÆUiVIj‚ÌŠÔ‚Ì“dŽqˆÚ“®”½‰ž‚ÉŠÖ‚·‚鑬“x˜_“I‚ÈŒ¤‹†",,,,,,,1968,Feb.